path: root/src/go/plugin/go.d/modules/consul/collect_metrics.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/go/plugin/go.d/modules/consul/collect_metrics.go b/src/go/plugin/go.d/modules/consul/collect_metrics.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..557ecf64c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/plugin/go.d/modules/consul/collect_metrics.go
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+package consul
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "math"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ ""
+func (c *Consul) collectMetricsPrometheus(mx map[string]int64) error {
+ mfs, err := c.prom.Scrape()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // Key Metrics (
+ // prometheus metrics are messy:
+ // - if 'disable_hostname' is false (default):
+ // - consul_autopilot_failure_tolerance => consul_hostname_autopilot_failure_tolerance
+ // - both are exposed
+ // - only the one with the hostname has the correct value
+ // - 1.14.3 (it probably has something to do with cloud management version):
+ // - runtime_sys_bytes => runtime_sys_bytes_sys_bytes; consul_autopilot_healthy => consul_autopilot_healthy_healthy
+ // - both are exposed
+ // - only the one with the double name has the correct value
+ if c.isServer() {
+ c.collectSummary(mx, mfs, "raft_thread_main_saturation")
+ c.collectSummary(mx, mfs, "raft_thread_fsm_saturation")
+ c.collectSummary(mx, mfs, "raft_boltdb_logsPerBatch")
+ c.collectSummary(mx, mfs, "kvs_apply")
+ c.collectSummary(mx, mfs, "txn_apply")
+ c.collectSummary(mx, mfs, "raft_boltdb_storeLogs")
+ c.collectSummary(mx, mfs, "raft_rpc_installSnapshot") // make sense for followers only
+ c.collectSummary(mx, mfs, "raft_commitTime") // make sense for leader only
+ c.collectSummary(mx, mfs, "raft_leader_lastContact") // make sense for leader only
+ c.collectCounter(mx, mfs, "raft_apply", precision) // make sense for leader only
+ c.collectCounter(mx, mfs, "raft_state_candidate", 1)
+ c.collectCounter(mx, mfs, "raft_state_leader", 1)
+ c.collectGaugeBool(mx, mfs, "autopilot_healthy", "autopilot_healthy_healthy")
+ c.collectGaugeBool(mx, mfs, "server_isLeader", "server_isLeader_isLeader")
+ c.collectGauge(mx, mfs, "autopilot_failure_tolerance", 1, "autopilot_failure_tolerance_failure_tolerance")
+ c.collectGauge(mx, mfs, "raft_fsm_lastRestoreDuration", 1)
+ c.collectGauge(mx, mfs, "raft_leader_oldestLogAge", 1, "raft_leader_oldestLogAge_oldestLogAge")
+ c.collectGauge(mx, mfs, "raft_boltdb_freelistBytes", 1, "raft_boltdb_freelistBytes_freelistBytes")
+ if isLeader, ok := c.isLeader(mfs); ok {
+ if isLeader && !c.hasLeaderCharts {
+ c.addLeaderCharts()
+ c.hasLeaderCharts = true
+ }
+ if !isLeader && c.hasLeaderCharts {
+ c.removeLeaderCharts()
+ c.hasLeaderCharts = false
+ }
+ if !isLeader && !c.hasFollowerCharts {
+ c.addFollowerCharts()
+ c.hasFollowerCharts = true
+ }
+ if isLeader && c.hasFollowerCharts {
+ c.removeFollowerCharts()
+ c.hasFollowerCharts = false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ c.collectGauge(mx, mfs, "system_licenseExpiration", 3600, "system_licenseExpiration_licenseExpiration")
+ c.collectCounter(mx, mfs, "client_rpc", 1)
+ c.collectCounter(mx, mfs, "client_rpc_exceeded", 1)
+ c.collectCounter(mx, mfs, "client_rpc_failed", 1)
+ c.collectGauge(mx, mfs, "runtime_alloc_bytes", 1, "runtime_alloc_bytes_alloc_bytes")
