path: root/web/server/h2o/libh2o/deps/picotls/deps/cifra/src/ocb.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'web/server/h2o/libh2o/deps/picotls/deps/cifra/src/ocb.c')
1 files changed, 404 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web/server/h2o/libh2o/deps/picotls/deps/cifra/src/ocb.c b/web/server/h2o/libh2o/deps/picotls/deps/cifra/src/ocb.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d244d4e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/server/h2o/libh2o/deps/picotls/deps/cifra/src/ocb.c
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+ * cifra - embedded cryptography library
+ * Written in 2016 by Joseph Birr-Pixton <>
+ *
+ * To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
+ * copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the
+ * public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any
+ * warranty.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication
+ * along with this software. If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include "handy.h"
+#include "prp.h"
+#include "modes.h"
+#include "blockwise.h"
+#include "bitops.h"
+#include "gf128.h"
+#include "tassert.h"
+#include <string.h>
+/* How many L_n values to compute at schedule time. */
+#define MAX_L 4
+/* We and RFC7253 assume 128-bit blocks. */
+#define BLOCK 16
+typedef struct
+ const cf_prp *prp;
+ void *prpctx; /* Our PRP */
+ uint8_t *out; /* Output pointer for block processing */
+ cf_gf128 L_star; /* Zero block ciphertext */
+ cf_gf128 L_dollar; /* L_$ is double of L_* */
+ cf_gf128 L[MAX_L]; /* L[0] is double of L_$, L[1] is double of L[0], etc. */
+ cf_gf128 offset; /* Offset_i */
+ cf_gf128 checksum; /* Checksum_i */
+ uint32_t i; /* Block index, 1-based */
+} ocb;
+typedef struct
+ ocb *o; /* OCB context (contains PRP, etc.) */
+ cf_gf128 sum; /* Current Sum_i */
+ cf_gf128 offset; /* Current Offset_i */
+ uint32_t i; /* Block index, 1-based */
+} ocb_hash;
+static void ocb_init(ocb *o, const cf_prp *prp, void *prpctx,
+ const uint8_t *nonce, size_t nnonce,
+ size_t ntag)
+ o->prp = prp;
+ o->prpctx = prpctx;
+ assert(o->prp->blocksz == BLOCK);
+ /* L_* = ENCIPHER(K, zeros(128)) */
+ uint8_t L_star_bytes[BLOCK] = { 0 };
+ prp->encrypt(prpctx, L_star_bytes, L_star_bytes);
+ cf_gf128_frombytes_be(L_star_bytes, o->L_star);
+ /* L_$ = double(L_*) */
+ cf_gf128_double(o->L_star, o->L_dollar);
+ /* L_0 = double(L_$) etc. */
+ cf_gf128_double(o->L_dollar, o->L[0]);
+ for (int i = 1; i < MAX_L; i++)
+ cf_gf128_double(o->L[i - 1], o->L[i]);
+ /* Compute nonce-dependent and per-encryption vars */
+ assert(nnonce > 0 && nnonce < BLOCK);
+ uint8_t full_nonce[BLOCK] = { 0 };
+ full_nonce[0] = ((ntag * 8) & 0x7f) << 1;
+ full_nonce[BLOCK - 1 - nnonce] |= 0x01;
+ memcpy(full_nonce + BLOCK - nnonce, nonce, nnonce);
