path: root/src/fluent-bit/lib/jansson-e23f558/test/suites/api/test_object.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/fluent-bit/lib/jansson-e23f558/test/suites/api/test_object.c')
1 files changed, 797 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/fluent-bit/lib/jansson-e23f558/test/suites/api/test_object.c b/src/fluent-bit/lib/jansson-e23f558/test/suites/api/test_object.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..331edf229
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fluent-bit/lib/jansson-e23f558/test/suites/api/test_object.c
@@ -0,0 +1,797 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Petri Lehtinen <>
+ *
+ * Jansson is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
+ */
+#include "util.h"
+#include <jansson.h>
+#include <string.h>
+static void test_clear() {
+ json_t *object, *ten;
+ object = json_object();
+ ten = json_integer(10);
+ if (!object)
+ fail("unable to create object");
+ if (!ten)
+ fail("unable to create integer");
+ if (json_object_set(object, "a", ten) || json_object_set(object, "b", ten) ||
+ json_object_set(object, "c", ten) || json_object_set(object, "d", ten) ||
+ json_object_set(object, "e", ten))
+ fail("unable to set value");
+ if (json_object_size(object) != 5)
+ fail("invalid size");
+ json_object_clear(object);
+ if (json_object_size(object) != 0)
+ fail("invalid size after clear");
+ json_decref(ten);
+ json_decref(object);
+static void test_update() {
+ json_t *object, *other, *nine, *ten;
+ object = json_object();
+ other = json_object();
+ nine = json_integer(9);
+ ten = json_integer(10);
+ if (!object || !other)
+ fail("unable to create object");
+ if (!nine || !ten)
+ fail("unable to create integer");
+ /* update an empty object with an empty object */
+ if (json_object_update(object, other))
+ fail("unable to update an empty object with an empty object");
+ if (json_object_size(object) != 0)
+ fail("invalid size after update");
+ if (json_object_size(other) != 0)
+ fail("invalid size for updater after update");
+ /* update an empty object with a nonempty object */
+ if (json_object_set(other, "a", ten) || json_object_set(other, "b", ten) ||
+ json_object_set(other, "c", ten) || json_object_set(other, "d", ten) ||
+ json_object_set(other, "e", ten))
+ fail("unable to set value");
+ if (json_object_update(object, other))
+ fail("unable to update an empty object");
+ if (json_object_size(object) != 5)
+ fail("invalid size after update");
+ if (json_object_get(object, "a") != ten || json_object_get(object, "b") != ten ||
+ json_object_get(object, "c") != ten || json_object_get(object, "d") != ten ||
+ json_object_get(object, "e") != ten)
+ fail("update works incorrectly");
+ /* perform the same update again */
+ if (json_object_update(object, other))
+ fail("unable to update a non-empty object");
+ if (json_object_size(object) != 5)
+ fail("invalid size after update");
+ if (json_object_get(object, "a") != ten || json_object_get(object, "b") != ten ||
+ json_object_get(object, "c") != ten || json_object_get(object, "d") != ten ||
+ json_object_get(object, "e") != ten)
+ fail("update works incorrectly");
+ /* update a nonempty object with a nonempty object with both old
+ and new keys */
+ if (json_object_clear(other))
+ fail("clear failed");
+ if (json_object_set(other, "a", nine) || json_object_set(other, "b", nine) ||
+ json_object_set(other, "f", nine) || json_object_set(other, "g", nine) ||
+ json_object_set(other, "h", nine))
+ fail("unable to set value");
+ if (json_object_update(object, other))
+ fail("unable to update a nonempty object");
+ if (json_object_size(object) != 8)
+ fail("invalid size after update");
