path: root/fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/samples/littlevgl/lv_config/lv_conf.h
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1 files changed, 389 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/samples/littlevgl/lv_config/lv_conf.h b/fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/samples/littlevgl/lv_config/lv_conf.h
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index 000000000..76533a8e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/samples/littlevgl/lv_config/lv_conf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+ * @file lv_conf.h
+ *
+ */
+#if 1 /*Set it to "1" to enable content*/
+#ifndef LV_CONF_H
+#define LV_CONF_H
+ Dynamic memory
+ *===================*/
+/* Memory size which will be used by the library
+ * to store the graphical objects and other data */
+#define LV_MEM_CUSTOM 1 /*1: use custom malloc/free, 0: use the built-in lv_mem_alloc/lv_mem_free*/
+#if LV_MEM_CUSTOM == 0
+# define LV_MEM_SIZE (64U * 1024U) /*Size memory used by `lv_mem_alloc` in bytes (>= 2kB)*/
+# define LV_MEM_ATTR /*Complier prefix for big array declaration*/
+# define LV_MEM_ADR 0 /*Set an address for memory pool instead of allocation it as an array. Can be in external SRAM too.*/
+# define LV_MEM_AUTO_DEFRAG 1 /*Automatically defrag on free*/
+#else /*LV_MEM_CUSTOM*/
+# define LV_MEM_CUSTOM_INCLUDE <stdlib.h> /*Header for the dynamic memory function*/
+# define LV_MEM_CUSTOM_ALLOC malloc /*Wrapper to malloc*/
+# define LV_MEM_CUSTOM_FREE free /*Wrapper to free*/
+#endif /*LV_MEM_CUSTOM*/
+/* Garbage Collector settings
+ * Used if lvgl is binded to higher language and the memory is managed by that language */
+#define LV_ENABLE_GC 0
+#if LV_ENABLE_GC != 0
+# define LV_MEM_CUSTOM_REALLOC your_realloc /*Wrapper to realloc*/
+# define LV_MEM_CUSTOM_GET_SIZE your_mem_get_size /*Wrapper to lv_mem_get_size*/
+# define LV_GC_INCLUDE "gc.h" /*Include Garbage Collector related things*/
+#endif /* LV_ENABLE_GC */
+ Graphical settings
+ *===================*/
+/* Horizontal and vertical resolution of the library.*/
+#define LV_HOR_RES (320)
+#define LV_VER_RES (240)
+/* Dot Per Inch: used to initialize default sizes. E.g. a button with width = LV_DPI / 2 -> half inch wide
+ * (Not so important, you can adjust it to modify default sizes and spaces)*/
+#define LV_DPI 100
+/* Enable anti-aliasing (lines, and radiuses will be smoothed) */
+#define LV_ANTIALIAS 0 /*1: Enable anti-aliasing*/
+/*Screen refresh period in milliseconds*/
+#define LV_REFR_PERIOD 30
+ * VDB settings
+ *----------------*/
+/* VDB (Virtual Display Buffer) is an internal graphics buffer.
+ * The GUI will be drawn into this buffer first and then
+ * the buffer will be passed to your `disp_drv.disp_flush` function to
+ * copy it to your frame buffer.
+ * VDB is required for: buffered drawing, opacity, anti-aliasing and shadows
+ * Learn more:*/
+/* Size of the VDB in pixels. Typical size: ~1/10 screen. Must be >= LV_HOR_RES
+ * Setting it to 0 will disable VDB and `disp_drv.disp_fill` and `disp_drv.disp_map` functions
+ * will be called to draw to the frame buffer directly*/
+#define LV_VDB_SIZE ((LV_VER_RES * LV_HOR_RES) / 10)
+/* Bit-per-pixel of VDB. Useful for monochrome or non-standard color format displays.
+ * Special formats are handled with `disp_drv.vdb_wr`)*/
+#define LV_VDB_PX_BPP LV_COLOR_SIZE /*LV_COLOR_SIZE comes from LV_COLOR_DEPTH below to set 8, 16 or 32 bit pixel size automatically */
+/* Place VDB to a specific address (e.g. in external RAM)
+ * 0: allocate automatically into RAM
+ * LV_VDB_ADR_INV: to replace it later with `lv_vdb_set_adr()`*/
+#define LV_VDB_ADR 0
+/* Use two Virtual Display buffers (VDB) to parallelize rendering and flushing
+ * The flushing should use DMA to write the frame buffer in the background */
+#define LV_VDB_DOUBLE 0
+/* Place VDB2 to a specific address (e.g. in external RAM)
+ * 0: allocate automatically into RAM
+ * LV_VDB_ADR_INV: to replace it later with `lv_vdb_set_adr()`*/
+#define LV_VDB2_ADR 0
+/* Using true double buffering in `disp_drv.disp_flush` you will always get the image of the whole screen.
