syntax = "proto3"; package chart.v1; option go_package = "chart/config/v1;chartconfig"; // UpdateChartConfigs command contains the list of missing chart configs from the cloud to agent message UpdateChartConfigs { // claim_id, node_id pair is used to identify the Node Instance string claim_id = 1; string node_id = 2; // list of config hashes missing from cloud and requested from the agent repeated string config_hashes = 3; } message ChartConfigsUpdated { repeated ChartConfigUpdated configs = 1; } message ChartConfigUpdated { string type = 1; string family = 2; string context = 3; string title = 4; uint64 priority = 5; string plugin = 6; string module = 7; ChartType chart_type = 8; string units = 9; string config_hash = 10; } enum ChartType { LINE = 0; AREA = 1; STACKED = 2; }