path: root/python.d/python_modules/bases/FrameworkServices
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'python.d/python_modules/bases/FrameworkServices')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 973 deletions
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Description:
-# Author: Pawel Krupa (paulfantom)
-# Author: Ilya Mashchenko (l2isbad)
-import os
-from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-from bases.FrameworkServices.SimpleService import SimpleService
-from bases.collection import find_binary
-class ExecutableService(SimpleService):
- def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None):
- SimpleService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name)
- self.command = None
- def _get_raw_data(self, stderr=False):
- """
- Get raw data from executed command
- :return: <list>
- """
- try:
- p = Popen(self.command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
- except Exception as error:
- self.error('Executing command {command} resulted in error: {error}'.format(command=self.command,
- error=error))
- return None
- data = list()
- std = p.stderr if stderr else p.stdout
- for line in std:
- try:
- data.append(line.decode('utf-8'))
- except TypeError:
- continue
- return data or None
- def check(self):
- """
- Parse basic configuration, check if command is whitelisted and is returning values
- :return: <boolean>
- """
- # Preference: 1. "command" from configuration file 2. "command" from plugin (if specified)
- if 'command' in self.configuration:
- self.command = self.configuration['command']
- # "command" must be: 1.not None 2. type <str>
- if not (self.command and isinstance(self.command, str)):
- self.error('Command is not defined or command type is not <str>')
- return False
- # Split "command" into: 1. command <str> 2. options <list>
- command, opts = self.command.split()[0], self.command.split()[1:]
- # Check for "bad" symbols in options. No pipes, redirects etc.
- opts_list = ['&', '|', ';', '>', '<']
- bad_opts = set(''.join(opts)) & set(opts_list)
- if bad_opts:
- self.error("Bad command argument(s): {opts}".format(opts=bad_opts))
- return False
- # Find absolute path ('echo' => '/bin/echo')
- if '/' not in command:
- command = find_binary(command)
- if not command:
- self.error('Can\'t locate "{command}" binary'.format(command=self.command))
- return False
- # Check if binary exist and executable
- else:
- if not os.access(command, os.X_OK):
- self.error('"{binary}" is not executable'.format(binary=command))
- return False
- self.command = [command] + opts if opts else [command]
- try:
- data = self._get_data()
- except Exception as error:
- self.error('_get_data() failed. Command: {command}. Error: {error}'.format(command=self.command,
- error=error))
- return False
- if isinstance(data, dict) and data:
- return True
- self.error('Command "{command}" returned no data'.format(command=self.command))
- return False
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Description:
-# Author: Pawel Krupa (paulfantom)
-from glob import glob
-import os
-from bases.FrameworkServices.SimpleService import SimpleService
-class LogService(SimpleService):
- def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None):
- SimpleService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name)
- self.log_path = self.configuration.get('path')
- self.__glob_path = self.log_path
- self._last_position = 0
- self.__re_find = dict(current=0, run=0, maximum=60)
- def _get_raw_data(self):
- """
- Get log lines since last poll
- :return: list
- """
- lines = list()
- try:
- if self.__re_find['current'] == self.__re_find['run']:
- self._find_recent_log_file()
- size = os.path.getsize(self.log_path)
- if size == self._last_position:
- self.__re_find['current'] += 1
- return list() # return empty list if nothing has changed
- elif size < self._last_position:
- self._last_position = 0 # read from beginning if file has shrunk
- with open(self.log_path) as fp:
- for line in fp:
- lines.append(line)
- self._last_position = fp.tell()
- self.__re_find['current'] = 0
- except (OSError, IOError) as error:
- self.__re_find['current'] += 1
- self.error(str(error))
- return lines or None
- def _find_recent_log_file(self):