+ if (json_object_get(object, "a") != nine || json_object_get(object, "b") != nine ||
+ json_object_get(object, "f") != nine || json_object_get(object, "g") != nine ||
+ json_object_get(object, "h") != nine)
+ fail("update works incorrectly");
+ /* update_new check */
+ if (json_object_clear(object))
+ fail("clear failed");
+ if (json_object_set(object, "a", ten) || json_object_set(object, "b", ten) ||
+ json_object_set(object, "c", ten) || json_object_set(object, "d", ten) ||
+ json_object_set(object, "e", ten))
+ fail("unable to set value");
+ if (json_object_update_new(
+ object, json_pack("{s:O, s:O, s:O}", "b", nine, "f", nine, "g", nine)))
+ fail("unable to update_new a nonempty object");
+ if (json_object_size(object) != 7)
+ fail("invalid size after update_new");
+ if (json_object_get(object, "a") != ten || json_object_get(object, "b") != nine ||
+ json_object_get(object, "c") != ten || json_object_get(object, "d") != ten ||
+ json_object_get(object, "e") != ten || json_object_get(object, "f") != nine ||
+ json_object_get(object, "g") != nine)
+ fail("update_new works incorrectly");
+ json_decref(nine);
+ json_decref(ten);
+ json_decref(other);
+ json_decref(object);
+static void test_set_many_keys() {
+ json_t *object, *value;
+ const char *keys = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
+ char buf[2];
+ size_t i;
+ object = json_object();
+ if (!object)
+ fail("unable to create object");
+ value = json_string("a");
+ if (!value)
+ fail("unable to create string");
+ buf[1] = '\0';
+ for (i = 0; i < strlen(keys); i++) {
+ buf[0] = keys[i];
+ if (json_object_set(object, buf, value))
+ fail("unable to set object key");
+ }
+ json_decref(object);
+ json_decref(value);
+static void test_conditional_updates() {
+ json_t *object, *other;
+ object = json_pack("{sisi}", "foo", 1, "bar", 2);
+ other = json_pack("{sisi}", "foo", 3, "baz", 4);
+ if (json_object_update_existing(object, other))
+ fail("json_object_update_existing failed");
+ if (json_object_size(object) != 2)
+ fail("json_object_update_existing added new items");
+ if (json_integer_value(json_object_get(object, "foo")) != 3)
+ fail("json_object_update_existing failed to update existing key");
+ if (json_integer_value(json_object_get(object, "bar")) != 2)
+ fail("json_object_update_existing updated wrong key");
+ json_decref(object);
+ /* json_object_update_existing_new check */
+ object = json_pack("{sisi}", "foo", 1, "bar", 2);
+ if (json_object_update_existing_new(object, json_pack("{sisi}", "foo", 3, "baz", 4)))
+ fail("json_object_update_existing_new failed");
+ if (json_object_size(object) != 2)
+ fail("json_object_update_existing_new added new items");
+ if (json_integer_value(json_object_get(object, "foo")) != 3)
+ fail("json_object_update_existing_new failed to update existing key");
+ if (json_integer_value(json_object_get(object, "bar")) != 2)
+ fail("json_object_update_existing_new updated wrong key");
+ json_decref(object);
+ object = json_pack("{sisi}", "foo", 1, "bar", 2);
+ if (json_object_update_missing(object, other))
+ fail("json_object_update_missing failed");
+ if (json_object_size(object) != 3)
+ fail("json_object_update_missing didn't add new items");
+ if (json_integer_value(json_object_get(object, "foo")) != 1)
+ fail("json_object_update_missing updated existing key");
+ if (json_integer_value(json_object_get(object, "bar")) != 2)
+ fail("json_object_update_missing updated wrong key");
+ if (json_integer_value(json_object_get(object, "baz")) != 4)
+ fail("json_object_update_missing didn't add new items");
+ json_decref(object);
+ /* json_object_update_missing_new check */
+ object = json_pack("{sisi}", "foo", 1, "bar", 2);
+ if (json_object_update_missing_new(object, json_pack("{sisi}", "foo", 3, "baz", 4)))
