path: root/ml/dlib/tools/python/src/rectangles.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'ml/dlib/tools/python/src/rectangles.cpp')
1 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ml/dlib/tools/python/src/rectangles.cpp b/ml/dlib/tools/python/src/rectangles.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d06ec591b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/tools/python/src/rectangles.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2015 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include <dlib/python.h>
+#include <dlib/geometry.h>
+#include <pybind11/stl_bind.h>
+#include "indexing.h"
+#include "opaque_types.h"
+#include <dlib/filtering.h>
+using namespace dlib;
+using namespace std;
+namespace py = pybind11;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+long left(const rectangle& r) { return r.left(); }
+long top(const rectangle& r) { return; }
+long right(const rectangle& r) { return r.right(); }
+long bottom(const rectangle& r) { return r.bottom(); }
+long width(const rectangle& r) { return r.width(); }
+long height(const rectangle& r) { return r.height(); }
+unsigned long area(const rectangle& r) { return r.area(); }
+double dleft(const drectangle& r) { return r.left(); }
+double dtop(const drectangle& r) { return; }
+double dright(const drectangle& r) { return r.right(); }
+double dbottom(const drectangle& r) { return r.bottom(); }
+double dwidth(const drectangle& r) { return r.width(); }
+double dheight(const drectangle& r) { return r.height(); }
+double darea(const drectangle& r) { return r.area(); }
+template <typename rect_type>
+bool is_empty(const rect_type& r) { return r.is_empty(); }
+template <typename rect_type>
+point center(const rect_type& r) { return center(r); }
+template <typename rect_type>
+point dcenter(const rect_type& r) { return dcenter(r); }
+template <typename rect_type>
+bool contains(const rect_type& r, const point& p) { return r.contains(p); }
+template <typename rect_type>
+bool contains_xy(const rect_type& r, const long x, const long y) { return r.contains(point(x, y)); }
+template <typename rect_type>
+bool contains_rec(const rect_type& r, const rect_type& r2) { return r.contains(r2); }
+template <typename rect_type>
+rect_type intersect(const rect_type& r, const rect_type& r2) { return r.intersect(r2); }
+template <typename rect_type>
+string print_rectangle_str(const rect_type& r)
+ std::ostringstream sout;
+ sout << r;
+ return sout.str();
+string print_rectangle_repr(const rectangle& r)
+ std::ostringstream sout;
+ sout << "rectangle(" << r.left() << "," << << "," << r.right() << "," << r.bottom() << ")";
+ return sout.str();
+string print_drectangle_repr(const drectangle& r)
+ std::ostringstream sout;
+ sout << "drectangle(" << r.left() << "," << << "," << r.right() << "," << r.bottom() << ")";
+ return sout.str();
+string print_rect_filter(const rect_filter& r)
+ std::ostringstream sout;
+ sout << "rect_filter(";
+ sout << "measurement_noise="<<r.get_left().get_measurement_noise();
+ sout << ", typical_acceleration="<<r.get_left().get_typical_acceleration();
+ sout << ", max_measurement_deviation="<<r.get_left().get_max_measurement_deviation();
+ sout << ")";
+ return sout.str();
+rectangle add_point_to_rect(const rectangle& r, const point& p)
+ return r + p;
+rectangle add_rect_to_rect(const rectangle& r, const rectangle& p)
+ return r + p;
+rectangle& iadd_point_to_rect(rectangle& r, const point& p)
+ r += p;
+ return r;
+rectangle& iadd_rect_to_rect(rectangle& r, const rectangle& p)
+ r += p;
+ return r;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void bind_rectangles(py::module& m)
+ {
+ typedef rectangle type;
+ py::class_<type>(m, "rectangle", "This object represents a rectangular area of an image.")
+ .def(py::init<long,long,long,long>(), py::arg("left"),py::arg("top"),py::arg("right"),py::arg("bottom"))
+ .def(py::init())
+ .def("area", &::area)
+ .def("left", &::left)
+ .def("top", &::top)
+ .def("right", &::right)
+ .def("bottom", &::bottom)
+ .def("width", &::width)
+ .def("height", &::height)
+ .def("is_empty", &::is_empty<type>)
+ .def("center", &::center<type>)
+ .def("dcenter", &::dcenter<type>)
+ .def("contains", &::contains<type>, py::arg("point"))
+ .def("contains", &::contains_xy<type>, py::arg("x"), py::arg("y"))
+ .def("contains", &::contains_rec<type>, py::arg("rectangle"))
+ .def("intersect", &::intersect<type>, py::arg("rectangle"))
+ .def("__str__", &::print_rectangle_str<type>)
+ .def("__repr__", &::print_rectangle_repr)
+ .def("__add__", &::add_point_to_rect)
+ .def("__add__", &::add_rect_to_rect)
+ .def("__iadd__", &::iadd_point_to_rect)
+ .def("__iadd__", &::iadd_rect_to_rect)
+ .def(py::self == py::self)
+ .def(py::self != py::self)
+ .def(py::pickle(&getstate<type>, &setstate<type>));
+ }
+ {
+ typedef drectangle type;
+ py::class_<type>(m, "drectangle", "This object represents a rectangular area of an image with floating point coordinates.")
