path: root/ml/dlib/dlib/svm/svm_rank_trainer_abstract.h
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diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/svm/svm_rank_trainer_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/svm/svm_rank_trainer_abstract.h
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index 000000000..4658d950f
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+// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "ranking_tools_abstract.h"
+#include "sparse_vector_abstract.h"
+#include "function_abstract.h"
+#include "kernel_abstract.h"
+#include "../algs.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename K
+ >
+ class svm_rank_trainer
+ {
+ /*!
+ Is either linear_kernel or sparse_linear_kernel.
+ This object represents a tool for training a ranking support vector machine
+ using linear kernels. In particular, this object is a tool for training
+ the Ranking SVM described in the paper:
+ Optimizing Search Engines using Clickthrough Data by Thorsten Joachims
+ Note that we normalize the C parameter by multiplying it by 1/(number of ranking pairs).
+ Therefore, to make an exact comparison between this object and Equation 12
+ in the paper you must multiply C by the appropriate normalizing quantity.
+ Finally, note that the implementation of this object is done using the oca
+ optimizer and count_ranking_inversions() method. This means that it runs
+ in O(n*log(n)) time, making it suitable for use with large datasets.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ typedef K kernel_type;
+ typedef typename kernel_type::scalar_type scalar_type;
+ typedef typename kernel_type::sample_type sample_type;
+ typedef typename kernel_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
+ typedef decision_function<kernel_type> trained_function_type;
+ svm_rank_trainer (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - This object is properly initialized and ready to be used to train a
+ ranking support vector machine.
+ - #get_oca() == oca() (i.e. an instance of oca with default parameters)
+ - #get_c() == 1
+ - #get_epsilon() == 0.001
+ - this object will not be verbose unless be_verbose() is called
+ - #get_max_iterations() == 10000
+ - #learns_nonnegative_weights() == false
+ - #forces_last_weight_to_1() == false
+ - #has_prior() == false
+ !*/
+ explicit svm_rank_trainer (
+ const scalar_type& C
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - C > 0
+ ensures
+ - This object is properly initialized and ready to be used to train a
+ ranking support vector machine.
+ - #get_oca() == oca() (i.e. an instance of oca with default parameters)
+ - #get_c() == C
+ - #get_epsilon() == 0.001
+ - this object will not be verbose unless be_verbose() is called
+ - #get_max_iterations() == 10000
+ - #learns_nonnegative_weights() == false
+ - #forces_last_weight_to_1() == false
+ - #has_prior() == false
+ !*/
+ void set_epsilon (
+ scalar_type eps
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - eps > 0
+ ensures
+ - #get_epsilon() == eps
+ !*/
+ const scalar_type get_epsilon (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the error epsilon that determines when training should stop.
+ Smaller values may result in a more accurate solution but take longer to
+ train. You can think of this epsilon value as saying "solve the
+ optimization problem until the average ranking accuracy is within epsilon
+ of its optimal value". Here we mean "ranking accuracy" in the same sense
+ used by test_ranking_function() and cross_validate_ranking_trainer().
+ !*/
+ unsigned long get_max_iterations (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the maximum number of iterations the SVM optimizer is allowed to
+ run before it is required to stop and return a result.
+ !*/
+ void set_max_iterations (
+ unsigned long max_iter
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #get_max_iterations() == max_iter
+ !*/
+ void be_verbose (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - This object will print status messages to standard out so that a user can
+ observe the progress of the algorithm.
+ !*/
+ void be_quiet (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - this object will not print anything to standard out
+ !*/
+ bool forces_last_weight_to_1 (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns true if this trainer has the constraint that the last weight in
+ the learned parameter vector must be 1. This is the weight corresponding
+ to the feature in the training vectors with the highest dimension.
+ !*/
+ void force_last_weight_to_1 (
+ bool should_last_weight_be_1
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #forces_last_weight_to_1() == should_last_weight_be_1
+ - if (should_last_weight_be_1 == true) then
+ - #has_prior() == false
+ !*/
+ void set_oca (
+ const oca& item
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #get_oca() == item
+ !*/
+ const oca get_oca (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a copy of the optimizer used to solve the SVM problem.
+ !*/
+ const kernel_type get_kernel (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a copy of the kernel function in use by this object. Since the
+ linear kernels don't have any parameters this function just returns
+ kernel_type()
+ !*/
+ bool learns_nonnegative_weights (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - The output of training is a weight vector that defines the behavior of
+ the resulting decision function. That is, the decision function simply
+ takes the dot product between the learned weight vector and a test sample
+ and returns the result. Therefore, if learns_nonnegative_weights() == true
+ then the resulting learned weight vector will always have non-negative
+ entries.
+ !*/
+ void set_learns_nonnegative_weights (
+ bool value
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #learns_nonnegative_weights() == value
+ - if (value == true) then
+ - #has_prior() == false
+ !*/
+ void set_prior (
+ const trained_function_type& prior
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - prior == a function produced by a call to this class's train() function.
+ Therefore, it must be the case that:
+ - prior.basis_vectors.size() == 1
+ - prior.alpha(0) == 1
+ ensures
+ - Subsequent calls to train() will try to learn a function similar to the
+ given prior.
+ - #has_prior() == true
+ - #learns_nonnegative_weights() == false
+ - #forces_last_weight_to_1() == false
+ !*/
+ bool has_prior (
+ ) const
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns true if a prior has been set and false otherwise. Having a prior
+ set means that you have called set_prior() and supplied a previously
+ trained function as a reference. In this case, any call to train() will
+ try to learn a function that matches the behavior of the prior as close
+ as possible but also fits the supplied training data. In more technical
+ detail, having a prior means we replace the ||w||^2 regularizer with one
+ of the form ||w-prior||^2 where w is the set of parameters for a learned
+ function.
+ !*/
+ void set_c (
+ scalar_type C
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - C > 0
+ ensures
+ - #get_c() == C
+ !*/
+ const scalar_type get_c (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the SVM regularization parameter. It is the parameter that
+ determines the trade off between trying to fit the training data exactly
+ or allowing more errors but hopefully improving the generalization of the
+ resulting classifier. Larger values encourage exact fitting while
+ smaller values of C may encourage better generalization.
+ !*/
+ const decision_function<kernel_type> train (
+ const std::vector<ranking_pair<sample_type> >& samples
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is_ranking_problem(samples) == true
+ - if (has_prior()) then
+ - The vectors in samples must have the same dimensionality as the
+ vectors used to train the prior given to set_prior().
+ ensures
+ - trains a ranking support vector classifier given the training samples.
+ - returns a decision function F with the following properties:
+ - F.alpha.size() == 1
+ - F.basis_vectors.size() == 1
+ - F.alpha(0) == 1
+ - Given two vectors, A and B, then A is predicted to come before B
+ in the learned ranking if and only if F(A) > F(B).
+ - Based on the contents of samples, F will attempt to give relevant
+ vectors higher scores than non-relevant vectors.
+ !*/
+ const decision_function<kernel_type> train (
+ const ranking_pair<sample_type>& sample
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is_ranking_problem(std::vector<ranking_pair<sample_type> >(1, sample)) == true
+ - if (has_prior()) then
+ - The vectors in samples must have the same dimensionality as the
+ vectors used to train the prior given to set_prior().
+ ensures
+ - This is just a convenience routine for calling the above train()
+ function. That is, it just copies sample into a std::vector object and
+ invokes the above train() method. This means that calling this function
+ is equivalent to invoking:
+ return train(std::vector<ranking_pair<sample_type> >(1, sample));
+ !*/
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------