path: root/ml/dlib/dlib/test/entropy_coder.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ml/dlib/dlib/test/entropy_coder.cpp')
1 files changed, 587 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/entropy_coder.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/entropy_coder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12a9a3305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/entropy_coder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <dlib/entropy_encoder.h>
+#include <dlib/entropy_decoder.h>
+#include "tester.h"
+ using namespace test;
+ using namespace std;
+ using namespace dlib;
+ logger dlog("test.entropy_coder");
+ namespace entropy_coder_kernel_test_helpers
+ {
+ template <
+ typename encoder,
+ typename decoder
+ >
+ std::string test (
+ const std::string& input
+ )
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - encodes the data from in and then tries to decode it and returns
+ "" if it was successfully decoded else it returns the decoded string
+ !*/
+ {
+ ostringstream sout;
+ istringstream sin;
+ istringstream in;
+ in.str(input);
+ const unsigned long max_total = 65535;
+ unsigned long counts[256];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
+ {
+ counts[i] = 1;
+ }
+ encoder e;
+ DLIB_TEST(e.stream_is_set() == false);
+ e.set_stream(sout);
+ DLIB_TEST(e.stream_is_set() == true);
+ DLIB_TEST(&e.get_stream() == &sout);
+ unsigned char ch;
+ unsigned long total = 256;
+ while (*)&ch,1))
+ {
+ if (total > max_total)
+ {
+ total = 0;
+ for (int j = 0; j<256; ++j)
+ {
+ counts[j] >>= 1;
+ if (counts[j] == 0)
+ counts[j] = 1;
+ total += counts[j];
+ }
+ }
+ unsigned long low_count = 0;
+ unsigned long high_count;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ch; ++i)
+ low_count += counts[i];
+ high_count = low_count + counts[ch];
+ e.encode(low_count,high_count,total);
+ ++total;
+ counts[ch] += 1;
+ }
+ DLIB_TEST(e.stream_is_set() == true);
+ DLIB_TEST(&e.get_stream() == &sout);
+ e.clear();
+ DLIB_TEST(e.stream_is_set() == false);
+ // *****************************************
+ decoder d;
+ DLIB_TEST(d.stream_is_set() == false);
+ DLIB_TEST(d.get_target_called() == false);
+ sin.str(sout.str());
+ sout.str("");
+ d.set_stream(sin);
+ DLIB_TEST(d.get_target_called() == false);
+ DLIB_TEST(d.stream_is_set() == true);
+ DLIB_TEST(&d.get_stream() == &sin);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
+ {
+ counts[i] = 1;
+ }
+ total = 256;
+ for (string::size_type i = 0; i < input.size() ; ++i)
+ {
+ if (total > max_total)
+ {
+ total = 0;
+ for (int j = 0; j<256; ++j)
+ {
+ counts[j] >>= 1;
+ if (counts[j] == 0)
+ counts[j] = 1;
+ total += counts[j];
+ }
+ }
+ DLIB_TEST(d.get_target_called() == false);
+ unsigned long target = d.get_target(total);
+ DLIB_TEST(target < total);
+ DLIB_TEST(d.get_target_called() == true);
+ unsigned long low_count;
+ unsigned long high_count = 0;
+ unsigned long j;
+ for (j = 0; high_count <= target; ++j)
+ {
+ high_count += counts[j];
+ }
+ --j;
+ low_count = high_count - counts[j];
+ ch = static_cast<unsigned char>(j);
+ sout.rdbuf()->sputn((char*)&ch,1);
+ d.decode(low_count,high_count);
+ DLIB_TEST(d.get_target_called() == false);
+ ++total;
+ counts[ch] += 1;
+ }
+ DLIB_TEST(d.stream_is_set() == true);
+ DLIB_TEST(&d.get_stream() == &sin);
+ d.clear();
+ DLIB_TEST(d.stream_is_set() == false);
+ DLIB_TEST_MSG(sout.str().size() == input.size(),"the test script is buggy");
+ if (sout.str() == input)
+ return "";
+ else
+ return sout.str();
+ }
+ }
+ template <
+ typename encoder,
+ typename decoder
+ >
+ void entropy_coder_kernel_test (
+ )
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - encoder is an implementation of entropy_encoder/entropy_encoder_kernel_abstract.h
+ - decoder is an implementation of entropy_decoder/entropy_decoder_kernel_abstract.h
+ ensures
+ - runs tests on encoder and decoder for compliance with the specs
+ !*/
+ {
+ using namespace entropy_coder_kernel_test_helpers;
+ dlog << LTRACE << 1;
+ print_spinner();
+ string temp, temp2;
+ srand(static_cast<int>(time(0)));
