path: root/ml/dlib/dlib/bigint/bigint_kernel_2.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ml/dlib/dlib/bigint/bigint_kernel_2.cpp')
1 files changed, 1945 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/bigint/bigint_kernel_2.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/bigint/bigint_kernel_2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..005e080af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/bigint/bigint_kernel_2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1945 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "bigint_kernel_2.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cmath>
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // member/friend function definitions
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bigint_kernel_2::
+ bigint_kernel_2 (
+ ) :
+ slack(25),
+ data(new data_record(slack))
+ {}
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bigint_kernel_2::
+ bigint_kernel_2 (
+ uint32 value
+ ) :
+ slack(25),
+ data(new data_record(slack))
+ {
+ *(data->number) = static_cast<uint16>(value&0xFFFF);
+ *(data->number+1) = static_cast<uint16>((value>>16)&0xFFFF);
+ if (*(data->number+1) != 0)
+ data->digits_used = 2;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bigint_kernel_2::
+ bigint_kernel_2 (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& item
+ ) :
+ slack(25),
+ data(
+ {
+ data->references += 1;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bigint_kernel_2::
+ ~bigint_kernel_2 (
+ )
+ {
+ if (data->references == 1)
+ {
+ delete data;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ data->references -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const bigint_kernel_2 bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator+ (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ ) const
+ {
+ data_record* temp = new data_record (
+ std::max(>digits_used,data->digits_used) + slack
+ );
+ long_add(data,,temp);
+ return bigint_kernel_2(temp,0);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bigint_kernel_2& bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator+= (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ )
+ {
+ // if there are other references to our data
+ if (data->references != 1)
+ {
+ data_record* temp = new data_record(std::max(data->digits_used,>digits_used)+slack);
+ data->references -= 1;
+ long_add(data,,temp);
+ data = temp;
+ }
+ // if data is not big enough for the result
+ else if (data->size <= std::max(data->digits_used,>digits_used))
+ {
+ data_record* temp = new data_record(std::max(data->digits_used,>digits_used)+slack);
+ long_add(data,,temp);
+ delete data;
+ data = temp;
+ }
+ // there is enough size and no references
+ else
+ {
+ long_add(data,,data);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const bigint_kernel_2 bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator- (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ ) const
+ {
+ data_record* temp = new data_record (
+ data->digits_used + slack
+ );
+ long_sub(data,,temp);
+ return bigint_kernel_2(temp,0);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bigint_kernel_2& bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator-= (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ )
+ {
+ // if there are other references to this data
+ if (data->references != 1)
+ {
+ data_record* temp = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ data->references -= 1;
+ long_sub(data,,temp);
+ data = temp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ long_sub(data,,data);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const bigint_kernel_2 bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator* (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ ) const
+ {
+ data_record* temp = new data_record (
+ data->digits_used +>digits_used + slack
+ );
+ long_mul(data,,temp);
+ return bigint_kernel_2(temp,0);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bigint_kernel_2& bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator*= (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ )
+ {
+ // create a data_record to store the result of the multiplication in
+ data_record* temp = new data_record(>digits_used+data->digits_used+slack);
+ long_mul(data,,temp);
+ // if there are other references to data
+ if (data->references != 1)
+ {
+ data->references -= 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete data;
+ }
+ data = temp;
+ return *this;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const bigint_kernel_2 bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator/ (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ ) const
+ {
+ data_record* temp = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ data_record* remainder;
+ try {
+ remainder = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ } catch (...) { delete temp; throw; }
+ long_div(data,,temp,remainder);
+ delete remainder;
+ return bigint_kernel_2(temp,0);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bigint_kernel_2& bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator/= (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ )
+ {
+ data_record* temp = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ data_record* remainder;