+ * Your only task is to set the rendered image (`color_p` parameter) as frame buffer address or send it to your display.
+ * The best if you do in the blank period of you display to avoid tearing effect.
+ * Requires:
+ * - LV_VDB_DOUBLE = 1
+ */
+ Misc. setting
+ *=================*/
+/*Input device settings*/
+#define LV_INDEV_READ_PERIOD 50 /*Input device read period in milliseconds*/
+#define LV_INDEV_POINT_MARKER 0 /*Mark the pressed points (required: USE_LV_REAL_DRAW = 1)*/
+#define LV_INDEV_DRAG_LIMIT 10 /*Drag threshold in pixels */
+#define LV_INDEV_DRAG_THROW 20 /*Drag throw slow-down in [%]. Greater value means faster slow-down */
+#define LV_INDEV_LONG_PRESS_TIME 400 /*Long press time in milliseconds*/
+#define LV_INDEV_LONG_PRESS_REP_TIME 100 /*Repeated trigger period in long press [ms] */
+/*Color settings*/
+#define LV_COLOR_DEPTH 32 /*Color depth: 1/8/16/32*/
+#define LV_COLOR_16_SWAP 0 /*Swap the 2 bytes of RGB565 color. Useful if the display has a 8 bit interface (e.g. SPI)*/
+#define LV_COLOR_SCREEN_TRANSP 0 /*1: Enable screen transparency. Useful for OSD or other overlapping GUIs. Requires ARGB8888 colors*/
+#define LV_COLOR_TRANSP LV_COLOR_LIME /*Images pixels with this color will not be drawn (with chroma keying)*/
+/*Text settings*/
+#define LV_TXT_UTF8 1 /*Enable UTF-8 coded Unicode character usage */
+#define LV_TXT_BREAK_CHARS " ,.;:-_" /*Can break texts on these chars*/
+#define LV_TXT_LINE_BREAK_LONG_LEN 12 /* If a character is at least this long, will break wherever "prettiest" */
+#define LV_TXT_LINE_BREAK_LONG_PRE_MIN_LEN 3 /* Minimum number of characters of a word to put on a line before a break */
+#define LV_TXT_LINE_BREAK_LONG_POST_MIN_LEN 1 /* Minimum number of characters of a word to put on a line after a break */
+/*Feature usage*/
+#define USE_LV_ANIMATION 1 /*1: Enable all animations*/
+#define USE_LV_SHADOW 1 /*1: Enable shadows*/
+#define USE_LV_GROUP 1 /*1: Enable object groups (for keyboards)*/
+#define USE_LV_GPU 0 /*1: Enable GPU interface*/
+#define USE_LV_REAL_DRAW 1 /*1: Enable function which draw directly to the frame buffer instead of VDB (required if LV_VDB_SIZE = 0)*/
+#define USE_LV_FILESYSTEM 0 /*1: Enable file system (might be required for images*/
+#define USE_LV_MULTI_LANG 0 /* Number of languages for labels to store (0: to disable this feature)*/
+/*Compiler settings*/
+#define LV_ATTRIBUTE_TICK_INC /* Define a custom attribute to `lv_tick_inc` function */
+#define LV_ATTRIBUTE_TASK_HANDLER /* Define a custom attribute to `lv_task_handler` function */
+#define LV_COMPILER_VLA_SUPPORTED 1 /* 1: Variable length array is supported*/
+#define LV_COMPILER_NON_CONST_INIT_SUPPORTED 1 /* 1: Initialization with non constant values are supported */
+/*HAL settings*/
+#define LV_TICK_CUSTOM 1 /*1: use a custom tick source (removing the need to manually update the tick with `lv_tick_inc`) */
+#if LV_TICK_CUSTOM == 1
+#define LV_TICK_CUSTOM_INCLUDE "system_header.h" /*Header for the sys time function*/
+#define LV_TICK_CUSTOM_SYS_TIME_EXPR (time_get_ms()) /*Expression evaluating to current systime in ms*/