+ for (int k = 0; k < 10000; ++k)
+ {
+ string temp;
+ istringstream sin;
+ ostringstream sout;
+ decoder d;
+ encoder e;
+ e.set_stream(sout);
+ int num = ::rand() %200;
+ unsigned long total[200];
+ unsigned long high_count[200];
+ unsigned long low_count[200];
+ for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
+ {
+ total[i] = ::rand()%256 + 20;
+ high_count[i] = ::rand()%total[i] + 1;
+ low_count[i] = ::rand()%high_count[i];
+ e.encode(low_count[i],high_count[i],total[i]);
+ }
+ e.clear();
+ sout.rdbuf()->sputc('a');
+ sin.str(sout.str());
+ d.set_stream(sin);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
+ {
+ unsigned long N = d.get_target(total[i]);
+ DLIB_TEST(low_count[i] <= N && N < high_count[i]);
+ d.decode(low_count[i],high_count[i]);
+ }
+ DLIB_TEST_MSG(sin.rdbuf()->sgetc() != EOF,"num: " << num);
+ DLIB_TEST_MSG(sin.rdbuf()->sgetc() == 'a',
+ "sin.rdbuf()->sgetc() == " << (char)sin.rdbuf()->sgetc() <<
+ "\nnum: " << num
+ );
+ DLIB_TEST(sin.rdbuf()->sbumpc() == 'a');
+ DLIB_TEST(sin.rdbuf()->sgetc() == EOF);
+ } // for (int k = 0; k < 10000; ++k)
+ dlog << LTRACE << 2;
+ print_spinner();
+ // the point of this block is to make sure that the return value
+ // from decoder.get_target(total) is a always less than total
+ for (int k = 0; k < 20; ++k)
+ {
+ string temp;
+ temp.push_back(static_cast<char>(::rand()&0xff));
+ istringstream sin(temp);
+ decoder d;
+ d.set_stream(sin);
+ unsigned long total = ::rand()%256 + 20;
+ unsigned long target = d.get_target(total);
+ DLIB_TEST(target<total);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i)
+ {
+ unsigned long high_count = ::rand()%total + 1;
+ unsigned long low_count = ::rand()%high_count;
+ if (high_count <= target)
+ high_count = target+1;
+ if (low_count > target)
+ low_count = target;
+ d.decode(low_count,high_count);
+ target = d.get_target(total);
+ DLIB_TEST_MSG(target<total,"target: " << target << " total: " << total);
+ }
+ }
+ print_spinner();
+ dlog << LTRACE << 3;
+ for (int k = 0; k < 10; ++k)
+ {
+ unsigned long seed1 = 1064644658, seed2 = 1064543921;
+ //unsigned long seed1 = 1064682621, seed2 = 1064543921;
+ // make array be an array with each element in the range 0 to 255
+ // and have the probability of seeing each number in the array
+ // not be the same
+ //seed1 = static_cast<unsigned long>(time(0));
+ srand(seed1 );
+ int array[65536];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 65536; ++i)
+ {
+ array[i] = ::rand()%256;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 60; ++i)
+ {
+ int idx = ::rand()%65536;
+ int radius = 35;
+ if (idx > radius && idx <65536-radius)
+ {
+ for (int j = idx-radius; j < idx+radius; ++j)
+ array[j] = array[idx];
+ }
+ }
+ // test with 3 random strings of length 10000
+ // but use the above array to bias the random numbers
+ for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
+ {
+ print_spinner();
+ temp = "";
+ //seed2 = static_cast<unsigned long>(time(0));
+ srand(seed2 );
+ for ( int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
+ {
+ int a = array[::rand()%65536];
+ temp += (unsigned char)a;
+ }
+ string temp2;
+ temp2 = test<encoder,decoder>(temp);
+ if (temp2 != "")
+ {
+ int k = 0;
+ DLIB_TEST(temp != temp2);
+ while (temp[k] == temp2[k])++k;
+ }
+ DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp2 == "","");
+ }
+ }
+ print_spinner();
+ dlog << LTRACE << 4;
+ // test with a large string which contains all the same character
+ temp = "eeeeeeeeee";
+ for (int i = 0; i < 13; ++i)
+ {
+ temp = temp + temp;
+ }
+ temp = test<encoder,decoder>(temp);
+ if (temp != "")
+ {
+ // crop off all the e's until we find the part that is messed up
+ string::size_type pos = temp.find_first_not_of("e");
+ temp = temp.substr(pos);
+ }
+ DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp == "","decoded string: \"" << temp << "\""); /**/
+ dlog << LTRACE << 5;
+ print_spinner();
+ temp = "davis";
+ temp = test<encoder,decoder>(temp); DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp == "","decoded string: \"" << temp << "\"");
+ temp = "";