+ uint8_t bottom = full_nonce[BLOCK - 1] & 0x3f;
+ /* Make Ktop */
+ full_nonce[BLOCK - 1] &= 0xc0;
+ uint8_t Ktop[BLOCK + 8];
+ prp->encrypt(prpctx, full_nonce, Ktop);
+ /* Stretch Ktop */
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ Ktop[i + BLOCK] = Ktop[i] ^ Ktop[i + 1];
+ /* Outputs */
+ uint8_t offset[BLOCK];
+ copy_bytes_unaligned(offset, Ktop, BLOCK, bottom);
+ cf_gf128_frombytes_be(offset, o->offset);
+ memset(o->checksum, 0, sizeof o->checksum);
+static void ocb_start_cipher(ocb *o, uint8_t *output)
+ o->i = 1;
+ o->out = output;
+static void ocb_add_Ln(ocb *o, uint32_t n, cf_gf128 out)
+ /* Do we have a precomputed L term? */
+ if (n < MAX_L)
+ {
+ cf_gf128_add(o->L[n], out, out);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Compute more terms of L. */
+ cf_gf128 accum;
+ memcpy(accum, o->L[MAX_L - 1], sizeof accum);
+ for (uint32_t i = MAX_L - 1; i < n; i++)
+ {
+ cf_gf128 next;
+ cf_gf128_double(accum, next);
+ memcpy(accum, next, sizeof accum);
+ }
+ cf_gf128_add(accum, out, out);
+static void ocb_hash_init(ocb_hash *h)
+ memset(h->offset, 0, sizeof h->offset);
+ memset(h->sum, 0, sizeof h->sum);
+ h->i = 1;
+static void ocb_hash_sum(ocb *o, const uint8_t *block,
+ cf_gf128 sum, const cf_gf128 offset)
+ uint8_t offset_bytes[BLOCK];
+ cf_gf128_tobytes_be(offset, offset_bytes);
+ uint8_t block_tmp[BLOCK];
+ xor_bb(block_tmp, block, offset_bytes, sizeof block_tmp);
+ o->prp->encrypt(o->prpctx, block_tmp, block_tmp);
+ cf_gf128 tmp;
+ cf_gf128_frombytes_be(block_tmp, tmp);
+ cf_gf128_add(sum, tmp, sum);
+static void ocb_hash_block(void *vctx, const uint8_t *block)
+ ocb_hash *h = vctx;
+ /* Offset_i = Offset_{i - 1} xor L{ntz(i)} */
+ ocb_add_Ln(h->o, count_trailing_zeroes(h->i), h->offset);
+ /* Sum_i = Sum_{i - 1} xor ENCIPHER(K, A_i xor Offset_i) */
+ ocb_hash_sum(h->o, block, h->sum, h->offset);
+ h->i++;
+static void ocb_process_header(ocb *o, const uint8_t *header, size_t nheader,
+ uint8_t out[BLOCK])
+ ocb_hash ctx = { o };
+ ocb_hash_init(&ctx);
+ uint8_t partial[BLOCK];
+ size_t npartial = 0;
+ cf_blockwise_accumulate(partial, &npartial,
+ o->prp->blocksz,
+ header, nheader,
+ ocb_hash_block,
+ &ctx);
+ if (npartial)
+ {
+ /* Offset_* = Offset_m xor L_* */
+ cf_gf128_add(ctx.offset, o->L_star, ctx.offset);
+ /* CipherInput = (A_* || 1 || zeros(127 - bitlen(A_*))) xor Offset_* */
+ memset(partial + npartial, 0, sizeof(partial) - npartial);
+ partial[npartial] = 0x80;
+ /* Sum = Sum_m xor ENCIPHER(K, CipherInput) */
+ ocb_hash_sum(ctx.o, partial, ctx.sum, ctx.offset);
+ }
+ cf_gf128_tobytes_be(ctx.sum, out);
+ mem_clean(&ctx, sizeof ctx);
+static void ocb_encrypt_block(void *vctx, const uint8_t *block)
+ ocb *o = vctx;
+ /* Offset_i = Offset_{i - 1} xor L{ntz(i)} */
