netdata (1.2.0) - 2016-05-16

 At a glance:

 - netdata is now 30% faster
 - netdata now has a registry (my-netdata dashboard menu)
 - netdata now monitors Linux Containers (docker, lxc, etc)

 This version requires libuuid. The package you need is:

  - uuid-dev (debian/ubuntu), or
  - libuuid-devel (centos/fedora/redhat)

 In detail:

 * netdata is now 30% faster !

   - Patches submitted by @fredericopissarra improved overall
     netdata performance by 10%.

   - A new improved search function in the internal indexes
     made all searches faster by 50%, resulting in about
     20% better performance for the core of netdata.

   - More efficient threads locking in key components
     contributed to the overal efficiency.

 * netdata now has a CENTRAL REGISTRY !

   The central registry tracks all your netdata servers
   and bookmarks them for you at the 'my-netdata' menu
   on all dashboards.

   Every netdata can act as a registry, but there is also
   a global registry provided for free for all netdata users!

 * netdata now monitors CONTAINERS !
   docker, lxc, or anything else. For each container it monitors
   CPU, RAM, DISK I/O (network interfaces were already monitored)

 * apps.plugin: now uses linux capabilities by default
   without setuid to root

 * netdata has now an improved signal handler
   thanks to @simonnagl

 * API: new improved CORS support

 * SNMP: counter64 support fixed

 * MYSQL: more charts, about QCache, MyISAM key cache,
   InnoDB buffer pools, open files

 * DISK charts now show mount point when available

 * Dashboard: improved support for older web browsers
   and mobile web browsers (thanks to @simonnagl)

 * Multi-server dashboards now allow de-coupled refreshes for
   each chart, so that if one netdata has a network latency
   the other charts are not affected

 * Several other minor improvements and bugfixes
netdata (1.1.0) - 2016-04-20

 Dozens of commits that improve netdata in several ways:

 - Data collection: added IPv6 monitoring
 - Data collection: added SYNPROXY DDoS protection monitoring
 - Data collection: apps.plugin: added charts for users and user groups
 - Data collection: apps.plugin: grouping of processes now support patterns
 - Data collection: apps.plugin: now it is faster, after the new features added
 - Data collection: better auto-detection of partitions for disk monitoring
 - Data collection: better fireqos intergation for QoS monitoring
 - Data collection: squid monitoring now uses squidclient
 - Data collection: SNMP monitoring now supports 64bit counters
 - API: fixed issues in CSV output generation
 - API: netdata can now be restricted to listen on a specific IP
 - Core and apps.plugin: error log flood protection
 - Dashboard: better error handling when the netdata server is unreachable
 - Dashboard: each chart now has a toolbox
 - Dashboard: on-line help support
 - Dashboard: check for netdata updates button
 - Dashboard: added example /tv.html dashboard
 - Packaging: now compiles with musl libc (alpine linux)
 - Packaging: added debian packaging
 - Packaging: support non-root installations
 - Packaging: the installer generates uninstall script

netdata (1.0.0) - 2016-03-22

 - first public release

netdata (1.0.0-rc.1) - 2015-11-28

 - initial packaging