+ try {
+ remainder = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ } catch (...) { delete temp; throw; }
+ long_div(data,,temp,remainder);
+ // check if there are other references to data
+ if (data->references != 1)
+ {
+ data->references -= 1;
+ }
+ // if there are no references to data then it must be deleted
+ else
+ {
+ delete data;
+ }
+ data = temp;
+ delete remainder;
+ return *this;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const bigint_kernel_2 bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator% (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ ) const
+ {
+ data_record* temp = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ data_record* remainder;
+ try {
+ remainder = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ } catch (...) { delete temp; throw; }
+ long_div(data,,temp,remainder);
+ delete temp;
+ return bigint_kernel_2(remainder,0);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bigint_kernel_2& bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator%= (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ )
+ {
+ data_record* temp = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ data_record* remainder;
+ try {
+ remainder = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ } catch (...) { delete temp; throw; }
+ long_div(data,,temp,remainder);
+ // check if there are other references to data
+ if (data->references != 1)
+ {
+ data->references -= 1;
+ }
+ // if there are no references to data then it must be deleted
+ else
+ {
+ delete data;
+ }
+ data = remainder;
+ delete temp;
+ return *this;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator < (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ ) const
+ {
+ return is_less_than(data,;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator == (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ ) const
+ {
+ return is_equal_to(data,;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bigint_kernel_2& bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator= (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ )
+ {
+ if (this == &rhs)
+ return *this;
+ // if we have the only reference to our data then delete it
+ if (data->references == 1)
+ {
+ delete data;
+ data =;
+ data->references += 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ data->references -= 1;
+ data =;
+ data->references += 1;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::ostream& operator<< (
+ std::ostream& out_,
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ )
+ {
+ std::ostream out(out_.rdbuf());
+ typedef bigint_kernel_2 bigint;
+ bigint::data_record* temp = new bigint::data_record(*,0);
+ // get a char array big enough to hold the number in ascii format
+ char* str;
+ try {
+ str = new char[(>digits_used)*5+10];
+ } catch (...) { delete temp; throw; }
+ char* str_start = str;
+ str += (>digits_used)*5+9;
+ *str = 0; --str;
+ uint16 remainder;
+ rhs.short_div(temp,10000,temp,remainder);
+ // pull the digits out of remainder
+ char a = remainder % 10 + '0';
+ remainder /= 10;
+ char b = remainder % 10 + '0';
+ remainder /= 10;
+ char c = remainder % 10 + '0';
+ remainder /= 10;
+ char d = remainder % 10 + '0';
+ remainder /= 10;
+ *str = a; --str;
+ *str = b; --str;
+ *str = c; --str;
+ *str = d; --str;
+ // keep looping until temp represents zero
+ while (temp->digits_used != 1 || *(temp->number) != 0)
+ {
+ rhs.short_div(temp,10000,temp,remainder);
+ // pull the digits out of remainder
+ char a = remainder % 10 + '0';
+ remainder /= 10;
+ char b = remainder % 10 + '0';
+ remainder /= 10;
+ char c = remainder % 10 + '0';
+ remainder /= 10;
+ char d = remainder % 10 + '0';
+ remainder /= 10;
+ *str = a; --str;
+ *str = b; --str;
+ *str = c; --str;
+ *str = d; --str;
+ }
+ // throw away and extra leading zeros
+ ++str;
+ if (*str == '0')
+ ++str;
+ if (*str == '0')
+ ++str;
+ if (*str == '0')
+ ++str;
+ out << str;
+ delete [] str_start;
+ delete temp;
+ return out_;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::istream& operator>> (
+ std::istream& in_,
+ bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ )
+ {
+ std::istream in(in_.rdbuf());
+ // ignore any leading whitespaces
+ while (in.peek() == ' ' || in.peek() == '\t' || in.peek() == '\n')
+ {
+ in.get();
+ }
+ // if the first digit is not an integer then this is an error
+ if ( !(in.peek() >= '0' && in.peek() <= '9'))
+ {
+ in_.clear(std::ios::failbit);
+ return in_;
+ }
+ int num_read;
+ bigint_kernel_2 temp;
+ do
+ {
+ // try to get 4 chars from in
+ num_read = 1;
+ char a = 0;
+ char b = 0;
+ char c = 0;
+ char d = 0;
+ if (in.peek() >= '0' && in.peek() <= '9')
+ {
+ num_read *= 10;
+ a = in.get();
+ }
+ if (in.peek() >= '0' && in.peek() <= '9')
+ {
+ num_read *= 10;
+ b = in.get();
+ }
+ if (in.peek() >= '0' && in.peek() <= '9')
+ {
+ num_read *= 10;
+ c = in.get();
+ }
+ if (in.peek() >= '0' && in.peek() <= '9')
+ {
+ num_read *= 10;
+ d = in.get();
+ }
+ // merge the for digits into an uint16
+ uint16 num = 0;
+ if (a != 0)
+ {
+ num = a - '0';
+ }
+ if (b != 0)
+ {
+ num *= 10;
+ num += b - '0';
+ }
+ if (c != 0)
+ {
+ num *= 10;
+ num += c - '0';
+ }
+ if (d != 0)
+ {
+ num *= 10;
+ num += d - '0';