+ ocb_add_Ln(o, count_trailing_zeroes(o->i), o->offset);
+ /* C_i = Offset_i xor ENCIPHER(K, P_i xor Offset_i) */
+ uint8_t offset_bytes[BLOCK];
+ cf_gf128_tobytes_be(o->offset, offset_bytes);
+ uint8_t block_tmp[BLOCK];
+ xor_bb(block_tmp, block, offset_bytes, sizeof block_tmp);
+ o->prp->encrypt(o->prpctx, block_tmp, block_tmp);
+ xor_bb(o->out, block_tmp, offset_bytes, sizeof block_tmp);
+ o->out += sizeof block_tmp;
+ /* Checksum_i = Checksum_{i - 1} xor P_i */
+ cf_gf128 P;
+ cf_gf128_frombytes_be(block, P);
+ cf_gf128_add(o->checksum, P, o->checksum);
+ o->i++;
+void cf_ocb_encrypt(const cf_prp *prp, void *prpctx,
+ const uint8_t *plain, size_t nplain,
+ const uint8_t *header, size_t nheader,
+ const uint8_t *nonce, size_t nnonce,
+ uint8_t *cipher, /* the same size as nplain */
+ uint8_t *tag, size_t ntag)
+ ocb o;
+ ocb_init(&o, prp, prpctx, nonce, nnonce, ntag);
+ /* Process blocks. The blockwise machinery takes care of
+ * splitting the input into 128-bit blocks, and calling
+ * a function on each one. */
+ uint8_t partial[BLOCK];
+ size_t npartial = 0;
+ ocb_start_cipher(&o, cipher);
+ cf_blockwise_accumulate(partial, &npartial,
+ prp->blocksz,
+ plain, nplain,
+ ocb_encrypt_block,
+ &o);
+ /* Move along plain and cipher. */
+ plain += (o.out - cipher);
+ cipher = o.out;
+ /* If we have remaining data to pad and process,
+ * it's in partial. */
+ if (npartial)
+ {
+ /* Offset_* = Offset_m xor L_* */
+ cf_gf128_add(o.offset, o.L_star, o.offset);
+ /* Pad = ENCIPHER(K, Offset_*) */
+ uint8_t pad[BLOCK];
+ cf_gf128_tobytes_be(o.offset, pad);
+ o.prp->encrypt(o.prpctx, pad, pad);
+ /* C_* = P_* xor Pad[1..bitlen(P_*)] */
+ xor_bb(cipher, partial, pad, npartial);
+ mem_clean(pad, sizeof pad);
+ /* Checksum_* = Checksum_m xor (P_* || 1 || zeros(127 - bitlen(P_*))) */
+ memset(partial + npartial, 0, sizeof(partial) - npartial);
+ partial[npartial] = 0x80;
+ cf_gf128 last_block;
+ cf_gf128_frombytes_be(partial, last_block);
+ cf_gf128_add(o.checksum, last_block, o.checksum);
+ mem_clean(last_block, sizeof last_block);
+ }
+ /* Compute: Tag = ENCIPHER(K, Checksum_m xor Offset_m xor L_$) xor HASH(K, A) */
+ cf_gf128 full_tag;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ full_tag[i] = o.checksum[i] ^ o.offset[i] ^ o.L_dollar[i];
+ /* Convert tag to bytes for encryption */
+ uint8_t tag_bytes[BLOCK];
+ cf_gf128_tobytes_be(full_tag, tag_bytes);
+ /* ENCIPHER(...) */
+ o.prp->encrypt(o.prpctx, tag_bytes, tag_bytes);
+ /* Compute HASH(K, A). */
+ uint8_t hash_a[BLOCK];
+ ocb_process_header(&o, header, nheader, hash_a);
+ /* ... xor HASH(K, A) */
+ xor_bb(tag_bytes, tag_bytes, hash_a, sizeof tag_bytes);
+ /* Copy out tag to caller. */
+ memcpy(tag, tag_bytes, ntag);
+ mem_clean(&o, sizeof o);
