path: root/fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/product-mini/platforms/rt-thread/iwasm.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/product-mini/platforms/rt-thread/iwasm.c')
1 files changed, 389 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/product-mini/platforms/rt-thread/iwasm.c b/fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/product-mini/platforms/rt-thread/iwasm.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ae4da761
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/product-mini/platforms/rt-thread/iwasm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021, RT-Thread Development Team
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+ */
+#include <rtthread.h>
+#include "wasm_export.h"
+#include "platform_api_vmcore.h"
+#include <dfs.h>
+#include <dfs_file.h>
+#include <dfs_fs.h>
+#include <dfs_posix.h>
+static int
+wasm_vprintf(wasm_exec_env_t env, const char *fmt, va_list va)
+ return vprintf(fmt, va);
+static int
+wasm_vsprintf(wasm_exec_env_t env, char *buf, const char *fmt, va_list va)
+ return vsprintf(buf, fmt, va);
+static int
+wasm_vsnprintf(wasm_exec_env_t env, char *buf, int n, const char *fmt,
+ va_list va)
+ return vsnprintf(buf, n, fmt, va);
+static rt_device_t
+wasm_rt_device_find(wasm_exec_env_t env, const char *name)
+ return rt_device_find(name);
+static rt_err_t
+wasm_rt_device_open(wasm_exec_env_t env, rt_device_t dev, rt_uint16_t o_flag)
+ return rt_device_open(dev, o_flag);
+static rt_size_t
+wasm_rt_device_write(wasm_exec_env_t env, rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t offset,
+ const void *buf, rt_size_t size)
+ return rt_device_write(dev, offset, buf, size);
+static rt_size_t
+wasm_rt_device_read(wasm_exec_env_t env, rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t offset,
+ void *buf, rt_size_t size)
+ return rt_device_read(dev, offset, buf, size);
+static rt_err_t
+wasm_rt_device_close(wasm_exec_env_t env, rt_device_t dev)
+ return rt_device_close(dev);
+static rt_err_t
+wasm_rt_device_control(wasm_exec_env_t env, rt_device_t dev, int cmd, void *arg)
+ return rt_device_control(dev, cmd, arg);
+/* clang-format off */
+static NativeSymbol native_export_symbols[] = {
+ {
+ "vprintf",
+ wasm_vprintf,
+ "($*)i"
+ },
+ {
+ "vsprintf",
+ wasm_vsprintf,
+ "($$*)i"
+ },
+ {
+ "vsnprintf",
+ wasm_vsnprintf,
+ "($i$*)i"
+ },
+ {
+ "rt_device_find",
+ wasm_rt_device_find,
+ "($)i"
+ },
+ {
+ "rt_device_open",
+ wasm_rt_device_open,
+ "(ii)i"
+ },
+ {
+ "rt_device_write",
+ wasm_rt_device_write,
+ "(ii*~)i"
+ },
+ {
+ "rt_device_read",
+ wasm_rt_device_read,
+ "(ii*~)i"
+ },
+ {
+ "rt_device_close",
+ wasm_rt_device_close,
+ "(i)i"
+ },
+ {
+ "rt_device_control",
+ wasm_rt_device_control,
+ "(ii*)i"
+ },
+ {
+ "_Z15rt_device_closeP9rt_device",
+ wasm_rt_device_close,
+ "(i)i"
+ },
+ {
+ "_Z14rt_device_readP9rt_devicejPvj",
+ wasm_rt_device_read,
+ "(ii*~)i"
+ },
+ {
+ "_Z15rt_device_writeP9rt_devicejPKvj",
+ wasm_rt_device_write,
+ "(ii*~)i"
+ },
+ {
+ "_Z14rt_device_openP9rt_devicet",
+ wasm_rt_device_open,
+ "(ii)i"
+ },
+ {
+ "_Z14rt_device_findPKc",
+ wasm_rt_device_find,
+ "($)i"
+ },
+/* clang-format on */
+ * run WASM module instance.
+ * @param module_inst instance of wasm module
+ * @param app_argc wasm argument count
+ * @param app_argv wasm arguments
+ * @return NULL
+ */
+static void *
+app_instance_main(wasm_module_inst_t module_inst, int app_argc, char **app_argv)
+ const char *exception;
+ wasm_application_execute_main(module_inst, app_argc, app_argv);
+ if ((exception = wasm_runtime_get_exception(module_inst)))
+ rt_kprintf("%s\n", exception);
+ return NULL;
+rt_uint8_t *
+my_read_file_to_buffer(char *filename, rt_uint32_t *size)
+ struct stat f_stat;
+ dfs_file_stat(filename, &f_stat);
+ struct dfs_fd fd;
+ rt_uint8_t *buff = rt_malloc(f_stat.st_size);
+ *size = 0;
+ if (!buff) {
+ rt_set_errno(-ENOMEM);
+ return RT_NULL;
+ }
+ int ret = dfs_file_open(&fd, filename, O_RDONLY);
+ if (ret) {
+ rt_free(buff);
+ rt_set_errno(ret);
+ return RT_NULL;
+ }
+ *size = dfs_file_read(&fd, buff, f_stat.st_size);
+ dfs_file_close(&fd);
+ if (*size != f_stat.st_size) {
+ rt_free(buff);
+ rt_set_errno(-EBADF);
+ return RT_NULL;
+ }
+ return buff;
+ rt_kputs("wrong input: iwasm [-t] [-m] [-s] <*.wasm> <wasm_args ...>\n"
+ " iwasm [-h]\n");
+ rt_kputs("\t -h: show this tips.\n");