+ }
+ if (num_read != 1)
+ {
+ // shift the digits in temp left by the number of new digits we just read
+ temp *= num_read;
+ // add in new digits
+ temp += num;
+ }
+ } while (num_read == 10000);
+ rhs = temp;
+ return in_;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const bigint_kernel_2 operator+ (
+ uint16 lhs,
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ )
+ {
+ typedef bigint_kernel_2 bigint;
+ bigint::data_record* temp = new bigint::data_record
+ (>digits_used+rhs.slack);
+ rhs.short_add(,lhs,temp);
+ return bigint_kernel_2(temp,0);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const bigint_kernel_2 operator+ (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& lhs,
+ uint16 rhs
+ )
+ {
+ typedef bigint_kernel_2 bigint;
+ bigint::data_record* temp = new bigint::data_record
+ (>digits_used+lhs.slack);
+ lhs.short_add(,rhs,temp);
+ return bigint_kernel_2(temp,0);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bigint_kernel_2& bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator+= (
+ uint16 rhs
+ )
+ {
+ // if there are other references to this data
+ if (data->references != 1)
+ {
+ data_record* temp = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ data->references -= 1;
+ short_add(data,rhs,temp);
+ data = temp;
+ }
+ // or if we need to enlarge data then do so
+ else if (data->digits_used == data->size)
+ {
+ data_record* temp = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ short_add(data,rhs,temp);
+ delete data;
+ data = temp;
+ }
+ // or if there is plenty of space and no references
+ else
+ {
+ short_add(data,rhs,data);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const bigint_kernel_2 operator- (
+ uint16 lhs,
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ )
+ {
+ typedef bigint_kernel_2 bigint;
+ bigint::data_record* temp = new bigint::data_record(rhs.slack);
+ *(temp->number) = lhs - *(>number);
+ return bigint_kernel_2(temp,0);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const bigint_kernel_2 operator- (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& lhs,
+ uint16 rhs
+ )
+ {
+ typedef bigint_kernel_2 bigint;
+ bigint::data_record* temp = new bigint::data_record
+ (>digits_used+lhs.slack);
+ lhs.short_sub(,rhs,temp);
+ return bigint_kernel_2(temp,0);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bigint_kernel_2& bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator-= (
+ uint16 rhs
+ )
+ {
+ // if there are other references to this data
+ if (data->references != 1)
+ {
+ data_record* temp = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ data->references -= 1;
+ short_sub(data,rhs,temp);
+ data = temp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ short_sub(data,rhs,data);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const bigint_kernel_2 operator* (
+ uint16 lhs,
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ )
+ {
+ typedef bigint_kernel_2 bigint;
+ bigint::data_record* temp = new bigint::data_record
+ (>digits_used+rhs.slack);
+ rhs.short_mul(,lhs,temp);
+ return bigint_kernel_2(temp,0);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const bigint_kernel_2 operator* (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& lhs,
+ uint16 rhs
+ )
+ {
+ typedef bigint_kernel_2 bigint;
+ bigint::data_record* temp = new bigint::data_record
+ (>digits_used+lhs.slack);
+ lhs.short_mul(,rhs,temp);
+ return bigint_kernel_2(temp,0);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bigint_kernel_2& bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator*= (
+ uint16 rhs
+ )
+ {
+ // if there are other references to this data
+ if (data->references != 1)
+ {
+ data_record* temp = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ data->references -= 1;
+ short_mul(data,rhs,temp);
+ data = temp;
+ }
+ // or if we need to enlarge data
+ else if (data->digits_used == data->size)
+ {
+ data_record* temp = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ short_mul(data,rhs,temp);
+ delete data;
+ data = temp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ short_mul(data,rhs,data);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const bigint_kernel_2 operator/ (
+ uint16 lhs,
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ )
+ {
+ typedef bigint_kernel_2 bigint;
+ bigint::data_record* temp = new bigint::data_record(rhs.slack);
+ // if rhs might not be bigger than lhs
+ if (>digits_used == 1)
+ {
+ *(temp->number) = lhs/ *(>number);
+ }
+ return bigint_kernel_2(temp,0);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const bigint_kernel_2 operator/ (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& lhs,
+ uint16 rhs
+ )
+ {
+ typedef bigint_kernel_2 bigint;
+ bigint::data_record* temp = new bigint::data_record
+ (>digits_used+lhs.slack);
+ uint16 remainder;
+ lhs.short_div(,rhs,temp,remainder);
+ return bigint_kernel_2(temp,0);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bigint_kernel_2& bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator/= (
+ uint16 rhs
+ )
+ {
+ uint16 remainder;
+ // if there are other references to this data
+ if (data->references != 1)
+ {
+ data_record* temp = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ data->references -= 1;
