path: root/src/go/collectors/go.d.plugin/agent/module/job.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 645 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/go/collectors/go.d.plugin/agent/module/job.go b/src/go/collectors/go.d.plugin/agent/module/job.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb15fdc2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/collectors/go.d.plugin/agent/module/job.go
@@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+package module
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "log/slog"
+ "os"
+ "regexp"
+ "runtime/debug"
+ "strings"
+ "sync"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+var obsoleteLock = &sync.Mutex{}
+var obsoleteCharts = true
+func DontObsoleteCharts() {
+ obsoleteLock.Lock()
+ obsoleteCharts = false
+ obsoleteLock.Unlock()
+func shouldObsoleteCharts() bool {
+ obsoleteLock.Lock()
+ defer obsoleteLock.Unlock()
+ return obsoleteCharts
+var reSpace = regexp.MustCompile(`\s+`)
+var ndInternalMonitoringDisabled = os.Getenv("NETDATA_INTERNALS_MONITORING") == "NO"
+func newRuntimeChart(pluginName string) *Chart {
+ // this is needed to keep the same name as we had before
+ ctxName := pluginName
+ if ctxName == "go.d" {
+ ctxName = "go"
+ }
+ ctxName = reSpace.ReplaceAllString(ctxName, "_")
+ return &Chart{
+ typ: "netdata",
+ Title: "Execution time",
+ Units: "ms",
+ Fam: pluginName,
+ Ctx: fmt.Sprintf("netdata.%s_plugin_execution_time", ctxName),
+ Priority: 145000,
+ Dims: Dims{
+ {ID: "time"},
+ },
+ }
+type JobConfig struct {
+ PluginName string
+ Name string
+ ModuleName string
+ FullName string
+ Module Module
+ Labels map[string]string
+ Out io.Writer
+ UpdateEvery int
+ AutoDetectEvery int
+ Priority int
+ IsStock bool
+ VnodeGUID string
+ VnodeHostname string
+ VnodeLabels map[string]string
+const (
+ penaltyStep = 5
+ maxPenalty = 600
+ infTries = -1
+func NewJob(cfg JobConfig) *Job {
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ if cfg.UpdateEvery == 0 {
+ cfg.UpdateEvery = 1
+ }
+ j := &Job{
+ AutoDetectEvery: cfg.AutoDetectEvery,
+ AutoDetectTries: infTries,
+ pluginName: cfg.PluginName,
+ name: cfg.Name,
+ moduleName: cfg.ModuleName,
+ fullName: cfg.FullName,
+ updateEvery: cfg.UpdateEvery,
+ priority: cfg.Priority,
+ isStock: cfg.IsStock,
+ module: cfg.Module,
+ labels: cfg.Labels,
+ out: cfg.Out,
+ runChart: newRuntimeChart(cfg.PluginName),
+ stop: make(chan struct{}),
+ tick: make(chan int),
+ buf: &buf,
+ api: netdataapi.New(&buf),
+ vnodeGUID: cfg.VnodeGUID,
+ vnodeHostname: cfg.VnodeHostname,
+ vnodeLabels: cfg.VnodeLabels,
+ }
+ log := logger.New().With(
+ slog.String("collector", j.ModuleName()),
+ slog.String("job", j.Name()),
+ )
+ j.Logger = log
+ if j.module != nil {
+ j.module.GetBase().Logger = log
+ }
+ return j
+// Job represents a job. It's a module wrapper.
+type Job struct {
+ pluginName string
+ name string
+ moduleName string
+ fullName string
+ updateEvery int
+ AutoDetectEvery int
+ AutoDetectTries int
+ priority int
+ labels map[string]string
+ *logger.Logger
+ isStock bool
+ module Module
+ initialized bool
+ panicked bool
+ runChart *Chart
+ charts *Charts
+ tick chan int
+ out io.Writer
+ buf *bytes.Buffer
+ api *netdataapi.API
+ retries int
+ prevRun time.Time
+ stop chan struct{}
+ vnodeCreated bool
+ vnodeGUID string
+ vnodeHostname string
+ vnodeLabels map[string]string
+// NetdataChartIDMaxLength is the chart ID max length. See RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX in the netdata source code.
