path: root/src/database/sqlite/sqlite_metadata.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 2645 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/database/sqlite/sqlite_metadata.c b/src/database/sqlite/sqlite_metadata.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..86ecee1f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/database/sqlite/sqlite_metadata.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2645 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+#include "sqlite_metadata.h"
+#include "sqlite3recover.h"
+//#include "sqlite_db_migration.h"
+const char *database_config[] = {
+ "registry_hostname TEXT NOT NULL default 'unknown', update_every INT NOT NULL default 1, "
+ "os TEXT NOT NULL default 'unknown', timezone TEXT NOT NULL default 'unknown', tags TEXT NOT NULL default '',"
+ "memory_mode INT DEFAULT 0, abbrev_timezone TEXT DEFAULT '', utc_offset INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
+ "program_name TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown', program_version TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown', "
+ "entries INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
+ "health_enabled INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, last_connected INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)",
+ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS chart(chart_id blob PRIMARY KEY, host_id blob, type text, id text, name text, "
+ "family text, context text, title text, unit text, plugin text, module text, priority int, update_every int, "
+ "chart_type int, memory_mode int, history_entries)",
+ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dimension(dim_id blob PRIMARY KEY, chart_id blob, id text, name text, "
+ "multiplier int, divisor int , algorithm int, options text)",
+ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS metadata_migration(filename text, file_size, date_created int)",
+ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS chart_label(chart_id blob, source_type int, label_key text, "
+ "label_value text, date_created int, PRIMARY KEY (chart_id, label_key))",
+ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS node_instance (host_id blob PRIMARY KEY, claim_id, node_id, date_created)",
+ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS alert_hash(hash_id blob PRIMARY KEY, date_updated int, alarm text, template text, "
+ "on_key text, class text, component text, type text, os text, hosts text, lookup text, "
+ "every text, units text, calc text, families text, plugin text, module text, charts text, green text, "
+ "red text, warn text, crit text, exec text, to_key text, info text, delay text, options text, "
+ "repeat text, host_labels text, p_db_lookup_dimensions text, p_db_lookup_method text, p_db_lookup_options int, "
+ "p_db_lookup_after int, p_db_lookup_before int, p_update_every int, source text, chart_labels text, "
+ "summary text, time_group_condition INT, time_group_value DOUBLE, dims_group INT, data_source INT)",
+ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS host_info(host_id blob, system_key text NOT NULL, system_value text NOT NULL, "
+ "date_created INT, PRIMARY KEY(host_id, system_key))",
+ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS host_label(host_id blob, source_type int, label_key text NOT NULL, "
+ "label_value text NOT NULL, date_created INT, PRIMARY KEY (host_id, label_key))",
+ "CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS ins_host AFTER INSERT ON host BEGIN INSERT INTO node_instance (host_id, date_created)"
+ " SELECT new.host_id, unixepoch() WHERE new.host_id NOT IN (SELECT host_id FROM node_instance); END",
+ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS health_log (health_log_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, host_id blob, alarm_id int, "
+ "config_hash_id blob, name text, chart text, family text, recipient text, units text, exec text, "
+ "chart_context text, last_transition_id blob, chart_name text, UNIQUE (host_id, alarm_id))",
+ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS health_log_detail (health_log_id int, unique_id int, alarm_id int, alarm_event_id int, "
+ "updated_by_id int, updates_id int, when_key int, duration int, non_clear_duration int, "
+ "flags int, exec_run_timestamp int, delay_up_to_timestamp int, "
+ "info text, exec_code int, new_status real, old_status real, delay int, "
+ "new_value double, old_value double, last_repeat int, transition_id blob, global_id int, summary text)",
+ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ind_d2 on dimension (chart_id)",
+ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ind_c3 on chart (host_id)",
+ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS health_log_ind_1 ON health_log (host_id)",
+ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS health_log_d_ind_2 ON health_log_detail (global_id)",
+ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS health_log_d_ind_3 ON health_log_detail (transition_id)",
+ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS health_log_d_ind_9 ON health_log_detail (unique_id DESC, health_log_id)",
+ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS health_log_d_ind_6 on health_log_detail (health_log_id, when_key)",
+ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS health_log_d_ind_7 on health_log_detail (alarm_id)",
+ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS health_log_d_ind_8 on health_log_detail (new_status, updated_by_id)",
+const char *database_cleanup[] = {
+ "DELETE FROM host WHERE host_id NOT IN (SELECT host_id FROM chart)",
+ "DELETE FROM node_instance WHERE host_id NOT IN (SELECT host_id FROM host)",
+ "DELETE FROM host_info WHERE host_id NOT IN (SELECT host_id FROM host)",
+ "DELETE FROM host_label WHERE host_id NOT IN (SELECT host_id FROM host)",
+ "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS tr_dim_del",
+ "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS alert_hash_index",
+ "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS health_log_d_ind_4",
+ "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS health_log_d_ind_1",
+ "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS health_log_d_ind_5",
+sqlite3 *db_meta = NULL;
+// SQL statements
+ "INSERT INTO node_instance " \
+ "(host_id, claim_id, date_created) VALUES (@host_id, @claim_id, UNIXEPOCH()) " \
+ "ON CONFLICT(host_id) DO UPDATE SET claim_id = excluded.claim_id"
+#define SQL_DELETE_HOST_LABELS "DELETE FROM host_label WHERE host_id = @uuid"
+ "INSERT INTO host_label (host_id, source_type, label_key, label_value, date_created) VALUES "
+ "INSERT INTO chart_label (chart_id, source_type, label_key, label_value, date_created) VALUES "
+#define STORE_HOST_OR_CHART_LABEL_VALUE "(u2h('%s'), %d,'%s','%s', unixepoch())"
+#define DELETE_DIMENSION_UUID "DELETE FROM dimension WHERE dim_id = @uuid"
+ "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO host (host_id, hostname, registry_hostname, update_every, os, timezone, tags, hops, " \
+ "memory_mode, abbrev_timezone, utc_offset, program_name, program_version, entries, health_enabled, last_connected) " \
+ "VALUES (@host_id, @hostname, @registry_hostname, @update_every, @os, @timezone, @tags, @hops, " \
+ "@memory_mode, @abbrev_tz, @utc_offset, @prog_name, @prog_version, @entries, @health_enabled, @last_connected)"
+#define SQL_STORE_CHART \
+ "INSERT INTO chart (chart_id, host_id, type, id, name, family, context, title, unit, plugin, module, priority, " \
+ "update_every, chart_type, memory_mode, history_entries) " \
+ "values (@chart_id, @host_id, @type, @id, @name, @family, @context, @title, @unit, @plugin, @module, @priority, " \
+ "@update_every, @chart_type, @memory_mode, @history_entries) " \
+ "ON CONFLICT(chart_id) DO UPDATE SET type=excluded.type,,, " \
+ ", context=excluded.context, title=excluded.title, unit=excluded.unit, " \
+ "plugin=excluded.plugin, module=excluded.module, priority=excluded.priority, update_every=excluded.update_every, " \
+ "chart_type=excluded.chart_type, memory_mode = excluded.memory_mode, history_entries = excluded.history_entries"
+ "INSERT INTO dimension (dim_id, chart_id, id, name, multiplier, divisor , algorithm, options) " \
+ "VALUES (@dim_id, @chart_id, @id, @name, @multiplier, @divisor, @algorithm, @options) " \
+ "ON CONFLICT(dim_id) DO UPDATE SET,, multiplier=excluded.multiplier, " \
+ "divisor=excluded.divisor, algorithm=excluded.algorithm, options=excluded.options"
+#define SELECT_DIMENSION_LIST "SELECT dim_id, rowid FROM dimension WHERE rowid > @row_id"
+#define SELECT_CHART_LIST "SELECT chart_id, rowid FROM chart WHERE rowid > @row_id"
+#define SELECT_CHART_LABEL_LIST "SELECT chart_id, rowid FROM chart_label WHERE rowid > @row_id"
+ "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO host_info (host_id, system_key, system_value, date_created) VALUES " \
+ "(@uuid, @name, @value, UNIXEPOCH())"
+#define CONVERT_EXISTING_LOCALHOST "UPDATE host SET hops = 1 WHERE hops = 0 AND host_id <> @host_id"
+#define DELETE_MISSING_NODE_INSTANCES "DELETE FROM node_instance WHERE host_id NOT IN (SELECT host_id FROM host)"
+#define METADATA_MAINTENANCE_FIRST_CHECK (1800) // Maintenance first run after agent startup in seconds
+#define METADATA_MAINTENANCE_REPEAT (60) // Repeat if last run for dimensions, charts, labels needs more work
+#define METADATA_HEALTH_LOG_INTERVAL (3600) // Repeat maintenance for health
+#define METADATA_DIM_CHECK_INTERVAL (3600) // Repeat maintenance for dimensions
+#define METADATA_CHART_CHECK_INTERVAL (3600) // Repeat maintenance for charts
+#define METADATA_LABEL_CHECK_INTERVAL (3600) // Repeat maintenance for labels
+#define METADATA_RUNTIME_THRESHOLD (5) // Run time threshold for cleanup task
+#define METADATA_HOST_CHECK_FIRST_CHECK (5) // First check for pending metadata
+#define METADATA_HOST_CHECK_INTERVAL (30) // Repeat check for pending metadata
+#define METADATA_HOST_CHECK_IMMEDIATE (5) // Repeat immediate run because we have more metadata to write
+#define MAX_METADATA_CLEANUP (500) // Maximum metadata write operations (e.g deletes before retrying)
+#define METADATA_MAX_BATCH_SIZE (512) // Maximum commands to execute before running the event loop
+#define DATABASE_FREE_PAGES_THRESHOLD_PC (5) // Percentage of free pages to trigger vacuum
+#define DATABASE_FREE_PAGES_VACUUM_PC (10) // Percentage of free pages to vacuum
+enum metadata_opcode {
+ // leave this last
