path: root/fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/language-bindings/python/src/wamr/wasmcapi/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/language-bindings/python/src/wamr/wasmcapi/')
1 files changed, 642 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/language-bindings/python/src/wamr/wasmcapi/ b/fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/language-bindings/python/src/wamr/wasmcapi/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18b6bc90c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/language-bindings/python/src/wamr/wasmcapi/
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring
+# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
+# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring
+import ctypes as c
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+import sys
+# Prologue. Dependencies of binding
+# how to open the library file of WAMR
+if sys.platform == "linux":
+ BUILDING_DIR = "product-mini/platforms/linux/build"
+elif sys.platform == "win32":
+ BUILDING_DIR = "product-mini/platforms/windows/build"
+ LIBRARY_NAME = "iwasm.dll"
+elif sys.platform == "darwin":
+ BUILDING_DIR = "product-mini/platforms/darwin/build"
+ LIBRARY_NAME = "libiwasm.dylib"
+ raise RuntimeError(f"unsupported platform `{sys.platform}`")
+# FIXME: should load from current system library path
+current_file = Path(__file__)
+if current_file.is_symlink():
+ current_file = Path(os.readlink(current_file))
+current_dir = current_file.parent.resolve()
+root_dir = current_dir.parents[4].resolve()
+wamr_dir = root_dir.resolve()
+if not wamr_dir.exists():
+ raise RuntimeError(f"not found the repo of wasm-micro-runtime under {root_dir}")
+libpath = wamr_dir.joinpath(BUILDING_DIR).joinpath(LIBRARY_NAME).resolve()
+if not libpath.exists():
+ raise RuntimeError(f"not found precompiled wamr library at {libpath}")
+print(f"loading WAMR library from {libpath} ...")
+libiwasm = c.cdll.LoadLibrary(libpath)
+class wasm_ref_t(c.Structure):
+ # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ pass
+class wasm_val_union(c.Union):
+ # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("i32", c.c_int32),
+ ("i64", c.c_int64),
+ ("f32", c.c_float),
+ ("f64", c.c_double),
+ ("ref", c.POINTER(wasm_ref_t)),
+ ]
+class wasm_val_t(c.Structure):
+ # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("kind", c.c_uint8),
+ ("of", wasm_val_union),
+ ]
+def dereference(p):
+ # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ if not isinstance(p, c._Pointer):
+ raise RuntimeError("not a pointer")
+ return p.contents
+def create_null_pointer(struct_type):
+ return c.POINTER(struct_type)()
+def is_null_pointer(c_pointer):
+ # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ if isinstance(c_pointer, c._Pointer):
+ return False if c_pointer else True
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("not a pointer")
+def wasm_vec_to_list(vec):
+ """
+ Converts a vector or a POINTER(vector) to a list
+ vector of type pointers -> list of type pointers
+ """
+ known_vec_type = [
+ wasm_byte_vec_t,
+ wasm_valtype_vec_t,
+ wasm_functype_vec_t,
+ wasm_globaltype_vec_t,
+ wasm_tabletype_vec_t,
+ wasm_memorytype_vec_t,
+ wasm_externtype_vec_t,
+ wasm_importtype_vec_t,
+ wasm_exporttype_vec_t,
+ wasm_val_vec_t,
+ wasm_frame_vec_t,
+ wasm_extern_vec_t,
+ ]
+ known_vec_pointer_type = [POINTER(type) for type in known_vec_type]
+ if any([isinstance(vec, type) for type in known_vec_pointer_type]):
+ vec = dereference(vec)
+ return [[i] for i in range(vec.num_elems)]
+ elif any([isinstance(vec, type) for type in known_vec_type]):
+ return [[i] for i in range(vec.num_elems)]
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("not a known vector type")
+def list_to_carray(elem_type, *args):
+ """
+ Converts a python list into a C array
+ """
+ data = (elem_type * len(args))(*args)
+ return data
+def load_module_file(wasm_content):
+ binary = wasm_byte_vec_t()
+ wasm_byte_vec_new_uninitialized(binary, len(wasm_content))
+ # has to use malloced memory.
