path: root/src/daemon/config/dyncfg-files.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/daemon/config/dyncfg-files.c b/src/daemon/config/dyncfg-files.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..81b56918f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/daemon/config/dyncfg-files.c
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+#include "dyncfg-internals.h"
+#include "dyncfg.h"
+void dyncfg_file_delete(const char *id) {
+ CLEAN_CHAR_P *escaped_id = dyncfg_escape_id_for_filename(id);
+ char filename[FILENAME_MAX];
+ snprintfz(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s.dyncfg", dyncfg_globals.dir, escaped_id);
+ unlink(filename);
+void dyncfg_file_save(const char *id, DYNCFG *df) {
+ CLEAN_CHAR_P *escaped_id = dyncfg_escape_id_for_filename(id);
+ char filename[FILENAME_MAX];
+ snprintfz(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s.dyncfg", dyncfg_globals.dir, escaped_id);
+ FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "w");
+ if(!fp) {
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_ERR, "DYNCFG: cannot create file '%s'", filename);
+ return;
+ }
+ df->dyncfg.modified_ut = now_realtime_usec();
+ if(!df->dyncfg.created_ut)
+ df->dyncfg.created_ut = df->dyncfg.modified_ut;
+ fprintf(fp, "version=%zu\n", DYNCFG_VERSION);
+ fprintf(fp, "id=%s\n", id);
+ if(df->template)
+ fprintf(fp, "template=%s\n", string2str(df->template));
+ char uuid_str[UUID_COMPACT_STR_LEN];
+ uuid_unparse_lower_compact(df->host_uuid.uuid, uuid_str);
+ fprintf(fp, "host=%s\n", uuid_str);
+ fprintf(fp, "path=%s\n", string2str(df->path));
+ fprintf(fp, "type=%s\n", dyncfg_id2type(df->type));
+ fprintf(fp, "source_type=%s\n", dyncfg_id2source_type(df->dyncfg.source_type));
+ fprintf(fp, "source=%s\n", string2str(df->dyncfg.source));
+ fprintf(fp, "created=%"PRIu64"\n", df->dyncfg.created_ut);
+ fprintf(fp, "modified=%"PRIu64"\n", df->dyncfg.modified_ut);
+ fprintf(fp, "sync=%s\n", df->sync ? "true" : "false");
+ fprintf(fp, "user_disabled=%s\n", df->dyncfg.user_disabled ? "true" : "false");
+ fprintf(fp, "saves=%"PRIu32"\n", ++df->dyncfg.saves);
+ fprintf(fp, "cmds=");
+ dyncfg_cmds2fp(df->cmds, fp);
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ if(df->dyncfg.payload && buffer_strlen(df->dyncfg.payload) > 0) {
+ fprintf(fp, "content_type=%s\n", content_type_id2string(df->dyncfg.payload->content_type));
+ fprintf(fp, "content_length=%zu\n", buffer_strlen(df->dyncfg.payload));
+ fprintf(fp, "---\n");
+ fwrite(buffer_tostring(df->dyncfg.payload), 1, buffer_strlen(df->dyncfg.payload), fp);
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+void dyncfg_file_load(const char *d_name) {
+ char filename[PATH_MAX];
+ snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", dyncfg_globals.dir, d_name);
+ FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (!fp) {
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_ERR, "DYNCFG: cannot open file '%s'", filename);
+ return;
+ }
+ DYNCFG tmp = { 0 };
+ char line[PLUGINSD_LINE_MAX];
+ HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE content_type = CT_NONE;
+ size_t content_length = 0;
+ bool read_payload = false;
+ while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) {
+ if(strcmp(line, "---\n") == 0) {
+ read_payload = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ char *value = strchr(line, '=');
+ if(!value) continue;
+ *value++ = '\0';
+ value = trim(value);
+ if(!value) continue;
+ char *key = trim(line);
+ if(!key) continue;
+ // Parse key-value pairs
+ if (strcmp(key, "version") == 0) {
+ size_t version = strtoull(value, NULL, 10);
+ if(version > DYNCFG_VERSION)
+ "DYNCFG: configuration file '%s' has version %zu, which is newer than our version %zu",
+ filename, version, DYNCFG_VERSION);
+ } else if (strcmp(key, "id") == 0) {
+ freez(id);
+ id = strdupz(value);
+ } else if (strcmp(key, "template") == 0) {
+ tmp.template = string_strdupz(value);
+ } else if (strcmp(key, "host") == 0) {
+ uuid_parse_flexi(value, tmp.host_uuid.uuid);
+ } else if (strcmp(key, "path") == 0) {
+ tmp.path = string_strdupz(value);
+ } else if (strcmp(key, "type") == 0) {
+ tmp.type = dyncfg_type2id(value);
+ } else if (strcmp(key, "source_type") == 0) {
+ tmp.dyncfg.source_type = dyncfg_source_type2id(value);
+ } else if (strcmp(key, "source") == 0) {
+ tmp.dyncfg.source = string_strdupz(value);
+ } else if (strcmp(key, "created") == 0) {