+const NetdataChartIDMaxLength = 1200
+// FullName returns job full name.
+func (j *Job) FullName() string {
+ return j.fullName
+// ModuleName returns job module name.
+func (j *Job) ModuleName() string {
+ return j.moduleName
+// Name returns job name.
+func (j *Job) Name() string {
+ return
+// Panicked returns 'panicked' flag value.
+func (j *Job) Panicked() bool {
+ return j.panicked
+// AutoDetectionEvery returns value of AutoDetectEvery.
+func (j *Job) AutoDetectionEvery() int {
+ return j.AutoDetectEvery
+// RetryAutoDetection returns whether it is needed to retry autodetection.
+func (j *Job) RetryAutoDetection() bool {
+ return j.AutoDetectEvery > 0 && (j.AutoDetectTries == infTries || j.AutoDetectTries > 0)
+func (j *Job) Configuration() any {
+ return j.module.Configuration()
+// AutoDetection invokes init, check and postCheck. It handles panic.
+func (j *Job) AutoDetection() (err error) {
+ defer func() {
+ if r := recover(); r != nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("panic %v", err)
+ j.panicked = true
+ j.disableAutoDetection()
+ j.Errorf("PANIC %v", r)
+ if logger.Level.Enabled(slog.LevelDebug) {
+ j.Errorf("STACK: %s", debug.Stack())
+ }
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ j.module.Cleanup()
+ }
+ }()
+ if j.isStock {
+ j.Mute()
+ }
+ if err = j.init(); err != nil {
+ j.Error("init failed")
+ j.Unmute()
+ j.disableAutoDetection()
+ return err
+ }
+ if err = j.check(); err != nil {
+ j.Error("check failed")
+ j.Unmute()
+ return err
+ }
+ j.Unmute()
+ j.Info("check success")
+ if err = j.postCheck(); err != nil {
+ j.Error("postCheck failed")
+ j.disableAutoDetection()
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// Tick Tick.
+func (j *Job) Tick(clock int) {
+ select {
+ case j.tick <- clock:
+ default:
+ j.Debug("skip the tick due to previous run hasn't been finished")
+ }
+// Start starts job main loop.
+func (j *Job) Start() {
+ j.Infof("started, data collection interval %ds", j.updateEvery)
+ defer func() { j.Info("stopped") }()
+ for {
+ select {
+ case <-j.stop:
+ break LOOP
+ case t := <-j.tick:
+ if t%(j.updateEvery+j.penalty()) == 0 {
+ j.runOnce()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ j.module.Cleanup()
+ j.Cleanup()
+ j.stop <- struct{}{}
+// Stop stops job main loop. It blocks until the job is stopped.
+func (j *Job) Stop() {
+ // TODO: should have blocking and non blocking stop
+ j.stop <- struct{}{}
+ <-j.stop
+func (j *Job) disableAutoDetection() {
+ j.AutoDetectEvery = 0
+func (j *Job) Cleanup() {
+ j.buf.Reset()
+ if !shouldObsoleteCharts() {
+ return
+ }
+ if !vnodes.Disabled {
+ if !j.vnodeCreated && j.vnodeGUID != "" {
+ _ = j.api.HOSTINFO(j.vnodeGUID, j.vnodeHostname, j.vnodeLabels)
+ j.vnodeCreated = true
+ }
+ _ = j.api.HOST(j.vnodeGUID)
+ }
+ if j.runChart.created {
+ j.runChart.MarkRemove()
+ j.createChart(j.runChart)
+ }
+ if j.charts != nil {
+ for _, chart := range *j.charts {
+ if chart.created {
+ chart.MarkRemove()
+ j.createChart(chart)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if j.buf.Len() > 0 {
+ _, _ = io.Copy(j.out, j.buf)
+ }
+func (j *Job) init() error {
+ if j.initialized {