+ c.collectGauge(mx, mfs, "runtime_sys_bytes", 1, "runtime_sys_bytes_sys_bytes")
+ c.collectGauge(mx, mfs, "runtime_total_gc_pause_ns", 1, "runtime_total_gc_pause_ns_total_gc_pause_ns")
+ return nil
+func (c *Consul) isLeader(mfs prometheus.MetricFamilies) (bool, bool) {
+ var mf *prometheus.MetricFamily
+ for _, v := range []string{"server_isLeader_isLeader", "server_isLeader"} {
+ if mf = mfs.GetGauge(c.promMetricNameWithHostname(v)); mf != nil {
+ break
+ }
+ if mf = mfs.GetGauge(c.promMetricName(v)); mf != nil {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if mf == nil {
+ return false, false
+ }
+ return mf.Metrics()[0].Gauge().Value() == 1, true
+func (c *Consul) collectGauge(mx map[string]int64, mfs prometheus.MetricFamilies, name string, mul float64, aliases ...string) {
+ var mf *prometheus.MetricFamily
+ for _, v := range append(aliases, name) {
+ if mf = mfs.GetGauge(c.promMetricNameWithHostname(v)); mf != nil {
+ break
+ }
+ if mf = mfs.GetGauge(c.promMetricName(v)); mf != nil {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if mf == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ v := mf.Metrics()[0].Gauge().Value()
+ if !math.IsNaN(v) {
+ mx[name] = int64(v * mul)
+ }
+func (c *Consul) collectGaugeBool(mx map[string]int64, mfs prometheus.MetricFamilies, name string, aliases ...string) {
+ var mf *prometheus.MetricFamily
+ for _, v := range append(aliases, name) {
+ if mf = mfs.GetGauge(c.promMetricNameWithHostname(v)); mf != nil {
+ break
+ }
+ if mf = mfs.GetGauge(c.promMetricName(v)); mf != nil {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if mf == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ v := mf.Metrics()[0].Gauge().Value()
+ if !math.IsNaN(v) {
+ mx[name+"_yes"] = boolToInt(v == 1)
+ mx[name+"_no"] = boolToInt(v == 0)
+ }
+func (c *Consul) collectCounter(mx map[string]int64, mfs prometheus.MetricFamilies, name string, mul float64) {
+ mf := mfs.GetCounter(c.promMetricName(name))
+ if mf == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ v := mf.Metrics()[0].Counter().Value()
+ if !math.IsNaN(v) {
+ mx[name] = int64(v * mul)
+ }
+func (c *Consul) collectSummary(mx map[string]int64, mfs prometheus.MetricFamilies, name string) {
+ mf := mfs.GetSummary(c.promMetricName(name))
+ if mf == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ m := mf.Metrics()[0]
+ for _, q := range m.Summary().Quantiles() {
+ v := q.Value()
+ // MaxAge is 10 seconds (hardcoded)
+ //
+ if math.IsNaN(v) {
+ v = 0
+ }
+ id := fmt.Sprintf("%s_quantile=%s", name, formatFloat(q.Quantile()))
+ mx[id] = int64(v * precision * precision)
+ }
+ mx[name+"_sum"] = int64(m.Summary().Sum() * precision)
+ mx[name+"_count"] = int64(m.Summary().Count())
+func (c *Consul) promMetricName(name string) string {
+ px := c.cfg.DebugConfig.Telemetry.MetricsPrefix
+ return px + "_" + name
+var forbiddenCharsReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(" ", "_", ".", "_", "=", "_", "-", "_", "/", "_")
+// controlled by 'disable_hostname'
+func (c *Consul) promMetricNameWithHostname(name string) string {
+ px := c.cfg.DebugConfig.Telemetry.MetricsPrefix
+ node := forbiddenCharsReplacer.Replace(c.cfg.Config.NodeName)
+ return px + "_" + node + "_" + name
+func formatFloat(v float64) string {
+ return strconv.FormatFloat(v, 'f', -1, 64)