+ c.memmove(, wasm_content, len(wasm_content))
+ binary.num_elems = len(wasm_content)
+ return binary
+# Enhancment of binding
+from .binding import *
+# Built-in functions for Structure
+wasm_finalizer = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p)
+def __repr_wasm_limits_t(self):
+ return f"{self.min:#x} {self.max:#x}"
+# overwrite
+wasm_limits_t.__repr__ = __repr_wasm_limits_t
+def __compare_wasm_valtype_t(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, wasm_valtype_t):
+ return False
+ return wasm_valtype_kind(byref(self)) == wasm_valtype_kind(byref(other))
+def __repr_wasm_valtype_t(self):
+ val_kind = wasm_valtype_kind(byref(self))
+ if WASM_I32 == val_kind:
+ return "i32"
+ elif WASM_I64 == val_kind:
+ return "i64"
+ elif WASM_F32 == val_kind:
+ return "f32"
+ elif WASM_F64 == val_kind:
+ return "f64"
+ elif WASM_FUNCREF == val_kind:
+ return "funcref"
+ else:
+ return "anyref"
+wasm_valtype_t.__eq__ = __compare_wasm_valtype_t
+wasm_valtype_t.__repr__ = __repr_wasm_valtype_t
+def __compare_wasm_byte_vec_t(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, wasm_byte_vec_t):
+ return False
+ if self.num_elems != other.num_elems:
+ return False
+ self_data = bytes([: self.num_elems])
+ other_data = bytes([: other.num_elems])
+ return self_data.decode() == other_data.decode()
+def __repr_wasm_byte_vec_t(self):
+ data = bytes([: self.num_elems])
+ return data.decode() if self.size else ""
+wasm_byte_vec_t.__eq__ = __compare_wasm_byte_vec_t
+wasm_byte_vec_t.__repr__ = __repr_wasm_byte_vec_t
+def __compare_wasm_functype_t(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, wasm_functype_t):
+ return False
+ params1 = dereference(wasm_functype_params(byref(self)))
+ params2 = dereference(wasm_functype_params(byref(other)))
+ results1 = dereference(wasm_functype_results(byref(self)))
+ results2 = dereference(wasm_functype_results(byref(other)))
+ return params1 == params2 and results1 == results2
+def __repr_wasm_functype_t(self):
+ params = dereference(wasm_functype_params(byref(self)))
+ results = dereference(wasm_functype_results(byref(self)))
+ params = f" (params {params})" if params.size else ""
+ results = f" (results {results})" if results.size else ""
+ return f"(func{params}{results})"
+wasm_functype_t.__eq__ = __compare_wasm_functype_t
+wasm_functype_t.__repr__ = __repr_wasm_functype_t
+def __compare_wasm_globaltype_t(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, wasm_globaltype_t):
+ return False
+ content1 = dereference(wasm_globaltype_content(byref(self)))
+ content2 = dereference(wasm_globaltype_content(byref(other)))
+ mutability1 = wasm_globaltype_mutability(byref(self))
+ mutability2 = wasm_globaltype_mutability(byref(other))
+ return content1 == content2 and mutability1 == mutability2
+def __repr_wasm_globaltype_t(self):
+ mutability = f"{wasm_globaltype_mutability(byref(self))}"
+ content = f"{dereference(wasm_globaltype_content(byref(self)))}"
+ return f"(global{' mut ' if mutability else ' '}{content})"
+wasm_globaltype_t.__eq__ = __compare_wasm_globaltype_t
+wasm_globaltype_t.__repr__ = __repr_wasm_globaltype_t
+def __compare_wasm_tabletype_t(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, wasm_tabletype_t):
+ return False
+ element1 = dereference(wasm_tabletype_element(byref(self)))
