path: root/ml/dlib/examples/object_detector_ex.cpp
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diff --git a/ml/dlib/examples/object_detector_ex.cpp b/ml/dlib/examples/object_detector_ex.cpp
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/examples/object_detector_ex.cpp
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+// The contents of this file are in the public domain. See LICENSE_FOR_EXAMPLE_PROGRAMS.txt
+ This is an example illustrating the use of dlib's bag-of-visual-word based
+ tools for detecting objects in images. In this example we will create three
+ simple images, each containing some white squares. We will then use the
+ sliding window classifier tools to learn to detect these squares.
+ If the objects you want to detect are somewhat rigid in appearance (e.g.
+ faces, pedestrians, etc.) then you should try the methods shown in the
+ fhog_object_detector_ex.cpp example program before trying to use the
+ bag-of-visual-word tools shown in this example.
+#include <dlib/svm_threaded.h>
+#include <dlib/gui_widgets.h>
+#include <dlib/array.h>
+#include <dlib/array2d.h>
+#include <dlib/image_keypoint.h>
+#include <dlib/image_processing.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dlib;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template <
+ typename image_array_type
+ >
+void make_simple_test_data (
+ image_array_type& images,
+ std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> >& object_locations
+ ensures
+ - #images.size() == 3
+ - #object_locations.size() == 3
+ - Creates some simple images to test the object detection routines. In particular,
+ this function creates images with white 70x70 squares in them. It also stores
+ the locations of these squares in object_locations.
+ - for all valid i:
+ - object_locations[i] == A list of all the white rectangles present in images[i].
+ images.clear();
+ object_locations.clear();
+ images.resize(3);
+ images[0].set_size(400,400);
+ images[1].set_size(400,400);
+ images[2].set_size(400,400);
+ // set all the pixel values to black
+ assign_all_pixels(images[0], 0);
+ assign_all_pixels(images[1], 0);
+ assign_all_pixels(images[2], 0);
+ // Now make some squares and draw them onto our black images. All the
+ // squares will be 70 pixels wide and tall.
+ std::vector<rectangle> temp;
+ temp.push_back(centered_rect(point(100,100), 70,70));
+ fill_rect(images[0],temp.back(),255); // Paint the square white
+ temp.push_back(centered_rect(point(200,300), 70,70));
+ fill_rect(images[0],temp.back(),255); // Paint the square white
+ object_locations.push_back(temp);
+ temp.clear();
+ temp.push_back(centered_rect(point(140,200), 70,70));
+ fill_rect(images[1],temp.back(),255); // Paint the square white
+ temp.push_back(centered_rect(point(303,200), 70,70));
+ fill_rect(images[1],temp.back(),255); // Paint the square white
+ object_locations.push_back(temp);
+ temp.clear();
+ temp.push_back(centered_rect(point(123,121), 70,70));
+ fill_rect(images[2],temp.back(),255); // Paint the square white
+ object_locations.push_back(temp);
+ // corrupt each image with random noise just to make this a little more
+ // challenging
+ dlib::rand rnd;
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < images.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ for (long r = 0; r < images[i].nr(); ++r)
+ {
+ for (long c = 0; c < images[i].nc(); ++c)
+ {
+ images[i][r][c] = put_in_range(0,255,images[i][r][c] + 40*rnd.get_random_gaussian());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int main()
+ try
+ {
+ // The first thing we do is create the set of 3 images discussed above.
+ dlib::array<array2d<unsigned char> > images;
+ std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> > object_locations;
+ make_simple_test_data(images, object_locations);
+ /*
+ This next block of code specifies the type of sliding window classifier we will
+ be using to detect the white squares. The most important thing here is the
+ scan_image_pyramid template. Instances of this template represent the core
+ of a sliding window classifier. To go into more detail, the sliding window
+ classifiers used by this object have three parts:
+ 1. The underlying feature extraction. See the dlib documentation for a detailed
+ discussion of how the hashed_feature_image and hog_image feature extractors
+ work. However, to understand this example, all you need to know is that the
+ feature extractor associates a vector with each location in an image. This
+ vector is supposed to capture information which describes how parts of the
+ image look. Importantly, it should do this in a way that is relevant to the
+ problem you are trying to solve.
+ 2. A detection template. This is a rectangle which defines the shape of a
+ sliding window (i.e. the object_box), as well as a set of rectangular feature
+ extraction regions inside it. This set of regions defines the spatial
+ structure of the overall feature extraction within a sliding window. In
+ particular, each location of a sliding window has a feature vector
+ associated with it. This feature vector is defined as follows:
+ - Let N denote the number of feature extraction zones.
+ - Let M denote the dimensionality of the vectors output by Feature_extractor_type
+ objects.
+ - Let F(i) == the M dimensional vector which is the sum of all vectors
+ given by our Feature_extractor_type object inside the ith feature extraction
+ zone.
+ - Then the feature vector for a sliding window is an M*N dimensional vector
+ [F(1) F(2) F(3) ... F(N)] (i.e. it is a concatenation of the N vectors).
+ This feature vector can be thought of as a collection of N "bags of features",
+ each bag coming from a spatial location determined by one of the rectangular
+ feature extraction zones.