+ tmp.dyncfg.created_ut = strtoull(value, NULL, 10);
+ } else if (strcmp(key, "modified") == 0) {
+ tmp.dyncfg.modified_ut = strtoull(value, NULL, 10);
+ } else if (strcmp(key, "sync") == 0) {
+ tmp.sync = (strcmp(value, "true") == 0);
+ } else if (strcmp(key, "user_disabled") == 0) {
+ tmp.dyncfg.user_disabled = (strcmp(value, "true") == 0);
+ } else if (strcmp(key, "saves") == 0) {
+ tmp.dyncfg.saves = strtoull(value, NULL, 10);
+ } else if (strcmp(key, "content_type") == 0) {
+ content_type = content_type_string2id(value);
+ } else if (strcmp(key, "content_length") == 0) {
+ content_length = strtoull(value, NULL, 10);
+ } else if (strcmp(key, "cmds") == 0) {
+ tmp.cmds = dyncfg_cmds2id(value);
+ }
+ }
+ if (read_payload) {
+ // Determine the actual size of the remaining file content
+ long saved_position = ftell(fp); // Save current position
+ fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
+ long total_size = ftell(fp); // Total size of the file
+ size_t actual_size = total_size - saved_position; // Calculate remaining content size
+ fseek(fp, saved_position, SEEK_SET); // Reset file pointer to the beginning of the payload
+ // Use actual_size instead of content_length to handle the whole remaining file
+ tmp.dyncfg.payload = buffer_create(actual_size, NULL);
+ tmp.dyncfg.payload->content_type = content_type;
+ buffer_need_bytes(tmp.dyncfg.payload, actual_size);
+ tmp.dyncfg.payload->len = fread(tmp.dyncfg.payload->buffer, 1, actual_size, fp);
+ if (content_length != tmp.dyncfg.payload->len) {
+ "DYNCFG: content_length %zu does not match actual payload size %zu for file '%s'",
+ content_length, actual_size, filename);
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ if(!id) {
+ "DYNCFG: configuration file '%s' does not include a unique id. Ignoring it.",
+ filename);
+ dyncfg_cleanup(&tmp);
+ return;
+ }
+ tmp.dyncfg.status = DYNCFG_STATUS_ORPHAN;
+ tmp.dyncfg.restart_required = false;
+ dyncfg_set_current_from_dyncfg(&tmp);
+ dictionary_set(dyncfg_globals.nodes, id, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
+ // check if we need to rename the file
+ CLEAN_CHAR_P *fixed_id = dyncfg_escape_id_for_filename(id);
+ char fixed_filename[PATH_MAX];
+ snprintf(fixed_filename, sizeof(fixed_filename), "%s/%s.dyncfg", dyncfg_globals.dir, fixed_id);
+ if(strcmp(filename, fixed_filename) != 0) {
+ if(rename(filename, fixed_filename) != 0)
+ "DYNCFG: cannot rename file '%s' into '%s'. Saving a new configuraton may not overwrite the old one.",
+ filename, fixed_filename);
+ }
+void dyncfg_load_all(void) {
+ DIR *dir = opendir(dyncfg_globals.dir);
+ if (!dir) {
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_ERR, "DYNCFG: cannot open directory '%s'", dyncfg_globals.dir);
+ return;
+ }
+ struct dirent *entry;
+ while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
+ if ((entry->d_type == DT_REG || entry->d_type == DT_LNK) && strendswith(entry->d_name, ".dyncfg"))
+ dyncfg_file_load(entry->d_name);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// schemas loading
+static bool dyncfg_read_file_to_buffer(const char *filename, BUFFER *dst) {
+ int fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC, 0666);
+ if(unlikely(fd == -1))
+ return false;
+ struct stat st = { 0 };
+ if(fstat(fd, &st) != 0) {
+ close(fd);
+ return false;
+ }
+ buffer_flush(dst);
+ buffer_need_bytes(dst, st.st_size + 1); // +1 for the terminating zero
+ ssize_t r = read(fd, (char*)dst->buffer, st.st_size);
+ if(unlikely(r == -1)) {
+ close(fd);
+ return false;
+ }
+ dst->len = r;
+ dst->buffer[dst->len] = '\0';
+ close(fd);
+ return true;
+static bool dyncfg_get_schema_from(const char *dir, const char *id, BUFFER *dst) {
+ char filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
+ CLEAN_CHAR_P *escaped_id = dyncfg_escape_id_for_filename(id);
+ snprintfz(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/schema.d/%s.json", dir, escaped_id);
+ if(dyncfg_read_file_to_buffer(filename, dst))
+ return true;
+ snprintfz(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/schema.d/%s.json", dir, id);
+ if(dyncfg_read_file_to_buffer(filename, dst))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+bool dyncfg_get_schema(const char *id, BUFFER *dst) {
+ if(dyncfg_get_schema_from(netdata_configured_user_config_dir, id, dst))
+ return true;
+ if(dyncfg_get_schema_from(netdata_configured_stock_config_dir, id, dst))
+ return true;
+ return false;