+ short_div(data,rhs,temp,remainder);
+ data = temp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ short_div(data,rhs,data,remainder);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const bigint_kernel_2 operator% (
+ uint16 lhs,
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ )
+ {
+ typedef bigint_kernel_2 bigint;
+ // temp is zero by default
+ bigint::data_record* temp = new bigint::data_record(rhs.slack);
+ if (>digits_used == 1)
+ {
+ // if rhs is just an uint16 inside then perform the modulus
+ *(temp->number) = lhs % *(>number);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // if rhs is bigger than lhs then the answer is lhs
+ *(temp->number) = lhs;
+ }
+ return bigint_kernel_2(temp,0);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const bigint_kernel_2 operator% (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& lhs,
+ uint16 rhs
+ )
+ {
+ typedef bigint_kernel_2 bigint;
+ bigint::data_record* temp = new bigint::data_record(>digits_used+lhs.slack);
+ uint16 remainder;
+ lhs.short_div(,rhs,temp,remainder);
+ temp->digits_used = 1;
+ *(temp->number) = remainder;
+ return bigint_kernel_2(temp,0);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bigint_kernel_2& bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator%= (
+ uint16 rhs
+ )
+ {
+ uint16 remainder;
+ // if there are other references to this data
+ if (data->references != 1)
+ {
+ data_record* temp = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ data->references -= 1;
+ short_div(data,rhs,temp,remainder);
+ data = temp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ short_div(data,rhs,data,remainder);
+ }
+ data->digits_used = 1;
+ *(data->number) = remainder;
+ return *this;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool operator < (
+ uint16 lhs,
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ )
+ {
+ return (>digits_used > 1 || lhs < *(>number) );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool operator < (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& lhs,
+ uint16 rhs
+ )
+ {
+ return (>digits_used == 1 && *(>number) < rhs);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool operator == (
+ const bigint_kernel_2& lhs,
+ uint16 rhs
+ )
+ {
+ return (>digits_used == 1 && *(>number) == rhs);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool operator == (
+ uint16 lhs,
+ const bigint_kernel_2& rhs
+ )
+ {
+ return (>digits_used == 1 && *(>number) == lhs);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bigint_kernel_2& bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator= (
+ uint16 rhs
+ )
+ {
+ // check if there are other references to our data
+ if (data->references != 1)
+ {
+ data->references -= 1;
+ try {
+ data = new data_record(slack);
+ } catch (...) { data->references += 1; throw; }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ data->digits_used = 1;
+ }
+ *(data->number) = rhs;
+ return *this;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bigint_kernel_2& bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator++ (
+ )
+ {
+ // if there are other references to this data then make a copy of it
+ if (data->references != 1)
+ {
+ data_record* temp = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ data->references -= 1;
+ increment(data,temp);
+ data = temp;
+ }
+ // or if we need to enlarge data then do so
+ else if (data->digits_used == data->size)
+ {
+ data_record* temp = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ increment(data,temp);
+ delete data;
+ data = temp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ increment(data,data);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const bigint_kernel_2 bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator++ (
+ int
+ )
+ {
+ data_record* temp; // this is the copy of temp we will return in the end
+ data_record* temp2 = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ increment(data,temp2);
+ temp = data;
+ data = temp2;
+ return bigint_kernel_2(temp,0);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bigint_kernel_2& bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator-- (
+ )
+ {
+ // if there are other references to this data
+ if (data->references != 1)
+ {
+ data_record* temp = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ data->references -= 1;
+ decrement(data,temp);
+ data = temp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ decrement(data,data);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const bigint_kernel_2 bigint_kernel_2::
+ operator-- (
+ int
+ )
+ {
+ data_record* temp; // this is the copy of temp we will return in the end
+ data_record* temp2 = new data_record(data->digits_used+slack);
+ decrement(data,temp2);
+ temp = data;
+ data = temp2;
+ return bigint_kernel_2(temp,0);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // private member function definitions
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void bigint_kernel_2::
+ short_add (
+ const data_record* data,
+ uint16 value,
+ data_record* result
+ ) const
+ {
+ // put value into the carry part of temp
+ uint32 temp = value;
+ temp <<= 16;
+ const uint16* number = data->number;
+ const uint16* end = number + data->digits_used; // one past the end of number
