path: root/ml/dlib/dlib/test/opt_qp_solver.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ml/dlib/dlib/test/opt_qp_solver.cpp')
1 files changed, 813 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/opt_qp_solver.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/opt_qp_solver.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ffa386323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/opt_qp_solver.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,813 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include <dlib/optimization.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <vector>
+#include <dlib/rand.h>
+#include <dlib/string.h>
+#include <dlib/statistics.h>
+#include "tester.h"
+ using namespace test;
+ using namespace dlib;
+ using namespace std;
+ logger dlog("test.opt_qp_solver");
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class test_smo
+ {
+ public:
+ double penalty;
+ double C;
+ double operator() (
+ const matrix<double,0,1>& alpha
+ ) const
+ {
+ double obj = 0.5* trans(alpha)*Q*alpha - trans(alpha)*b;
+ double c1 = pow(sum(alpha)-C,2);
+ double c2 = sum(pow(pointwise_multiply(alpha, alpha<0), 2));
+ obj += penalty*(c1 + c2);
+ return obj;
+ }
+ matrix<double> Q, b;
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class test_smo_derivative
+ {
+ public:
+ double penalty;
+ double C;
+ matrix<double,0,1> operator() (
+ const matrix<double,0,1>& alpha
+ ) const
+ {
+ matrix<double,0,1> obj = Q*alpha - b;
+ matrix<double,0,1> c1 = uniform_matrix<double>(alpha.size(),1, 2*(sum(alpha)-C));
+ matrix<double,0,1> c2 = 2*pointwise_multiply(alpha, alpha<0);
+ return obj + penalty*(c1 + c2);
+ }
+ matrix<double> Q, b;
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ double compute_objective_value (
+ const matrix<double,0,1>& w,
+ const matrix<double>& A,
+ const matrix<double,0,1>& b,
+ const double C
+ )
+ {
+ return 0.5*dot(w,w) + C*max(trans(A)*w + b);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void test_qp4_test1()
+ {
+ matrix<double> A(3,2);
+ A = 1,2,
+ -3,1,
+ 6,7;
+ matrix<double,0,1> b(2);
+ b = 1,
+ 2;
+ const double C = 2;
+ matrix<double,0,1> alpha(2), true_alpha(2), d(3), lambda;
+ alpha = C/2, C/2;
+ d = 0;
+ solve_qp4_using_smo(A, tmp(trans(A)*A), b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 800);
+ matrix<double,0,1> w = lowerbound(-A*alpha, 0);
+ dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";
+ dlog << LINFO << "w: " << trans(w);
+ dlog << LINFO << "computed obj: "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
+ w = 0;
+ dlog << LINFO << "with true w obj: "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
+ dlog << LINFO << "alpha: " << trans(alpha);
+ true_alpha = 0, 2;
+ dlog << LINFO << "true alpha: "<< trans(true_alpha);
+ dlog << LINFO << "alpha error: "<< max(abs(alpha-true_alpha));
+ DLIB_TEST(max(abs(alpha-true_alpha)) < 1e-9);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void test_qp4_test2()
+ {
+ matrix<double> A(3,2);
+ A = 1,2,
+ 3,-1,
+ 6,7;
+ matrix<double,0,1> b(2);
+ b = 1,
+ 2;
+ const double C = 2;
+ matrix<double,0,1> alpha(2), true_alpha(2), d(3), lambda;
+ alpha = C/2, C/2;
+ d = 0;
+ solve_qp4_using_smo(A, tmp(trans(A)*A), b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 800);
+ matrix<double,0,1> w = lowerbound(-A*alpha, 0);
+ dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";
+ dlog << LINFO << "w: " << trans(w);
+ dlog << LINFO << "computed obj: "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
+ w = 0, 0.25, 0;
+ dlog << LINFO << "with true w obj: "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
+ dlog << LINFO << "alpha: " << trans(alpha);
+ true_alpha = 0.43750, 1.56250;
+ dlog << LINFO << "true alpha: "<< trans(true_alpha);
+ dlog << LINFO << "alpha error: "<< max(abs(alpha-true_alpha));
