path: root/web/server/h2o/libh2o/deps/klib/lua/bio.lua
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/web/server/h2o/libh2o/deps/klib/lua/bio.lua b/web/server/h2o/libh2o/deps/klib/lua/bio.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c9f220059..000000000
--- a/web/server/h2o/libh2o/deps/klib/lua/bio.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
--- bioinformatics routines
--- Description: read a fasta/fastq file
-local function readseq(fp)
- local finished, last = false, nil;
- return function()
- local match;
- if finished then return nil end
- if (last == nil) then -- the first record or a record following a fastq
- for l in fp:lines() do
- if l:byte(1) == 62 or l:byte(1) == 64 then -- ">" || "@"
- last = l;
- break;
- end
- end
- if last == nil then
- finished = true;
- return nil;
- end
- end
- local tmp = last:find("%s");
- name = (tmp and last:sub(2, tmp-1)) or last:sub(2); -- sequence name
- local seqs = {};
- local c; -- the first character of the last line
- last = nil;
- for l in fp:lines() do -- read sequence
- c = l:byte(1);
- if c == 62 or c == 64 or c == 43 then
- last = l;
- break;
- end
- table.insert(seqs, l);
- end
- if last == nil then finished = true end -- end of file
- if c ~= 43 then return name, table.concat(seqs) end -- a fasta record
- local seq, len = table.concat(seqs), 0; -- prepare to parse quality
- seqs = {};
- for l in fp:lines() do -- read quality
- table.insert(seqs, l);
- len = len + #l;
- if len >= #seq then
- last = nil;
- return name, seq, table.concat(seqs);
- end
- end
- finished = true;
- return name, seq;
- end
--- extract subsequence from a fasta file indexe by samtools faidx
-local function faidxsub(fn)
- local fpidx = .. ".fai");
- if fpidx == nil then
- io.stderr:write("[faidxsub] fail to open the FASTA index file.\n");
- return nil
- end
- local idx = {};
- for l in fpidx:lines() do
- local name, len, offset, line_blen, line_len = l:match("(%S+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)");
- if name then
- idx[name] = {tonumber(len), offset, line_blen, line_len};
- end
- end
- fpidx:close();
- local fp =;
- return function(name, beg_, end_) -- 0-based coordinate
- if name == nil then fp:close(); return nil; end
- if idx[name] then
- local a = idx[name];
- beg_ = beg_ or 0;
- end_ = end_ or a[1];
- end_ = (end_ <= a[1] and end_) or a[1];
- local fb, fe = math.floor(beg_ / a[3]), math.floor(end_ / a[3]);
- local qb, qe = beg_ - fb * a[3], end_ - fe * a[3];
- fp:seek("set", a[2] + fb * a[4] + qb);
- local s = fp:read((fe - fb) * a[4] + (qe - qb)):gsub("%s", "");
- return s;
- end
- end
---Description: Index a list of intervals and test if a given interval overlaps with the list
---Example: lua -lbio -e 'a={{100,201},{200,300},{400,600}};f=bio.intvovlp(a);print(f(600,700))'
- By default, we keep for each tiling 8192 window the interval overlaping the
- window while having the smallest start position. This method may not work
- well when most intervals are small but few intervals span a long distance.
-local function intvovlp(intv, bits)
- bits = bits or 13 -- the default bin size is 8192 = 1<<13
- table.sort(intv, function(a,b) return a[1] < b[1] end) -- sort by the start
- -- merge intervals; the step speeds up testing, but can be skipped
- local b, e, k = -1, -1, 1
- for i = 1, #intv do
- if e < intv[i][1] then
- if e >= 0 then intv[k], k = {b, e}, k + 1 end
- b, e = intv[i][1], intv[i][2]
- else e = intv[i][2] end
- end
- if e >= 0 then intv[k] = {b, e} end
- while #a > k do table.remove(a) end -- truncate the interval list
- -- build the index for the list of intervals
- local idx, size, max = {}, math.pow(2, bits), 0
- for i = 1, #a do
- b = math.modf(intv[i][1] / size)
- e = math.modf(intv[i][2] / size)
- if b == e then idx[b] = idx[b] or i
- else for j = b, e do idx[j] = idx[j] or i end end
- max = (max > e and max) or e
- end
- -- return a function (closure)
- return function(_beg, _end)
- local x = math.modf(_beg / size)
- if x > max then return false end
- local off = idx[x]; -- the start bin
- if off == nil then -- the following is not the best in efficiency
- for i = x - 1, 0, -1 do -- find the minimum bin with a value
- if idx[i] ~= nil then off = idx[i]; break; end
- end
- if off == nil then return false end
- end
- for i = off, #intv do -- start from off and search for overlaps
- if intv[i][1] >= _end then return false
- elseif intv[i][2] > _beg then return true end
- end
- return false
- end
-bio = {
- readseq = readseq,
- faidxsub = faidxsub,
- intvovlp = intvovlp
-bio.nt16 = {
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- 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15,
- 15, 1,14, 2, 13,15,15, 4, 11,15,15,12, 15, 3,15,15, 15,15, 5, 6, 8,15, 7, 9, 0,10,15,15, 15,15,15,15,
- 15, 1,14, 2, 13,15,15, 4, 11,15,15,12, 15, 3,15,15, 15,15, 5, 6, 8,15, 7, 9, 0,10,15,15, 15,15,15,15,
- 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15,
- 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15,
- 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15,
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-bio.ntcnt = { [0]=4, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4 }
-bio.ntcomp = { [0]=0, 8, 4, 12, 2, 10, 9, 14, 1, 6, 5, 13, 3, 11, 7, 15 }