+ element2 = dereference(wasm_tabletype_element(byref(other)))
+ limits1 = dereference(wasm_tabletype_limits(byref(self)))
+ limits2 = dereference(wasm_tabletype_limits(byref(other)))
+ return element1 == element2 and limits1 == limits2
+def __repr_wasm_tabletype_t(self):
+ element = dereference(wasm_tabletype_element(byref(self)))
+ limit = dereference(wasm_tabletype_limits(byref(self)))
+ return f"(table {limit} {element})"
+wasm_tabletype_t.__eq__ = __compare_wasm_tabletype_t
+wasm_tabletype_t.__repr__ = __repr_wasm_tabletype_t
+def __compare_wasm_memorytype_t(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, wasm_memorytype_t):
+ return False
+ limits1 = dereference(wasm_memorytype_limits(byref(self)))
+ limits2 = dereference(wasm_memorytype_limits(byref(other)))
+ return limits1 == limits2
+def __repr_wasm_memorytype_t(self):
+ limit = dereference(wasm_memorytype_limits(byref(self)))
+ return f"(memory {limit})"
+wasm_memorytype_t.__eq__ = __compare_wasm_memorytype_t
+wasm_memorytype_t.__repr__ = __repr_wasm_memorytype_t
+def __compare_wasm_externtype_t(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, wasm_externtype_t):
+ return False
+ if wasm_externtype_kind(byref(self)) != wasm_externtype_kind(byref(other)):
+ return False
+ extern_kind = wasm_externtype_kind(byref(self))
+ if WASM_EXTERN_FUNC == extern_kind:
+ return dereference(wasm_externtype_as_functype(self)) == dereference(
+ wasm_externtype_as_functype(other)
+ )
+ elif WASM_EXTERN_GLOBAL == extern_kind:
+ return dereference(wasm_externtype_as_globaltype(self)) == dereference(
+ wasm_externtype_as_globaltype(other)
+ )
+ elif WASM_EXTERN_MEMORY == extern_kind:
+ return dereference(wasm_externtype_as_memorytype(self)) == dereference(
+ wasm_externtype_as_memorytype(other)
+ )
+ elif WASM_EXTERN_TABLE == extern_kind:
+ return dereference(wasm_externtype_as_tabletype(self)) == dereference(
+ wasm_externtype_as_tabletype(other)
+ )
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("not a valid wasm_externtype_t")
+def __repr_wasm_externtype_t(self):
+ extern_kind = wasm_externtype_kind(byref(self))
+ if WASM_EXTERN_FUNC == extern_kind:
+ return str(dereference(wasm_externtype_as_functype(byref(self))))
+ elif WASM_EXTERN_GLOBAL == extern_kind:
+ return str(dereference(wasm_externtype_as_globaltype(byref(self))))
+ elif WASM_EXTERN_MEMORY == extern_kind:
+ return str(dereference(wasm_externtype_as_memorytype(byref(self))))
+ elif WASM_EXTERN_TABLE == extern_kind:
+ return str(dereference(wasm_externtype_as_tabletype(byref(self))))
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("not a valid wasm_externtype_t")
+wasm_externtype_t.__eq__ = __compare_wasm_externtype_t
+wasm_externtype_t.__repr__ = __repr_wasm_externtype_t
+def __compare_wasm_importtype_t(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, wasm_importtype_t):
+ return False
+ if dereference(wasm_importtype_module(self)) != dereference(
+ wasm_importtype_module(other)
+ ):
+ return False
+ if dereference(wasm_importtype_name(self)) != dereference(
+ wasm_importtype_name(other)
+ ):
+ return False
+ self_type = dereference(wasm_importtype_type(byref(self)))
+ other_type = dereference(wasm_importtype_type(byref(other)))
+ return self_type == other_type
+def __repr_wasm_importtype_t(self):