+ uint16* r = result->number;
+ while (number != end)
+ {
+ // add *number and the current carry
+ temp = *number + (temp>>16);
+ // put the low word of temp into *r
+ *r = static_cast<uint16>(temp & 0xFFFF);
+ ++number;
+ ++r;
+ }
+ // if there is a final carry
+ if ((temp>>16) != 0)
+ {
+ result->digits_used = data->digits_used + 1;
+ // store the carry in the most significant digit of the result
+ *r = static_cast<uint16>(temp>>16);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result->digits_used = data->digits_used;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void bigint_kernel_2::
+ short_sub (
+ const data_record* data,
+ uint16 value,
+ data_record* result
+ ) const
+ {
+ const uint16* number = data->number;
+ const uint16* end = number + data->digits_used - 1;
+ uint16* r = result->number;
+ uint32 temp = *number - value;
+ // put the low word of temp into *data
+ *r = static_cast<uint16>(temp & 0xFFFF);
+ while (number != end)
+ {
+ ++number;
+ ++r;
+ // subtract the carry from *number
+ temp = *number - (temp>>31);
+ // put the low word of temp into *r
+ *r = static_cast<uint16>(temp & 0xFFFF);
+ }
+ // if we lost a digit in the subtraction
+ if (*r == 0)
+ {
+ if (data->digits_used == 1)
+ result->digits_used = 1;
+ else
+ result->digits_used = data->digits_used - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result->digits_used = data->digits_used;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void bigint_kernel_2::
+ short_mul (
+ const data_record* data,
+ uint16 value,
+ data_record* result
+ ) const
+ {
+ uint32 temp = 0;
+ const uint16* number = data->number;
+ uint16* r = result->number;
+ const uint16* end = r + data->digits_used;
+ while ( r != end)
+ {
+ // multiply *data and value and add in the carry
+ temp = *number*(uint32)value + (temp>>16);
+ // put the low word of temp into *data
+ *r = static_cast<uint16>(temp & 0xFFFF);
+ ++number;
+ ++r;
+ }
+ // if there is a final carry
+ if ((temp>>16) != 0)
+ {
+ result->digits_used = data->digits_used + 1;
+ // put the final carry into the most significant digit of the result
+ *r = static_cast<uint16>(temp>>16);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result->digits_used = data->digits_used;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void bigint_kernel_2::
+ short_div (
+ const data_record* data,
+ uint16 value,
+ data_record* result,
+ uint16& rem
+ ) const
+ {
+ uint16 remainder = 0;
+ uint32 temp;
+ const uint16* number = data->number + data->digits_used - 1;
+ const uint16* end = number - data->digits_used;
+ uint16* r = result->number + data->digits_used - 1;
+ // if we are losing a digit in this division
+ if (*number < value)
+ {
+ if (data->digits_used == 1)
+ result->digits_used = 1;
+ else
+ result->digits_used = data->digits_used - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result->digits_used = data->digits_used;
+ }
+ // perform the actual division
+ while (number != end)
+ {
+ temp = *number + (((uint32)remainder)<<16);
+ *r = static_cast<uint16>(temp/value);
+ remainder = static_cast<uint16>(temp%value);
+ --number;
+ --r;
+ }
+ rem = remainder;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void bigint_kernel_2::
+ long_add (
+ const data_record* lhs,
+ const data_record* rhs,
+ data_record* result
+ ) const
+ {
+ // put value into the carry part of temp
+ uint32 temp=0;
+ uint16* min_num; // the number with the least digits used
+ uint16* max_num; // the number with the most digits used
+ uint16* min_end; // one past the end of min_num
+ uint16* max_end; // one past the end of max_num
+ uint16* r = result->number;
+ uint32 max_digits_used;
+ if (lhs->digits_used < rhs->digits_used)
+ {
+ max_digits_used = rhs->digits_used;
+ min_num = lhs->number;
+ max_num = rhs->number;
+ min_end = min_num + lhs->digits_used;
+ max_end = max_num + rhs->digits_used;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ max_digits_used = lhs->digits_used;
+ min_num = rhs->number;
+ max_num = lhs->number;
+ min_end = min_num + rhs->digits_used;
+ max_end = max_num + lhs->digits_used;
+ }
+ while (min_num != min_end)
+ {
+ // add *min_num, *max_num and the current carry
+ temp = *min_num + *max_num + (temp>>16);
+ // put the low word of temp into *r
+ *r = static_cast<uint16>(temp & 0xFFFF);
+ ++min_num;
+ ++max_num;
+ ++r;
+ }
+ while (max_num != max_end)
+ {
+ // add *max_num and the current carry
+ temp = *max_num + (temp>>16);
+ // put the low word of temp into *r
+ *r = static_cast<uint16>(temp & 0xFFFF);
+ ++max_num;
+ ++r;
+ }
+ // check if there was a final carry
+ if ((temp>>16) != 0)
+ {
+ result->digits_used = max_digits_used + 1;
+ // put the carry into the most significant digit in the result
+ *r = static_cast<uint16>(temp>>16);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result->digits_used = max_digits_used;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void bigint_kernel_2::
+ long_sub (
+ const data_record* lhs,
+ const data_record* rhs,
+ data_record* result
+ ) const
+ {
+ const uint16* number1 = lhs->number;
+ const uint16* number2 = rhs->number;
+ const uint16* end = number2 + rhs->digits_used;
+ uint16* r = result->number;
+ uint32 temp =0;
+ while (number2 != end)
+ {