+#endif /*LV_TICK_CUSTOM*/
+/*Log settings*/
+#define USE_LV_LOG 1 /*Enable/disable the log module*/
+/* How important log should be added:
+ * LV_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE A lot of logs to give detailed information
+ * LV_LOG_LEVEL_INFO Log important events
+ * LV_LOG_LEVEL_WARN Log if something unwanted happened but didn't caused problem
+ * LV_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR Only critical issue, when the system may fail
+ */
+/* 1: Print the log with 'printf'; 0: user need to register a callback*/
+# define LV_LOG_PRINTF 0
+#endif /*USE_LV_LOG*/
+ *================*/
+#define LV_THEME_LIVE_UPDATE 1 /*1: Allow theme switching at run time. Uses 8..10 kB of RAM*/
+#define USE_LV_THEME_TEMPL 0 /*Just for test*/
+#define USE_LV_THEME_DEFAULT 1 /*Built mainly from the built-in styles. Consumes very few RAM*/
+#define USE_LV_THEME_ALIEN 0 /*Dark futuristic theme*/
+#define USE_LV_THEME_NIGHT 0 /*Dark elegant theme*/
+#define USE_LV_THEME_MONO 0 /*Mono color theme for monochrome displays*/
+#define USE_LV_THEME_MATERIAL 0 /*Flat theme with bold colors and light shadows*/
+#define USE_LV_THEME_ZEN 0 /*Peaceful, mainly light theme */
+#define USE_LV_THEME_NEMO 0 /*Water-like theme based on the movie "Finding Nemo"*/
+ *===================*/
+/* More info about fonts:
+ * To enable a built-in font use 1,2,4 or 8 values
+ * which will determine the bit-per-pixel. Higher value means smoother fonts */
+#define USE_LV_FONT_DEJAVU_10 0
+#define USE_LV_FONT_SYMBOL_10 0
+#define USE_LV_FONT_DEJAVU_20 4
+#define USE_LV_FONT_SYMBOL_20 0
+#define USE_LV_FONT_DEJAVU_30 0
+#define USE_LV_FONT_SYMBOL_30 0
+#define USE_LV_FONT_DEJAVU_40 0
+#define USE_LV_FONT_SYMBOL_40 0
+/* Optionally declare your custom fonts here.
+ * You can use these fonts as default font too
+ * and they will be available globally. E.g.
+ * LV_FONT_DECLARE(my_font_2) \
+ */
+#define LV_FONT_DEFAULT &lv_font_dejavu_20 /*Always set a default font from the built-in fonts*/
+ *==================*/
+#define LV_OBJ_FREE_NUM_TYPE uint32_t /*Type of free number attribute (comment out disable free number)*/
+#define LV_OBJ_FREE_PTR 1 /*Enable the free pointer attribute*/
+#define LV_OBJ_REALIGN 1 /*Enable `lv_obj_realaign()` based on `lv_obj_align()` parameters*/
+ *================*/
+ * Documentation of the object types:
+ */
+ * Simple object
+ *****************/
+/*Label (dependencies: -*/
+#define USE_LV_LABEL 1
+#if USE_LV_LABEL != 0
+# define LV_LABEL_SCROLL_SPEED 25 /*Hor, or ver. scroll speed [px/sec] in 'LV_LABEL_LONG_SCROLL/ROLL' mode*/
+/*Image (dependencies: lv_label*/
+#define USE_LV_IMG 1
+#if USE_LV_IMG != 0
+# define LV_IMG_CF_INDEXED 1 /*Enable indexed (palette) images*/
+# define LV_IMG_CF_ALPHA 1 /*Enable alpha indexed images*/
+/*Line (dependencies: -*/
+#define USE_LV_LINE 1
+/*Arc (dependencies: -)*/
+#define USE_LV_ARC 1
+ * Container objects
+ *******************/
+/*Container (dependencies: -*/
+#define USE_LV_CONT 1
+/*Page (dependencies: lv_cont)*/
+#define USE_LV_PAGE 1
+/*Window (dependencies: lv_cont, lv_btn, lv_label, lv_img, lv_page)*/
