// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "debugfs_plugin.h" static long system_page_size = 4096; static collected_number pages_to_bytes(collected_number value) { return value * system_page_size; } struct netdata_zswap_metric { const char *filename; const char *chart_id; const char *title; const char *units; RRDSET_TYPE charttype; int prio; const char *dimension; RRD_ALGORITHM algorithm; int divisor; int enabled; int chart_created; collected_number value; collected_number (*convertv)(collected_number v); }; static struct netdata_zswap_metric zswap_calculated_metrics[] = { {.filename = "", .chart_id = "pool_compression_ratio", .dimension = "compression_ratio", .units = "ratio", .title = "Zswap compression ratio", .algorithm = RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE, .charttype = RRDSET_TYPE_LINE, .enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES, .chart_created = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO, .prio = NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_SYSTEM_ZSWAP_COMPRESS_RATIO, .divisor = 100, .convertv = NULL, .value = -1}, }; enum netdata_zswap_calculated { NETDATA_ZSWAP_COMPRESSION_RATIO_CHART, }; enum netdata_zwap_independent { NETDATA_ZSWAP_POOL_TOTAL_SIZE, NETDATA_ZSWAP_STORED_PAGES, NETDATA_ZSWAP_POOL_LIMIT_HIT, NETDATA_ZSWAP_WRITTEN_BACK_PAGES, NETDATA_ZSWAP_SAME_FILLED_PAGES, NETDATA_ZSWAP_DUPLICATE_ENTRY, // Terminator NETDATA_ZSWAP_SITE_END }; static struct netdata_zswap_metric zswap_independent_metrics[] = { // https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/latest/source/mm/zswap.c {.filename = "/sys/kernel/debug/zswap/pool_total_size", .chart_id = "pool_compressed_size", .dimension = "compressed_size", .units = "bytes", .title = "Zswap compressed bytes currently stored", .algorithm = RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE, .charttype = RRDSET_TYPE_AREA, .enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES, .chart_created = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO, .prio = NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_SYSTEM_ZSWAP_POOL_TOT_SIZE, .divisor = 1, .convertv = NULL, .value = -1}, {.filename = "/sys/kernel/debug/zswap/stored_pages", .chart_id = "pool_raw_size", .dimension = "uncompressed_size", .units = "bytes", .title = "Zswap uncompressed bytes currently stored", .algorithm = RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE, .charttype = RRDSET_TYPE_AREA, .enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES, .chart_created = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO, .prio = NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_SYSTEM_ZSWAP_STORED_PAGE, .divisor = 1, .convertv = pages_to_bytes, .value = -1}, {.filename = "/sys/kernel/debug/zswap/pool_limit_hit", .chart_id = "pool_limit_hit", .dimension = "limit", .units = "events/s", .title = "Zswap pool limit was reached", .algorithm = RRD_ALGORITHM_INCREMENTAL, .charttype = RRDSET_TYPE_LINE, .enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES, .chart_created = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO, .prio = NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_SYSTEM_ZSWAP_POOL_LIM_HIT, .divisor = 1, .convertv = NULL, .value = -1}, {.filename = "/sys/kernel/debug/zswap/written_back_pages", .chart_id = "written_back_raw_bytes", .dimension = "written_back", .units = "bytes/s", .title = "Zswap uncomressed bytes written back when pool limit was reached", .algorithm = RRD_ALGORITHM_INCREMENTAL, .charttype = RRDSET_TYPE_AREA, .enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES, .chart_created = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO, .prio = NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_SYSTEM_ZSWAP_WRT_BACK_PAGES, .divisor = 1, .convertv = pages_to_bytes, .value = -1}, {.filename = "/sys/kernel/debug/zswap/same_filled_pages", .chart_id = "same_filled_raw_size", .dimension = "same_filled", .units = "bytes", .title = "Zswap same-value filled uncompressed bytes currently stored", .algorithm = RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE, .charttype = RRDSET_TYPE_AREA, .enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES, .chart_created = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO, .prio = NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_SYSTEM_ZSWAP_SAME_FILL_PAGE, .divisor = 1, .convertv = pages_to_bytes, .value = -1}, {.filename = "/sys/kernel/debug/zswap/duplicate_entry", .chart_id = "duplicate_entry", .dimension = "duplicate", .units = "entries/s", .title = "Zswap duplicate store was encountered", .algorithm = RRD_ALGORITHM_INCREMENTAL, .charttype = RRDSET_TYPE_LINE, .enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES, .chart_created = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO, .prio = NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_SYSTEM_ZSWAP_DUPP_ENTRY, .divisor = 1, .convertv = NULL, .value = -1}, // The terminator {.filename = NULL, .chart_id = NULL, .dimension = NULL, .units = NULL, .title = NULL, .algorithm = RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE, .charttype = RRDSET_TYPE_LINE, .enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO, .chart_created = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO, .prio = -1, .value = -1}}; enum netdata_zswap_rejected { NETDATA_ZSWAP_REJECTED_CHART, NETDATA_ZSWAP_REJECTED_COMPRESS_POOR, NETDATA_ZSWAP_REJECTED_KMEM_FAIL, NETDATA_ZSWAP_REJECTED_RALLOC_FAIL, NETDATA_ZSWAP_REJECTED_RRECLAIM_FAIL, // Terminator NETDATA_ZSWAP_REJECTED_END }; static struct netdata_zswap_metric zswap_rejected_metrics[] = { {.filename = "/sys/kernel/debug/zswap/", .chart_id = "rejections", .dimension = NULL, .units = "rejections/s", .title = "Zswap rejections", .algorithm = RRD_ALGORITHM_INCREMENTAL, .charttype = RRDSET_TYPE_STACKED, .enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES, .chart_created = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO, .prio = NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_SYSTEM_ZSWAP_REJECTS, .divisor = 1, .convertv = NULL, .value = -1}, {.filename = "/sys/kernel/debug/zswap/reject_compress_poor", .chart_id = "reject_compress_poor", .dimension = "compress_poor", .units = NULL, .title = NULL, .algorithm = RRD_ALGORITHM_INCREMENTAL, .charttype = RRDSET_TYPE_STACKED, .enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES, .chart_created = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO, .prio = NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_SYSTEM_ZSWAP_REJECTS, .divisor = 1, .convertv = NULL, .value = -1}, {.filename = "/sys/kernel/debug/zswap/reject_kmemcache_fail", .chart_id = "reject_kmemcache_fail", .dimension = "kmemcache_fail", .units = NULL, .title = NULL, .algorithm = RRD_ALGORITHM_INCREMENTAL, .charttype = RRDSET_TYPE_STACKED, .enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES, .chart_created = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO, .prio = NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_SYSTEM_ZSWAP_REJECTS, .divisor = 1, .convertv = NULL, .value = -1}, {.filename = "/sys/kernel/debug/zswap/reject_alloc_fail", .chart_id = "reject_alloc_fail", .dimension = "alloc_fail", .units = NULL, .title = NULL, .algorithm = RRD_ALGORITHM_INCREMENTAL, .charttype = RRDSET_TYPE_STACKED, .enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES, .chart_created = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO, .prio = NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_SYSTEM_ZSWAP_REJECTS, .divisor = 1, .convertv = NULL, .value = -1}, {.filename = "/sys/kernel/debug/zswap/reject_reclaim_fail", .chart_id = "reject_reclaim_fail", .dimension = "reclaim_fail", .units = NULL, .title = NULL, .algorithm = RRD_ALGORITHM_INCREMENTAL, .charttype = RRDSET_TYPE_STACKED, .enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES, .chart_created = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO, .prio = NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_SYSTEM_ZSWAP_REJECTS, .divisor = 1, .convertv = NULL, .value = -1}, // The terminator {.filename = NULL, .chart_id = NULL, .dimension = NULL, .units = NULL, .title = NULL, .algorithm = RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE, .charttype = RRDSET_TYPE_STACKED, .enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO, .chart_created = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO, .prio = -1, .value = -1}}; int zswap_collect_data(struct netdata_zswap_metric *metric) { char filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; snprintfz(filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s%s", netdata_configured_host_prefix, metric->filename); if (read_single_number_file(filename, (unsigned long long *)&metric->value)) { netdata_log_error("Cannot read file %s", filename); return 1; } if (metric->convertv) metric->value = metric->convertv(metric->value); return 0; } static void zswap_send_chart(struct netdata_zswap_metric *metric, int update_every, const char *name, const char *option) { fprintf( stdout, "CHART system.zswap_%s '' '%s' '%s' 'zswap' '' '%s' %d %d '%s' 'debugfs.plugin' '%s'\n", metric->chart_id, metric->title, metric->units, debugfs_rrdset_type_name(metric->charttype), metric->prio, update_every, (!option) ? "" : option, name); } static