+ fail("json_object_update_missing_new failed");
+ if (json_object_size(object) != 3)
+ fail("json_object_update_missing_new didn't add new items");
+ if (json_integer_value(json_object_get(object, "foo")) != 1)
+ fail("json_object_update_missing_new updated existing key");
+ if (json_integer_value(json_object_get(object, "bar")) != 2)
+ fail("json_object_update_missing_new updated wrong key");
+ if (json_integer_value(json_object_get(object, "baz")) != 4)
+ fail("json_object_update_missing_new didn't add new items");
+ json_decref(object);
+ json_decref(other);
+static void test_recursive_updates() {
+ json_t *invalid, *object, *other, *barBefore, *barAfter;
+ invalid = json_integer(42);
+ object = json_pack("{sis{si}}", "foo", 1, "bar", "baz", 2);
+ other = json_pack("{sisisi}", "foo", 3, "bar", 4, "baz", 5);
+ if (!json_object_update_recursive(invalid, other))
+ fail("json_object_update_recursive accepted non-object argument");
+ json_decref(invalid);
+ if (json_object_update_recursive(object, other))
+ fail("json_object_update_recursive failed");
+ if (json_object_size(object) != 3)
+ fail("invalid size after update");
+ if (json_integer_value(json_object_get(object, "foo")) != 3)
+ fail("json_object_update_recursive failed to update existing key");
+ if (json_integer_value(json_object_get(object, "bar")) != 4)
+ fail("json_object_update_recursive failed to overwrite object");
+ if (json_integer_value(json_object_get(object, "baz")) != 5)
+ fail("json_object_update_recursive didn't add new item");
+ json_decref(object);
+ json_decref(other);
+ object = json_pack("{sis{si}}", "foo", 1, "bar", "baz", 2);
+ other = json_pack("{s{si}}", "bar", "baz", 3);
+ barBefore = json_object_get(object, "bar");
+ if (!barBefore)
+ fail("can't get bar object before json_object_update_recursive");
+ if (json_object_update_recursive(object, other))
+ fail("json_object_update_recursive failed");
+ if (json_object_size(object) != 2)
+ fail("invalid size after update");
+ if (!json_object_get(object, "foo"))
+ fail("json_object_update_recursive removed existing key");
+ if (json_integer_value(json_object_get(json_object_get(object, "bar"), "baz")) != 3)
+ fail("json_object_update_recursive failed to update nested value");
+ barAfter = json_object_get(object, "bar");
+ if (!barAfter)
+ fail("can't get bar object after json_object_update_recursive");
+ if (barBefore != barAfter)
+ fail("bar object reference changed after json_object_update_recursive");
+ json_decref(object);
+ json_decref(other);
+ /* check circular reference */
+ object = json_pack("{s{s{s{si}}}}", "foo", "bar", "baz", "xxx", 2);
+ other = json_pack("{s{s{si}}}", "foo", "bar", "baz", 2);
+ json_object_set(json_object_get(json_object_get(other, "foo"), "bar"), "baz",
+ json_object_get(other, "foo"));
+ if (!json_object_update_recursive(object, other))
+ fail("json_object_update_recursive update a circular reference!");
+ json_object_set_new(json_object_get(json_object_get(other, "foo"), "bar"), "baz",
+ json_integer(1));
+ if (json_object_update_recursive(object, other))
+ fail("json_object_update_recursive failed!");
+ json_decref(object);
+ json_decref(other);
+static void test_circular() {
+ json_t *object1, *object2;
+ object1 = json_object();
+ object2 = json_object();
+ if (!object1 || !object2)
+ fail("unable to create object");
+ /* the simple case is checked */
+ if (json_object_set(object1, "a", object1) == 0)
+ fail("able to set self");
+ /* create circular references */
+ if (json_object_set(object1, "a", object2) || json_object_set(object2, "a", object1))
+ fail("unable to set value");
+ /* circularity is detected when dumping */
+ if (json_dumps(object1, 0) != NULL)