+ .def(py::init<double,double,double,double>(), py::arg("left"), py::arg("top"), py::arg("right"), py::arg("bottom"))
+ .def("area", &::darea)
+ .def("left", &::dleft)
+ .def("top", &::dtop)
+ .def("right", &::dright)
+ .def("bottom", &::dbottom)
+ .def("width", &::dwidth)
+ .def("height", &::dheight)
+ .def("is_empty", &::is_empty<type>)
+ .def("center", &::center<type>)
+ .def("dcenter", &::dcenter<type>)
+ .def("contains", &::contains<type>, py::arg("point"))
+ .def("contains", &::contains_xy<type>, py::arg("x"), py::arg("y"))
+ .def("contains", &::contains_rec<type>, py::arg("rectangle"))
+ .def("intersect", &::intersect<type>, py::arg("rectangle"))
+ .def("__str__", &::print_rectangle_str<type>)
+ .def("__repr__", &::print_drectangle_repr)
+ .def(py::self == py::self)
+ .def(py::self != py::self)
+ .def(py::pickle(&getstate<type>, &setstate<type>));
+ }
+ {
+ typedef rect_filter type;
+ py::class_<type>(m, "rect_filter",
+ R"asdf(
+ This object is a simple tool for filtering a rectangle that
+ measures the location of a moving object that has some non-trivial
+ momentum. Importantly, the measurements are noisy and the object can
+ experience sudden unpredictable accelerations. To accomplish this
+ filtering we use a simple Kalman filter with a state transition model of:
+ position_{i+1} = position_{i} + velocity_{i}
+ velocity_{i+1} = velocity_{i} + some_unpredictable_acceleration
+ and a measurement model of:
+ measured_position_{i} = position_{i} + measurement_noise
+ Where some_unpredictable_acceleration and measurement_noise are 0 mean Gaussian
+ noise sources with standard deviations of typical_acceleration and
+ measurement_noise respectively.
+ To allow for really sudden and large but infrequent accelerations, at each
+ step we check if the current measured position deviates from the predicted
+ filtered position by more than max_measurement_deviation*measurement_noise
+ and if so we adjust the filter's state to keep it within these bounds.
+ This allows the moving object to undergo large unmodeled accelerations, far
+ in excess of what would be suggested by typical_acceleration, without
+ then experiencing a long lag time where the Kalman filter has to "catches
+ up" to the new position. )asdf"
+ )
+ .def(py::init<double,double,double>(), py::arg("measurement_noise"), py::arg("typical_acceleration"), py::arg("max_measurement_deviation"))
+ .def("measurement_noise", [](const rect_filter& a){return a.get_left().get_measurement_noise();})
+ .def("typical_acceleration", [](const rect_filter& a){return a.get_left().get_typical_acceleration();})
+ .def("max_measurement_deviation", [](const rect_filter& a){return a.get_left().get_max_measurement_deviation();})
+ .def("__call__", [](rect_filter& f, const dlib::rectangle& r){return rectangle(f(r)); }, py::arg("rect"))
+ .def("__repr__", print_rect_filter)
+ .def(py::pickle(&getstate<type>, &setstate<type>));
+ }
+ m.def("find_optimal_rect_filter",
+ [](const std::vector<rectangle>& rects, const double smoothness ) { return find_optimal_rect_filter(rects, smoothness); },
+ py::arg("rects"),
+ py::arg("smoothness")=1,
+"requires \n\
+ - rects.size() > 4 \n\
+ - smoothness >= 0 \n\
+ensures \n\
+ - This function finds the \"optimal\" settings of a rect_filter based on recorded \n\
+ measurement data stored in rects. Here we assume that rects is a complete \n\
+ track history of some object's measured positions. Essentially, what we do \n\
+ is find the rect_filter that minimizes the following objective function: \n\
+ sum of abs(predicted_location[i] - measured_location[i]) + smoothness*abs(filtered_location[i]-filtered_location[i-1]) \n\
+ Where i is a time index. \n\
+ The sum runs over all the data in rects. So what we do is find the \n\
+ filter settings that produce smooth filtered trajectories but also produce \n\
+ filtered outputs that are as close to the measured positions as possible. \n\
+ The larger the value of smoothness the less jittery the filter outputs will \n\
+ be, but they might become biased or laggy if smoothness is set really high. "
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - rects.size() > 4
+ - smoothness >= 0
+ ensures
+ - This function finds the "optimal" settings of a rect_filter based on recorded
+ measurement data stored in rects. Here we assume that rects is a complete
+ track history of some object's measured positions. Essentially, what we do
+ is find the rect_filter that minimizes the following objective function:
+ sum of abs(predicted_location[i] - measured_location[i]) + smoothness*abs(filtered_location[i]-filtered_location[i-1])
+ Where i is a time index.
+ The sum runs over all the data in rects. So what we do is find the
+ filter settings that produce smooth filtered trajectories but also produce
+ filtered outputs that are as close to the measured positions as possible.
+ The larger the value of smoothness the less jittery the filter outputs will
+ be, but they might become biased or laggy if smoothness is set really high.
+ !*/
+ );
+ {
+ typedef std::vector<rectangle> type;
+ py::bind_vector<type>(m, "rectangles", "An array of rectangle objects.")
+ .def("clear", &type::clear)
+ .def("resize", resize<type>)
+ .def("extend", extend_vector_with_python_list<rectangle>)
+ .def(py::pickle(&getstate<type>, &setstate<type>));
+ }
+ {
+ typedef std::vector<std::vector<rectangle>> type;
+ py::bind_vector<type>(m, "rectangless", "An array of arrays of rectangle objects.")
+ .def("clear", &type::clear)
+ .def("resize", resize<type>)
+ .def("extend", extend_vector_with_python_list<rectangle>)
+ .def(py::pickle(&getstate<type>, &setstate<type>));
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------