- """
- :return:
- """
- self.__re_find['run'] = self.__re_find['maximum']
- self.__re_find['current'] = 0
- self.__glob_path = self.__glob_path or self.log_path # workaround for modules w/o config files
- path_list = glob(self.__glob_path)
- if path_list:
- self.log_path = max(path_list)
- return True
- return False
- def check(self):
- """
- Parse basic configuration and check if log file exists
- :return: boolean
- """
- if not self.log_path:
- self.error('No path to log specified')
- return None
- if self._find_recent_log_file() and os.access(self.log_path, os.R_OK) and os.path.isfile(self.log_path):
- return True
- self.error('Cannot access {0}'.format(self.log_path))
- return False
- def create(self):
- # set cursor at last byte of log file
- self._last_position = os.path.getsize(self.log_path)
- status = SimpleService.create(self)
- return status
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Description:
-# Author: Ilya Mashchenko (l2isbad)
-from sys import exc_info
- import MySQLdb
- PY_MYSQL = True
-except ImportError:
- try:
- import pymysql as MySQLdb
- PY_MYSQL = True
- except ImportError:
- PY_MYSQL = False
-from bases.FrameworkServices.SimpleService import SimpleService
-class MySQLService(SimpleService):
- def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None):
- SimpleService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name)
- self.__connection = None
- self.__conn_properties = dict()
- self.extra_conn_properties = dict()
- self.__queries = self.configuration.get('queries', dict())
- self.queries = dict()
- def __connect(self):
- try:
- connection = MySQLdb.connect(connect_timeout=self.update_every, **self.__conn_properties)
- except (MySQLdb.MySQLError, TypeError, AttributeError) as error:
- return None, str(error)
- else:
- return connection, None
- def check(self):
- def get_connection_properties(conf, extra_conf):
- properties = dict()
- if conf.get('user'):
- properties['user'] = conf['user']
- if conf.get('pass'):
- properties['passwd'] = conf['pass']
- if conf.get('socket'):
- properties['unix_socket'] = conf['socket']
- elif conf.get('host'):
- properties['host'] = conf['host']
- properties['port'] = int(conf.get('port', 3306))
- elif conf.get('my.cnf'):
- if MySQLdb.__name__ == 'pymysql':
- self.error('"my.cnf" parsing is not working for pymysql')
- else:
- properties['read_default_file'] = conf['my.cnf']
- if isinstance(extra_conf, dict) and extra_conf:
- properties.update(extra_conf)
- return properties or None
- def is_valid_queries_dict(raw_queries, log_error):
- """
- :param raw_queries: dict:
- :param log_error: function:
- :return: dict or None
- raw_queries is valid when: type <dict> and not empty after is_valid_query(for all queries)
- """
- def is_valid_query(query):
- return all([isinstance(query, str),
- query.startswith(('SELECT', 'select', 'SHOW', 'show'))])
- if hasattr(raw_queries, 'keys') and raw_queries:
- valid_queries = dict([(n, q) for n, q in raw_queries.items() if is_valid_query(q)])
- bad_queries = set(raw_queries) - set(valid_queries)
- if bad_queries:
- log_error('Removed query(s): {queries}'.format(queries=bad_queries))
- return valid_queries
- else:
- log_error('Unsupported "queries" format. Must be not empty <dict>')
- return None
- if not PY_MYSQL:
- self.error('MySQLdb or PyMySQL module is needed to use plugin')
- return False
- # Preference: 1. "queries" from the configuration file 2. "queries" from the module
- self.queries = self.__queries or self.queries
- # Check if "self.queries" exist, not empty and all queries are in valid format
- self.queries = is_valid_queries_dict(self.queries, self.error)
- if not self.queries:
- return None
- # Get connection properties
- self.__conn_properties = get_connection_properties(self.configuration, self.extra_conn_properties)
- if not self.__conn_properties:
- self.error('Connection properties are missing')
- return False
- # Create connection to the database
- self.__connection, error = self.__connect()
- if error:
- self.error('Can\'t establish connection to MySQL: {error}'.format(error=error))
- return False
- try:
- data = self._get_data()
- except Exception as error:
- self.error('_get_data() failed. Error: {error}'.format(error=error))