+ fail("able to dump circulars");
+ /* decref twice to deal with the circular references */
+ json_decref(object1);
+ json_decref(object2);
+ json_decref(object1);
+static void test_set_nocheck() {
+ json_t *object, *string;
+ object = json_object();
+ string = json_string("bar");
+ if (!object)
+ fail("unable to create object");
+ if (!string)
+ fail("unable to create string");
+ if (json_object_set_nocheck(object, "foo", string))
+ fail("json_object_set_nocheck failed");
+ if (json_object_get(object, "foo") != string)
+ fail("json_object_get after json_object_set_nocheck failed");
+ /* invalid UTF-8 in key */
+ if (json_object_set_nocheck(object, "a\xefz", string))
+ fail("json_object_set_nocheck failed for invalid UTF-8");
+ if (json_object_get(object, "a\xefz") != string)
+ fail("json_object_get after json_object_set_nocheck failed");
+ if (json_object_set_new_nocheck(object, "bax", json_integer(123)))
+ fail("json_object_set_new_nocheck failed");
+ if (json_integer_value(json_object_get(object, "bax")) != 123)
+ fail("json_object_get after json_object_set_new_nocheck failed");
+ /* invalid UTF-8 in key */
+ if (json_object_set_new_nocheck(object, "asdf\xfe", json_integer(321)))
+ fail("json_object_set_new_nocheck failed for invalid UTF-8");
+ if (json_integer_value(json_object_get(object, "asdf\xfe")) != 321)
+ fail("json_object_get after json_object_set_new_nocheck failed");
+ json_decref(string);
+ json_decref(object);
+static void test_iterators() {
+ json_t *object, *foo, *bar, *baz;
+ void *iter;
+ if (json_object_iter(NULL))
+ fail("able to iterate over NULL");
+ if (json_object_iter_next(NULL, NULL))
+ fail("able to increment an iterator on a NULL object");
+ object = json_object();
+ foo = json_string("foo");
+ bar = json_string("bar");
+ baz = json_string("baz");
+ if (!object || !foo || !bar || !baz)
+ fail("unable to create values");
+ if (json_object_iter_next(object, NULL))
+ fail("able to increment a NULL iterator");
+ if (json_object_set(object, "a", foo) || json_object_set(object, "b", bar) ||
+ json_object_set(object, "c", baz))
+ fail("unable to populate object");
+ iter = json_object_iter(object);
+ if (!iter)
+ fail("unable to get iterator");
+ if (strcmp(json_object_iter_key(iter), "a") != 0)
+ fail("iterating doesn't yield keys in order");
+ if (json_object_iter_value(iter) != foo)
+ fail("iterating doesn't yield values in order");
+ iter = json_object_iter_next(object, iter);
+ if (!iter)
+ fail("unable to increment iterator");
+ if (strcmp(json_object_iter_key(iter), "b") != 0)
+ fail("iterating doesn't yield keys in order");
+ if (json_object_iter_value(iter) != bar)
+ fail("iterating doesn't yield values in order");
+ iter = json_object_iter_next(object, iter);
+ if (!iter)
+ fail("unable to increment iterator");
+ if (strcmp(json_object_iter_key(iter), "c") != 0)
+ fail("iterating doesn't yield keys in order");
+ if (json_object_iter_value(iter) != baz)
+ fail("iterating doesn't yield values in order");
+ if (json_object_iter_next(object, iter) != NULL)
+ fail("able to iterate over the end");
+ if (json_object_iter_at(object, "foo"))
+ fail("json_object_iter_at() succeeds for non-existent key");
+ iter = json_object_iter_at(object, "b");
+ if (!iter)
+ fail("json_object_iter_at() fails for an existing key");
+ if (strcmp(json_object_iter_key(iter), "b"))
+ fail("iterating failed: wrong key");
+ if (json_object_iter_value(iter) != bar)
+ fail("iterating failed: wrong value");
+ if (json_object_iter_set(object, iter, baz))
+ fail("unable to set value at iterator");
+ if (strcmp(json_object_iter_key(iter), "b"))
+ fail("json_object_iter_key() fails after json_object_iter_set()");