+ DLIB_TEST(max(abs(alpha-true_alpha)) < 1e-9);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void test_qp4_test3()
+ {
+ matrix<double> A(3,2);
+ A = 1,2,
+ -3,-1,
+ 6,7;
+ matrix<double,0,1> b(2);
+ b = 1,
+ 2;
+ const double C = 2;
+ matrix<double,0,1> alpha(2), true_alpha(2), d(3), lambda;
+ alpha = C/2, C/2;
+ d = 0;
+ solve_qp4_using_smo(A, tmp(trans(A)*A), b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 800);
+ matrix<double,0,1> w = lowerbound(-A*alpha, 0);
+ dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";
+ dlog << LINFO << "w: " << trans(w);
+ dlog << LINFO << "computed obj: "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
+ w = 0, 2, 0;
+ dlog << LINFO << "with true w obj: "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
+ dlog << LINFO << "alpha: " << trans(alpha);
+ true_alpha = 0, 2;
+ dlog << LINFO << "true alpha: "<< trans(true_alpha);
+ dlog << LINFO << "alpha error: "<< max(abs(alpha-true_alpha));
+ DLIB_TEST(max(abs(alpha-true_alpha)) < 1e-9);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void test_qp4_test5()
+ {
+ matrix<double> A(3,3);
+ A = 1,2,4,
+ 3,1,6,
+ 6,7,-2;
+ matrix<double,0,1> b(3);
+ b = 1,
+ 2,
+ 3;
+ const double C = 2;
+ matrix<double,0,1> alpha(3), true_alpha(3), d(3), lambda;
+ alpha = C/2, C/2, 0;
+ d = 0;
+ solve_qp4_using_smo(A, tmp(trans(A)*A), b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 800);
+ matrix<double,0,1> w = lowerbound(-A*alpha, 0);
+ dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";
+ dlog << LINFO << "w: " << trans(w);
+ dlog << LINFO << "computed obj: "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
+ w = 0, 0, 0.11111111111111111111;
+ dlog << LINFO << "with true w obj: "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
+ dlog << LINFO << "alpha: " << trans(alpha);
+ true_alpha = 0, 0.432098765432099, 1.567901234567901;
+ dlog << LINFO << "true alpha: "<< trans(true_alpha);
+ dlog << LINFO << "alpha error: "<< max(abs(alpha-true_alpha));
+ DLIB_TEST(max(abs(alpha-true_alpha)) < 1e-9);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void test_qp4_test4()
+ {
+ matrix<double> A(3,2);
+ A = 1,2,
+ 3,1,
+ 6,7;
+ matrix<double,0,1> b(2);
+ b = 1,
+ 2;
+ const double C = 2;
+ matrix<double,0,1> alpha(2), d(3), lambda;
+ alpha = C/2, C/2;
+ solve_qp4_using_smo(A, tmp(trans(A)*A), b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 800);
+ matrix<double,0,1> w = lowerbound(-A*alpha, 0);
+ dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";
+ dlog << LINFO << "w: " << trans(w);
+ const double computed_obj = compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
+ w = 0, 0, 0;
+ const double true_obj = compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
+ dlog << LINFO << "computed obj: "<< computed_obj;
+ dlog << LINFO << "with true w obj: "<< true_obj;
+ DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(computed_obj - true_obj) < 1e-8, abs(computed_obj - true_obj));
+ }
+ void test_qp4_test6()
+ {
+ matrix<double> A(3,3);
+ A = 1,2,4,
+ 3,1,6,
+ 6,7,-2;
+ matrix<double,0,1> b(3);
+ b = -1,
+ -2,
+ -3;
+ const double C = 2;
+ matrix<double,0,1> alpha(3), d(3), lambda;
+ d = 0;
+ alpha = C/2, C/2, 0;
+ unsigned long iters = solve_qp4_using_smo(A, tmp(trans(A)*A), b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 3000);
+ matrix<double,0,1> w = lowerbound(-A*alpha, 0);
+ dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";
+ dlog << LINFO << "alpha: " << trans(alpha);
+ dlog << LINFO << "lambda: " << trans(lambda);
+ dlog << LINFO << "w: " << trans(w);
+ const double computed_obj = compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
+ w = 0, 0, 0;
+ const double true_obj = compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
+ dlog << LINFO << "computed obj: "<< computed_obj;
+ dlog << LINFO << "with true w obj: "<< true_obj;
+ DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(computed_obj - true_obj) < 1e-8,
+ "computed_obj: "<< computed_obj << " true_obj: " << true_obj << " delta: "<< abs(computed_obj - true_obj)
+ << " iters: " << iters
+ << "\n alpha: " << trans(alpha)
+ << " lambda: " << trans(lambda)
+ );
+ }
+ void test_qp4_test7()
+ {
+ matrix<double> A(3,3);
+ A = -1,2,4,
+ -3,1,6,
+ -6,7,-2;
+ matrix<double,0,1> b(3);
+ b = -1,
+ -2,
+ 3;
+ matrix<double> Q(3,3);
+ Q = 4,-5,6,
+ 1,-4,2,
+ -9,-4,5;
+ Q = Q*trans(Q);
+ const double C = 2;
+ matrix<double,0,1> alpha(3), true_alpha(3), d(3), lambda;
+ alpha = C/2, C/2, 0;
+ d = 0;
+ solve_qp4_using_smo(A, Q, b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 800);
+ dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";
+ dlog << LINFO << "alpha: " << trans(alpha);
+ true_alpha = 0, 2, 0;
+ dlog << LINFO << "true alpha: "<< trans(true_alpha);
+ dlog << LINFO << "alpha error: "<< max(abs(alpha-true_alpha));
+ DLIB_TEST(max(abs(alpha-true_alpha)) < 1e-9);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void test_solve_qp4_using_smo()
+ {
+ test_qp4_test1();
+ test_qp4_test2();
+ test_qp4_test3();
+ test_qp4_test4();
+ test_qp4_test5();
+ test_qp4_test6();
+ test_qp4_test7();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ double max_distance_to(
+ const std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>>& a,
+ const std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>>& b
+ )
+ {
+ double best_dist = 0;
+ for (auto&& aa : a)
+ {
+ for (auto&& bb : b)
+ {
+ double dist = length(aa-bb);
+ if (dist > best_dist)
+ best_dist = dist;
+ }
+ }
+ return best_dist;
+ }
+ double min_distance_to(
+ const std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>>& a,
+ const std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>>& b
+ )
+ {
+ double best_dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
+ for (auto&& aa : a)
+ {
+ for (auto&& bb : b)
+ {
+ double dist = length(aa-bb);
+ if (dist < best_dist)
+ best_dist = dist;
+ }
+ }
+ return best_dist;
+ }
+ double min_distance_to(
+ const std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>>& s,
+ const matrix<double,0,1>& v
+ )
+ {
+ double best_dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
+ for (auto& x : s)
+ {
+ double dist = length(v-x);
+ if (dist < best_dist)
+ {
+ best_dist = dist;
+ }
+ }
+ return best_dist;
+ }
+ double max_distance_to(
+ const std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>>& s,
+ const matrix<double,0,1>& v
+ )
+ {
+ double best_dist = 0;
+ for (auto& x : s)
+ {
+ double dist = length(v-x);
+ if (dist > best_dist)
+ {
+ best_dist = dist;
+ }
+ }
+ return best_dist;
+ }
+ void test_find_gap_between_convex_hulls()
+ {
+ print_spinner();
+ std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>> set1, set2;
+ const double dist_thresh = 5.47723;
+ // generate two groups of points that are pairwise close within each set and
+ // pairwise far apart between each set, according to dist_thresh distance threshold.
+ bool which = true;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
+ {
+ matrix<double,0,1> v = gaussian_randm(15,1,i);
+ const auto min_dist1 = min_distance_to(set1,v);
+ const auto min_dist2 = min_distance_to(set2,v);
+ const auto max_dist1 = max_distance_to(set1,v);
+ const auto max_dist2 = max_distance_to(set2,v);
+ if (which)
+ {
+ if ((set1.size()==0 || max_dist1 < dist_thresh) && min_dist2 > dist_thresh )
+ {
+ set1.push_back(v);
+ which = !which;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((set2.size()==0 || max_dist2 < dist_thresh) && min_dist1 > dist_thresh)
+ {
+ set2.push_back(v);
+ which = !which;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dlog << LINFO << "set1.size(): "<< set1.size();
+ dlog << LINFO << "set2.size(): "<< set2.size();
+ // make sure we generated the points correctly.
