path: root/fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/language-bindings/python/wasm-c-api/utils
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/language-bindings/python/wasm-c-api/utils')
1 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/language-bindings/python/wasm-c-api/utils/ b/fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/language-bindings/python/wasm-c-api/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a505404d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/language-bindings/python/wasm-c-api/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring
+# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
+# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring
+- Need to run ** firstly.
+- Parse *./wasm-micro-runtime/core/iwasm/include/wasm_c_api.h* and generate
+ *wamr/*
+import os
+import pathlib
+import shutil
+import sys
+from pycparser import c_ast, parse_file
+WASM_C_API_HEADER = "core/iwasm/include/wasm_c_api.h"
+BINDING_PATH = "language-bindings/python/wamr/wasmcapi/"
+# 4 spaces as default indent
+INDENT = " "
+ "wasm_engine_new_with_args",
+ "wasm_valkind_is_num",
+ "wasm_valkind_is_ref",
+ "wasm_valtype_is_num",
+ "wasm_valtype_is_ref",
+ "wasm_valtype_new_i32",
+ "wasm_valtype_new_i64",
+ "wasm_valtype_new_f32",
+ "wasm_valtype_new_f64",
+ "wasm_valtype_new_anyref",
+ "wasm_valtype_new_funcref",
+ "wasm_functype_new_0_0",
+ "wasm_functype_new_0_0",
+ "wasm_functype_new_1_0",
+ "wasm_functype_new_2_0",
+ "wasm_functype_new_3_0",
+ "wasm_functype_new_0_1",
+ "wasm_functype_new_1_1",
+ "wasm_functype_new_2_1",
+ "wasm_functype_new_3_1",
+ "wasm_functype_new_0_2",
+ "wasm_functype_new_1_2",
+ "wasm_functype_new_2_2",
+ "wasm_functype_new_3_2",
+ "wasm_val_init_ptr",
+ "wasm_val_ptr",
+ "wasm_val_t",
+ "wasm_ref_t",
+ "wasm_name_new_from_string",
+ "wasm_name_new_from_string_nt",
+class Visitor(c_ast.NodeVisitor):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.type_map = {
+ "_Bool": "c_bool",
+ "byte_t": "c_ubyte",
+ "char": "c_char",
+ "errno_t": "c_int",
+ "int": "c_int",
+ "long": "c_long",
+ "size_t": "c_size_t",
+ "uint32_t": "c_uint32",
+ "uint8_t": "c_uint8",
+ "void": "None",
+ }
+ self.ret = (
+ "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n"
+ "#!/usr/bin/env python3\n"
+ "#\n"
+ "# Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.\n"
+ "# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception\n"
+ "#\n"
+ "#It is a generated file. DO NOT EDIT.\n"
+ "#\n"
+ "from ctypes import *\n"
+ "\n"
+ "from .ffi import dereference, libiwasm, wasm_ref_t, wasm_val_t\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ )
+ def get_type_name(self, c_type):
+ if isinstance(c_type, c_ast.TypeDecl):
+ return self.get_type_name(c_type.type)
+ elif isinstance(c_type, c_ast.PtrDecl):
+ pointed_type = self.get_type_name(c_type.type)
+ if isinstance(c_type.type, c_ast.FuncDecl):
+ # CFUCNTYPE is a pointer of function
+ return pointed_type
+ if "None" == pointed_type:
+ return "c_void_p"
+ return f"POINTER({pointed_type})"
+ elif isinstance(c_type, c_ast.ArrayDecl):
+ return f"POINTER({self.get_type_name(c_type.type)})"
+ elif isinstance(c_type, c_ast.IdentifierType):
+ if len(c_type.names) > 1:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"unexpected type with a long names: {c_type}")
+ type_name = c_type.names[0]
+ if type_name.startswith("wasm_"):
+ return type_name
+ if not type_name in self.type_map:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"a new type should be in type_map: {type_name}")
+ return self.type_map.get(type_name)
+ elif isinstance(c_type, c_ast.Union):
+ if not
+ raise RuntimeError(f"found an anonymous union {c_type}")
+ return
+ elif isinstance(c_type, c_ast.Struct):
+ if not
+ raise RuntimeError(f"found an anonymous union {c_type}")
+ return
+ elif isinstance(c_type, c_ast.FuncDecl):
+ content = "CFUNCTYPE("
+ if isinstance(c_type.type, c_ast.PtrDecl):
+ # there is a bug in CFUNCTYPE if the result type is a pointer
+ content += "c_void_p"
+ else:
+ content += f"{self.get_type_name(c_type.type)}"
+ content += f",{self.get_type_name(c_type.args)}" if c_type.args else ""
+ content += ")"
+ return content
+ elif isinstance(c_type, c_ast.Decl):
+ return self.get_type_name(c_type.type)
+ elif isinstance(c_type, c_ast.ParamList):
+ content = ",".join(
+ [self.get_type_name(param.type) for param in c_type.params]
+ )
+ return content
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"unexpected type: {}")
+ def visit_Struct(self, node):
+ # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ def gen_fields(info, indent):
+ content = ""
+ for k, v in info.items():
+ content += f'{indent}("{k}", {v}),\n'
+ return content[:-1]
+ def gen_equal(info, indent):
+ content = f"{indent}return"
+ for k, v in info.items():
+ # not compare pointer value in __eq__
+ if v.startswith("POINTER") or v.startswith("c_void_p"):