+ if (json_object_iter_value(iter) != baz)
+ fail("json_object_iter_value() fails after json_object_iter_set()");
+ if (json_object_get(object, "b") != baz)
+ fail("json_object_get() fails after json_object_iter_set()");
+ json_decref(object);
+ json_decref(foo);
+ json_decref(bar);
+ json_decref(baz);
+static void test_misc() {
+ json_t *object, *string, *other_string, *value;
+ object = json_object();
+ string = json_string("test");
+ other_string = json_string("other");
+ if (!object)
+ fail("unable to create object");
+ if (!string || !other_string)
+ fail("unable to create string");
+ if (json_object_get(object, "a"))
+ fail("value for nonexisting key");
+ if (json_object_set(object, "a", string))
+ fail("unable to set value");
+ if (!json_object_set(object, NULL, string))
+ fail("able to set NULL key");
+ if (json_object_del(object, "a"))
+ fail("unable to del the only key");
+ if (json_object_set(object, "a", string))
+ fail("unable to set value");
+ if (!json_object_set(object, "a", NULL))
+ fail("able to set NULL value");
+ /* invalid UTF-8 in key */
+ if (!json_object_set(object, "a\xefz", string))
+ fail("able to set invalid unicode key");
+ value = json_object_get(object, "a");
+ if (!value)
+ fail("no value for existing key");
+ if (value != string)
+ fail("got different value than what was added");
+ /* "a", "lp" and "px" collide in a five-bucket hashtable */
+ if (json_object_set(object, "b", string) || json_object_set(object, "lp", string) ||
+ json_object_set(object, "px", string))
+ fail("unable to set value");
+ value = json_object_get(object, "a");
+ if (!value)
+ fail("no value for existing key");
+ if (value != string)
+ fail("got different value than what was added");
+ if (json_object_set(object, "a", other_string))
+ fail("unable to replace an existing key");
+ value = json_object_get(object, "a");
+ if (!value)
+ fail("no value for existing key");
+ if (value != other_string)
+ fail("got different value than what was set");
+ if (!json_object_del(object, "nonexisting"))
+ fail("able to delete a nonexisting key");
+ if (json_object_del(object, "px"))
+ fail("unable to delete an existing key");
+ if (json_object_del(object, "a"))
+ fail("unable to delete an existing key");
+ if (json_object_del(object, "lp"))
+ fail("unable to delete an existing key");
+ /* add many keys to initiate rehashing */
+ if (json_object_set(object, "a", string))
+ fail("unable to set value");
+ if (json_object_set(object, "lp", string))
+ fail("unable to set value");
+ if (json_object_set(object, "px", string))
+ fail("unable to set value");
+ if (json_object_set(object, "c", string))
+ fail("unable to set value");
+ if (json_object_set(object, "d", string))
+ fail("unable to set value");
+ if (json_object_set(object, "e", string))
+ fail("unable to set value");
+ if (json_object_set_new(object, "foo", json_integer(123)))
+ fail("unable to set new value");
+ value = json_object_get(object, "foo");
+ if (!json_is_integer(value) || json_integer_value(value) != 123)
+ fail("json_object_set_new works incorrectly");
+ if (!json_object_set_new(object, NULL, json_integer(432)))
+ fail("able to set_new NULL key");
+ if (!json_object_set_new(object, "foo", NULL))
+ fail("able to set_new NULL value");
+ json_decref(string);
+ json_decref(other_string);
+ json_decref(object);
+static void test_preserve_order() {
+ json_t *object;
+ char *result;
+ const char *expected = "{\"foobar\": 1, \"bazquux\": 6, \"lorem ipsum\": "
+ "3, \"sit amet\": 5, \"helicopter\": 7}";
+ object = json_object();
+ json_object_set_new(object, "foobar", json_integer(1));
+ json_object_set_new(object, "bazquux", json_integer(2));
+ json_object_set_new(object, "lorem ipsum", json_integer(3));