+ // we need it to check for worker utilization
+#define MAX_PARAM_LIST (2)
+struct metadata_cmd {
+ enum metadata_opcode opcode;
+ struct completion *completion;
+ const void *param[MAX_PARAM_LIST];
+ struct metadata_cmd *prev, *next;
+typedef enum {
+ METADATA_FLAG_PROCESSING = (1 << 0), // store or cleanup
+ METADATA_FLAG_SHUTDOWN = (1 << 1), // Shutting down
+struct metadata_wc {
+ uv_thread_t thread;
+ uv_loop_t *loop;
+ uv_async_t async;
+ uv_timer_t timer_req;
+ time_t metadata_check_after;
+ struct completion start_stop_complete;
+ struct completion *scan_complete;
+ /* FIFO command queue */
+ SPINLOCK cmd_queue_lock;
+ struct metadata_cmd *cmd_base;
+#define metadata_flag_check(target_flags, flag) (__atomic_load_n(&((target_flags)->flags), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST) & (flag))
+#define metadata_flag_set(target_flags, flag) __atomic_or_fetch(&((target_flags)->flags), (flag), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
+#define metadata_flag_clear(target_flags, flag) __atomic_and_fetch(&((target_flags)->flags), ~(flag), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
+struct metadata_wc metasync_worker = {.loop = NULL};
+// For unittest
+struct thread_unittest {
+ int join;
+ unsigned added;
+ unsigned processed;
+ unsigned *done;
+int sql_metadata_cache_stats(int op)
+ int count, dummy;
+ if (unlikely(!db_meta))
+ return 0;
+ netdata_thread_disable_cancelability();
+ sqlite3_db_status(db_meta, op, &count, &dummy, 0);
+ netdata_thread_enable_cancelability();
+ return count;
+static inline void set_host_node_id(RRDHOST *host, uuid_t *node_id)
+ if (unlikely(!host))
+ return;
+ if (unlikely(!node_id)) {
+ freez(host->node_id);
+ __atomic_store_n(&host->node_id, NULL, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
+ return;
+ }
+ struct aclk_sync_cfg_t *wc = host->aclk_config;
+ if (unlikely(!host->node_id)) {
+ uuid_t *t = mallocz(sizeof(*host->node_id));
+ uuid_copy(*t, *node_id);
+ __atomic_store_n(&host->node_id, t, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
+ }
+ else {
+ uuid_copy(*(host->node_id), *node_id);
+ }
+ if (unlikely(!wc))
+ sql_create_aclk_table(host, &host->host_uuid, node_id);
+ else
+ uuid_unparse_lower(*node_id, wc->node_id);
+#define SQL_UPDATE_NODE_ID "UPDATE node_instance SET node_id = @node_id WHERE host_id = @host_id"
+int update_node_id(uuid_t *host_id, uuid_t *node_id)
+ sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ RRDHOST *host = NULL;
+ int rc = 2;
+ char host_guid[GUID_LEN + 1];
+ uuid_unparse_lower(*host_id, host_guid);
+ rrd_wrlock();
+ host = rrdhost_find_by_guid(host_guid);
+ if (likely(host))
+ set_host_node_id(host, node_id);
+ rrd_unlock();
+ if (unlikely(!db_meta)) {
+ if (default_rrd_memory_mode == RRD_MEMORY_MODE_DBENGINE)
+ error_report("Database has not been initialized");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, SQL_UPDATE_NODE_ID, -1, &res, 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to store node instance information");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 1, node_id, sizeof(*node_id), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to bind host_id parameter to store node instance information");
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 2, host_id, sizeof(*host_id), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to bind host_id parameter to store node instance information");
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ rc = execute_insert(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_DONE))
+ error_report("Failed to store node instance information, rc = %d", rc);
+ rc = sqlite3_changes(db_meta);
+ if (unlikely(sqlite3_finalize(res) != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to finalize the prepared statement when storing node instance information");
+ return rc - 1;
+#define SQL_SELECT_NODE_ID "SELECT node_id FROM node_instance WHERE host_id = @host_id AND node_id IS NOT NULL"
+int get_node_id(uuid_t *host_id, uuid_t *node_id)
+ sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ int rc;
+ if (unlikely(!db_meta)) {
+ if (default_rrd_memory_mode == RRD_MEMORY_MODE_DBENGINE)
+ error_report("Database has not been initialized");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, SQL_SELECT_NODE_ID, -1, &res, 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to select node instance information for a host");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 1, host_id, sizeof(*host_id), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to bind host_id parameter to select node instance information");
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_step_monitored(res);
+ if (likely(rc == SQLITE_ROW && node_id))
+ uuid_copy(*node_id, *((uuid_t *) sqlite3_column_blob(res, 0)));
+ if (unlikely(sqlite3_finalize(res) != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to finalize the prepared statement when selecting node instance information");
+ return (rc == SQLITE_ROW) ? 0 : -1;
+ "UPDATE node_instance SET node_id = NULL WHERE EXISTS " \
+ "(SELECT host_id FROM node_instance WHERE host_id = @host_id AND (@claim_id IS NULL OR claim_id <> @claim_id))"
+void invalidate_node_instances(uuid_t *host_id, uuid_t *claim_id)
+ sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ int rc;
+ if (unlikely(!db_meta)) {
+ if (default_rrd_memory_mode == RRD_MEMORY_MODE_DBENGINE)
+ error_report("Database has not been initialized");
+ return;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, SQL_INVALIDATE_NODE_INSTANCES, -1, &res, 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to invalidate node instance ids");
+ return;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 1, host_id, sizeof(*host_id), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to bind host_id parameter to invalidate node instance information");
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ if (claim_id)
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 2, claim_id, sizeof(*claim_id), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ else
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_null(res, 2);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to bind claim_id parameter to invalidate node instance information");
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ rc = execute_insert(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_DONE))
+ error_report("Failed to invalidate node instance information, rc = %d", rc);
+ if (unlikely(sqlite3_finalize(res) != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to finalize the prepared statement when invalidating node instance information");
+ "SELECT ni.node_id, ni.host_id, h.hostname " \
+ "FROM node_instance ni, host h WHERE ni.host_id = h.host_id AND h.hops >=0"
+struct node_instance_list *get_node_list(void)
+ struct node_instance_list *node_list = NULL;
+ sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ int rc;
+ if (unlikely(!db_meta)) {
+ if (default_rrd_memory_mode == RRD_MEMORY_MODE_DBENGINE)
+ error_report("Database has not been initialized");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, SQL_GET_NODE_INSTANCE_LIST, -1, &res, 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to get node instance information");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int row = 0;
+ char host_guid[UUID_STR_LEN];
+ while (sqlite3_step_monitored(res) == SQLITE_ROW)
+ row++;
+ if (sqlite3_reset(res) != SQLITE_OK) {
+ error_report("Failed to reset the prepared statement while fetching node instance information");
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ node_list = callocz(row + 1, sizeof(*node_list));
+ int max_rows = row;
+ row = 0;
+ // TODO: Check to remove lock
+ rrd_rdlock();
+ while (sqlite3_step_monitored(res) == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ if (sqlite3_column_bytes(res, 0) == sizeof(uuid_t))
+ uuid_copy(node_list[row].node_id, *((uuid_t *)sqlite3_column_blob(res, 0)));
+ if (sqlite3_column_bytes(res, 1) == sizeof(uuid_t)) {
+ uuid_t *host_id = (uuid_t *)sqlite3_column_blob(res, 1);
+ uuid_unparse_lower(*host_id, host_guid);
+ RRDHOST *host = rrdhost_find_by_guid(host_guid);
+ if (!host)
+ continue;
+ if (rrdhost_flag_check(host, RRDHOST_FLAG_PENDING_CONTEXT_LOAD)) {
+ netdata_log_info("ACLK: 'host:%s' skipping get node list because context is initializing", rrdhost_hostname(host));
+ continue;
+ }
+ uuid_copy(node_list[row].host_id, *host_id);
+ node_list[row].queryable = 1;
+ node_list[row].live = (host && (host == localhost || host->receiver
+ || !(rrdhost_flag_check(host, RRDHOST_FLAG_ORPHAN)))) ? 1 : 0;
+ node_list[row].hops = (host && host->system_info) ? host->system_info->hops :
+ uuid_memcmp(host_id, &localhost->host_uuid) ? 1 : 0;
+ node_list[row].hostname =
+ sqlite3_column_bytes(res, 2) ? strdupz((char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 2)) : NULL;
+ }
+ row++;
+ if (row == max_rows)
+ break;
+ }
+ rrd_unlock();
+ if (unlikely(sqlite3_finalize(res) != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to finalize the prepared statement when fetching node instance information");
+ return node_list;
+#define SQL_GET_HOST_NODE_ID "SELECT node_id FROM node_instance WHERE host_id = @host_id"
+void sql_load_node_id(RRDHOST *host)
+ sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ int rc;
+ if (unlikely(!db_meta)) {
+ if (default_rrd_memory_mode == RRD_MEMORY_MODE_DBENGINE)
+ error_report("Database has not been initialized");
+ return;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, SQL_GET_HOST_NODE_ID, -1, &res, 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to fetch node id");
+ return;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 1, &host->host_uuid, sizeof(host->host_uuid), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to bind host_id parameter to load node instance information");
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_step_monitored(res);
+ if (likely(rc == SQLITE_ROW)) {
+ if (likely(sqlite3_column_bytes(res, 0) == sizeof(uuid_t)))
+ set_host_node_id(host, (uuid_t *)sqlite3_column_blob(res, 0));
+ else
+ set_host_node_id(host, NULL);
+ }
+ if (unlikely(sqlite3_finalize(res) != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to finalize the prepared statement when loading node instance information");
+#define SELECT_HOST_INFO "SELECT system_key, system_value FROM host_info WHERE host_id = @host_id"
