path: root/ml/dlib/examples/svm_pegasos_ex.cpp
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diff --git a/ml/dlib/examples/svm_pegasos_ex.cpp b/ml/dlib/examples/svm_pegasos_ex.cpp
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+++ b/ml/dlib/examples/svm_pegasos_ex.cpp
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+// The contents of this file are in the public domain. See LICENSE_FOR_EXAMPLE_PROGRAMS.txt
+ This is an example illustrating the use of the dlib C++ library's
+ implementation of the pegasos algorithm for online training of support
+ vector machines.
+ This example creates a simple binary classification problem and shows
+ you how to train a support vector machine on that data.
+ The data used in this example will be 2 dimensional data and will
+ come from a distribution where points with a distance less than 10
+ from the origin are labeled +1 and all other points are labeled
+ as -1.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <vector>
+#include <dlib/svm.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dlib;
+int main()
+ // The svm functions use column vectors to contain a lot of the data on which they
+ // operate. So the first thing we do here is declare a convenient typedef.
+ // This typedef declares a matrix with 2 rows and 1 column. It will be the
+ // object that contains each of our 2 dimensional samples. (Note that if you wanted
+ // more than 2 features in this vector you can simply change the 2 to something else.
+ // Or if you don't know how many features you want until runtime then you can put a 0
+ // here and use the matrix.set_size() member function)
+ typedef matrix<double, 2, 1> sample_type;
+ // This is a typedef for the type of kernel we are going to use in this example.
+ // In this case I have selected the radial basis kernel that can operate on our
+ // 2D sample_type objects
+ typedef radial_basis_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
+ // Here we create an instance of the pegasos svm trainer object we will be using.
+ svm_pegasos<kernel_type> trainer;
+ // Here we setup the parameters to this object. See the dlib documentation for a
+ // description of what these parameters are.
+ trainer.set_lambda(0.00001);
+ trainer.set_kernel(kernel_type(0.005));
+ // Set the maximum number of support vectors we want the trainer object to use
+ // in representing the decision function it is going to learn. In general,
+ // supplying a bigger number here will only ever give you a more accurate
+ // answer. However, giving a smaller number will make the algorithm run
+ // faster and decision rules that involve fewer support vectors also take
+ // less time to evaluate.
+ trainer.set_max_num_sv(10);
+ std::vector<sample_type> samples;
+ std::vector<double> labels;
+ // make an instance of a sample matrix so we can use it below
+ sample_type sample, center;
+ center = 20, 20;
+ // Now let's go into a loop and randomly generate 1000 samples.
+ srand(time(0));
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
+ {
+ // Make a random sample vector.
+ sample = randm(2,1)*40 - center;
+ // Now if that random vector is less than 10 units from the origin then it is in
+ // the +1 class.
+ if (length(sample) <= 10)
+ {
+ // let the svm_pegasos learn about this sample
+ trainer.train(sample,+1);
+ // save this sample so we can use it with the batch training examples below
+ samples.push_back(sample);
+ labels.push_back(+1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // let the svm_pegasos learn about this sample
+ trainer.train(sample,-1);
+ // save this sample so we can use it with the batch training examples below
+ samples.push_back(sample);
+ labels.push_back(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ // Now we have trained our SVM. Let's see how well it did.
+ // Each of these statements prints out the output of the SVM given a particular sample.
+ // The SVM outputs a number > 0 if a sample is predicted to be in the +1 class and < 0
+ // if a sample is predicted to be in the -1 class.
+ sample(0) = 3.123;
+ sample(1) = 4;
+ cout << "This is a +1 example, its SVM output is: " << trainer(sample) << endl;
+ sample(0) = 13.123;
+ sample(1) = 9.3545;
+ cout << "This is a -1 example, its SVM output is: " << trainer(sample) << endl;
+ sample(0) = 13.123;
+ sample(1) = 0;
+ cout << "This is a -1 example, its SVM output is: " << trainer(sample) << endl;
+ // The previous part of this example program showed you how to perform online training
+ // with the pegasos algorithm. But it is often the case that you have a dataset and you
+ // just want to perform batch learning on that dataset and get the resulting decision
+ // function. To support this the dlib library provides functions for converting an online
+ // training object like svm_pegasos into a batch training object.
+ // First let's clear out anything in the trainer object.
+ trainer.clear();
+ // Now to begin with, you might want to compute the cross validation score of a trainer object
+ // on your data. To do this you should use the batch_cached() function to convert the svm_pegasos object
+ // into a batch training object. Note that the second argument to batch_cached() is the minimum
+ // learning rate the trainer object must report for the batch_cached() function to consider training
+ // complete. So smaller values of this parameter cause training to take longer but may result
+ // in a more accurate solution.
+ // Here we perform 4-fold cross validation and print the results
+ cout << "cross validation: " << cross_validate_trainer(batch_cached(trainer,0.1), samples, labels, 4);
+ // Here is an example of creating a decision function. Note that we have used the verbose_batch_cached()
+ // function instead of batch_cached() as above. They do the same things except verbose_batch_cached() will
+ // print status messages to standard output while training is under way.
+ decision_function<kernel_type> df = verbose_batch_cached(trainer,0.1).train(samples, labels);
+ // At this point we have obtained a decision function from the above batch mode training.
+ // Now we can use it on some test samples exactly as we did above.
+ sample(0) = 3.123;
+ sample(1) = 4;
+ cout << "This is a +1 example, its SVM output is: " << df(sample) << endl;
+ sample(0) = 13.123;
+ sample(1) = 9.3545;
+ cout << "This is a -1 example, its SVM output is: " << df(sample) << endl;
+ sample(0) = 13.123;
+ sample(1) = 0;
+ cout << "This is a -1 example, its SVM output is: " << df(sample) << endl;