- return False
- if isinstance(data, dict) and data:
- return True
- self.error("_get_data() returned no data or type is not <dict>")
- return False
- def _get_raw_data(self, description=None):
- """
- Get raw data from MySQL server
- :return: dict: fetchall() or (fetchall(), description)
- """
- if not self.__connection:
- self.__connection, error = self.__connect()
- if error:
- return None
- raw_data = dict()
- queries = dict(self.queries)
- try:
- with self.__connection as cursor:
- for name, query in queries.items():
- try:
- cursor.execute(query)
- except (MySQLdb.ProgrammingError, MySQLdb.OperationalError) as error:
- if self.__is_error_critical(err_class=exc_info()[0], err_text=str(error)):
- raise RuntimeError
- self.error('Removed query: {name}[{query}]. Error: error'.format(name=name,
- query=query,
- error=error))
- self.queries.pop(name)
- continue
- else:
- raw_data[name] = (cursor.fetchall(), cursor.description) if description else cursor.fetchall()
- self.__connection.commit()
- except (MySQLdb.MySQLError, RuntimeError, TypeError, AttributeError):
- self.__connection.close()
- self.__connection = None
- return None
- else:
- return raw_data or None
- @staticmethod
- def __is_error_critical(err_class, err_text):
- return err_class == MySQLdb.OperationalError and all(['denied' not in err_text,
- 'Unknown column' not in err_text])
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Description:
-# Author: Pawel Krupa (paulfantom)
-# Author: Ilya Mashchenko (l2isbad)
-from threading import Thread
- from time import sleep, monotonic as time
-except ImportError:
- from time import sleep, time
-from bases.charts import Charts, ChartError, create_runtime_chart
-from bases.collection import OldVersionCompatibility, safe_print
-from bases.loggers import PythonDLimitedLogger
-RUNTIME_CHART_UPDATE = 'BEGIN netdata.runtime_{job_name} {since_last}\n' \
- 'SET run_time = {elapsed}\n' \
- 'END\n'
-class RuntimeCounters:
- def __init__(self, configuration):
- """
- :param configuration: <dict>
- """
- self.FREQ = int(configuration.pop('update_every'))
- self.START_RUN = 0
- self.NEXT_RUN = 0
- self.PREV_UPDATE = 0
- self.SINCE_UPDATE = 0
- self.ELAPSED = 0
- self.RETRIES = 0
- self.RETRIES_MAX = configuration.pop('retries')
- self.PENALTY = 0
- self.RUNS = 1
- def is_sleep_time(self):
- return self.START_RUN < self.NEXT_RUN
-class SimpleService(Thread, PythonDLimitedLogger, OldVersionCompatibility, object):
- """
- Prototype of Service class.
- Implemented basic functionality to run jobs by `python.d.plugin`
- """
- def __init__(self, configuration, name=''):
- """
- :param configuration: <dict>
- :param name: <str>
- """
- Thread.__init__(self)
- self.daemon = True
- PythonDLimitedLogger.__init__(self)
- OldVersionCompatibility.__init__(self)
- self.configuration = configuration
- self.order = list()
- self.definitions = dict()
- self.module_name = self.__module__
- self.job_name = configuration.pop('job_name')
- self.override_name = configuration.pop('override_name')
- self.fake_name = None
- self._runtime_counters = RuntimeCounters(configuration=configuration)
- self.charts = Charts(job_name=self.actual_name,
- priority=configuration.pop('priority'),
- cleanup=configuration.pop('chart_cleanup'),
- get_update_every=self.get_update_every,
- module_name=self.module_name)
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<{cls_bases}: {name}>'.format(cls_bases=', '.join(c.__name__ for c in self.__class__.__bases__),
- @property
- def name(self):
- if self.job_name:
- return '_'.join([self.module_name, self.override_name or self.job_name])
- return self.module_name
- def actual_name(self):
- return self.fake_name or
- @property
- def runs_counter(self):
- return self._runtime_counters.RUNS
- @property
- def update_every(self):
- return self._runtime_counters.FREQ
- @update_every.setter
- def update_every(self, value):
- """
- :param value: <int>
- :return:
- """
- self._runtime_counters.FREQ = value
- def get_update_every(self):
- return self.update_every
- def check(self):
- """
- check() prototype
- :return: boolean
- """
- self.debug("job doesn't implement check() method. Using default which simply invokes get_data().")
