#!/bin/sh install_debian_like() { # This is needed to ensure package installs don't prompt for any user input. export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update # Install Netdata apt-get install -y /netdata/artifacts/netdata_"${VERSION}"_*.deb || exit 1 # Install testing tools apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends curl netcat jq || exit 1 } install_fedora_like() { # Using a glob pattern here because I can't reliably determine what the # resulting package name will be (TODO: There must be a better way!) PKGMGR="$( (command -v dnf > /dev/null && echo "dnf") || echo "yum")" pkg_version="$(echo "${VERSION}" | tr - .)" # Install Netdata "$PKGMGR" install -y /netdata/artifacts/netdata-"${pkg_version}"-*.rpm # Install testing tools "$PKGMGR" install -y curl nc jq || exit 1 } install_centos() { # Using a glob pattern here because I can't reliably determine what the # resulting package name will be (TODO: There must be a better way!) PKGMGR="$( (command -v dnf > /dev/null && echo "dnf") || echo "yum")" pkg_version="$(echo "${VERSION}" | tr - .)" # Install EPEL (needed for `jq` "$PKGMGR" install -y epel-release || exit 1 # Install Netdata "$PKGMGR" install -y /netdata/artifacts/netdata-"${pkg_version}"-*.rpm # Install testing tools "$PKGMGR" install -y curl nc jq || exit 1 } install_suse_like() { # Using a glob pattern here because I can't reliably determine what the # resulting package name will be (TODO: There must be a better way!) pkg_version="$(echo "${VERSION}" | tr - .)" # Install Netdata zypper install -y --allow-unsigned-rpm /netdata/artifacts/netdata-"${pkg_version}"-*.rpm # Install testing tools zypper install -y --no-recommends curl netcat-openbsd jq || exit 1 } dump_log() { cat ./netdata.log } wait_for() { host="${1}" port="${2}" name="${3}" timeout="30" if command -v nc > /dev/null ; then netcat="nc" elif command -v netcat > /dev/null ; then netcat="netcat" else printf "Unable to find a usable netcat command.\n" return 1 fi printf "Waiting for %s on %s:%s ... " "${name}" "${host}" "${port}" sleep 30 i=0 while ! ${netcat} -z "${host}" "${port}"; do sleep 1 if [ "$i" -gt "$timeout" ]; then printf "Timed out!\n" return 1 fi i="$((i + 1))" done printf "OK\n" } case "${DISTRO}" in debian | ubuntu) install_debian_like ;; fedora | oraclelinux) install_fedora_like ;; centos | rockylinux) install_centos ;; opensuse) install_suse_like ;; *) printf "ERROR: unsupported distro: %s_%s\n" "${DISTRO}" "${DISTRO_VERSION}" exit 1 ;; esac trap dump_log EXIT /usr/sbin/netdata -D > ./netdata.log 2>&1 & wait_for localhost 19999 netdata || exit 1 curl -sS > ./response || exit 1 cat ./response jq '.version' ./response || exit 1 trap - EXIT