+void sql_build_host_system_info(uuid_t *host_id, struct rrdhost_system_info *system_info)
+ int rc;
+ sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, SELECT_HOST_INFO, -1, &res, 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to read host information");
+ return;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 1, host_id, sizeof(*host_id), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to bind host parameter host information");
+ goto skip;
+ }
+ while (sqlite3_step_monitored(res) == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ rrdhost_set_system_info_variable(system_info, (char *) sqlite3_column_text(res, 0),
+ (char *) sqlite3_column_text(res, 1));
+ }
+ if (unlikely(sqlite3_finalize(res) != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to finalize the prepared statement when reading host information");
+#define SELECT_HOST_LABELS "SELECT label_key, label_value, source_type FROM host_label WHERE host_id = @host_id " \
+ "AND label_key IS NOT NULL AND label_value IS NOT NULL"
+RRDLABELS *sql_load_host_labels(uuid_t *host_id)
+ int rc;
+ RRDLABELS *labels = NULL;
+ sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, SELECT_HOST_LABELS, -1, &res, 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to read host information");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 1, host_id, sizeof(*host_id), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to bind host parameter host information");
+ goto skip;
+ }
+ labels = rrdlabels_create();
+ while (sqlite3_step_monitored(res) == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ rrdlabels_add(labels, (const char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 0), (const char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 1), sqlite3_column_int(res, 2));
+ }
+ if (unlikely(sqlite3_finalize(res) != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to finalize the prepared statement when reading host information");
+ return labels;
+static int exec_statement_with_uuid(const char *sql, uuid_t *uuid)
+ int rc, result = 1;
+ sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, sql, -1, &res, 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement %s, rc = %d", sql, rc);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 1, uuid, sizeof(*uuid), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to bind UUID parameter to %s, rc = %d", sql, rc);
+ goto skip;
+ }
+ rc = execute_insert(res);
+ if (likely(rc == SQLITE_DONE))
+ result = SQLITE_OK;
+ else
+ error_report("Failed to execute %s, rc = %d", sql, rc);
+ rc = sqlite3_finalize(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to finalize statement %s, rc = %d", sql, rc);
+ return result;
+static void recover_database(const char *sqlite_database, const char *new_sqlite_database)
+ sqlite3 *database;
+ int rc = sqlite3_open(sqlite_database, &database);
+ if (rc != SQLITE_OK)
+ return;
+ netdata_log_info("Recover %s", sqlite_database);
+ netdata_log_info(" to %s", new_sqlite_database);
+ // This will remove the -shm and -wal files when we close the database
+ (void) db_execute(database, "select count(*) from sqlite_master limit 0");
+ sqlite3_recover *recover = sqlite3_recover_init(database, "main", new_sqlite_database);
+ if (recover) {
+ rc = sqlite3_recover_run(recover);
+ if (rc == SQLITE_OK)
+ netdata_log_info("Recover complete");
+ else
+ netdata_log_error("Recover encountered an error but the database may be usable");
+ rc = sqlite3_recover_finish(recover);
+ (void) sqlite3_close(database);
+ if (rc == SQLITE_OK) {
+ rc = rename(new_sqlite_database, sqlite_database);
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ netdata_log_info("Renamed %s", new_sqlite_database);
+ netdata_log_info(" to %s", sqlite_database);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ netdata_log_error("Recover failed to free resources");
+ }
+ else
+ (void) sqlite3_close(database);
+static void sqlite_uuid_parse(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv)
+ uuid_t uuid;
+ if ( argc != 1 ){
+ sqlite3_result_null(context);
+ return ;
+ }
+ int rc = uuid_parse((const char *) sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]), uuid);
+ if (rc == -1) {
+ sqlite3_result_null(context);
+ return ;
+ }
+ sqlite3_result_blob(context, &uuid, sizeof(uuid_t), SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+void sqlite_now_usec(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv)
+ if (argc != 1 ){
+ sqlite3_result_null(context);
+ return ;
+ }
+ if (sqlite3_value_int(argv[0]) != 0) {
+ struct timespec req = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 1};
+ nanosleep(&req, NULL);
+ }
+ sqlite3_result_int64(context, (sqlite_int64) now_realtime_usec());
+void sqlite_uuid_random(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv)
+ (void)argc;
+ (void)argv;
+ uuid_t uuid;
+ uuid_generate_random(uuid);
+ sqlite3_result_blob(context, &uuid, sizeof(uuid_t), SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+// Init
+ * Initialize the SQLite database
+ * Return 0 on success
+ */
+int sql_init_meta_database(db_check_action_type_t rebuild, int memory)
+ char *err_msg = NULL;
+ char sqlite_database[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
+ int rc;
+ if (likely(!memory)) {
+ snprintfz(sqlite_database, sizeof(sqlite_database) - 1, "%s/.netdata-meta.db.recover", netdata_configured_cache_dir);
+ rc = unlink(sqlite_database);
+ snprintfz(sqlite_database, FILENAME_MAX, "%s/netdata-meta.db", netdata_configured_cache_dir);
+ if (rc == 0 || (rebuild & DB_CHECK_RECOVER)) {
+ char new_sqlite_database[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
+ snprintfz(new_sqlite_database, sizeof(new_sqlite_database) - 1, "%s/netdata-meta-recover.db", netdata_configured_cache_dir);
+ recover_database(sqlite_database, new_sqlite_database);
+ if (rebuild & DB_CHECK_RECOVER)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ strncpyz(sqlite_database, ":memory:", sizeof(sqlite_database) - 1);
+ rc = sqlite3_open(sqlite_database, &db_meta);
+ if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
+ error_report("Failed to initialize database at %s, due to \"%s\"", sqlite_database, sqlite3_errstr(rc));
+ char *error_str = get_database_extented_error(db_meta, 0, "meta_open");
+ if (error_str)
+ analytics_set_data_str(&analytics_data.netdata_fail_reason, error_str);
+ freez(error_str);
+ sqlite3_close(db_meta);
+ db_meta = NULL;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (rebuild & DB_CHECK_RECLAIM_SPACE) {
+ netdata_log_info("Reclaiming space of %s", sqlite_database);
+ rc = sqlite3_exec_monitored(db_meta, "VACUUM", 0, 0, &err_msg);
+ if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
+ error_report("Failed to execute VACUUM rc = %d (%s)", rc, err_msg);
+ sqlite3_free(err_msg);
+ }
+ else {
+ (void) db_execute(db_meta, "select count(*) from sqlite_master limit 0");
+ (void) sqlite3_close(db_meta);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (rebuild & DB_CHECK_ANALYZE) {
+ errno = 0;
+ netdata_log_info("Running ANALYZE on %s", sqlite_database);
+ rc = sqlite3_exec_monitored(db_meta, "ANALYZE", 0, 0, &err_msg);
+ if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
+ error_report("Failed to execute ANALYZE rc = %d (%s)", rc, err_msg);
+ sqlite3_free(err_msg);
+ }
+ else {
+ (void) db_execute(db_meta, "select count(*) from sqlite_master limit 0");
+ (void) sqlite3_close(db_meta);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ netdata_log_info("SQLite database %s initialization", sqlite_database);
+ rc = sqlite3_create_function(db_meta, "u2h", 1, SQLITE_ANY | SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC, 0, sqlite_uuid_parse, 0, 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to register internal u2h function");
+ rc = sqlite3_create_function(db_meta, "now_usec", 1, SQLITE_ANY, 0, sqlite_now_usec, 0, 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to register internal now_usec function");
+ rc = sqlite3_create_function(db_meta, "uuid_random", 0, SQLITE_ANY, 0, sqlite_uuid_random, 0, 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to register internal uuid_random function");
+ int target_version = DB_METADATA_VERSION;
+ if (likely(!memory))
+ target_version = perform_database_migration(db_meta, DB_METADATA_VERSION);
+ if (configure_sqlite_database(db_meta, target_version, "meta_config"))
+ return 1;
+ if (init_database_batch(db_meta, &database_config[0], "meta_init"))
+ return 1;
+ if (init_database_batch(db_meta, &database_cleanup[0], "meta_cleanup"))
+ return 1;
+ netdata_log_info("SQLite database initialization completed");
+ return 0;
+// Metadata functions
+struct query_build {
+ BUFFER *sql;
+ int count;
+ char uuid_str[UUID_STR_LEN];
+ "DELETE FROM chart_label WHERE chart_id in (SELECT chart_id FROM chart WHERE host_id = @host_id)"
+static void delete_host_chart_labels(uuid_t *host_uuid)
+ sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ int rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, SQL_DELETE_CHART_LABELS_BY_HOST, -1, &res, 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to delete chart labels by host");
+ return;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 1, host_uuid, sizeof(*host_uuid), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to bind host_id parameter to host chart labels");
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_step_monitored(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_DONE))
+ error_report("Failed to execute command to remove host chart labels");
+ if (unlikely(sqlite3_finalize(res) != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to finalize statement to remove host chart labels");
+static int host_label_store_to_sql_callback(const char *name, const char *value, RRDLABEL_SRC ls, void *data) {
+ struct query_build *lb = data;
+ if (unlikely(!lb->count))
+ buffer_sprintf(lb->sql, STORE_HOST_LABEL);
+ else
+ buffer_strcat(lb->sql, ", ");
+ buffer_sprintf(lb->sql, STORE_HOST_OR_CHART_LABEL_VALUE, lb->uuid_str, (int) (ls & ~(RRDLABEL_FLAG_INTERNAL)), name, value);
+ lb->count++;
+ return 1;
+static int chart_label_store_to_sql_callback(const char *name, const char *value, RRDLABEL_SRC ls, void *data) {
+ struct query_build *lb = data;
+ if (unlikely(!lb->count))
+ buffer_sprintf(lb->sql, STORE_CHART_LABEL);
+ else
+ buffer_strcat(lb->sql, ", ");
+ buffer_sprintf(lb->sql, STORE_HOST_OR_CHART_LABEL_VALUE, lb->uuid_str, (int) (ls & ~(RRDLABEL_FLAG_INTERNAL)), name, value);