+ temp = test<encoder,decoder>(temp); DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp == "","decoded string: \"" << temp << "\"");
+ // test for each single character
+ for ( int i = 0; i <= 255; ++i)
+ {
+ temp = (unsigned char)i;
+ temp = test<encoder,decoder>(temp); DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp == "","decoded string: \"" << temp << "\"");
+ }
+ dlog << LTRACE << 6;
+ // test with a long string with the same thing repeated many times
+ temp = "davis ";
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+ {
+ temp = temp + temp;
+ }
+ temp = test<encoder,decoder>(temp); DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp == "","decoded string: \"" << temp << "\"");
+ dlog << LTRACE << 7;
+ // test with 10 random strings of length 1000
+ for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j)
+ {
+ temp = "";
+ srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
+ for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
+ {
+ int a = ::rand()%256;
+ temp += (unsigned char)a;
+ }
+ temp = test<encoder,decoder>(temp); DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp == "","decoded string: \"" << temp << "\"");
+ }
+ dlog << LTRACE << 8;
+ print_spinner();
+ // test with 15 random strings of length 30000
+ for (int j = 0; j < 15; ++j)
+ {
+ print_spinner();
+ temp = "";
+ unsigned long seed = static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0));
+ srand(seed);
+ for ( int i = 0; i < 30000; ++i)
+ {
+ int a = ::rand()%256;
+ temp += (unsigned char)a;
+ }
+ temp = test<encoder,decoder>(temp); DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp == "","seed: " << seed);
+ }
+ dlog << LTRACE << 9;
+ print_spinner();
+ // test with a large string which contains all the same character
+ temp = " ";
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+ {
+ temp = temp + temp;
+ }
+ temp = test<encoder,decoder>(temp);
+ if (temp != "")
+ {
+ // crop off all the spacess until we find the part that is messed up
+ string::size_type pos = temp.find_first_not_of(" ");
+ temp = temp.substr(pos);
+ }
+ DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp == "","decoded string: \"" << temp << "\"");/**/
+ dlog << LTRACE << 10;
+ // test with a large string which contains a bunch of a's followed by a
+ // bunch of z's
+ temp = "aaaaaaaa";
+ temp2 = "zzzzzzzz";
+ for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
+ {
+ temp = temp + temp;
+ temp2 = temp2 + temp2;
+ }
+ temp += temp2;
+ print_spinner();
+ temp = test<encoder,decoder>(temp);
+ DLIB_TEST(temp == "");
+ dlog << LTRACE << 11;
+ }
+ class entropy_coder_tester : public tester
+ {
+ public:
+ entropy_coder_tester (
+ ) :
+ tester ("test_entropy_coder",
+ "Runs tests on the entropy_coder component.")
+ {}
+ void perform_test (
+ )
+ {
+ dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a 1";
+ entropy_coder_kernel_test<
+ entropy_encoder::kernel_1a,
+ entropy_decoder::kernel_1a
+ >();
+ dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c 2";
+ entropy_coder_kernel_test<
+ entropy_encoder::kernel_1a_c,
+ entropy_decoder::kernel_1a_c
+ >();
+ dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a 3";
+ entropy_coder_kernel_test<
+ entropy_encoder::kernel_2a,
+ entropy_decoder::kernel_2a
+ >();
+ dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c 4";
+ entropy_coder_kernel_test<
+ entropy_encoder::kernel_2a_c,
+ entropy_decoder::kernel_2a_c
+ >();
+ dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a 5";
+ entropy_coder_kernel_test<
+ entropy_encoder::kernel_1a,
+ entropy_decoder::kernel_1a_c
+ >();
+ dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c 6";
+ entropy_coder_kernel_test<
+ entropy_encoder::kernel_1a_c,
+ entropy_decoder::kernel_1a
+ >();
+ dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a 7";
+ entropy_coder_kernel_test<
+ entropy_encoder::kernel_2a,
+ entropy_decoder::kernel_2a_c
+ >();
+ dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c 8";
+ entropy_coder_kernel_test<
+ entropy_encoder::kernel_2a_c,
+ entropy_decoder::kernel_2a
+ >();
+ }
+ } a;