+ return nil
+ }
+ if err := j.module.Init(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ j.initialized = true
+ return nil
+func (j *Job) check() error {
+ if err := j.module.Check(); err != nil {
+ if j.AutoDetectTries != infTries {
+ j.AutoDetectTries--
+ }
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+func (j *Job) postCheck() error {
+ if j.charts = j.module.Charts(); j.charts == nil {
+ j.Error("nil charts")
+ return errors.New("nil charts")
+ }
+ if err := checkCharts(*j.charts...); err != nil {
+ j.Errorf("charts check: %v", err)
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+func (j *Job) runOnce() {
+ curTime := time.Now()
+ sinceLastRun := calcSinceLastRun(curTime, j.prevRun)
+ j.prevRun = curTime
+ metrics := j.collect()
+ if j.panicked {
+ return
+ }
+ if j.processMetrics(metrics, curTime, sinceLastRun) {
+ j.retries = 0
+ } else {
+ j.retries++
+ }
+ _, _ = io.Copy(j.out, j.buf)
+ j.buf.Reset()
+func (j *Job) collect() (result map[string]int64) {
+ j.panicked = false
+ defer func() {
+ if r := recover(); r != nil {
+ j.panicked = true
+ j.Errorf("PANIC: %v", r)
+ if logger.Level.Enabled(slog.LevelDebug) {
+ j.Errorf("STACK: %s", debug.Stack())
+ }
+ }
+ }()
+ return j.module.Collect()
+func (j *Job) processMetrics(metrics map[string]int64, startTime time.Time, sinceLastRun int) bool {
+ if !vnodes.Disabled {
+ if !j.vnodeCreated && j.vnodeGUID != "" {
+ _ = j.api.HOSTINFO(j.vnodeGUID, j.vnodeHostname, j.vnodeLabels)
+ j.vnodeCreated = true
+ }
+ _ = j.api.HOST(j.vnodeGUID)
+ }
+ if !ndInternalMonitoringDisabled && !j.runChart.created {
+ j.runChart.ID = fmt.Sprintf("execution_time_of_%s", j.FullName())
+ j.createChart(j.runChart)
+ }
+ elapsed := int64(durationTo(time.Since(startTime), time.Millisecond))
+ var i, updated int
+ for _, chart := range *j.charts {
+ if !chart.created {
+ typeID := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", j.FullName(), chart.ID)
+ if len(typeID) >= NetdataChartIDMaxLength {
+ j.Warningf("chart '' length (%d) >= max allowed (%d), the chart is ignored (%s)",
+ len(typeID), NetdataChartIDMaxLength, typeID)
+ chart.ignore = true
+ }
+ j.createChart(chart)
+ }
+ if chart.remove {
+ continue
+ }
+ (*j.charts)[i] = chart
+ i++
+ if len(metrics) == 0 || chart.Obsolete {
+ continue
+ }
+ if j.updateChart(chart, metrics, sinceLastRun) {
+ updated++
+ }
+ }
+ *j.charts = (*j.charts)[:i]
+ if updated == 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !ndInternalMonitoringDisabled {
+ j.updateChart(j.runChart, map[string]int64{"time": elapsed}, sinceLastRun)
+ }
+ return true
+func (j *Job) createChart(chart *Chart) {
+ defer func() { chart.created = true }()
+ if chart.ignore {
+ return
+ }
+ if chart.Priority == 0 {
+ chart.Priority = j.priority
+ j.priority++
+ }
+ _ = j.api.CHART(
+ getChartType(chart, j),
+ getChartID(chart),
+ chart.OverID,
+ chart.Title,
+ chart.Units,
+ chart.Fam,
+ chart.Ctx,
+ chart.Type.String(),
+ chart.Priority,
+ j.updateEvery,
+ chart.Opts.String(),
+ j.pluginName,
+ j.moduleName,
+ )
+ if chart.Obsolete {
+ _ = j.api.EMPTYLINE()
+ return
+ }
+ seen := make(map[string]bool)