+ lb->count++;
+ return 1;
+#define SQL_DELETE_CHART_LABEL "DELETE FROM chart_label WHERE chart_id = @chart_id"
+#define SQL_DELETE_CHART_LABEL_HISTORY "DELETE FROM chart_label WHERE date_created < %ld AND chart_id = @chart_id"
+static void clean_old_chart_labels(RRDSET *st)
+ char sql[512];
+ time_t first_time_s = rrdset_first_entry_s(st);
+ if (unlikely(!first_time_s))
+ snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, SQL_DELETE_CHART_LABEL);
+ else
+ snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, SQL_DELETE_CHART_LABEL_HISTORY, first_time_s);
+ int rc = exec_statement_with_uuid(sql, &st->chart_uuid);
+ if (unlikely(rc))
+ error_report("METADATA: 'host:%s' Failed to clean old labels for chart %s", rrdhost_hostname(st->rrdhost), rrdset_name(st));
+static int check_and_update_chart_labels(RRDSET *st, BUFFER *work_buffer, size_t *query_counter)
+ size_t old_version = st->rrdlabels_last_saved_version;
+ size_t new_version = rrdlabels_version(st->rrdlabels);
+ if (new_version == old_version)
+ return 0;
+ struct query_build tmp = {.sql = work_buffer, .count = 0};
+ uuid_unparse_lower(st->chart_uuid, tmp.uuid_str);
+ rrdlabels_walkthrough_read(st->rrdlabels, chart_label_store_to_sql_callback, &tmp);
+ buffer_strcat(work_buffer, " ON CONFLICT (chart_id, label_key) DO UPDATE SET source_type = excluded.source_type, label_value=excluded.label_value, date_created=UNIXEPOCH()");
+ int rc = db_execute(db_meta, buffer_tostring(work_buffer));
+ if (likely(!rc)) {
+ st->rrdlabels_last_saved_version = new_version;
+ (*query_counter)++;
+ }
+ clean_old_chart_labels(st);
+ return rc;
+// If the machine guid has changed, then existing one with hops 0 will be marked as hops 1 (child)
+void detect_machine_guid_change(uuid_t *host_uuid)
+ int rc;
+ rc = exec_statement_with_uuid(CONVERT_EXISTING_LOCALHOST, host_uuid);
+ if (!rc) {
+ if (unlikely(db_execute(db_meta, DELETE_MISSING_NODE_INSTANCES)))
+ error_report("Failed to remove deleted hosts from node instances");
+ }
+static int store_claim_id(uuid_t *host_id, uuid_t *claim_id)
+ sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ int rc;
+ if (unlikely(!db_meta)) {
+ if (default_rrd_memory_mode == RRD_MEMORY_MODE_DBENGINE)
+ error_report("Database has not been initialized");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, SQL_STORE_CLAIM_ID, -1, &res, 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to store host claim id");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 1, host_id, sizeof(*host_id), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to bind host_id parameter to store claim id");
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ if (claim_id)
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 2, claim_id, sizeof(*claim_id), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ else
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_null(res, 2);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to bind claim_id parameter to host claim id");
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ rc = execute_insert(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_DONE))
+ error_report("Failed to store host claim id rc = %d", rc);
+ if (unlikely(sqlite3_finalize(res) != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to finalize the prepared statement when storing a host claim id");
+ return rc != SQLITE_DONE;
+static void delete_dimension_uuid(uuid_t *dimension_uuid, sqlite3_stmt **action_res __maybe_unused, bool flag __maybe_unused)
+ static __thread sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ int rc;
+ if (unlikely(!res)) {
+ rc = prepare_statement(db_meta, DELETE_DIMENSION_UUID, &res);
+ if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to delete a dimension uuid");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 1, dimension_uuid, sizeof(*dimension_uuid), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto skip_execution;
+ rc = sqlite3_step_monitored(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_DONE))
+ error_report("Failed to delete dimension uuid, rc = %d", rc);
+ rc = sqlite3_reset(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to reset statement when deleting dimension UUID, rc = %d", rc);
+// Store host and host system info information in the database
+static int store_host_metadata(RRDHOST *host)
+ static __thread sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ int rc, param = 0;
+ if (unlikely((!res))) {
+ rc = prepare_statement(db_meta, SQL_STORE_HOST_INFO, &res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to store host, rc = %d", rc);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, ++param, &host->host_uuid, sizeof(host->host_uuid), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = bind_text_null(res, ++param, rrdhost_hostname(host), 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = bind_text_null(res, ++param, rrdhost_registry_hostname(host), 1);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_int(res, ++param, host->rrd_update_every);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = bind_text_null(res, ++param, rrdhost_os(host), 1);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = bind_text_null(res, ++param, rrdhost_timezone(host), 1);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ // TODO: remove/migrate
+ rc = bind_text_null(res, ++param, "", 1);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_int(res, ++param, host->system_info ? host->system_info->hops : 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_int(res, ++param, host->rrd_memory_mode);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = bind_text_null(res, ++param, rrdhost_abbrev_timezone(host), 1);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_int(res, ++param, host->utc_offset);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = bind_text_null(res, ++param, rrdhost_program_name(host), 1);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = bind_text_null(res, ++param, rrdhost_program_version(host), 1);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(res, ++param, host->rrd_history_entries);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_int(res, ++param, (int ) host->health.health_enabled);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(res, ++param, (sqlite3_int64) host->last_connected);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ int store_rc = sqlite3_step_monitored(res);
+ if (unlikely(store_rc != SQLITE_DONE))
+ error_report("Failed to store host %s, rc = %d", rrdhost_hostname(host), rc);
+ rc = sqlite3_reset(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to reset statement to store host %s, rc = %d", rrdhost_hostname(host), rc);
+ return store_rc != SQLITE_DONE;
+ error_report("Failed to bind %d parameter to store host %s, rc = %d", param, rrdhost_hostname(host), rc);
+ rc = sqlite3_reset(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to reset statement to store host %s, rc = %d", rrdhost_hostname(host), rc);
+ return 1;
+static int add_host_sysinfo_key_value(const char *name, const char *value, uuid_t *uuid)
+ static __thread sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ int rc, param = 0;
+ if (unlikely(!db_meta)) {
+ if (default_rrd_memory_mode != RRD_MEMORY_MODE_DBENGINE)
+ return 0;
+ error_report("Database has not been initialized");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (unlikely((!res))) {
+ rc = prepare_statement(db_meta, SQL_STORE_HOST_SYSTEM_INFO_VALUES, &res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to store host info values, rc = %d", rc);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, ++param, uuid, sizeof(*uuid), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = bind_text_null(res, ++param, name, 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = bind_text_null(res, ++param, value ? value : "unknown", 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ int store_rc = sqlite3_step_monitored(res);
+ if (unlikely(store_rc != SQLITE_DONE))
+ error_report("Failed to store host info value %s, rc = %d", name, rc);
+ rc = sqlite3_reset(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to reset statement to store host info value %s, rc = %d", name, rc);
+ return store_rc == SQLITE_DONE;
+ error_report("Failed to bind %d parameter to store host info values %s, rc = %d", param, name, rc);
+ rc = sqlite3_reset(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to reset statement to store host info values %s, rc = %d", name, rc);
+ return 0;
+static bool store_host_systeminfo(RRDHOST *host)
+ struct rrdhost_system_info *system_info = host->system_info;
+ if (unlikely(!system_info))
+ return false;
+ int ret = 0;
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_CONTAINER_OS_NAME", system_info->container_os_name, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_CONTAINER_OS_ID", system_info->container_os_id, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_CONTAINER_OS_ID_LIKE", system_info->container_os_id_like, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_CONTAINER_OS_VERSION", system_info->container_os_version, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_CONTAINER_OS_VERSION_ID", system_info->container_os_version_id, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_CONTAINER_OS_DETECTION", system_info->host_os_detection, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_HOST_OS_NAME", system_info->host_os_name, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_HOST_OS_ID", system_info->host_os_id, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_HOST_OS_ID_LIKE", system_info->host_os_id_like, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_HOST_OS_VERSION", system_info->host_os_version, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_HOST_OS_VERSION_ID", system_info->host_os_version_id, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_HOST_OS_DETECTION", system_info->host_os_detection, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_SYSTEM_KERNEL_NAME", system_info->kernel_name, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_SYSTEM_CPU_LOGICAL_CPU_COUNT", system_info->host_cores, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_SYSTEM_CPU_FREQ", system_info->host_cpu_freq, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_SYSTEM_TOTAL_RAM", system_info->host_ram_total, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_SYSTEM_TOTAL_DISK_SIZE", system_info->host_disk_space, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_SYSTEM_KERNEL_VERSION", system_info->kernel_version, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_SYSTEM_ARCHITECTURE", system_info->architecture, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_SYSTEM_VIRTUALIZATION", system_info->virtualization, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_SYSTEM_VIRT_DETECTION", system_info->virt_detection, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_SYSTEM_CONTAINER", system_info->container, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_SYSTEM_CONTAINER_DETECTION", system_info->container_detection, &host->host_uuid);