+#define USE_LV_WIN 1
+/*Tab (dependencies: lv_page, lv_btnm)*/
+#define USE_LV_TABVIEW 1
+# if USE_LV_TABVIEW != 0
+# define LV_TABVIEW_ANIM_TIME 300 /*Time of slide animation [ms] (0: no animation)*/
+/*Tileview (dependencies: lv_page) */
+#define USE_LV_TILEVIEW 1
+# define LV_TILEVIEW_ANIM_TIME 300 /*Time of slide animation [ms] (0: no animation)*/
+ * Data visualizer objects
+ *************************/
+/*Bar (dependencies: -)*/
+#define USE_LV_BAR 1
+/*Line meter (dependencies: *;)*/
+#define USE_LV_LMETER 1
+/*Gauge (dependencies:lv_bar, lv_lmeter)*/
+#define USE_LV_GAUGE 1
+/*Chart (dependencies: -)*/
+#define USE_LV_CHART 1
+/*Table (dependencies: lv_label)*/
+#define USE_LV_TABLE 1
+# define LV_TABLE_COL_MAX 12
+/*LED (dependencies: -)*/
+#define USE_LV_LED 1
+/*Message box (dependencies: lv_rect, lv_btnm, lv_label)*/
+#define USE_LV_MBOX 1
+/*Text area (dependencies: lv_label, lv_page)*/
+#define USE_LV_TA 1
+#if USE_LV_TA != 0
+# define LV_TA_CURSOR_BLINK_TIME 400 /*ms*/
+# define LV_TA_PWD_SHOW_TIME 1500 /*ms*/
+/*Spinbox (dependencies: lv_ta)*/
+#define USE_LV_SPINBOX 1
+/*Calendar (dependencies: -)*/
+#define USE_LV_CALENDAR 1
+/*Preload (dependencies: lv_arc)*/
+#define USE_LV_PRELOAD 1
+#if USE_LV_PRELOAD != 0
+# define LV_PRELOAD_DEF_ARC_LENGTH 60 /*[deg]*/
+# define LV_PRELOAD_DEF_SPIN_TIME 1000 /*[ms]*/
+/*Canvas (dependencies: lv_img)*/
+#define USE_LV_CANVAS 1
+ * User input objects
+ *************************/
+/*Button (dependencies: lv_cont*/
+#define USE_LV_BTN 1
+#if USE_LV_BTN != 0
+# define LV_BTN_INK_EFFECT 1 /*Enable button-state animations - draw a circle on click (dependencies: USE_LV_ANIMATION)*/
+/*Image Button (dependencies: lv_btn*/
+#define USE_LV_IMGBTN 1
+# define LV_IMGBTN_TILED 0 /*1: The imgbtn requires left, mid and right parts and the width can be set freely*/
+/*Button matrix (dependencies: -)*/
+#define USE_LV_BTNM 1
+/*Keyboard (dependencies: lv_btnm)*/
+#define USE_LV_KB 1
+/*Check box (dependencies: lv_btn, lv_label)*/
+#define USE_LV_CB 1
+/*List (dependencies: lv_page, lv_btn, lv_label, (lv_img optionally for icons ))*/
+#define USE_LV_LIST 1
+#if USE_LV_LIST != 0
+# define LV_LIST_FOCUS_TIME 100 /*Default animation time of focusing to a list element [ms] (0: no animation) */
+/*Drop down list (dependencies: lv_page, lv_label, lv_symbol_def.h)*/
+#define USE_LV_DDLIST 1
+#if USE_LV_DDLIST != 0
+# define LV_DDLIST_ANIM_TIME 200 /*Open and close default animation time [ms] (0: no animation)*/
+/*Roller (dependencies: lv_ddlist)*/
+#define USE_LV_ROLLER 1
+#if USE_LV_ROLLER != 0
+# define LV_ROLLER_ANIM_TIME 200 /*Focus animation time [ms] (0: no animation)*/
+/*Slider (dependencies: lv_bar)*/
+#define USE_LV_SLIDER 1
+/*Switch (dependencies: lv_slider)*/
+#define USE_LV_SW 1
+ * Non-user section
+ *************************/
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) /* Disable warnings for Visual Studio*/
+/*--END OF LV_CONF_H--*/
+/*Be sure every define has a default value*/
+#include "lvgl/lv_conf_checker.h"
+#endif /*LV_CONF_H*/
+#endif /*End of "Content enable"*/