+ json_object_set_new(object, "dolor", json_integer(4));
+ json_object_set_new(object, "sit amet", json_integer(5));
+ /* changing a value should preserve the order */
+ json_object_set_new(object, "bazquux", json_integer(6));
+ /* deletion shouldn't change the order of others */
+ json_object_del(object, "dolor");
+ /* add a new item just to make sure */
+ json_object_set_new(object, "helicopter", json_integer(7));
+ result = json_dumps(object, JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER);
+ if (strcmp(expected, result) != 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s != %s", expected, result);
+ fail("JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER doesn't work");
+ }
+ free(result);
+ json_decref(object);
+static void test_object_foreach() {
+ const char *key;
+ json_t *object1, *object2, *value;
+ object1 = json_pack("{sisisi}", "foo", 1, "bar", 2, "baz", 3);
+ object2 = json_object();
+ json_object_foreach(object1, key, value) json_object_set(object2, key, value);
+ if (!json_equal(object1, object2))
+ fail("json_object_foreach failed to iterate all key-value pairs");
+ json_decref(object1);
+ json_decref(object2);
+static void test_object_foreach_safe() {
+ const char *key;
+ void *tmp;
+ json_t *object, *value;
+ object = json_pack("{sisisi}", "foo", 1, "bar", 2, "baz", 3);
+ json_object_foreach_safe(object, tmp, key, value) { json_object_del(object, key); }
+ if (json_object_size(object) != 0)
+ fail("json_object_foreach_safe failed to iterate all key-value pairs");
+ json_decref(object);
+static void test_bad_args(void) {
+ json_t *obj = json_object();
+ json_t *num = json_integer(1);
+ void *iter;
+ if (!obj || !num)
+ fail("failed to allocate test objects");
+ if (json_object_set(obj, "testkey", json_null()))
+ fail("failed to set testkey on object");
+ iter = json_object_iter(obj);
+ if (!iter)
+ fail("failed to retrieve test iterator");
+ if (json_object_size(NULL) != 0)
+ fail("json_object_size with non-object argument returned non-zero");
+ if (json_object_size(num) != 0)
+ fail("json_object_size with non-object argument returned non-zero");
+ if (json_object_get(NULL, "test") != NULL)
+ fail("json_object_get with non-object argument returned non-NULL");
+ if (json_object_get(num, "test") != NULL)
+ fail("json_object_get with non-object argument returned non-NULL");
+ if (json_object_get(obj, NULL) != NULL)
+ fail("json_object_get with NULL key returned non-NULL");
+ if (!json_object_set_new_nocheck(NULL, "test", json_null()))
+ fail("json_object_set_new_nocheck with non-object argument did not "
+ "return error");
+ if (!json_object_set_new_nocheck(num, "test", json_null()))
+ fail("json_object_set_new_nocheck with non-object argument did not "
+ "return error");
+ if (!json_object_set_new_nocheck(obj, "test", json_incref(obj)))
+ fail("json_object_set_new_nocheck with object == value did not return "
+ "error");
+ if (!json_object_set_new_nocheck(obj, NULL, json_object()))
+ fail("json_object_set_new_nocheck with NULL key did not return error");
+ if (!json_object_del(NULL, "test"))
+ fail("json_object_del with non-object argument did not return error");
+ if (!json_object_del(num, "test"))
+ fail("json_object_del with non-object argument did not return error");
+ if (!json_object_del(obj, NULL))
+ fail("json_object_del with NULL key did not return error");
+ if (!json_object_clear(NULL))
+ fail("json_object_clear with non-object argument did not return error");
+ if (!json_object_clear(num))
+ fail("json_object_clear with non-object argument did not return error");
+ if (!json_object_update(NULL, obj))
+ fail("json_object_update with non-object first argument did not return "
+ "error");