+ ret += add_host_sysinfo_key_value("NETDATA_HOST_IS_K8S_NODE", system_info->is_k8s_node, &host->host_uuid);
+ return !(24 == ret);
+ * Store a chart in the database
+ */
+static int store_chart_metadata(RRDSET *st)
+ static __thread sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ int rc, param = 0, store_rc = 0;
+ if (unlikely(!res)) {
+ rc = prepare_statement(db_meta, SQL_STORE_CHART, &res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to store chart, rc = %d", rc);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, ++param, &st->chart_uuid, sizeof(st->chart_uuid), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, ++param, &st->rrdhost->host_uuid, sizeof(st->rrdhost->host_uuid), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_text(res, ++param, string2str(st->parts.type), -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_text(res, ++param, string2str(st->, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ const char *name = string2str(st->;
+ if (name && *name)
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_text(res, ++param, name, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ else
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_null(res, ++param);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_text(res, ++param, rrdset_family(st), -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_text(res, ++param, rrdset_context(st), -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_text(res, ++param, rrdset_title(st), -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_text(res, ++param, rrdset_units(st), -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_text(res, ++param, rrdset_plugin_name(st), -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_text(res, ++param, rrdset_module_name(st), -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_int(res, ++param, (int) st->priority);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_int(res, ++param, st->update_every);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_int(res, ++param, st->chart_type);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_int(res, ++param, st->rrd_memory_mode);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_int(res, ++param, (int) st->db.entries);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ store_rc = execute_insert(res);
+ if (unlikely(store_rc != SQLITE_DONE))
+ error_report("Failed to store chart, rc = %d", store_rc);
+ rc = sqlite3_reset(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to reset statement in chart store function, rc = %d", rc);
+ return store_rc != SQLITE_DONE;
+ error_report("Failed to bind parameter %d to store chart, rc = %d", param, rc);
+ rc = sqlite3_reset(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to reset statement in chart store function, rc = %d", rc);
+ return 1;
+ * Store a dimension
+ */
+static int store_dimension_metadata(RRDDIM *rd)
+ static __thread sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ int rc, param = 0;
+ if (unlikely(!res)) {
+ rc = prepare_statement(db_meta, SQL_STORE_DIMENSION, &res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to store dimension, rc = %d", rc);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, ++param, &rd->metric_uuid, sizeof(rd->metric_uuid), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, ++param, &rd->rrdset->chart_uuid, sizeof(rd->rrdset->chart_uuid), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_text(res, ++param, string2str(rd->id), -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_text(res, ++param, string2str(rd->name), -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_int(res, ++param, (int) rd->multiplier);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_int(res, ++param, (int ) rd->divisor);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_int(res, ++param, rd->algorithm);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ if (rrddim_option_check(rd, RRDDIM_OPTION_HIDDEN))
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_text(res, ++param, "hidden", -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+ else
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_null(res, ++param);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ goto bind_fail;
+ rc = execute_insert(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_DONE))
+ error_report("Failed to store dimension, rc = %d", rc);
+ rc = sqlite3_reset(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to reset statement in store dimension, rc = %d", rc);
+ return 0;
+ error_report("Failed to bind parameter %d to store dimension, rc = %d", param, rc);
+ rc = sqlite3_reset(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to reset statement in store dimension, rc = %d", rc);
+ return 1;
+static bool dimension_can_be_deleted(uuid_t *dim_uuid __maybe_unused, sqlite3_stmt **res __maybe_unused, bool flag __maybe_unused)
+ if(dbengine_enabled) {
+ bool no_retention = true;
+ for (size_t tier = 0; tier < storage_tiers; tier++) {
+ if (!multidb_ctx[tier])
+ continue;
+ time_t first_time_t = 0, last_time_t = 0;
+ if (rrdeng_metric_retention_by_uuid((void *) multidb_ctx[tier], dim_uuid, &first_time_t, &last_time_t)) {
+ if (first_time_t > 0) {
+ no_retention = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return no_retention;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ return false;
+static bool run_cleanup_loop(
+ sqlite3_stmt *res,
+ struct metadata_wc *wc,
+ bool (*check_cb)(uuid_t *, sqlite3_stmt **, bool),
+ void (*action_cb)(uuid_t *, sqlite3_stmt **, bool),
+ uint32_t *total_checked,
+ uint32_t *total_deleted,
+ uint64_t *row_id,
+ sqlite3_stmt **check_stmt,
+ sqlite3_stmt **action_stmt,
+ bool check_flag,
+ bool action_flag)
+ if (unlikely(metadata_flag_check(wc, METADATA_FLAG_SHUTDOWN)))
+ return true;
+ int rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(res, 1, (sqlite3_int64) *row_id);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ return true;
+ time_t start_running = now_monotonic_sec();
+ bool time_expired = false;
+ while (!time_expired && sqlite3_step_monitored(res) == SQLITE_ROW &&
+ (*total_deleted < MAX_METADATA_CLEANUP && *total_checked < MAX_METADATA_CLEANUP)) {
+ if (unlikely(metadata_flag_check(wc, METADATA_FLAG_SHUTDOWN)))
+ break;
+ *row_id = sqlite3_column_int64(res, 1);
+ rc = check_cb((uuid_t *)sqlite3_column_blob(res, 0), check_stmt, check_flag);
+ if (rc == true) {
+ action_cb((uuid_t *)sqlite3_column_blob(res, 0), action_stmt, action_flag);
+ (*total_deleted)++;
+ }
+ (*total_checked)++;
+ time_expired = ((now_monotonic_sec() - start_running) > METADATA_RUNTIME_THRESHOLD);
+ }
+ return time_expired || (*total_checked == MAX_METADATA_CLEANUP) || (*total_deleted == MAX_METADATA_CLEANUP);
+#define SQL_CHECK_CHART_EXISTENCE_IN_DIMENSION "SELECT count(1) FROM dimension WHERE chart_id = @chart_id"
+#define SQL_CHECK_CHART_EXISTENCE_IN_CHART "SELECT count(1) FROM chart WHERE chart_id = @chart_id"
+static bool chart_can_be_deleted(uuid_t *chart_uuid, sqlite3_stmt **check_res, bool check_in_dimension)
+ int rc, result = 1;
+ sqlite3_stmt *res = check_res ? *check_res : NULL;
+ if (!res) {
+ if (check_in_dimension)
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, SQL_CHECK_CHART_EXISTENCE_IN_DIMENSION, -1, &res, 0);
+ else
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, SQL_CHECK_CHART_EXISTENCE_IN_CHART, -1, &res, 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to check for chart existence, rc = %d", rc);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (check_res)
+ *check_res = res;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 1, chart_uuid, sizeof(*chart_uuid), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to bind chart uuid parameter, rc = %d", rc);
+ goto skip;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_step_monitored(res);
+ if (likely(rc == SQLITE_ROW))
+ result = sqlite3_column_int(res, 0);
+ if (check_res)
+ rc = sqlite3_reset(res);
+ else
+ rc = sqlite3_finalize(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to %s statement that checks chart uuid existence rc = %d", check_res ? "reset" : "finalize", rc);
+ return result == 0;
+#define SQL_DELETE_CHART_BY_UUID "DELETE FROM chart WHERE chart_id = @chart_id"
+#define SQL_DELETE_CHART_LABEL_BY_UUID "DELETE FROM chart_label WHERE chart_id = @chart_id"
+static void delete_chart_uuid(uuid_t *chart_uuid, sqlite3_stmt **action_res, bool label_only)
+ int rc;
+ sqlite3_stmt *res = action_res ? *action_res : NULL;
+ if (!res) {
+ if (label_only)
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, SQL_DELETE_CHART_LABEL_BY_UUID, -1, &res, 0);
+ else
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, SQL_DELETE_CHART_BY_UUID, -1, &res, 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to check for chart existence, rc = %d", rc);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (action_res)
+ *action_res = res;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 1, chart_uuid, sizeof(*chart_uuid), SQLITE_STATIC);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to bind chart uuid parameter, rc = %d", rc);
+ goto skip;
+ }
+ rc = sqlite3_step_monitored(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_DONE))
+ error_report("Failed to delete a chart uuid from the %s table, rc = %d", label_only ? "labels" : "chart", rc);
+ if (action_res)
+ rc = sqlite3_reset(res);
+ else
+ rc = sqlite3_finalize(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to %s statement that deletes a chart uuid rc = %d", action_res ? "reset" : "finalize", rc);
+static void check_dimension_metadata(struct metadata_wc *wc)
+ static time_t next_execution_t = 0;
+ static uint64_t last_row_id = 0;
+ time_t now = now_realtime_sec();
+ if (!next_execution_t)
+ next_execution_t = now + METADATA_MAINTENANCE_FIRST_CHECK;