+ // subtract *number2 from *number1 and then subtract any carry
+ temp = *number1 - *number2 - (temp>>31);
+ // put the low word of temp into *r
+ *r = static_cast<uint16>(temp & 0xFFFF);
+ ++number1;
+ ++number2;
+ ++r;
+ }
+ end = lhs->number + lhs->digits_used;
+ while (number1 != end)
+ {
+ // subtract the carry from *number1
+ temp = *number1 - (temp>>31);
+ // put the low word of temp into *r
+ *r = static_cast<uint16>(temp & 0xFFFF);
+ ++number1;
+ ++r;
+ }
+ result->digits_used = lhs->digits_used;
+ // adjust the number of digits used appropriately
+ --r;
+ while (*r == 0 && result->digits_used > 1)
+ {
+ --r;
+ --result->digits_used;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void bigint_kernel_2::
+ long_div (
+ const data_record* lhs,
+ const data_record* rhs,
+ data_record* result,
+ data_record* remainder
+ ) const
+ {
+ // zero result
+ result->digits_used = 1;
+ *(result->number) = 0;
+ uint16* a;
+ uint16* b;
+ uint16* end;
+ // copy lhs into remainder
+ remainder->digits_used = lhs->digits_used;
+ a = remainder->number;
+ end = a + remainder->digits_used;
+ b = lhs->number;
+ while (a != end)
+ {
+ *a = *b;
+ ++a;
+ ++b;
+ }
+ // if rhs is bigger than lhs then result == 0 and remainder == lhs
+ // so then we can quit right now
+ if (is_less_than(lhs,rhs))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // make a temporary number
+ data_record temp(lhs->digits_used + slack);
+ // shift rhs left until it is one shift away from being larger than lhs and
+ // put the number of left shifts necessary into shifts
+ uint32 shifts;
+ shifts = (lhs->digits_used - rhs->digits_used) * 16;
+ shift_left(rhs,&temp,shifts);
+ // while (lhs > temp)
+ while (is_less_than(&temp,lhs))
+ {
+ shift_left(&temp,&temp,1);
+ ++shifts;
+ }
+ // make sure lhs isn't smaller than temp
+ while (is_less_than(lhs,&temp))
+ {
+ shift_right(&temp,&temp);
+ --shifts;
+ }
+ // we want to execute the loop shifts +1 times
+ ++shifts;
+ while (shifts != 0)
+ {
+ shift_left(result,result,1);
+ // if (temp <= remainder)
+ if (!is_less_than(remainder,&temp))
+ {
+ long_sub(remainder,&temp,remainder);
+ // increment result
+ uint16* r = result->number;
+ uint16* end = r + result->digits_used;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ ++(*r);
+ // if there was no carry then we are done
+ if (*r != 0)
+ break;
+ ++r;
+ // if we hit the end of r and there is still a carry then
+ // the next digit of r is 1 and there is one more digit used
+ if (r == end)
+ {
+ *r = 1;
+ ++(result->digits_used);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ shift_right(&temp,&temp);
+ --shifts;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void bigint_kernel_2::
+ long_mul (
+ const data_record* lhs,
+ const data_record* rhs,
+ data_record* result
+ ) const
+ {
+ // if one of the numbers is small then use this simple but O(n^2) algorithm
+ if (std::min(lhs->digits_used, rhs->digits_used) < 10)
+ {
+ // make result be zero
+ result->digits_used = 1;
+ *(result->number) = 0;
+ const data_record* aa;
+ const data_record* bb;
+ if (lhs->digits_used < rhs->digits_used)
+ {
+ // make copies of lhs and rhs and give them an appropriate amount of
+ // extra memory so there won't be any overflows
+ aa = lhs;
+ bb = rhs;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // make copies of lhs and rhs and give them an appropriate amount of
+ // extra memory so there won't be any overflows
+ aa = rhs;
+ bb = lhs;
+ }
+ // copy the larger(approximately) of lhs and rhs into b
+ data_record b(*bb,aa->digits_used+slack);
+ uint32 shift_value = 0;
+ uint16* anum = aa->number;
+ uint16* end = anum + aa->digits_used;
+ while (anum != end )
+ {
+ uint16 bit = 0x0001;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
+ {
+ // if the specified bit of a is 1
+ if ((*anum & bit) != 0)
+ {
+ shift_left(&b,&b,shift_value);
+ shift_value = 0;
+ long_add(&b,result,result);
+ }
+ ++shift_value;
+ bit <<= 1;
+ }
+ ++anum;
+ }
+ }
+ else // else if both lhs and rhs are large then use the more complex
+ // O(n*logn) algorithm
+ {
+ uint32 size = 1;
+ // make size a power of 2
+ while (size < (lhs->digits_used + rhs->digits_used)*2)
+ {
+ size *= 2;
+ }
+ // allocate some temporary space so we can do the FFT
+ ct* a = new ct[size];
+ ct* b; try {b = new ct[size]; } catch (...) { delete [] a; throw; }
+ // load lhs into the a array. We are breaking the input number into
+ // 8bit chunks for the purpose of using this fft algorithm. The reason
+ // for this is so that we have smaller numbers coming out of the final
+ // ifft. This helps avoid overflow.
+ for (uint32 i = 0; i < lhs->digits_used; ++i)
+ {
+ a[i*2] = ct((t)(lhs->number[i]&0xFF),0);
+ a[i*2+1] = ct((t)(lhs->number[i]>>8),0);
+ }
+ for (uint32 i = lhs->digits_used*2; i < size; ++i)
+ {
+ a[i] = 0;
+ }
+ // load rhs into the b array
+ for (uint32 i = 0; i < rhs->digits_used; ++i)
+ {
+ b[i*2] = ct((t)(rhs->number[i]&0xFF),0);
+ b[i*2+1] = ct((t)(rhs->number[i]>>8),0);
+ }
+ for (uint32 i = rhs->digits_used*2; i < size; ++i)
+ {
+ b[i] = 0;
+ }
+ // perform the forward fft of a and b
+ fft(a,size);
+ fft(b,size);
+ const double l = 1.0/size;
+ // do the pointwise multiply of a and b and also apply the scale
+ // factor in this loop too.