+ dlog << LINFO << "dist_thresh: "<< dist_thresh;
+ dlog << LINFO << "max distance between set1 and set1: "<< max_distance_to(set1,set1);
+ dlog << LINFO << "max distance between set2 and set2: "<< max_distance_to(set2,set2);
+ DLIB_TEST(max_distance_to(set1,set1) < dist_thresh);
+ DLIB_TEST(max_distance_to(set2,set2) < dist_thresh);
+ dlog << LINFO << "min distance between set2 and set1: "<< min_distance_to(set2,set1);
+ DLIB_TEST(min_distance_to(set2,set1) > dist_thresh);
+ // It is slightly counterintuitive but true that points picked using the above procedure
+ // will have elements of their convex hulls that are much closer together than
+ // dist_thresh, even though none of the vertices of the hulls are that close
+ // together. This is especially true in high dimensions. So let's use this to
+ // test find_gap_between_convex_hulls(). It should be able to find a pair of
+ // points in the convex hulls of our sets that are a lot closer together than
+ // dist_thresh.
+ // First we need to convert the vectors to matrices.
+ matrix<double> A, B;
+ A.set_size(set1[0].size(), set1.size());
+ B.set_size(set2[0].size(), set2.size());
+ for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
+ set_colm(A,c) = set1[c];
+ for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
+ set_colm(B,c) = set2[c];
+ matrix<double,0,1> c1, c2;
+ find_gap_between_convex_hulls(A, B, c1, c2, 0.0001);
+ // make sure c1 and c2 are convex combinations.
+ DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(c1)-1) < 1e-8);
+ DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(c2)-1) < 1e-8);
+ DLIB_TEST(min(c1) >= 0);
+ DLIB_TEST(min(c2) >= 0);
+ // now test that the points found are close together.
+ dlog << LINFO << "dist: "<< length(A*c1 - B*c2);
+ DLIB_TEST(length(A*c1 - B*c2) < 4);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void test_solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag()
+ {
+ dlib::rand rnd;
+ for (int iter = 0; iter < 50; ++iter)
+ {
+ print_spinner();
+ matrix<double> Q1, Q2;
+ matrix<double,0,1> b1, b2;
+ Q1 = randm(4,4,rnd); Q1 = Q1*trans(Q1);
+ Q2 = randm(4,4,rnd); Q2 = Q2*trans(Q2);
+ b1 = gaussian_randm(4,1, iter*2+0);
+ b2 = gaussian_randm(4,1, iter*2+1);
+ std::map<unordered_pair<size_t>, matrix<double,0,1>> offdiag;
+ if (rnd.get_random_gaussian() > 0)
+ offdiag[make_unordered_pair(0,0)] = randm(4,1,rnd);
+ if (rnd.get_random_gaussian() > 0)
+ offdiag[make_unordered_pair(1,0)] = randm(4,1,rnd);
+ if (rnd.get_random_gaussian() > 0)
+ offdiag[make_unordered_pair(1,1)] = randm(4,1,rnd);
+ std::vector<matrix<double>> Q_blocks = {Q1, Q2};
+ std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>> bs = {b1, b2};
+ // make the single big Q and b
+ matrix<double> Q = join_cols(join_rows(Q1, zeros_matrix(Q1)),
+ join_rows(zeros_matrix(Q2),Q2));
+ matrix<double,0,1> b = join_cols(b1,b2);
+ for (auto& p : offdiag)
+ {
+ long r = p.first.first;
+ long c = p.first.second;
+ set_subm(Q, 4*r,4*c, 4,4) += diagm(p.second);
+ if (c != r)
+ set_subm(Q, 4*c,4*r, 4,4) += diagm(p.second);
+ }
+ matrix<double,0,1> alpha = zeros_matrix(b);
+ matrix<double,0,1> lower = -10000*ones_matrix(b);
+ matrix<double,0,1> upper = 10000*ones_matrix(b);
+ auto iters = solve_qp_box_constrained(Q, b, alpha, lower, upper, 1e-9, 10000);
+ dlog << LINFO << "iters: "<< iters;
+ dlog << LINFO << "alpha: " << trans(alpha);
+ dlog << LINFO;
+ std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>> alphas(2);
+ alphas[0] = zeros_matrix<double>(4,1); alphas[1] = zeros_matrix<double>(4,1);
+ lower = -10000*ones_matrix(alphas[0]);
+ upper = 10000*ones_matrix(alphas[0]);
+ std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>> lowers = {lower,lower}, uppers = {upper, upper};