+ for _, l := range chart.Labels {
+ if l.Key != "" {
+ seen[l.Key] = true
+ ls := l.Source
+ // the default should be auto
+ //
+ if ls == 0 {
+ ls = LabelSourceAuto
+ }
+ _ = j.api.CLABEL(l.Key, l.Value, ls)
+ }
+ }
+ for k, v := range j.labels {
+ if !seen[k] {
+ _ = j.api.CLABEL(k, v, LabelSourceConf)
+ }
+ }
+ _ = j.api.CLABEL("_collect_job", j.Name(), LabelSourceAuto)
+ _ = j.api.CLABELCOMMIT()
+ for _, dim := range chart.Dims {
+ _ = j.api.DIMENSION(
+ firstNotEmpty(dim.Name, dim.ID),
+ dim.Name,
+ dim.Algo.String(),
+ handleZero(dim.Mul),
+ handleZero(dim.Div),
+ dim.DimOpts.String(),
+ )
+ }
+ for _, v := range chart.Vars {
+ if v.Name != "" {
+ _ = j.api.VARIABLE(v.Name, v.Value)
+ } else {
+ _ = j.api.VARIABLE(v.ID, v.Value)
+ }
+ }
+ _ = j.api.EMPTYLINE()
+func (j *Job) updateChart(chart *Chart, collected map[string]int64, sinceLastRun int) bool {
+ if chart.ignore {
+ dims := chart.Dims[:0]
+ for _, dim := range chart.Dims {
+ if !dim.remove {
+ dims = append(dims, dim)
+ }
+ }
+ chart.Dims = dims
+ return false
+ }
+ if !chart.updated {
+ sinceLastRun = 0
+ }
+ _ = j.api.BEGIN(
+ getChartType(chart, j),
+ getChartID(chart),
+ sinceLastRun,
+ )
+ var i, updated int
+ for _, dim := range chart.Dims {
+ if dim.remove {
+ continue
+ }
+ chart.Dims[i] = dim
+ i++
+ if v, ok := collected[dim.ID]; !ok {
+ _ = j.api.SETEMPTY(firstNotEmpty(dim.Name, dim.ID))
+ } else {
+ _ = j.api.SET(firstNotEmpty(dim.Name, dim.ID), v)
+ updated++
+ }
+ }
+ chart.Dims = chart.Dims[:i]
+ for _, vr := range chart.Vars {
+ if v, ok := collected[vr.ID]; ok {
+ if vr.Name != "" {
+ _ = j.api.VARIABLE(vr.Name, v)
+ } else {
+ _ = j.api.VARIABLE(vr.ID, v)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _ = j.api.END()
+ if chart.updated = updated > 0; chart.updated {
+ chart.Retries = 0
+ } else {
+ chart.Retries++
+ }
+ return chart.updated
+func (j *Job) penalty() int {
+ v := j.retries / penaltyStep * penaltyStep * j.updateEvery / 2
+ if v > maxPenalty {
+ return maxPenalty
+ }
+ return v
+func getChartType(chart *Chart, j *Job) string {
+ if chart.typ != "" {
+ return chart.typ
+ }
+ if !chart.IDSep {
+ chart.typ = j.FullName()
+ } else if i := strings.IndexByte(chart.ID, '.'); i != -1 {
+ chart.typ = j.FullName() + "_" + chart.ID[:i]
+ } else {
+ chart.typ = j.FullName()
+ }
+ if chart.OverModule != "" {
+ if v := strings.TrimPrefix(chart.typ, j.ModuleName()); v != chart.typ {
+ chart.typ = chart.OverModule + v
+ }
+ }
+ return chart.typ
+func getChartID(chart *Chart) string {
+ if != "" {
+ return
+ }
+ if !chart.IDSep {
+ return chart.ID
+ }
+ if i := strings.IndexByte(chart.ID, '.'); i != -1 {
+ = chart.ID[i+1:]
+ } else {
+ = chart.ID
+ }
+ return
+func calcSinceLastRun(curTime, prevRun time.Time) int {
+ if prevRun.IsZero() {
+ return 0
+ }
+ return int((curTime.UnixNano() - prevRun.UnixNano()) / 1000)
+func durationTo(duration time.Duration, to time.Duration) int {
+ return int(int64(duration) / (int64(to) / int64(time.Nanosecond)))
+func firstNotEmpty(val1, val2 string) string {
+ if val1 != "" {
+ return val1
+ }
+ return val2
+func handleZero(v int) int {
+ if v == 0 {
+ return 1
+ }
+ return v