void zswap_send_dimension(struct netdata_zswap_metric *metric) { int div = metric->divisor > 0 ? metric->divisor : 1; fprintf( stdout, "DIMENSION '%s' '%s' %s 1 %d ''\n", metric->dimension, metric->dimension, debugfs_rrd_algorithm_name(metric->algorithm), div); } static void zswap_send_begin(struct netdata_zswap_metric *metric) { fprintf(stdout, "BEGIN system.zswap_%s\n", metric->chart_id); } static void zswap_send_set(struct netdata_zswap_metric *metric) { fprintf(stdout, "SET %s = %lld\n", metric->dimension, metric->value); } static void zswap_send_end_and_flush() { fprintf(stdout, "END\n"); fflush(stdout); } static void zswap_independent_chart(struct netdata_zswap_metric *metric, int update_every, const char *name) { if (unlikely(!metric->chart_created)) { metric->chart_created = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; zswap_send_chart(metric, update_every, name, NULL); zswap_send_dimension(metric); } zswap_send_begin(metric); zswap_send_set(metric); zswap_send_end_and_flush(); } void zswap_reject_chart(int update_every, const char *name) { struct netdata_zswap_metric *metric = &zswap_rejected_metrics[NETDATA_ZSWAP_REJECTED_CHART]; if (unlikely(!metric->chart_created)) { metric->chart_created = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; zswap_send_chart(metric, update_every, name, NULL); for (int i = NETDATA_ZSWAP_REJECTED_COMPRESS_POOR; zswap_rejected_metrics[i].filename; i++) { metric = &zswap_rejected_metrics[i]; if (likely(metric->enabled)) zswap_send_dimension(metric); } } metric = &zswap_rejected_metrics[NETDATA_ZSWAP_REJECTED_CHART]; zswap_send_begin(metric); for (int i = NETDATA_ZSWAP_REJECTED_COMPRESS_POOR; zswap_rejected_metrics[i].filename; i++) { metric = &zswap_rejected_metrics[i]; if (likely(metric->enabled)) zswap_send_set(metric); } zswap_send_end_and_flush(); } static void zswap_obsolete_charts(int update_every, const char *name) { struct netdata_zswap_metric *metric = NULL; for (int i = 0; zswap_independent_metrics[i].filename; i++) { metric = &zswap_independent_metrics[i]; if (likely(metric->chart_created)) zswap_send_chart(metric, update_every, name, "obsolete"); } metric = &zswap_rejected_metrics[NETDATA_ZSWAP_REJECTED_CHART]; if (likely(metric->chart_created)) zswap_send_chart(metric, update_every, name, "obsolete"); metric = &zswap_calculated_metrics[NETDATA_ZSWAP_COMPRESSION_RATIO_CHART]; if (likely(metric->chart_created)) zswap_send_chart(metric, update_every, name, "obsolete"); } #define ZSWAP_STATE_SIZE 1 // Y or N static int debugfs_is_zswap_enabled() { char filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; snprintfz(filename, FILENAME_MAX, "/sys/module/zswap/parameters/enabled"); // host prefix is not needed here char state[ZSWAP_STATE_SIZE + 1]; int ret = read_file(filename, state, ZSWAP_STATE_SIZE); if (unlikely(!ret && !strcmp(state, "Y"))) { return 0; } return 1; } int do_debugfs_zswap(int update_every, const char *name) { static int check_if_enabled = 1; if (likely(check_if_enabled && debugfs_is_zswap_enabled())) { netdata_log_info("Zswap is disabled"); return 1; } check_if_enabled = 0; system_page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); struct netdata_zswap_metric *metric = NULL; int enabled = 0; for (int i = 0; zswap_independent_metrics[i].filename; i++) { metric = &zswap_independent_metrics[i]; if (unlikely(!metric->enabled)) continue; if (unlikely(!(metric->enabled = !zswap_collect_data(metric)))) continue; zswap_independent_chart(metric, update_every, name); enabled++; } struct netdata_zswap_metric *metric_size = &zswap_independent_metrics[NETDATA_ZSWAP_POOL_TOTAL_SIZE]; struct netdata_zswap_metric *metric_raw_size = &zswap_independent_metrics[NETDATA_ZSWAP_STORED_PAGES]; if (metric_size->enabled && metric_raw_size->enabled) { metric = &zswap_calculated_metrics[NETDATA_ZSWAP_COMPRESSION_RATIO_CHART]; metric->value = 0; if (metric_size->value > 0) metric->value = (collected_number)((NETDATA_DOUBLE)metric_raw_size->value / (NETDATA_DOUBLE)metric_size->value * 100); zswap_independent_chart(metric, update_every, name); } int enabled_rejected = 0; for (int i = NETDATA_ZSWAP_REJECTED_COMPRESS_POOR; zswap_rejected_metrics[i].filename; i++) { metric = &zswap_rejected_metrics[i]; if (unlikely(!metric->enabled)) continue; if (unlikely(!(metric->enabled = !zswap_collect_data(metric)))) continue; enabled++; enabled_rejected++; } if (likely(enabled_rejected > 0)) zswap_reject_chart(update_every, name); if (unlikely(!enabled)) { zswap_obsolete_charts(update_every, name); return 1; } return 0; }