- data = self.get_data()
- if data and isinstance(data, dict):
- return True
- self.debug('returned value is wrong: {0}'.format(data))
- return False
- @create_runtime_chart
- def create(self):
- for chart_name in self.order:
- chart_config = self.definitions.get(chart_name)
- if not chart_config:
- self.debug("create() => [NOT ADDED] chart '{chart_name}' not in definitions. "
- "Skipping it.".format(chart_name=chart_name))
- continue
- # create chart
- chart_params = [chart_name] + chart_config['options']
- try:
- self.charts.add_chart(params=chart_params)
- except ChartError as error:
- self.error("create() => [NOT ADDED] (chart '{chart}': {error})".format(chart=chart_name,
- error=error))
- continue
- # add dimensions to chart
- for dimension in chart_config['lines']:
- try:
- self.charts[chart_name].add_dimension(dimension)
- except ChartError as error:
- self.error("create() => [NOT ADDED] (dimension '{dimension}': {error})".format(dimension=dimension,
- error=error))
- continue
- # add variables to chart
- if 'variables' in chart_config:
- for variable in chart_config['variables']:
- try:
- self.charts[chart_name].add_variable(variable)
- except ChartError as error:
- self.error("create() => [NOT ADDED] (variable '{var}': {error})".format(var=variable,
- error=error))
- continue
- del self.order
- del self.definitions
- # True if job has at least 1 chart else False
- return bool(self.charts)
- def run(self):
- """
- Runs job in thread. Handles retries.
- Exits when job failed or timed out.
- :return: None
- """
- job = self._runtime_counters
- self.debug('started, update frequency: {freq}, '
- 'retries: {retries}'.format(freq=job.FREQ, retries=job.RETRIES_MAX - job.RETRIES))
- while True:
- job.START_RUN = time()
- job.NEXT_RUN = job.START_RUN - (job.START_RUN % job.FREQ) + job.FREQ + job.PENALTY
- self.sleep_until_next_run()
- if job.PREV_UPDATE:
- job.SINCE_UPDATE = int((job.START_RUN - job.PREV_UPDATE) * 1e6)
- try:
- updated = self.update(interval=job.SINCE_UPDATE)
- except Exception as error:
- self.error('update() unhandled exception: {error}'.format(error=error))
- updated = False
- job.RUNS += 1
- if not updated:
- if not self.manage_retries():
- return
- else:
- job.ELAPSED = int((time() - job.START_RUN) * 1e3)
- job.RETRIES, job.PENALTY = 0, 0
- safe_print(RUNTIME_CHART_UPDATE.format(,
- since_last=job.SINCE_UPDATE,
- elapsed=job.ELAPSED))
- self.debug('update => [{status}] (elapsed time: {elapsed}, '
- 'retries left: {retries})'.format(status='OK' if updated else 'FAILED',
- elapsed=job.ELAPSED if updated else '-',
- retries=job.RETRIES_MAX - job.RETRIES))
- def update(self, interval):
- """
- :return:
- """
- data = self.get_data()
- if not data:
- self.debug('get_data() returned no data')
- return False
- elif not isinstance(data, dict):
- self.debug('get_data() returned incorrect type data')
- return False
- updated = False
- for chart in self.charts:
- if chart.flags.obsoleted:
- if chart.can_be_updated(data):
- chart.refresh()
- else:
- continue
- elif self.charts.cleanup and chart.penalty >= self.charts.cleanup:
- chart.obsolete()
- self.error("chart '{0}' was suppressed due to non updating".format(
- continue
- ok = chart.update(data, interval)
- if ok:
- updated = True
- if not updated:
- self.debug('none of the charts has been updated')
- return updated
- def manage_retries(self):
- rc = self._runtime_counters
- rc.RETRIES += 1
- if rc.RETRIES % 5 == 0:
- rc.PENALTY = int(rc.RETRIES * self.update_every / 2)
- if rc.RETRIES >= rc.RETRIES_MAX:
- self.error('stopped after {0} data collection failures in a row'.format(rc.RETRIES_MAX))
- return False
- return True
- def sleep_until_next_run(self):
- job = self._runtime_counters
- # sleep() is interruptable
- while job.is_sleep_time():
- sleep_time = job.NEXT_RUN - job.START_RUN
- self.debug('sleeping for {sleep_time} to reach frequency of {freq} sec'.format(sleep_time=sleep_time,
- freq=job.FREQ + job.PENALTY))
- sleep(sleep_time)
- job.START_RUN = time()
- def get_data(self):
- return self._get_data()
- def _get_data(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Description:
-# Author: Pawel Krupa (paulfantom)
-import socket
-from bases.FrameworkServices.SimpleService import SimpleService