+ rt_kputs("\t -t: show time taking to run this app.\n");
+ rt_kputs("\t -m: show memory taking to run this app\n");
+ rt_kputs("\t wasm file name and exec params must behind of all vm-param\n");
+ rt_kputs("wrong input: iwasm <*.wasm> <wasm_args ...>\n");
+#endif /* WAMR_ENABLE_PARAMS */
+iwasm(int argc, char **argv)
+ rt_uint8_t *wasm_file_buf = NULL;
+ rt_uint32_t wasm_file_size;
+ rt_uint32_t stack_size = 4 * 1024, heap_size = 4 * 1024;
+ wasm_module_t wasm_module = NULL;
+ wasm_module_inst_t wasm_module_inst = NULL;
+ RuntimeInitArgs init_args;
+ static char error_buf[128] = { 0 };
+ /* avoid stack overflow */
+ int i_arg_begin;
+ bool show_mem = false;
+ bool show_stack = false;
+ bool show_time_exec = false;
+ for (i_arg_begin = 1; i_arg_begin < argc; i_arg_begin++) {
+ if (argv[i_arg_begin][0] != '-') {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (argv[i_arg_begin][1] == 'm') {
+ show_mem = true;
+ }
+ else if (argv[i_arg_begin][1] == 's') {
+ show_stack = true;
+ }
+ else if (argv[i_arg_begin][1] == 't') {
+ show_time_exec = true;
+ }
+ else if (argv[i_arg_begin][1] == 'h') {
+ iwasm_help();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (argv[i_arg_begin][1] == 0x00) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else {
+ rt_kprintf("[iwasm] unknown param: %s\n", argv[i_arg_begin]);
+ }
+ }
+#define i_arg_begin 1
+#endif /* WAMR_ENABLE_PARAMS */
+ if (argc - i_arg_begin < 1) {
+ iwasm_help();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ rt_memset(&init_args, 0, sizeof(RuntimeInitArgs));
+ init_args.mem_alloc_type = Alloc_With_Allocator;
+ init_args.mem_alloc_option.allocator.malloc_func = os_malloc;
+ init_args.mem_alloc_option.allocator.realloc_func = os_realloc;
+ init_args.mem_alloc_option.allocator.free_func = os_free;
+ init_args.native_symbols = native_export_symbols;
+ init_args.n_native_symbols =
+ sizeof(native_export_symbols) / sizeof(NativeSymbol);
+ init_args.native_module_name = "env";
+#if defined(RT_USING_HEAP) && defined(RT_USING_MEMHEAP_AS_HEAP)
+ extern long list_memheap(void);
+ if (show_mem) {
+ list_memheap();
+ }
+ rt_uint32_t total, max, used;
+ if (show_mem) {
+ rt_memory_info(&total, &used, &max);
+ }
+ rt_thread_t tid;
+ if (show_stack) {
+ tid = rt_thread_self();
+ printf("thread stack addr: %p, size: %u, sp: %p\n", tid->stack_addr,
+ tid->stack_size, tid->sp);
+ }
+#endif /* WAMR_ENABLE_PARAMS */
+ if (wasm_runtime_full_init(&init_args) == false) {
+ rt_kprintf("Init WASM runtime environment failed.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ wasm_file_buf = my_read_file_to_buffer(argv[i_arg_begin], &wasm_file_size);
+ if (!wasm_file_buf) {
+ rt_err_t err = rt_get_errno();
+ rt_kprintf("WASM load file to RAM failed: %d\n", err);
+ goto fail1;
+ }
+ rt_memset(error_buf, 0x00, sizeof(error_buf));
+ wasm_module = wasm_runtime_load(wasm_file_buf, wasm_file_size, error_buf,
+ sizeof(error_buf));
+ if (!wasm_module) {
+ rt_kprintf("%s\n", error_buf);
+ goto fail2;
+ }
+ rt_memset(error_buf, 0x00, sizeof(error_buf));
+ wasm_module_inst = wasm_runtime_instantiate(
+ wasm_module, stack_size, heap_size, error_buf, sizeof(error_buf));
+ if (!wasm_module_inst) {
+ rt_kprintf("%s\n", error_buf);
+ goto fail3;
+ }
+ rt_tick_t ticks_exec;
+ if (show_time_exec) {
+ ticks_exec = rt_tick_get();
+ }
+#endif /* WAMR_ENABLE_PARAMS */
+ app_instance_main(wasm_module_inst, argc - i_arg_begin, &argv[i_arg_begin]);
+ if (show_time_exec) {
+ ticks_exec = rt_tick_get() - ticks_exec;
+ printf("[iwasm] execute ticks took: %u [ticks/s = %u]\n", ticks_exec,
+ }
+#if defined(RT_USING_HEAP) && defined(RT_USING_MEMHEAP_AS_HEAP)
+ if (show_mem) {
+ list_memheap();
+ }
+ rt_uint32_t total_after, max_after, used_after;
+ if (show_mem) {
+ rt_memory_info(&total_after, &used_after, &max_after);
+ rt_kprintf("[iwasm] memory took: %u\n", used_after - used);
+ }
+ if (show_stack) {
+ printf("[iwasm] thread stack addr: %p, size: %u, sp: %p\n",
+ tid->stack_addr, tid->stack_size, tid->sp);
+ }
+#endif /* WAMR_ENABLE_PARAMS */
+ /* destroy the module instance */
+ wasm_runtime_deinstantiate(wasm_module_inst);
+ /* unload the module */
+ wasm_runtime_unload(wasm_module);
+ /* free the file buffer */
+ rt_free(wasm_file_buf);
+ /* destroy runtime environment */
+ wasm_runtime_destroy();
+ return 0;
+MSH_CMD_EXPORT(iwasm, Embeded VM of WebAssembly);