+ if (!json_object_update(num, obj))
+ fail("json_object_update with non-object first argument did not return "
+ "error");
+ if (!json_object_update(obj, NULL))
+ fail("json_object_update with non-object second argument did not "
+ "return error");
+ if (!json_object_update(obj, num))
+ fail("json_object_update with non-object second argument did not "
+ "return error");
+ if (!json_object_update_existing(NULL, obj))
+ fail("json_object_update_existing with non-object first argument did "
+ "not return error");
+ if (!json_object_update_existing(num, obj))
+ fail("json_object_update_existing with non-object first argument did "
+ "not return error");
+ if (!json_object_update_existing(obj, NULL))
+ fail("json_object_update_existing with non-object second argument did "
+ "not return error");
+ if (!json_object_update_existing(obj, num))
+ fail("json_object_update_existing with non-object second argument did "
+ "not return error");
+ if (!json_object_update_missing(NULL, obj))
+ fail("json_object_update_missing with non-object first argument did "
+ "not return error");
+ if (!json_object_update_missing(num, obj))
+ fail("json_object_update_missing with non-object first argument did "
+ "not return error");
+ if (!json_object_update_missing(obj, NULL))
+ fail("json_object_update_missing with non-object second argument did "
+ "not return error");
+ if (!json_object_update_missing(obj, num))
+ fail("json_object_update_missing with non-object second argument did "
+ "not return error");
+ if (json_object_iter(NULL) != NULL)
+ fail("json_object_iter with non-object argument returned non-NULL");
+ if (json_object_iter(num) != NULL)
+ fail("json_object_iter with non-object argument returned non-NULL");
+ if (json_object_iter_at(NULL, "test") != NULL)
+ fail("json_object_iter_at with non-object argument returned non-NULL");
+ if (json_object_iter_at(num, "test") != NULL)
+ fail("json_object_iter_at with non-object argument returned non-NULL");
+ if (json_object_iter_at(obj, NULL) != NULL)
+ fail("json_object_iter_at with NULL iter returned non-NULL");
+ if (json_object_iter_next(obj, NULL) != NULL)
+ fail("json_object_iter_next with NULL iter returned non-NULL");
+ if (json_object_iter_next(num, iter) != NULL)
+ fail("json_object_iter_next with non-object argument returned non-NULL");
+ if (json_object_iter_key(NULL) != NULL)
+ fail("json_object_iter_key with NULL iter returned non-NULL");
+ if (json_object_key_to_iter(NULL) != NULL)
+ fail("json_object_key_to_iter with NULL iter returned non-NULL");
+ if (json_object_iter_value(NULL) != NULL)
+ fail("json_object_iter_value with NULL iter returned non-NULL");
+ if (!json_object_iter_set_new(NULL, iter, json_incref(num)))
+ fail("json_object_iter_set_new with non-object argument did not return "
+ "error");
+ if (!json_object_iter_set_new(num, iter, json_incref(num)))
+ fail("json_object_iter_set_new with non-object argument did not return "
+ "error");
+ if (!json_object_iter_set_new(obj, NULL, json_incref(num)))
+ fail("json_object_iter_set_new with NULL iter did not return error");
+ if (!json_object_iter_set_new(obj, iter, NULL))
+ fail("json_object_iter_set_new with NULL value did not return error");
+ if (obj->refcount != 1)
+ fail("unexpected reference count for obj");
+ if (num->refcount != 1)
+ fail("unexpected reference count for num");
+ json_decref(obj);
+ json_decref(num);
+static void run_tests() {
+ test_misc();
+ test_clear();
+ test_update();
+ test_set_many_keys();
+ test_conditional_updates();
+ test_recursive_updates();
+ test_circular();
+ test_set_nocheck();
+ test_iterators();
+ test_preserve_order();
+ test_object_foreach();
+ test_object_foreach_safe();
+ test_bad_args();