-class SocketService(SimpleService):
- def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None):
- self._sock = None
- self._keep_alive = False
- = 'localhost'
- self.port = None
- self.unix_socket = None
- self.dgram_socket = False
- self.request = ''
- self.__socket_config = None
- self.__empty_request = "".encode()
- SimpleService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name)
- def _socket_error(self, message=None):
- if self.unix_socket is not None:
- self.error('unix socket "{socket}": {message}'.format(socket=self.unix_socket,
- message=message))
- else:
- if self.__socket_config is not None:
- af, sock_type, proto, canon_name, sa = self.__socket_config
- self.error('socket to "{address}" port {port}: {message}'.format(address=sa[0],
- port=sa[1],
- message=message))
- else:
- self.error('unknown socket: {0}'.format(message))
- def _connect2socket(self, res=None):
- """
- Connect to a socket, passing the result of getaddrinfo()
- :return: boolean
- """
- if res is None:
- res = self.__socket_config
- if res is None:
- self.error("Cannot create socket to 'None':")
- return False
- af, sock_type, proto, canon_name, sa = res
- try:
- self.debug('Creating socket to "{address}", port {port}'.format(address=sa[0], port=sa[1]))
- self._sock = socket.socket(af, sock_type, proto)
- except socket.error as error:
- self.error('Failed to create socket "{address}", port {port}, error: {error}'.format(address=sa[0],
- port=sa[1],
- error=error))
- self._sock = None
- self.__socket_config = None
- return False
- try:
- self.debug('connecting socket to "{address}", port {port}'.format(address=sa[0], port=sa[1]))
- self._sock.connect(sa)
- except socket.error as error:
- self.error('Failed to connect to "{address}", port {port}, error: {error}'.format(address=sa[0],
- port=sa[1],
- error=error))
- self._disconnect()
- self.__socket_config = None
- return False
- self.debug('connected to "{address}", port {port}'.format(address=sa[0], port=sa[1]))
- self.__socket_config = res
- return True
- def _connect2unixsocket(self):
- """
- Connect to a unix socket, given its filename
- :return: boolean
- """
- if self.unix_socket is None:
- self.error("cannot connect to unix socket 'None'")
- return False
- try:
- self.debug('attempting DGRAM unix socket "{0}"'.format(self.unix_socket))
- self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
- self._sock.connect(self.unix_socket)
- self.debug('connected DGRAM unix socket "{0}"'.format(self.unix_socket))
- return True
- except socket.error as error:
- self.debug('Failed to connect DGRAM unix socket "{socket}": {error}'.format(socket=self.unix_socket,
- error=error))
- try:
- self.debug('attempting STREAM unix socket "{0}"'.format(self.unix_socket))
- self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- self._sock.connect(self.unix_socket)
- self.debug('connected STREAM unix socket "{0}"'.format(self.unix_socket))
- return True
- except socket.error as error:
- self.debug('Failed to connect STREAM unix socket "{socket}": {error}'.format(socket=self.unix_socket,
- error=error))
- self._sock = None
- return False
- def _connect(self):
- """
- Recreate socket and connect to it since sockets cannot be reused after closing
- Available configurations are IPv6, IPv4 or UNIX socket
- :return:
- """
- try:
- if self.unix_socket is not None:
- self._connect2unixsocket()
- else:
- if self.__socket_config is not None:
- self._connect2socket()
- else:
- if self.dgram_socket:
- sock_type = socket.SOCK_DGRAM
- else:
- sock_type = socket.SOCK_STREAM
- for res in socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, sock_type):
- if self._connect2socket(res):
- break
- except Exception:
- self._sock = None
- self.__socket_config = None
- if self._sock is not None:
- self._sock.setblocking(0)
- self._sock.settimeout(5)
- self.debug('set socket timeout to: {0}'.format(self._sock.gettimeout()))
- def _disconnect(self):
- """
- Close socket connection
- :return:
- """
- if self._sock is not None:
- try:
- self.debug('closing socket')
- self._sock.shutdown(2) # 0 - read, 1 - write, 2 - all
- self._sock.close()
- except Exception:
- pass
- self._sock = None
- def _send(self):
- """
- Send request.