+ module = wasm_importtype_module(byref(self))
+ name = wasm_importtype_name(byref(self))
+ extern_type = wasm_importtype_type(byref(self))
+ return f'(import "{dereference(module)}" "{dereference(name)}" {dereference(extern_type)})'
+wasm_importtype_t.__eq__ = __compare_wasm_importtype_t
+wasm_importtype_t.__repr__ = __repr_wasm_importtype_t
+def __compare_wasm_exporttype_t(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, wasm_exporttype_t):
+ return False
+ self_name = dereference(wasm_exporttype_name(byref(self)))
+ other_name = dereference(wasm_exporttype_name(byref(other)))
+ if self_name != other_name:
+ return False
+ self_type = dereference(wasm_exporttype_type(byref(self)))
+ other_type = dereference(wasm_exporttype_type(byref(other)))
+ return self_type == other_type
+def __repr_wasm_exporttype_t(self):
+ name = wasm_exporttype_name(byref(self))
+ extern_type = wasm_exporttype_type(byref(self))
+ return f'(export "{dereference(name)}" {dereference(extern_type)})'
+wasm_exporttype_t.__eq__ = __compare_wasm_exporttype_t
+wasm_exporttype_t.__repr__ = __repr_wasm_exporttype_t
+def __compare_wasm_val_t(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, wasm_val_t):
+ return False
+ if self.kind != other.kind:
+ return False
+ if WASM_I32 == self.kind:
+ return self.of.i32 == other.of.i32
+ elif WASM_I64 == self.kind:
+ return self.of.i64 == other.of.i64
+ elif WASM_F32 == self.kind:
+ return self.of.f32 == other.of.f32
+ elif WASM_F64 == self.kind:
+ return self.of.f64 == other.of.f63
+ elif WASM_ANYREF == self.kind:
+ raise RuntimeError("FIXME")
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("not a valid val kind")
+def __repr_wasm_val_t(self):
+ if WASM_I32 == self.kind:
+ return f"i32 {self.of.i32}"
+ elif WASM_I64 == self.kind:
+ return f"i64 {self.of.i64}"
+ elif WASM_F32 == self.kind:
+ return f"f32 {self.of.f32}"
+ elif WASM_F64 == self.kind:
+ return f"f64 {self.of.f64}"
+ elif WASM_ANYREF == self.kind:
+ return f"anyref {self.of.ref}"
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("not a valid val kind")
+wasm_val_t.__repr__ = __repr_wasm_val_t
+wasm_val_t.__eq__ = __compare_wasm_val_t
+def __repr_wasm_trap_t(self):
+ message = wasm_message_t()
+ wasm_trap_message(self, message)
+ return f'(trap "{str(message)}")'
+wasm_trap_t.__repr__ = __repr_wasm_trap_t
+def __repr_wasm_frame_t(self):
+ instance = wasm_frame_instance(self)
+ module_offset = wasm_frame_module_offset(self)
+ func_index = wasm_frame_func_index(self)
+ func_offset = wasm_frame_func_offset(self)
+ return f"> module:{module_offset:#x} => func#{func_index:#x}.{func_offset:#x}"
+wasm_frame_t.__repr__ = __repr_wasm_frame_t
+def __repr_wasm_module_t(self):
+ imports = wasm_importtype_vec_t()
+ wasm_module_imports(self, imports)
+ exports = wasm_exporttype_vec_t()
+ wasm_module_exports(self, exports)
+ ret = "(module"
+ ret += str(imports).replace("(import", "\n (import")
+ ret += str(exports).replace("(export", "\n (export")
+ ret += "\n)"
+ return ret
+wasm_module_t.__repr__ = __repr_wasm_module_t
+def __repr_wasm_instance_t(self):
+ exports = wasm_extern_vec_t()
+ wasm_instance_exports(self, exports)
+ ret = "(instance"
+ ret += str(exports).replace("(export", "\n (export")
+ ret += "\n)"
+ return ret
+wasm_instance_t.__repr__ = __repr_wasm_instance_t
+def __repr_wasm_func_t(self):