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+ {
+ a[i] = l*a[i]*b[i];
+ }
+ // Now compute the inverse fft of the pointwise multiplication of a and b.
+ // This is basically the result. We just have to take care of any carries
+ // that should happen.
+ ifft(a,size);
+ // loop over the result and propagate any carries that need to take place.
+ // We will also be moving the resulting numbers into result->number at
+ // the same time.
+ uint64 carry = 0;
+ result->digits_used = 0;
+ int zeros = 0;
+ const uint32 len = lhs->digits_used + rhs->digits_used;
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < len; ++i)
+ {
+ uint64 num1 = static_cast<uint64>(std::floor(a[i*2].real()+0.5));
+ num1 += carry;
+ carry = 0;
+ if (num1 > 255)
+ {
+ carry = num1 >> 8;
+ num1 = (num1&0xFF);
+ }
+ uint64 num2 = static_cast<uint64>(std::floor(a[i*2+1].real()+0.5));
+ num2 += carry;
+ carry = 0;
+ if (num2 > 255)
+ {
+ carry = num2 >> 8;
+ num2 = (num2&0xFF);
+ }
+ // put the new number into its final place
+ num1 = (num2<<8) | num1;
+ result->number[i] = static_cast<uint16>(num1);
+ // keep track of the number of leading zeros
+ if (num1 == 0)
+ ++zeros;
+ else
+ zeros = 0;
+ ++(result->digits_used);
+ }
+ // adjust digits_used so that it reflects the actual number
+ // of non-zero digits in our representation.
+ result->digits_used -= zeros;
+ // if the result was zero then adjust the result accordingly
+ if (result->digits_used == 0)
+ {
+ // make result be zero
+ result->digits_used = 1;
+ *(result->number) = 0;
+ }
+ // free all the temporary buffers
+ delete [] a;
+ delete [] b;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void bigint_kernel_2::
+ shift_left (
+ const data_record* data,
+ data_record* result,
+ uint32 shift_amount
+ ) const
+ {
+ uint32 offset = shift_amount/16;
+ shift_amount &= 0xf; // same as shift_amount %= 16;
+ uint16* r = result->number + data->digits_used + offset; // result
+ uint16* end = data->number;
+ uint16* s = end + data->digits_used; // source
+ const uint32 temp = 16 - shift_amount;
+ *r = (*(--s) >> temp);
+ // set the number of digits used in the result
+ // if the upper bits from *s were zero then don't count this first word
+ if (*r == 0)
+ {
+ result->digits_used = data->digits_used + offset;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result->digits_used = data->digits_used + offset + 1;
+ }
+ --r;
+ while (s != end)
+ {
+ *r = ((*s << shift_amount) | ( *(s-1) >> temp));
+ --r;
+ --s;
+ }
+ *r = *s << shift_amount;
+ // now zero the rest of the result
+ end = result->number;
+ while (r != end)
+ *(--r) = 0;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void bigint_kernel_2::
+ shift_right (
+ const data_record* data,
+ data_record* result
+ ) const
+ {
+ uint16* r = result->number; // result
+ uint16* s = data->number; // source
+ uint16* end = s + data->digits_used - 1;
+ while (s != end)
+ {
+ *r = (*s >> 1) | (*(s+1) << 15);
+ ++r;
+ ++s;
+ }
+ *r = *s >> 1;
+ // calculate the new number for digits_used
+ if (*r == 0)
+ {
+ if (data->digits_used != 1)
+ result->digits_used = data->digits_used - 1;
+ else
+ result->digits_used = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result->digits_used = data->digits_used;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool bigint_kernel_2::
+ is_less_than (
+ const data_record* lhs,
+ const data_record* rhs
+ ) const
+ {
+ uint32 lhs_digits_used = lhs->digits_used;
+ uint32 rhs_digits_used = rhs->digits_used;
+ // if lhs is definitely less than rhs
+ if (lhs_digits_used < rhs_digits_used )
+ return true;
+ // if lhs is definitely greater than rhs
+ else if (lhs_digits_used > rhs_digits_used)
+ return false;
+ else
+ {
+ uint16* end = lhs->number;
+ uint16* l = end + lhs_digits_used;
+ uint16* r = rhs->number + rhs_digits_used;
+ while (l != end)
+ {
+ --l;
+ --r;
+ if (*l < *r)
+ return true;
+ else if (*l > *r)
+ return false;
+ }
+ // at this point we know that they are equal
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool bigint_kernel_2::
+ is_equal_to (
+ const data_record* lhs,
+ const data_record* rhs
+ ) const
+ {
+ // if lhs and rhs are definitely not equal
+ if (lhs->digits_used != rhs->digits_used )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint16* l = lhs->number;
+ uint16* r = rhs->number;
+ uint16* end = l + lhs->digits_used;
+ while (l != end)
+ {