+ auto iters2 = solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag(Q_blocks, bs, offdiag, alphas, lowers, uppers, 1e-9, 10000);
+ dlog << LINFO << "iters2: "<< iters2;
+ dlog << LINFO << "alpha: " << trans(join_cols(alphas[0],alphas[1]));
+ dlog << LINFO << "obj1: "<< 0.5*trans(alpha)*Q*alpha + trans(b)*alpha;
+ dlog << LINFO << "obj2: "<< 0.5*trans(join_cols(alphas[0],alphas[1]))*Q*join_cols(alphas[0],alphas[1]) + trans(b)*join_cols(alphas[0],alphas[1]);
+ dlog << LINFO << "obj1-obj2: "<<(0.5*trans(alpha)*Q*alpha + trans(b)*alpha) - (0.5*trans(join_cols(alphas[0],alphas[1]))*Q*join_cols(alphas[0],alphas[1]) + trans(b)*join_cols(alphas[0],alphas[1]));
+ DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(alpha - join_cols(alphas[0], alphas[1]))) < 1e-6, max(abs(alpha - join_cols(alphas[0], alphas[1]))));
+ DLIB_TEST(iters == iters2);
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void test_solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag_compact(dlib::rand& rnd, double percent_off_diag_present)
+ {
+ print_spinner();
+ dlog << LINFO << "test_solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag_compact(), percent_off_diag_present==" << percent_off_diag_present;
+ std::map<unordered_pair<size_t>, matrix<double,0,1>> offdiag;
+ std::vector<matrix<double>> Q_blocks;
+ std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>> bs;
+ const long num_blocks = 20;
+ const long dims = 4;
+ const double lambda = 10;
+ for (long i = 0; i < num_blocks; ++i)
+ {
+ matrix<double> Q1;
+ matrix<double,0,1> b1;
+ Q1 = randm(dims,dims,rnd); Q1 = Q1*trans(Q1);
+ b1 = gaussian_randm(dims,1, i);
+ Q_blocks.push_back(Q1);
+ bs.push_back(b1);
+ // test with some graph regularization terms
+ for (long j = 0; j < num_blocks; ++j)
+ {
+ if (rnd.get_random_double() < percent_off_diag_present)
+ {
+ if (i==j)
+ offdiag[make_unordered_pair(i,j)] = (num_blocks-1)*lambda*rnd.get_random_double()*ones_matrix<double>(dims,1);
+ else
+ offdiag[make_unordered_pair(i,j)] = -lambda*rnd.get_random_double()*ones_matrix<double>(dims,1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // build out the dense version of the QP so we can test it against the dense solver.
+ matrix<double> Q(num_blocks*dims, num_blocks*dims);
+ Q = 0;
+ matrix<double,0,1> b(num_blocks*dims);
+ for (long i = 0; i < num_blocks; ++i)
+ {
+ set_subm(Q,i*dims,i*dims,dims,dims) = Q_blocks[i];
+ set_subm(b,i*dims,0,dims,1) = bs[i];
+ }
+ for (auto& p : offdiag)
+ {
+ long r = p.first.first;
+ long c = p.first.second;
+ set_subm(Q, dims*r,dims*c, dims,dims) += diagm(p.second);
+ if (c != r)
+ set_subm(Q, dims*c,dims*r, dims,dims) += diagm(p.second);
+ }
+ matrix<double,0,1> alpha = zeros_matrix<double>(dims*num_blocks,1);
+ matrix<double,0,1> lower = -10000*ones_matrix<double>(dims*num_blocks,1);
+ matrix<double,0,1> upper = 10000*ones_matrix<double>(dims*num_blocks,1);
+ auto iters = solve_qp_box_constrained(Q, b, alpha, lower, upper, 1e-9, 20000);
+ dlog << LINFO << "iters: "<< iters;
+ matrix<double,0,1> init_alpha = zeros_matrix(bs[0]);
+ lower = -10000*ones_matrix(bs[0]);
+ upper = 10000*ones_matrix(bs[0]);
+ std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>> alphas(num_blocks, init_alpha);
+ std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>> lowers(num_blocks, lower);
+ std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>> uppers(num_blocks, upper);
+ auto iters2 = solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag(Q_blocks, bs, offdiag, alphas, lowers, uppers, 1e-9, 20000);
+ dlog << LINFO << "iters2: "<< iters2;
+ const matrix<double> refalpha = reshape(alpha, num_blocks, dims);
+ // now make sure the two solvers agree on the outputs.