+ ft = wasm_func_type(self)
+ return f"{str(dereference(ft))[:-1]} ... )"
+wasm_func_t.__repr__ = __repr_wasm_func_t
+def __repr_wasm_global_t(self):
+ gt = wasm_global_type(self)
+ return f"{str(dereference(gt))[:-1]} ... )"
+wasm_global_t.__repr__ = __repr_wasm_global_t
+def __repr_wasm_table_t(self):
+ tt = wasm_table_type(self)
+ return f"{str(dereference(tt))[:-1]} ... )"
+wasm_table_t.__repr__ = __repr_wasm_table_t
+def __repr_wasm_memory_t(self):
+ mt = wasm_memory_type(self)
+ return f"{str(dereference(mt))[:-1]} ... )"
+wasm_memory_t.__repr__ = __repr_wasm_memory_t
+def __repr_wasm_extern_t(self):
+ ext_type = wasm_extern_type(self)
+ ext_kind = wasm_extern_kind(self)
+ ret = "(export "
+ if WASM_EXTERN_FUNC == ext_kind:
+ ft = wasm_externtype_as_functype(ext_type)
+ ret += str(dereference(ft))
+ elif WASM_EXTERN_GLOBAL == ext_kind:
+ gt = wasm_externtype_as_globaltype(ext_type)
+ ret += str(dereference(gt))
+ elif WASM_EXTERN_MEMORY == ext_kind:
+ mt = wasm_externtype_as_memorytype(ext_type)
+ ret += str(dereference(mt))
+ elif WASM_EXTERN_TABLE == ext_kind:
+ tt = wasm_externtype_as_tabletype(ext_type)
+ ret += str(dereference(tt))
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("not a valid extern kind")
+ ret += ")"
+ return ret
+wasm_extern_t.__repr__ = __repr_wasm_extern_t
+# Function Types construction short-hands
+def wasm_name_new_from_string(s):
+ name = wasm_name_t()
+ data = ((c.c_ubyte) * len(s)).from_buffer_copy(s.encode())
+ wasm_byte_vec_new(byref(name), len(s), data)
+ return name
+def __wasm_functype_new(param_list, result_list):
+ def __list_to_wasm_valtype_vec(l):
+ vec = wasm_valtype_vec_t()
+ if not l:
+ wasm_valtype_vec_new_empty(byref(vec))
+ else:
+ data_type = POINTER(wasm_valtype_t) * len(l)
+ data = data_type()
+ for i in range(len(l)):
+ data[i] = l[i]
+ wasm_valtype_vec_new(byref(vec), len(l), data)
+ return vec
+ params = __list_to_wasm_valtype_vec(param_list)
+ results = __list_to_wasm_valtype_vec(result_list)
+ return wasm_functype_new(byref(params), byref(results))
+def wasm_functype_new_0_0():
+ return __wasm_functype_new([], [])
+def wasm_functype_new_1_0(p1):
+ return __wasm_functype_new([p1], [])
+def wasm_functype_new_2_0(p1, p2):
+ return __wasm_functype_new([p1, p2], [])
+def wasm_functype_new_3_0(p1, p2, p3):
+ return __wasm_functype_new([p1, p2, p3], [])
+def wasm_functype_new_0_1(r1):
+ return __wasm_functype_new([], [r1])
+def wasm_functype_new_1_1(p1, r1):
+ return __wasm_functype_new([p1], [r1])
+def wasm_functype_new_2_1(p1, p2, r1):
+ return __wasm_functype_new([p1, p2], [r1])
+def wasm_functype_new_3_1(p1, p2, p3, r1):
+ return __wasm_functype_new([p1, p2, p3], [r1])
+def wasm_limits_new(min, max):
+ limit = wasm_limits_t()
+ limit.min = min
+ limit.max = max
+ return c.pointer(limit)
+def wasm_i32_val(i):
+ v = wasm_val_t()
+ v.kind = WASM_I32
+ v.of.i32 = i
+ return v
+def wasm_i64_val(i):
+ v = wasm_val_t()
+ v.kind = WASM_I64
+ v.of.i64 = i
+ return v
+def wasm_f32_val(z):
+ v = wasm_val_t()
+ v.kind = WASM_F32
+ v.of.f32 = z
+ return v
+def wasm_f64_val(z):
+ v = wasm_val_t()
+ v.kind = WASM_F64
+ v.of.f64 = z
+ return v
+def wasm_func_cb_decl(func):
+ return wasm_func_callback_t(func)
+def wasm_func_with_env_cb_decl(func):
+ return wasm_func_callback_with_env_t(func)