- :return: boolean
- """
- # Send request if it is needed
- if self.request != self.__empty_request:
- try:
- self.debug('sending request: {0}'.format(self.request))
- self._sock.send(self.request)
- except Exception as error:
- self._socket_error('error sending request: {0}'.format(error))
- self._disconnect()
- return False
- return True
- def _receive(self, raw=False):
- """
- Receive data from socket
- :param raw: set `True` to return bytes
- :type raw: bool
- :return: decoded str or raw bytes
- :rtype: str/bytes
- """
- data = "" if not raw else b""
- while True:
- self.debug('receiving response')
- try:
- buf = self._sock.recv(4096)
- except Exception as error:
- self._socket_error('failed to receive response: {0}'.format(error))
- self._disconnect()
- break
- if buf is None or len(buf) == 0: # handle server disconnect
- if data == "" or data == b"":
- self._socket_error('unexpectedly disconnected')
- else:
- self.debug('server closed the connection')
- self._disconnect()
- break
- self.debug('received data')
- data += buf.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') if not raw else buf
- if self._check_raw_data(data):
- break
- self.debug('final response: {0}'.format(data))
- return data
- def _get_raw_data(self, raw=False):
- """
- Get raw data with low-level "socket" module.
- :param raw: set `True` to return bytes
- :type raw: bool
- :return: decoded data (str) or raw data (bytes)
- :rtype: str/bytes
- """
- if self._sock is None:
- self._connect()
- if self._sock is None:
- return None
- # Send request if it is needed
- if not self._send():
- return None
- data = self._receive(raw)
- if not self._keep_alive:
- self._disconnect()
- return data
- @staticmethod
- def _check_raw_data(data):
- """
- Check if all data has been gathered from socket
- :param data: str
- :return: boolean
- """
- return bool(data)
- def _parse_config(self):
- """
- Parse configuration data
- :return: boolean
- """
- try:
- self.unix_socket = str(self.configuration['socket'])
- except (KeyError, TypeError):
- self.debug('No unix socket specified. Trying TCP/IP socket.')