+ for (long r = 0; r < num_blocks; ++r)
+ {
+ for (long c = 0; c < dims; ++c)
+ {
+ DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(refalpha(r,c) - alphas[r](c)) < 1e-6, std::abs(refalpha(r,c) - alphas[r](c)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class opt_qp_solver_tester : public tester
+ {
+ /*
+ The idea here is just to solve the same problem with two different
+ methods and check that they basically agree. The SMO solver should be
+ very accurate but for this problem the BFGS solver is relatively
+ inaccurate. So this test is really just a sanity check on the SMO
+ solver.
+ */
+ public:
+ opt_qp_solver_tester (
+ ) :
+ tester ("test_opt_qp_solver",
+ "Runs tests on the solve_qp_using_smo component.")
+ {
+ thetime = time(0);
+ }
+ time_t thetime;
+ dlib::rand rnd;
+ void perform_test(
+ )
+ {
+ print_spinner();
+ test_solve_qp4_using_smo();
+ print_spinner();
+ ++thetime;
+ //dlog << LINFO << "time seed: " << thetime;
+ //rnd.set_seed(cast_to_string(thetime));
+ running_stats<double> rs;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
+ {
+ for (long dims = 1; dims < 6; ++dims)
+ {
+ rs.add(do_the_test(dims, 1.0));
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
+ {
+ for (long dims = 1; dims < 6; ++dims)
+ {
+ rs.add(do_the_test(dims, 5.0));
+ }
+ }
+ dlog << LINFO << "disagreement mean: " << rs.mean();
+ dlog << LINFO << "disagreement stddev: " << rs.stddev();
+ DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.mean() < 0.001, rs.mean());
+ DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.stddev() < 0.001, rs.stddev());
+ test_find_gap_between_convex_hulls();
+ test_solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag();
+ // try a range of off diagonal sparseness. We do this to make sure we exercise both
+ // the compact and sparse code paths within the solver.
+ test_solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag_compact(rnd, 0.001);
+ test_solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag_compact(rnd, 0.01);
+ test_solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag_compact(rnd, 0.04);
+ test_solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag_compact(rnd, 0.10);
+ test_solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag_compact(rnd, 0.50);
+ test_solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag_compact(rnd, 1.00);
+ }
+ double do_the_test (
+ const long dims,
+ double C
+ )
+ {
+ print_spinner();
+ dlog << LINFO << "dims: " << dims;
+ dlog << LINFO << "testing with C == " << C;
+ test_smo test;
+ test.Q = randm(dims, dims, rnd);
+ test.Q = trans(test.Q)*test.Q;
+ test.b = randm(dims,1, rnd);
+ test.C = C;
+ test_smo_derivative der;
+ der.Q = test.Q;
+ der.b = test.b;
+ der.C = test.C;
+ matrix<double,0,1> x(dims), alpha(dims);
+ test.penalty = 20000;
+ der.penalty = test.penalty;
+ alpha = C/alpha.size();
+ x = alpha;
+ const unsigned long max_iter = 400000;
+ solve_qp_using_smo(test.Q, test.b, alpha, 0.00000001, max_iter);
+ DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(sum(alpha) - C) < 1e-13, abs(sum(alpha) - C) );
+ dlog << LTRACE << "alpha: " << alpha;
+ dlog << LINFO << "SMO: true objective: "<< 0.5*trans(alpha)*test.Q*alpha - trans(alpha)*test.b;
+ double obj = find_min(bfgs_search_strategy(),
+ objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 5000),
+ test,
+ der,
+ x,
+ -10);
+ dlog << LINFO << "BFGS: objective: " << obj;
+ dlog << LINFO << "BFGS: true objective: "<< 0.5*trans(x)*test.Q*x - trans(x)*test.b;
+ dlog << LINFO << "sum(x): " << sum(x);
+ dlog << LINFO << x;
+ double disagreement = max(abs(x-alpha));
+ dlog << LINFO << "Disagreement: " << disagreement;
+ return disagreement;
+ }
+ } a;