FROM archlinux/base:latest

# There is some redundancy between this file and the archlinux Dockerfile in the helper images
# repo and also with the clean-install.Dockefile. Once the help image is availabled on Docker
# Hub this file can be deleted.
RUN echo sdlsjdkls
RUN pacman -Syyu --noconfirm
RUN pacman --noconfirm --needed -S autoconf \
                                   autoconf-archive \
                                   autogen \
                                   automake \
                                   gcc \
                                   make \
                                   git \
                                   libuv \
                                   lz4 \
                                   netcat \
                                   openssl \
                                   pkgconfig \
                                   python \
                                   libvirt \
                                   cmake \
                                   valgrind \

COPY . /opt/netdata/source
WORKDIR /opt/netdata/source

RUN git config --global "root@container"
RUN git config --global "Fake root"

# RUN make distclean   -> not safe if tree state changed on host since last config
# Kill everything that is not in .gitignore preserving any fresh changes, i.e. untracked changes will be
# deleted but local changes to tracked files will be preserved.
RUN if git status --porcelain | grep '^[MADRC]'; then \
        git stash && git clean -dxf && (git stash apply || true) \
    else \
        git clean -dxf ; \

# Not everybody is updating distclean properly - fix.
RUN find . -name '*.Po' -exec rm \{\} \;
RUN rm -rf autom4te.cache
RUN rm -rf .git/
RUN find . -type f >/opt/netdata/manifest

RUN CFLAGS="-Og -g -ggdb -Wall -Wextra -Wformat-signedness -fstack-protector-all -DNETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS=1\
    -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -DNETDATA_VERIFY_LOCKS=1 ${EXTRA_CFLAGS}" ./ --require-cloud --disable-lto

RUN ln -sf /dev/stdout /var/log/netdata/access.log
RUN ln -sf /dev/stdout /var/log/netdata/debug.log
RUN ln -sf /dev/stderr /var/log/netdata/error.log

RUN printf >/opt/netdata/source/gdb_batch '\
set args -D \n\
handle SIG32 nostop \n\
run \n\

#CMD ["/usr/sbin/valgrind", "--leak-check=full", "/usr/sbin/netdata", "-D"]
CMD ["/usr/bin/gdb", "-x", "/opt/netdata/source/gdb_batch", "/usr/sbin/netdata"]