+ if (next_execution_t && next_execution_t > now)
+ return;
+ int rc;
+ sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, SELECT_DIMENSION_LIST, -1, &res, 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to fetch host dimensions");
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t total_checked = 0;
+ uint32_t total_deleted = 0;
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "Checking dimensions starting after row %" PRIu64, last_row_id);
+ bool more_to_do = run_cleanup_loop(
+ res,
+ wc,
+ dimension_can_be_deleted,
+ delete_dimension_uuid,
+ &total_checked,
+ &total_deleted,
+ &last_row_id,
+ false,
+ false);
+ now = now_realtime_sec();
+ if (more_to_do)
+ next_execution_t = now + METADATA_MAINTENANCE_REPEAT;
+ else {
+ last_row_id = 0;
+ next_execution_t = now + METADATA_DIM_CHECK_INTERVAL;
+ }
+ nd_log(
+ "Dimensions checked %u, deleted %u. Checks will %s in %lld seconds",
+ total_checked,
+ total_deleted,
+ last_row_id ? "resume" : "restart",
+ (long long)(next_execution_t - now));
+ rc = sqlite3_finalize(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to finalize the prepared statement to check dimensions");
+static void check_chart_metadata(struct metadata_wc *wc)
+ static time_t next_execution_t = 0;
+ static uint64_t last_row_id = 0;
+ time_t now = now_realtime_sec();
+ if (!next_execution_t)
+ next_execution_t = now + METADATA_MAINTENANCE_FIRST_CHECK;
+ if (next_execution_t && next_execution_t > now)
+ return;
+ sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ int rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, SELECT_CHART_LIST, -1, &res, 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to fetch charts");
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t total_checked = 0;
+ uint32_t total_deleted = 0;
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "Checking charts starting after row %" PRIu64, last_row_id);
+ sqlite3_stmt *check_res = NULL;
+ sqlite3_stmt *action_res = NULL;
+ bool more_to_do = run_cleanup_loop(
+ res,
+ wc,
+ chart_can_be_deleted,
+ delete_chart_uuid,
+ &total_checked,
+ &total_deleted,
+ &last_row_id,
+ &check_res,
+ &action_res,
+ true,
+ false);
+ if (check_res)
+ sqlite3_finalize(check_res);
+ if (action_res)
+ sqlite3_finalize(action_res);
+ now = now_realtime_sec();
+ if (more_to_do)
+ next_execution_t = now + METADATA_MAINTENANCE_REPEAT;
+ else {
+ last_row_id = 0;
+ next_execution_t = now + METADATA_CHART_CHECK_INTERVAL;
+ }
+ nd_log(
+ "Charts checked %u, deleted %u. Checks will %s in %lld seconds",
+ total_checked,
+ total_deleted,
+ last_row_id ? "resume" : "restart",
+ (long long)(next_execution_t - now));
+ rc = sqlite3_finalize(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to finalize the prepared statement when reading charts");
+static void check_label_metadata(struct metadata_wc *wc)
+ static time_t next_execution_t = 0;
+ static uint64_t last_row_id = 0;
+ time_t now = now_realtime_sec();
+ if (!next_execution_t)
+ next_execution_t = now + METADATA_MAINTENANCE_FIRST_CHECK;
+ if (next_execution_t && next_execution_t > now)
+ return;
+ int rc;
+ sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL;
+ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, SELECT_CHART_LABEL_LIST, -1, &res, 0);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) {
+ error_report("Failed to prepare statement to fetch charts");
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t total_checked = 0;
+ uint32_t total_deleted = 0;
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "Checking charts labels starting after row %" PRIu64, last_row_id);
+ sqlite3_stmt *check_res = NULL;
+ sqlite3_stmt *action_res = NULL;
+ bool more_to_do = run_cleanup_loop(
+ res,
+ wc,
+ chart_can_be_deleted,
+ delete_chart_uuid,
+ &total_checked,
+ &total_deleted,
+ &last_row_id,
+ &check_res,
+ &action_res,
+ false,
+ true);
+ if (check_res)
+ sqlite3_finalize(check_res);
+ if (action_res)
+ sqlite3_finalize(action_res);
+ now = now_realtime_sec();
+ if (more_to_do)
+ next_execution_t = now + METADATA_MAINTENANCE_REPEAT;
+ else {
+ last_row_id = 0;
+ next_execution_t = now + METADATA_LABEL_CHECK_INTERVAL;
+ }
+ nd_log(
+ "Chart labels checked %u, deleted %u. Checks will %s in %lld seconds",
+ total_checked,
+ total_deleted,
+ last_row_id ? "resume" : "restart",
+ (long long)(next_execution_t - now));
+ rc = sqlite3_finalize(res);
+ if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK))
+ error_report("Failed to finalize the prepared statement when checking charts");
+static void cleanup_health_log(struct metadata_wc *wc)
+ static time_t next_execution_t = 0;
+ time_t now = now_realtime_sec();
+ if (!next_execution_t)
+ next_execution_t = now + METADATA_MAINTENANCE_FIRST_CHECK;
+ if (next_execution_t && next_execution_t > now)
+ return;
+ next_execution_t = now + METADATA_HEALTH_LOG_INTERVAL;
+ RRDHOST *host;
+ bool is_claimed = claimed();
+ dfe_start_reentrant(rrdhost_root_index, host){
+ if (rrdhost_flag_check(host, RRDHOST_FLAG_ARCHIVED))
+ continue;
+ sql_health_alarm_log_cleanup(host, is_claimed);
+ if (unlikely(metadata_flag_check(wc, METADATA_FLAG_SHUTDOWN)))
+ break;
+ }
+ dfe_done(host);
+ if (unlikely(metadata_flag_check(wc, METADATA_FLAG_SHUTDOWN)))
+ return;
+ (void) db_execute(db_meta,"DELETE FROM health_log WHERE host_id NOT IN (SELECT host_id FROM host)");
+ (void) db_execute(db_meta,"DELETE FROM health_log_detail WHERE health_log_id NOT IN (SELECT health_log_id FROM health_log)");
+static void metadata_free_cmd_queue(struct metadata_wc *wc)
+ spinlock_lock(&wc->cmd_queue_lock);
+ while(wc->cmd_base) {
+ struct metadata_cmd *t = wc->cmd_base;
+ DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_REMOVE_ITEM_UNSAFE(wc->cmd_base, t, prev, next);
+ freez(t);
+ }
+ spinlock_unlock(&wc->cmd_queue_lock);
+static void metadata_enq_cmd(struct metadata_wc *wc, struct metadata_cmd *cmd)
+ if (cmd->opcode == METADATA_SYNC_SHUTDOWN) {
+ metadata_flag_set(wc, METADATA_FLAG_SHUTDOWN);
+ goto wakeup_event_loop;
+ }
+ if (unlikely(metadata_flag_check(wc, METADATA_FLAG_SHUTDOWN)))
+ goto wakeup_event_loop;
+ struct metadata_cmd *t = mallocz(sizeof(*t));
+ *t = *cmd;
+ t->prev = t->next = NULL;
+ spinlock_lock(&wc->cmd_queue_lock);
+ DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_APPEND_ITEM_UNSAFE(wc->cmd_base, t, prev, next);
+ spinlock_unlock(&wc->cmd_queue_lock);
+ (void) uv_async_send(&wc->async);
+static struct metadata_cmd metadata_deq_cmd(struct metadata_wc *wc)
+ struct metadata_cmd ret;
+ spinlock_lock(&wc->cmd_queue_lock);
+ if(wc->cmd_base) {
+ struct metadata_cmd *t = wc->cmd_base;
+ DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_REMOVE_ITEM_UNSAFE(wc->cmd_base, t, prev, next);
+ ret = *t;
+ freez(t);
+ }
+ else {
+ ret.completion = NULL;
+ }
+ spinlock_unlock(&wc->cmd_queue_lock);
+ return ret;
+static void async_cb(uv_async_t *handle)
+ uv_stop(handle->loop);
+ uv_update_time(handle->loop);
+#define TIMER_REPEAT_PERIOD_MS (1000)
+static void timer_cb(uv_timer_t* handle)
+ uv_stop(handle->loop);
+ uv_update_time(handle->loop);
+ struct metadata_wc *wc = handle->data;
+ struct metadata_cmd cmd;
+ memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
+ if (wc->metadata_check_after < now_realtime_sec()) {
+ cmd.opcode = METADATA_SCAN_HOSTS;
+ metadata_enq_cmd(wc, &cmd);
+ }
+void vacuum_database(sqlite3 *database, const char *db_alias, int threshold, int vacuum_pc)
+ int free_pages = get_free_page_count(database);
+ int total_pages = get_database_page_count(database);
+ if (!threshold)
+ if (!vacuum_pc)
+ if (free_pages > (total_pages * threshold / 100)) {
+ int do_free_pages = (int) (free_pages * vacuum_pc / 100);
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "%s: Freeing %d database pages", db_alias, do_free_pages);
+ char sql[128];
+ snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "PRAGMA incremental_vacuum(%d)", do_free_pages);
+ (void) db_execute(database, sql);
+ }
+void run_metadata_cleanup(struct metadata_wc *wc)
+ if (unlikely(metadata_flag_check(wc, METADATA_FLAG_SHUTDOWN)))
+ return;
+ check_dimension_metadata(wc);
+ check_chart_metadata(wc);
+ check_label_metadata(wc);
+ cleanup_health_log(wc);
+ if (unlikely(metadata_flag_check(wc, METADATA_FLAG_SHUTDOWN)))
+ return;
+ (void) sqlite3_wal_checkpoint(db_meta, NULL);
+struct scan_metadata_payload {
+ uv_work_t request;
+ struct metadata_wc *wc;
+ void *data;
+ BUFFER *work_buffer;
+ uint32_t max_count;
+struct host_context_load_thread {
+ uv_thread_t thread;
+ RRDHOST *host;
+ bool busy;
+ bool finished;
+static void restore_host_context(void *arg)
+ struct host_context_load_thread *hclt = arg;
+ RRDHOST *host = hclt->host;
+ usec_t started_ut = now_monotonic_usec(); (void)started_ut;
+ rrdhost_load_rrdcontext_data(host);
+ usec_t ended_ut = now_monotonic_usec(); (void)ended_ut;
+ rrdhost_flag_clear(host, RRDHOST_FLAG_PENDING_CONTEXT_LOAD);
+ aclk_queue_node_info(host, false);
+ nd_log(
+ "Contexts for host %s loaded in %0.2f ms",
+ rrdhost_hostname(host),
+ (double)(ended_ut - started_ut) / USEC_PER_MS);
+ __atomic_store_n(&hclt->finished, true, __ATOMIC_RELEASE);
+// Callback after scan of hosts is done
+static void after_start_host_load_context(uv_work_t *req, int status __maybe_unused)
+ struct scan_metadata_payload *data = req->data;
+ freez(data);
+static void cleanup_finished_threads(struct host_context_load_thread *hclt, size_t max_thread_slots, bool wait)
+ if (!hclt)
+ return;
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < max_thread_slots; index++) {
+ if (__atomic_load_n(&(hclt[index].finished), __ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+ || (wait && __atomic_load_n(&(hclt[index].busy), __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE))) {
+ int rc = uv_thread_join(&(hclt[index].thread));
+ if (rc)
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_WARNING, "Failed to join thread, rc = %d", rc);
+ __atomic_store_n(&(hclt[index].busy), false, __ATOMIC_RELEASE);
+ __atomic_store_n(&(hclt[index].finished), false, __ATOMIC_RELEASE);
+ }
+ }
+static size_t find_available_thread_slot(struct host_context_load_thread *hclt, size_t max_thread_slots, size_t *found_index)
+ size_t retries = MAX_FIND_THREAD_RETRIES;
+ while (retries--) {
+ size_t index = 0;
+ while (index < max_thread_slots) {
+ if (false == __atomic_load_n(&(hclt[index].busy), __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE)) {