+ if (*l != *r)
+ return false;
+ ++l;
+ ++r;
+ }
+ // at this point we know that they are equal
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void bigint_kernel_2::
+ increment (
+ const data_record* source,
+ data_record* dest
+ ) const
+ {
+ uint16* s = source->number;
+ uint16* d = dest->number;
+ uint16* end = s + source->digits_used;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ *d = *s + 1;
+ // if there was no carry then break out of the loop
+ if (*d != 0)
+ {
+ dest->digits_used = source->digits_used;
+ // copy the rest of the digits over to d
+ ++d; ++s;
+ while (s != end)
+ {
+ *d = *s;
+ ++d;
+ ++s;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ++s;
+ // if we have hit the end of s and there was a carry up to this point
+ // then just make the next digit 1 and add one to the digits used
+ if (s == end)
+ {
+ ++d;
+ dest->digits_used = source->digits_used + 1;
+ *d = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ ++d;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void bigint_kernel_2::
+ decrement (
+ const data_record* source,
+ data_record* dest
+ ) const
+ {
+ uint16* s = source->number;
+ uint16* d = dest->number;
+ uint16* end = s + source->digits_used;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ *d = *s - 1;
+ // if there was no carry then break out of the loop
+ if (*d != 0xFFFF)
+ {
+ // if we lost a digit in the subtraction
+ if (*d == 0 && s+1 == end)
+ {
+ if (source->digits_used == 1)
+ dest->digits_used = 1;
+ else
+ dest->digits_used = source->digits_used - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dest->digits_used = source->digits_used;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++d;
+ ++s;
+ }
+ }
+ // copy the rest of the digits over to d
+ ++d;
+ ++s;
+ while (s != end)
+ {
+ *d = *s;
+ ++d;
+ ++s;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void bigint_kernel_2::
+ fft (
+ ct* data,
+ unsigned long len
+ ) const
+ {
+ const t pi2 = -2.0*3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751;
+ const unsigned long half = len/2;
+ std::vector<ct> twiddle_factors;
+ twiddle_factors.resize(half);
+ // compute the complex root of unity w
+ const t temp = pi2/len;
+ ct w = ct(std::cos(temp),std::sin(temp));
+ ct w_pow = 1;
+ // compute the twiddle factors
+ for (std::vector<ct>::size_type j = 0; j < twiddle_factors.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ twiddle_factors[j] = w_pow;
+ w_pow *= w;
+ }
+ ct a, b;
+ // now compute the decimation in frequency. This first
+ // outer loop loops log2(len) number of times
+ unsigned long skip = 1;
+ for (unsigned long step = half; step != 0; step >>= 1)
+ {
+ // do blocks of butterflies in this loop
+ for (unsigned long j = 0; j < len; j += step*2)
+ {
+ // do step butterflies
+ for (unsigned long k = 0; k < step; ++k)
+ {
+ const unsigned long a_idx = j+k;
+ const unsigned long b_idx = j+k+step;
+ a = data[a_idx] + data[b_idx];
+ b = (data[a_idx] - data[b_idx])*twiddle_factors[k*skip];
+ data[a_idx] = a;
+ data[b_idx] = b;
+ }
+ }
+ skip *= 2;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void bigint_kernel_2::
+ ifft(
+ ct* data,
+ unsigned long len
+ ) const
+ {
+ const t pi2 = 2.0*3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751;
+ const unsigned long half = len/2;
+ std::vector<ct> twiddle_factors;
+ twiddle_factors.resize(half);
+ // compute the complex root of unity w
+ const t temp = pi2/len;
+ ct w = ct(std::cos(temp),std::sin(temp));
+ ct w_pow = 1;
+ // compute the twiddle factors
+ for (std::vector<ct>::size_type j = 0; j < twiddle_factors.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ twiddle_factors[j] = w_pow;
+ w_pow *= w;
+ }
+ ct a, b;
+ // now compute the inverse decimation in frequency. This first
+ // outer loop loops log2(len) number of times
+ unsigned long skip = half;
+ for (unsigned long step = 1; step <= half; step <<= 1)
+ {
+ // do blocks of butterflies in this loop
+ for (unsigned long j = 0; j < len; j += step*2)
+ {
+ // do step butterflies
+ for (unsigned long k = 0; k < step; ++k)
+ {
+ const unsigned long a_idx = j+k;
+ const unsigned long b_idx = j+k+step;
+ data[b_idx] *= twiddle_factors[k*skip];
+ a = data[a_idx] + data[b_idx];
+ b = data[a_idx] - data[b_idx];
+ data[a_idx] = a;
+ data[b_idx] = b;
+ }
+ }
+ skip /= 2;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // DLIB_BIGINT_KERNEL_2_CPp_