+ 3. A weight vector and a threshold value. The dot product between the weight
+ vector and the feature vector for a sliding window location gives the score
+ of the window. If this score is greater than the threshold value then the
+ window location is output as a detection. You don't need to determine these
+ parameters yourself. They are automatically populated by the
+ structural_object_detection_trainer.
+ The sliding window classifiers described above are applied to every level of an
+ image pyramid. So you need to tell scan_image_pyramid what kind of pyramid you want
+ to use. In this case we are using pyramid_down<2> which downsamples each pyramid
+ layer by half (if you want to use a finer image pyramid then just change the
+ template argument to a larger value. For example, using pyramid_down<5> would
+ downsample each layer by a ratio of 5 to 4).
+ Finally, some of the feature extraction zones are allowed to move freely within the
+ object box. This means that when we are sliding the classifier over an image, some
+ feature extraction zones are stationary (i.e. always in the same place relative to
+ the object box) while others are allowed to move anywhere within the object box. In
+ particular, the movable regions are placed at the locations that maximize the score
+ of the classifier. Note further that each of the movable feature extraction zones
+ must pass a threshold test for it to be included. That is, if the score that a
+ movable zone would contribute to the overall score for a sliding window location is
+ not positive then that zone is not included in the feature vector (i.e. its part of
+ the feature vector is set to zero. This way the length of the feature vector stays
+ constant). This movable region construction allows us to represent objects with
+ parts that move around relative to the object box. For example, a human has hands
+ but they aren't always in the same place relative to a person's bounding box.
+ However, to keep this example program simple, we will only be using stationary
+ feature extraction regions.
+ */
+ typedef hashed_feature_image<hog_image<3,3,1,4,hog_signed_gradient,hog_full_interpolation> > feature_extractor_type;
+ typedef scan_image_pyramid<pyramid_down<2>, feature_extractor_type> image_scanner_type;
+ image_scanner_type scanner;
+ // The hashed_feature_image in the scanner needs to be supplied with a hash function capable
+ // of hashing the outputs of the hog_image. Calling this function will set it up for us. The
+ // 10 here indicates that it will hash HOG vectors into the range [0, pow(2,10)). Therefore,
+ // the feature vectors output by the hashed_feature_image will have dimension pow(2,10).
+ setup_hashed_features(scanner, images, 10);
+ // We should also tell the scanner to use the uniform feature weighting scheme
+ // since it works best on the data in this example. If you don't call this
+ // function then it will use a slightly different weighting scheme which can give
+ // improved results on many normal image types.
+ use_uniform_feature_weights(scanner);
+ // We also need to setup the detection templates the scanner will use. It is important that
+ // we add detection templates which are capable of matching all the output boxes we want to learn.
+ // For example, if object_locations contained a rectangle with a height to width ratio of 10 but
+ // we only added square detection templates then it would be impossible to detect this non-square
+ // rectangle. The setup_grid_detection_templates_verbose() routine will take care of this for us by
+ // looking at the contents of object_locations and automatically picking an appropriate set. Also,
+ // the final arguments indicate that we want our detection templates to have 4 feature extraction
+ // regions laid out in a 2x2 regular grid inside each sliding window.
+ setup_grid_detection_templates_verbose(scanner, object_locations, 2, 2);
+ // Now that we have defined the kind of sliding window classifier system we want and stored
+ // the details into the scanner object we are ready to use the structural_object_detection_trainer
+ // to learn the weight vector and threshold needed to produce a complete object detector.
+ structural_object_detection_trainer<image_scanner_type> trainer(scanner);
+ trainer.set_num_threads(4); // Set this to the number of processing cores on your machine.
+ // There are a variety of other useful parameters to the structural_object_detection_trainer.
+ // Examples of the ones you are most likely to use follow (see dlib documentation for what they do):
+ //trainer.set_match_eps(0.80);
+ //trainer.set_c(1.0);
+ //trainer.set_loss_per_missed_target(1);
+ //trainer.set_loss_per_false_alarm(1);
+ // Do the actual training and save the results into the detector object.
+ object_detector<image_scanner_type> detector = trainer.train(images, object_locations);
+ // We can easily test the new detector against our training data. This print statement will indicate that it
+ // has perfect precision and recall on this simple task. It will also print the average precision (AP).
+ cout << "Test detector (precision,recall,AP): " << test_object_detection_function(detector, images, object_locations) << endl;
+ // The cross validation should also indicate perfect precision and recall.
+ cout << "3-fold cross validation (precision,recall,AP): "
+ << cross_validate_object_detection_trainer(trainer, images, object_locations, 3) << endl;
+ // Let's display the output of the detector along with our training images.
+ image_window win;
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < images.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ // Run the detector on images[i]
+ const std::vector<rectangle> rects = detector(images[i]);
+ cout << "Number of detections: "<< rects.size() << endl;
+ // Put the image and detections into the window.
+ win.clear_overlay();
+ win.set_image(images[i]);
+ win.add_overlay(rects, rgb_pixel(255,0,0));
+ cout << "Hit enter to see the next image.";
+ cin.get();
+ }
+ // Finally, note that the detector can be serialized to disk just like other dlib objects.
+ serialize("object_detector.dat") << detector;
+ // Recall from disk.
+ deserialize("object_detector.dat") >> detector;
+ }
+ catch (exception& e)
+ {
+ cout << "\nexception thrown!" << endl;
+ cout << e.what() << endl;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------