- self.unix_socket = None
- try:
- = str(self.configuration['host'])
- except (KeyError, TypeError):
- self.debug('No host specified. Using: "{0}"'.format(
- try:
- self.port = int(self.configuration['port'])
- except (KeyError, TypeError):
- self.debug('No port specified. Using: "{0}"'.format(self.port))
- try:
- self.request = str(self.configuration['request'])
- except (KeyError, TypeError):
- self.debug('No request specified. Using: "{0}"'.format(self.request))
- self.request = self.request.encode()
- def check(self):
- self._parse_config()
- return SimpleService.check(self)
diff --git a/python.d/python_modules/bases/FrameworkServices/ b/python.d/python_modules/bases/FrameworkServices/
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index bb340ba3b..000000000
--- a/python.d/python_modules/bases/FrameworkServices/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Description:
-# Author: Pawel Krupa (paulfantom)
-# Author: Ilya Mashchenko (l2isbad)
-import urllib3
-from bases.FrameworkServices.SimpleService import SimpleService
- urllib3.disable_warnings()
-except AttributeError:
- pass
-class UrlService(SimpleService):
- def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None):
- SimpleService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name)
- self.url = self.configuration.get('url')
- self.user = self.configuration.get('user')
- self.password = self.configuration.get('pass')
- self.proxy_user = self.configuration.get('proxy_user')
- self.proxy_password = self.configuration.get('proxy_pass')
- self.proxy_url = self.configuration.get('proxy_url')
- self.header = self.configuration.get('header')
- self.request_timeout = self.configuration.get('timeout', 1)
- self._manager = None
- def __make_headers(self, **header_kw):
- user = header_kw.get('user') or self.user
- password = header_kw.get('pass') or self.password
- proxy_user = header_kw.get('proxy_user') or self.proxy_user
- proxy_password = header_kw.get('proxy_pass') or self.proxy_password
- custom_header = header_kw.get('header') or self.header
- header_params = dict(keep_alive=True)
- proxy_header_params = dict()
- if user and password:
- header_params['basic_auth'] = '{user}:{password}'.format(user=user,
- password=password)
- if proxy_user and proxy_password:
- proxy_header_params['proxy_basic_auth'] = '{user}:{password}'.format(user=proxy_user,
- password=proxy_password)
- try:
- header, proxy_header = urllib3.make_headers(**header_params), urllib3.make_headers(**proxy_header_params)
- except TypeError as error:
- self.error('build_header() error: {error}'.format(error=error))
- return None, None
- else:
- header.update(custom_header or dict())
- return header, proxy_header
- def _build_manager(self, **header_kw):
- header, proxy_header = self.__make_headers(**header_kw)
- if header is None or proxy_header is None:
- return None
- proxy_url = header_kw.get('proxy_url') or self.proxy_url
- if proxy_url:
- manager = urllib3.ProxyManager
- params = dict(proxy_url=proxy_url, headers=header, proxy_headers=proxy_header)
- else:
- manager = urllib3.PoolManager
- params = dict(headers=header)
- try:
- url = header_kw.get('url') or self.url
- if url.startswith('https'):
- return manager(assert_hostname=False, cert_reqs='CERT_NONE', **params)
- return manager(**params)
- except (urllib3.exceptions.ProxySchemeUnknown, TypeError) as error:
- self.error('build_manager() error:', str(error))
- return None
- def _get_raw_data(self, url=None, manager=None):
- """
- Get raw data from http request
- :return: str
- """
- try:
- status, data = self._get_raw_data_with_status(url, manager)
- except (urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError, TypeError, AttributeError) as error:
- self.error('Url: {url}. Error: {error}'.format(url=url, error=error))
- return None
- if status == 200:
- return data.decode()
- else:
- self.debug('Url: {url}. Http response status code: {code}'.format(url=url, code=status))
- return None
- def _get_raw_data_with_status(self, url=None, manager=None, retries=1, redirect=True):
- """
- Get status and response body content from http request. Does not catch exceptions
- :return: int, str
- """
- url = url or self.url
- manager = manager or self._manager
- response = manager.request(method='GET',
- url=url,
- timeout=self.request_timeout,
- retries=retries,
- headers=manager.headers,
- redirect=redirect)
- return response.status,
- def check(self):
- """
- Format configuration data and try to connect to server
- :return: boolean
- """
- if not (self.url and isinstance(self.url, str)):
- self.error('URL is not defined or type is not <str>')
- return False
- self._manager = self._build_manager()
- if not self._manager:
- return False
- try:
- data = self._get_data()
- except Exception as error:
- self.error('_get_data() failed. Url: {url}. Error: {error}'.format(url=self.url, error=error))
- return False
- if isinstance(data, dict) and data:
- return True
- self.error('_get_data() returned no data or type is not <dict>')
- return False
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