+static void ocb_decrypt_block(void *vctx, const uint8_t *block)
+ ocb *o = vctx;
+ /* Offset_i = Offset_{i - 1} xor L{ntz(i)} */
+ ocb_add_Ln(o, count_trailing_zeroes(o->i), o->offset);
+ /* P_i = Offset_i xor DECIPHER(K, C_i xor Offset_i) */
+ uint8_t offset_bytes[BLOCK];
+ cf_gf128_tobytes_be(o->offset, offset_bytes);
+ uint8_t block_tmp[BLOCK];
+ xor_bb(block_tmp, block, offset_bytes, sizeof block_tmp);
+ o->prp->decrypt(o->prpctx, block_tmp, block_tmp);
+ xor_bb(o->out, block_tmp, offset_bytes, sizeof block_tmp);
+ /* Checksum_i = Checksum_{i - 1} xor P_i */
+ cf_gf128 P;
+ cf_gf128_frombytes_be(o->out, P);
+ o->out += sizeof block_tmp;
+ cf_gf128_add(o->checksum, P, o->checksum);
+ o->i++;
+int cf_ocb_decrypt(const cf_prp *prp, void *prpctx,
+ const uint8_t *cipher, size_t ncipher,
+ const uint8_t *header, size_t nheader,
+ const uint8_t *nonce, size_t nnonce,
+ const uint8_t *tag, size_t ntag,
+ uint8_t *plain)
+ ocb o;
+ ocb_init(&o, prp, prpctx, nonce, nnonce, ntag);
+ /* Do blockwise decryption */
+ uint8_t partial[BLOCK];
+ size_t npartial = 0;
+ ocb_start_cipher(&o, plain);
+ cf_blockwise_accumulate(partial, &npartial,
+ prp->blocksz,
+ cipher, ncipher,
+ ocb_decrypt_block,
+ &o);
+ if (npartial)
+ {
+ /* Offset_* = Offset_m xor L_* */
+ cf_gf128_add(o.offset, o.L_star, o.offset);
+ /* Pad = ENCIPHER(K, Offset_*) */
+ uint8_t pad[BLOCK];
+ cf_gf128_tobytes_be(o.offset, pad);
+ o.prp->encrypt(o.prpctx, pad, pad);
+ /* P_* = C_* xor Pad[1..bitlen(C_*)] */
+ xor_bb(partial, partial, pad, npartial);
+ mem_clean(pad, sizeof pad);
+ memcpy(o.out, partial, npartial);
+ /* Checksum_* = Checksum_m xor (P_* || 1 || zeros(127 - bitlen(P_*))) */
+ memset(partial + npartial, 0, sizeof(partial) - npartial);
+ partial[npartial] = 0x80;
+ cf_gf128 last_block;
+ cf_gf128_frombytes_be(partial, last_block);
+ cf_gf128_add(o.checksum, last_block, o.checksum);
+ mem_clean(last_block, sizeof last_block);
+ }
+ /* Compute: Tag = ENCIPHER(K, Checksum_m xor Offset_m xor L_$) xor HASH(K, A) */
+ cf_gf128 full_tag;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ full_tag[i] = o.checksum[i] ^ o.offset[i] ^ o.L_dollar[i];
+ /* Convert tag to bytes for encryption */
+ uint8_t tag_bytes[BLOCK];
+ cf_gf128_tobytes_be(full_tag, tag_bytes);
+ /* ENCIPHER(...) */
+ o.prp->encrypt(o.prpctx, tag_bytes, tag_bytes);
+ /* Compute HASH(K, A). */
+ uint8_t hash_a[BLOCK];
+ ocb_process_header(&o, header, nheader, hash_a);
+ /* ... xor HASH(K, A) */
+ xor_bb(tag_bytes, tag_bytes, hash_a, sizeof tag_bytes);
+ /* Check against caller's tag. */
+ int err;
+ if (mem_eq(tag, tag_bytes, ntag))
+ {
+ err = 0;
+ } else {
+ err = 1;
+ mem_clean(plain, ncipher);
+ }
+ mem_clean(&o, sizeof o);
+ mem_clean(tag_bytes, sizeof tag_bytes);
+ mem_clean(full_tag, sizeof full_tag);
+ return err;