+ *found_index = index;
+ return true;
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ sleep_usec(10 * USEC_PER_MS);
+ }
+ return false;
+static void start_all_host_load_context(uv_work_t *req __maybe_unused)
+ register_libuv_worker_jobs();
+ struct scan_metadata_payload *data = req->data;
+ struct metadata_wc *wc = data->wc;
+ worker_is_busy(UV_EVENT_HOST_CONTEXT_LOAD);
+ usec_t started_ut = now_monotonic_usec(); (void)started_ut;
+ RRDHOST *host;
+ size_t max_threads = MIN(get_netdata_cpus() / 2, 6);
+ if (max_threads < 1)
+ max_threads = 1;
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "Using %zu threads for context loading", max_threads);
+ struct host_context_load_thread *hclt = max_threads > 1 ? callocz(max_threads, sizeof(*hclt)) : NULL;
+ size_t thread_index = 0;
+ dfe_start_reentrant(rrdhost_root_index, host) {
+ if (!rrdhost_flag_check(host, RRDHOST_FLAG_PENDING_CONTEXT_LOAD))
+ continue;
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "Loading context for host %s", rrdhost_hostname(host));
+ int rc = 0;
+ if (hclt) {
+ bool found_slot = false;
+ do {
+ if (metadata_flag_check(wc, METADATA_FLAG_SHUTDOWN))
+ break;
+ cleanup_finished_threads(hclt, max_threads, false);
+ found_slot = find_available_thread_slot(hclt, max_threads, &thread_index);
+ } while (!found_slot);
+ if (metadata_flag_check(wc, METADATA_FLAG_SHUTDOWN))
+ break;
+ __atomic_store_n(&hclt[thread_index].busy, true, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
+ hclt[thread_index].host = host;
+ rc = uv_thread_create(&hclt[thread_index].thread, restore_host_context, &hclt[thread_index]);
+ }
+ // if single thread or thread creation failed
+ if (rc || !hclt) {
+ struct host_context_load_thread hclt_sync = {.host = host};
+ restore_host_context(&hclt_sync);
+ if (metadata_flag_check(wc, METADATA_FLAG_SHUTDOWN))
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ dfe_done(host);
+ cleanup_finished_threads(hclt, max_threads, true);
+ freez(hclt);
+ usec_t ended_ut = now_monotonic_usec(); (void)ended_ut;
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "Host contexts loaded in %0.2f ms", (double)(ended_ut - started_ut) / USEC_PER_MS);
+ worker_is_idle();
+// Callback after scan of hosts is done
+static void after_metadata_hosts(uv_work_t *req, int status __maybe_unused)
+ struct scan_metadata_payload *data = req->data;
+ struct metadata_wc *wc = data->wc;
+ metadata_flag_clear(wc, METADATA_FLAG_PROCESSING);
+ if (unlikely(wc->scan_complete))
+ completion_mark_complete(wc->scan_complete);
+ freez(data);
+static bool metadata_scan_host(RRDHOST *host, uint32_t max_count, bool use_transaction, BUFFER *work_buffer, size_t *query_counter) {
+ RRDSET *st;
+ int rc;
+ bool more_to_do = false;
+ uint32_t scan_count = 1;
+ sqlite3_stmt *ml_load_stmt = NULL;
+ bool load_ml_models = max_count;
+ if (use_transaction)
+ (void)db_execute(db_meta, "BEGIN TRANSACTION");
+ rrdset_foreach_reentrant(st, host) {
+ if (scan_count == max_count) {
+ more_to_do = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(rrdset_flag_check(st, RRDSET_FLAG_METADATA_UPDATE)) {
+ (*query_counter)++;
+ rrdset_flag_clear(st, RRDSET_FLAG_METADATA_UPDATE);
+ scan_count++;
+ buffer_flush(work_buffer);
+ rc = check_and_update_chart_labels(st, work_buffer, query_counter);
+ if (unlikely(rc))
+ error_report("METADATA: 'host:%s': Failed to update labels for chart %s", rrdhost_hostname(host), rrdset_name(st));
+ else
+ (*query_counter)++;
+ rc = store_chart_metadata(st);
+ if (unlikely(rc))
+ error_report("METADATA: 'host:%s': Failed to store metadata for chart %s", rrdhost_hostname(host), rrdset_name(st));
+ }
+ RRDDIM *rd;
+ rrddim_foreach_read(rd, st) {
+ if(rrddim_flag_check(rd, RRDDIM_FLAG_METADATA_UPDATE)) {
+ (*query_counter)++;
+ rrddim_flag_clear(rd, RRDDIM_FLAG_METADATA_UPDATE);
+ if (rrddim_option_check(rd, RRDDIM_OPTION_HIDDEN))
+ rrddim_flag_set(rd, RRDDIM_FLAG_META_HIDDEN);
+ else
+ rrddim_flag_clear(rd, RRDDIM_FLAG_META_HIDDEN);
+ rc = store_dimension_metadata(rd);
+ if (unlikely(rc))
+ error_report("METADATA: 'host:%s': Failed to dimension metadata for chart %s. dimension %s",
+ rrdhost_hostname(host), rrdset_name(st),
+ rrddim_name(rd));
+ }
+ if(rrddim_flag_check(rd, RRDDIM_FLAG_ML_MODEL_LOAD)) {
+ rrddim_flag_clear(rd, RRDDIM_FLAG_ML_MODEL_LOAD);
+ if (likely(load_ml_models))
+ (void) ml_dimension_load_models(rd, &ml_load_stmt);
+ }
+ worker_is_idle();
+ }
+ rrddim_foreach_done(rd);
+ }
+ rrdset_foreach_done(st);
+ if (use_transaction)
+ (void)db_execute(db_meta, "COMMIT TRANSACTION");
+ if (ml_load_stmt) {
+ sqlite3_finalize(ml_load_stmt);
+ ml_load_stmt = NULL;
+ }
+ return more_to_do;
+static void store_host_and_system_info(RRDHOST *host, size_t *query_counter)
+ if (unlikely(store_host_systeminfo(host))) {
+ error_report("METADATA: 'host:%s': Failed to store host updated system information in the database", rrdhost_hostname(host));
+ }
+ else {
+ if (likely(query_counter))
+ (*query_counter)++;
+ }
+ if (unlikely(store_host_metadata(host))) {
+ error_report("METADATA: 'host:%s': Failed to store host info in the database", rrdhost_hostname(host));
+ }
+ else {
+ if (likely(query_counter))
+ (*query_counter)++;
+ }
+struct host_chart_label_cleanup {
+ Pvoid_t JudyL;
+ Word_t count;
+static void do_chart_label_cleanup(struct host_chart_label_cleanup *cl_cleanup_data)
+ if (!cl_cleanup_data)
+ return;
+ Word_t Index = 0;
+ bool first = true;
+ Pvoid_t *PValue;
+ while ((PValue = JudyLFirstThenNext(cl_cleanup_data->JudyL, &Index, &first))) {
+ char *machine_guid = *PValue;
+ RRDHOST *host = rrdhost_find_by_guid(machine_guid);
+ if (likely(!host)) {
+ uuid_t host_uuid;
+ if (!uuid_parse(machine_guid, host_uuid))
+ delete_host_chart_labels(&host_uuid);
+ }
+ freez(machine_guid);
+ }
+ JudyLFreeArray(&cl_cleanup_data->JudyL, PJE0);
+ freez(cl_cleanup_data);
+// Worker thread to scan hosts for pending metadata to store
+static void start_metadata_hosts(uv_work_t *req __maybe_unused)
+ register_libuv_worker_jobs();
+ RRDHOST *host;
+ int transaction_started = 0;
+ struct scan_metadata_payload *data = req->data;
+ struct metadata_wc *wc = data->wc;
+ BUFFER *work_buffer = data->work_buffer;
+ usec_t all_started_ut = now_monotonic_usec(); (void)all_started_ut;
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "Checking all hosts started");
+ usec_t started_ut = now_monotonic_usec(); (void)started_ut;
+ do_chart_label_cleanup((struct host_chart_label_cleanup *) data->data);
+ bool run_again = false;
+ worker_is_busy(UV_EVENT_METADATA_STORE);
+ if (!data->max_count)
+ transaction_started = !db_execute(db_meta, "BEGIN TRANSACTION");
+ dfe_start_reentrant(rrdhost_root_index, host) {
+ if (rrdhost_flag_check(host, RRDHOST_FLAG_ARCHIVED) || !rrdhost_flag_check(host, RRDHOST_FLAG_METADATA_UPDATE))
+ continue;
+ size_t query_counter = 0; (void)query_counter;
+ rrdhost_flag_clear(host,RRDHOST_FLAG_METADATA_UPDATE);
+ if (unlikely(rrdhost_flag_check(host, RRDHOST_FLAG_METADATA_LABELS))) {
+ rrdhost_flag_clear(host, RRDHOST_FLAG_METADATA_LABELS);
+ int rc = exec_statement_with_uuid(SQL_DELETE_HOST_LABELS, &host->host_uuid);
+ if (likely(!rc)) {
+ query_counter++;
+ buffer_flush(work_buffer);
+ struct query_build tmp = {.sql = work_buffer, .count = 0};
+ uuid_unparse_lower(host->host_uuid, tmp.uuid_str);
+ rrdlabels_walkthrough_read(host->rrdlabels, host_label_store_to_sql_callback, &tmp);
+ buffer_strcat(work_buffer, " ON CONFLICT (host_id, label_key) DO UPDATE SET source_type = excluded.source_type, label_value=excluded.label_value, date_created=UNIXEPOCH()");
+ rc = db_execute(db_meta, buffer_tostring(work_buffer));
+ if (unlikely(rc)) {
+ error_report("METADATA: 'host:%s': failed to update metadata host labels", rrdhost_hostname(host));
+ }
+ else
+ query_counter++;
+ } else {
+ error_report("METADATA: 'host:%s': failed to delete old host labels", rrdhost_hostname(host));
+ }
+ }
+ if (unlikely(rrdhost_flag_check(host, RRDHOST_FLAG_METADATA_CLAIMID))) {
+ rrdhost_flag_clear(host, RRDHOST_FLAG_METADATA_CLAIMID);
+ uuid_t uuid;
+ int rc;
+ if (likely(host->aclk_state.claimed_id && !uuid_parse(host->aclk_state.claimed_id, uuid)))
+ rc = store_claim_id(&host->host_uuid, &uuid);
+ else
+ rc = store_claim_id(&host->host_uuid, NULL);
+ if (unlikely(rc))
+ else
+ query_counter++;
+ }
+ if (unlikely(rrdhost_flag_check(host, RRDHOST_FLAG_METADATA_INFO))) {
+ rrdhost_flag_clear(host, RRDHOST_FLAG_METADATA_INFO);
+ store_host_and_system_info(host, &query_counter);
+ }
+ // For clarity
+ bool use_transaction = data->max_count;
+ if (unlikely(metadata_scan_host(host, data->max_count, use_transaction, work_buffer, &query_counter))) {
+ run_again = true;
+ rrdhost_flag_set(host,RRDHOST_FLAG_METADATA_UPDATE);
+ }
+ usec_t ended_ut = now_monotonic_usec(); (void)ended_ut;
+ nd_log(
+ "Host %s saved metadata with %zu SQL statements, in %0.2f ms",
+ rrdhost_hostname(host),
+ query_counter,
+ (double)(ended_ut - started_ut) / USEC_PER_MS);
+ }
+ dfe_done(host);
+ if (!data->max_count && transaction_started)
+ transaction_started = db_execute(db_meta, "COMMIT TRANSACTION");
+ usec_t all_ended_ut = now_monotonic_usec(); (void)all_ended_ut;
+ nd_log(
+ "Checking all hosts completed in %0.2f ms",
+ (double)(all_ended_ut - all_started_ut) / USEC_PER_MS);
+ if (unlikely(run_again))
+ wc->metadata_check_after = now_realtime_sec() + METADATA_HOST_CHECK_IMMEDIATE;
+ else {
+ wc->metadata_check_after = now_realtime_sec() + METADATA_HOST_CHECK_INTERVAL;
+ run_metadata_cleanup(wc);
+ }
+ worker_is_idle();
+static void metadata_event_loop(void *arg)
+ worker_register("METASYNC");
+ worker_register_job_name(METADATA_DATABASE_NOOP, "noop");
+ worker_register_job_name(METADATA_DATABASE_TIMER, "timer");
+ worker_register_job_name(METADATA_DEL_DIMENSION, "delete dimension");
+ worker_register_job_name(METADATA_STORE_CLAIM_ID, "add claim id");
+ worker_register_job_name(METADATA_ADD_HOST_INFO, "add host info");
+ worker_register_job_name(METADATA_MAINTENANCE, "maintenance");
+ int ret;
+ uv_loop_t *loop;
+ unsigned cmd_batch_size;
+ struct metadata_wc *wc = arg;
+ enum metadata_opcode opcode;
+ uv_thread_set_name_np(wc->thread, "METASYNC");
+ loop = wc->loop = mallocz(sizeof(uv_loop_t));
+ ret = uv_loop_init(loop);
+ if (ret) {
+ netdata_log_error("uv_loop_init(): %s", uv_strerror(ret));
+ goto error_after_loop_init;
+ }
+ loop->data = wc;
+ ret = uv_async_init(wc->loop, &wc->async, async_cb);
+ if (ret) {