+ continue
+ content += f" self.{k} == other.{k} and"
+ return content[:-4]
+ def gen_repr(info, indent):
+ content = f'{indent}return f"{{{{'
+ for k, _ in info.items():
+ content += f"{k}={{self.{k}}}, "
+ content = content[:-2] + '}}"'
+ return content
+ def gen_vector_repr(info, indent):
+ content = f'{indent}ret = ""\n'
+ content += f"{indent}for i in range(self.num_elems):\n"
+ if 1 == info["data"].count("POINTER"):
+ # pointer
+ content += f"{2*indent}ret += str([i])\n"
+ else:
+ # pointer of pointer
+ content += f"{2*indent}ret += str(dereference([i]))\n"
+ content += f'{2*indent}ret += " "\n'
+ content += f"{indent}return ret\n"
+ return content
+ if not or not"wasm"):
+ return
+ return
+ name =
+ info = {}
+ if node.decls:
+ for decl in node.decls:
+ info[] = self.get_type_name(decl.type)
+ if info:
+ self.ret += (
+ f"class {name}(Structure):\n"
+ f"{INDENT}_fields_ = [\n"
+ f"{gen_fields(info, INDENT*2)}\n"
+ f"{INDENT}]\n"
+ f"\n"
+ f"{INDENT}def __eq__(self, other):\n"
+ f"{INDENT*2}if not isinstance(other, {name}):\n"
+ f"{INDENT*3}return False\n"
+ f"{gen_equal(info, INDENT*2)}\n"
+ f"\n"
+ f"{INDENT}def __repr__(self):\n"
+ )
+ self.ret += (
+ f"{gen_vector_repr(info, INDENT*2)}\n"
+ if name.endswith("_vec_t")
+ else f"{gen_repr(info, INDENT*2)}\n"
+ )
+ self.ret += "\n"
+ else:
+ self.ret += f"class {name}(Structure):\n{INDENT}pass\n"
+ self.ret += "\n"
+ def visit_Union(self, node):
+ # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ print(f"Union: {}")
+ def visit_Typedef(self, node):
+ # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ # system defined
+ if not
+ return
+ if not"wasm_"):
+ return
+ return
+ self.visit(node.type)
+ if == self.get_type_name(node.type):
+ return
+ else:
+ self.ret += f"{} = {self.get_type_name(node.type)}\n"
+ self.ret += "\n"
+ def visit_FuncDecl(self, node):
+ # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ restype = self.get_type_name(node.type)
+ if isinstance(node.type, c_ast.TypeDecl):
+ func_name = node.type.declname
+ elif isinstance(node.type, c_ast.PtrDecl):
+ func_name = node.type.type.declname
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"unexpected type in FuncDecl: {type}")
+ if not func_name.startswith("wasm_") or func_name.endswith("_t"):
+ return
+ if func_name in IGNORE_SYMOLS:
+ return
+ params_len = 0
+ for arg in node.args.params:
+ # ignore void but not void*
+ if isinstance(arg.type, c_ast.TypeDecl):
+ type_name = self.get_type_name(arg.type)
+ if "None" == type_name:
+ continue
+ params_len += 1
+ args = (
+ "" if not params_len else ",".join([f"arg{i}" for i in range(params_len)])
+ )
+ argtypes = f"[{self.get_type_name(node.args)}]" if params_len else "None"
+ self.ret += (
+ f"def {func_name}({args}):\n"
+ f"{INDENT}_{func_name} = libiwasm.{func_name}\n"
+ f"{INDENT}_{func_name}.restype = {restype}\n"
+ f"{INDENT}_{func_name}.argtypes = {argtypes}\n"
+ f"{INDENT}return _{func_name}({args})\n"
+ )
+ self.ret += "\n"
+ def visit_Enum(self, node):
+ # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ elem_value = 0
+ # generate enum elementes directly as consts with values
+ for i, elem in enumerate(node.values.enumerators):
+ self.ret += f"{}"
+ if elem.value:
+ elem_value = int(elem.value.value)
+ else:
+ if 0 == i:
+ elem_value = 0
+ else:
+ elem_value += 1
+ self.ret += f" = {elem_value}\n"
+ self.ret += "\n"
+def preflight_check(workspace):
+ wamr_repo = workspace
+ file_check_list = [
+ wamr_repo.exists(),
+ wamr_repo.joinpath(WASM_C_API_HEADER).exists(),
+ ]
+ if not all(file_check_list):
+ print(
+ "please run utils/ to download the repo, or re-download the repo"
+ )
+ return False
+ if not shutil.which("gcc"):
+ print("please install gcc")
+ return False
+ return True
+def do_parse(workspace):
+ filename = workspace.joinpath(WASM_C_API_HEADER)
+ filename = str(filename)
+ ast = parse_file(
+ filename,
+ use_cpp=True,
+ cpp_path="gcc",
+ cpp_args=[
+ "-E",
+ "-D__attribute__(x)=",
+ "-D__asm__(x)=",
+ "-D__asm(x)=",
+ "-D__builtin_va_list=int",
+ "-D__extension__=",
+ "-D__inline__=",
+ "-D__restrict=",
+ "-D__restrict__=",
+ "-D_Static_assert(x, y)=",
+ "-D__signed=",
+ "-D__volatile__(x)=",
+ "-Dstatic_assert(x, y)=",
+ ],
+ )
+ ast_visitor = Visitor()
+ ast_visitor.visit(ast)
+ return ast_visitor.ret
+def main():
+ current_file = pathlib.Path(__file__)
+ if current_file.is_symlink():
+ current_file = pathlib.Path(os.readlink(current_file))
+ current_dir = current_file.parent.resolve()
+ root_dir = current_dir.joinpath("../../../..").resolve()
+ if not preflight_check(root_dir):
+ return False
+ wamr_repo = root_dir
+ binding_file_path = root_dir.joinpath(BINDING_PATH)
+ with open(binding_file_path, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as binding_file:
+ binding_file.write(do_parse(wamr_repo))
+ return True
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(0 if main() else 1)