+ netdata_log_error("uv_async_init(): %s", uv_strerror(ret));
+ goto error_after_async_init;
+ }
+ wc-> = wc;
+ ret = uv_timer_init(loop, &wc->timer_req);
+ if (ret) {
+ netdata_log_error("uv_timer_init(): %s", uv_strerror(ret));
+ goto error_after_timer_init;
+ }
+ wc-> = wc;
+ fatal_assert(0 == uv_timer_start(&wc->timer_req, timer_cb, TIMER_INITIAL_PERIOD_MS, TIMER_REPEAT_PERIOD_MS));
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "Starting metadata sync thread");
+ struct metadata_cmd cmd;
+ memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
+ metadata_flag_clear(wc, METADATA_FLAG_PROCESSING);
+ wc->metadata_check_after = now_realtime_sec() + METADATA_HOST_CHECK_FIRST_CHECK;
+ int shutdown = 0;
+ completion_mark_complete(&wc->start_stop_complete);
+ BUFFER *work_buffer = buffer_create(1024, &netdata_buffers_statistics.buffers_sqlite);
+ struct scan_metadata_payload *data;
+ struct host_chart_label_cleanup *cl_cleanup_data = NULL;
+ while (shutdown == 0 || (wc->flags & METADATA_FLAG_PROCESSING)) {
+ uuid_t *uuid;
+ RRDHOST *host = NULL;
+ worker_is_idle();
+ uv_run(loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT);
+ /* wait for commands */
+ cmd_batch_size = 0;
+ do {
+ if (unlikely(cmd_batch_size >= METADATA_MAX_BATCH_SIZE))
+ break;
+ cmd = metadata_deq_cmd(wc);
+ opcode = cmd.opcode;
+ if (unlikely(opcode == METADATA_DATABASE_NOOP && metadata_flag_check(wc, METADATA_FLAG_SHUTDOWN))) {
+ shutdown = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ ++cmd_batch_size;
+ if (likely(opcode != METADATA_DATABASE_NOOP))
+ worker_is_busy(opcode);
+ switch (opcode) {
+ break;
+ uuid = (uuid_t *) cmd.param[0];
+ if (likely(dimension_can_be_deleted(uuid, NULL, false)))
+ delete_dimension_uuid(uuid, NULL, false);
+ freez(uuid);
+ break;
+ store_claim_id((uuid_t *) cmd.param[0], (uuid_t *) cmd.param[1]);
+ freez((void *) cmd.param[0]);
+ freez((void *) cmd.param[1]);
+ break;
+ host = (RRDHOST *) cmd.param[0];
+ store_host_and_system_info(host, NULL);
+ break;
+ if (unlikely(metadata_flag_check(wc, METADATA_FLAG_PROCESSING)))
+ break;
+ if (unittest_running)
+ break;
+ data = mallocz(sizeof(*data));
+ data-> = data;
+ data->wc = wc;
+ data->data = cl_cleanup_data;
+ data->work_buffer = work_buffer;
+ cl_cleanup_data = NULL;
+ if (unlikely(cmd.completion)) {
+ data->max_count = 0; // 0 will process all pending updates
+ cmd.completion = NULL; // Do not complete after launching worker (worker will do)
+ }
+ else
+ data->max_count = 5000;
+ metadata_flag_set(wc, METADATA_FLAG_PROCESSING);
+ if (unlikely(
+ uv_queue_work(loop,&data->request,
+ start_metadata_hosts,
+ after_metadata_hosts))) {
+ // Failed to launch worker -- let the event loop handle completion
+ cmd.completion = wc->scan_complete;
+ cl_cleanup_data = data->data;
+ freez(data);
+ metadata_flag_clear(wc, METADATA_FLAG_PROCESSING);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (unittest_running)
+ break;
+ data = callocz(1,sizeof(*data));
+ data-> = data;
+ data->wc = wc;
+ if (unlikely(
+ uv_queue_work(loop,&data->request, start_all_host_load_context,
+ after_start_host_load_context))) {
+ freez(data);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (!cl_cleanup_data)
+ cl_cleanup_data = callocz(1,sizeof(*cl_cleanup_data));
+ Pvoid_t *PValue = JudyLIns(&cl_cleanup_data->JudyL, (Word_t) ++cl_cleanup_data->count, PJE0);
+ if (PValue)
+ *PValue = (void *) cmd.param[0];
+ break;
+ struct thread_unittest *tu = (struct thread_unittest *) cmd.param[0];
+ sleep_usec(1000); // processing takes 1ms
+ __atomic_fetch_add(&tu->processed, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (cmd.completion)
+ completion_mark_complete(cmd.completion);
+ } while (opcode != METADATA_DATABASE_NOOP);
+ }
+ if (!uv_timer_stop(&wc->timer_req))
+ uv_close((uv_handle_t *)&wc->timer_req, NULL);
+ uv_close((uv_handle_t *)&wc->async, NULL);
+ int rc;
+ do {
+ rc = uv_loop_close(loop);
+ } while (rc != UV_EBUSY);
+ buffer_free(work_buffer);
+ freez(loop);
+ worker_unregister();
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "Shutting down metadata thread");
+ completion_mark_complete(&wc->start_stop_complete);
+ if (wc->scan_complete) {
+ completion_destroy(wc->scan_complete);
+ freez(wc->scan_complete);
+ }
+ metadata_free_cmd_queue(wc);
+ return;
+ uv_close((uv_handle_t *)&wc->async, NULL);
+ fatal_assert(0 == uv_loop_close(loop));
+ freez(loop);
+ worker_unregister();
+void metadata_sync_shutdown(void)
+ completion_init(&metasync_worker.start_stop_complete);
+ struct metadata_cmd cmd;
+ memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "METADATA: Sending a shutdown command");
+ metadata_enq_cmd(&metasync_worker, &cmd);
+ /* wait for metadata thread to shut down */
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "METADATA: Waiting for shutdown ACK");
+ completion_wait_for(&metasync_worker.start_stop_complete);
+ completion_destroy(&metasync_worker.start_stop_complete);
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "METADATA: Shutdown complete");
+void metadata_sync_shutdown_prepare(void)
+ static bool running = false;
+ if (unlikely(!metasync_worker.loop || running))
+ return;
+ running = true;
+ struct metadata_cmd cmd;
+ memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
+ struct metadata_wc *wc = &metasync_worker;
+ struct completion *compl = mallocz(sizeof(*compl));
+ completion_init(compl);
+ __atomic_store_n(&wc->scan_complete, compl, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "METADATA: Sending a scan host command");
+ uint32_t max_wait_iterations = 2000;
+ while (unlikely(metadata_flag_check(&metasync_worker, METADATA_FLAG_PROCESSING)) && max_wait_iterations--) {
+ if (max_wait_iterations == 1999)
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "METADATA: Current worker is running; waiting to finish");
+ sleep_usec(1000);
+ }
+ cmd.opcode = METADATA_SCAN_HOSTS;
+ metadata_enq_cmd(&metasync_worker, &cmd);
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "METADATA: Waiting for host scan completion");
+ completion_wait_for(wc->scan_complete);
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "METADATA: Host scan complete; can continue with shutdown");
+// -------------------------------------------------------------
+// Init function called on agent startup
+void metadata_sync_init(void)
+ struct metadata_wc *wc = &metasync_worker;
+ memset(wc, 0, sizeof(*wc));
+ completion_init(&wc->start_stop_complete);
+ fatal_assert(0 == uv_thread_create(&(wc->thread), metadata_event_loop, wc));
+ completion_wait_for(&wc->start_stop_complete);
+ completion_destroy(&wc->start_stop_complete);
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "SQLite metadata sync initialization complete");
+// Helpers
+static inline void queue_metadata_cmd(enum metadata_opcode opcode, const void *param0, const void *param1)
+ struct metadata_cmd cmd;
+ cmd.opcode = opcode;
+ cmd.param[0] = param0;
+ cmd.param[1] = param1;
+ cmd.completion = NULL;
+ metadata_enq_cmd(&metasync_worker, &cmd);
+// Public
+void metaqueue_delete_dimension_uuid(uuid_t *uuid)
+ if (unlikely(!metasync_worker.loop))
+ return;
+ uuid_t *use_uuid = mallocz(sizeof(*uuid));
+ uuid_copy(*use_uuid, *uuid);
+ queue_metadata_cmd(METADATA_DEL_DIMENSION, use_uuid, NULL);
+void metaqueue_store_claim_id(uuid_t *host_uuid, uuid_t *claim_uuid)
+ if (unlikely(!host_uuid))
+ return;
+ uuid_t *local_host_uuid = mallocz(sizeof(*host_uuid));
+ uuid_t *local_claim_uuid = NULL;
+ uuid_copy(*local_host_uuid, *host_uuid);
+ if (likely(claim_uuid)) {
+ local_claim_uuid = mallocz(sizeof(*claim_uuid));
+ uuid_copy(*local_claim_uuid, *claim_uuid);
+ }
+ queue_metadata_cmd(METADATA_STORE_CLAIM_ID, local_host_uuid, local_claim_uuid);
+void metaqueue_host_update_info(RRDHOST *host)
+ if (unlikely(!metasync_worker.loop))
+ return;
+ queue_metadata_cmd(METADATA_ADD_HOST_INFO, host, NULL);
+void metaqueue_ml_load_models(RRDDIM *rd)
+ rrddim_flag_set(rd, RRDDIM_FLAG_ML_MODEL_LOAD);
+void metadata_queue_load_host_context(RRDHOST *host)
+ if (unlikely(!metasync_worker.loop))
+ return;
+ queue_metadata_cmd(METADATA_LOAD_HOST_CONTEXT, host, NULL);
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "Queued command to load host contexts");
+void metadata_delete_host_chart_labels(char *machine_guid)
+ if (unlikely(!metasync_worker.loop)) {
+ freez(machine_guid);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Node machine guid is already strdup-ed
+ queue_metadata_cmd(METADATA_DELETE_HOST_CHART_LABELS, machine_guid, NULL);
+ nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "Queued command delete chart labels for host %s", machine_guid);
+// unitests
+static void *unittest_queue_metadata(void *arg) {
+ struct thread_unittest *tu = arg;
+ struct metadata_cmd cmd;
+ cmd.opcode = METADATA_UNITTEST;
+ cmd.param[0] = tu;
+ cmd.param[1] = NULL;
+ cmd.completion = NULL;
+ metadata_enq_cmd(&metasync_worker, &cmd);
+ do {
+ __atomic_fetch_add(&tu->added, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
+ metadata_enq_cmd(&metasync_worker, &cmd);
+ sleep_usec(10000);
+ } while (!__atomic_load_n(&tu->join, __ATOMIC_RELAXED));
+ return arg;
+static void *metadata_unittest_threads(void)
+ unsigned done;
+ struct thread_unittest tu = {
+ .join = 0,
+ .added = 0,
+ .processed = 0,
+ .done = &done,
+ };
+ // Queue messages / Time it
+ time_t seconds_to_run = 5;
+ int threads_to_create = 4;
+ fprintf(
+ stderr,
+ "\nChecking metadata queue using %d threads for %lld seconds...\n",
+ threads_to_create,
+ (long long)seconds_to_run);
+ netdata_thread_t threads[threads_to_create];
+ tu.join = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < threads_to_create; i++) {
+ char buf[100 + 1];
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "META[%d]", i);
+ netdata_thread_create(
+ &threads[i],
+ buf,
+ unittest_queue_metadata,
+ &tu);
+ }
+ (void) uv_async_send(&metasync_worker.async);
+ sleep_usec(seconds_to_run * USEC_PER_SEC);
+ __atomic_store_n(&tu.join, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
+ for (int i = 0; i < threads_to_create; i++) {
+ void *retval;
+ netdata_thread_join(threads[i], &retval);
+ }
+ sleep_usec(5 * USEC_PER_SEC);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Added %u elements, processed %u\n", tu.added, tu.processed);
+ return 0;
+int metadata_unittest(void)
+ metadata_sync_init();
+ // Queue items for a specific period of time
+ metadata_unittest_threads();
+ metadata_sync_shutdown();
+ return 0;