plugin_name: ebpf.plugin modules: - meta: plugin_name: ebpf.plugin module_name: filedescriptor monitored_instance: name: eBPF Filedescriptor link: "" categories: - data-collection.ebpf icon_filename: "ebpf.jpg" related_resources: integrations: list: - plugin_name: apps.plugin module_name: apps - plugin_name: cgroups.plugin module_name: cgroups info_provided_to_referring_integrations: description: "" keywords: - file - eBPF - fd - open - close most_popular: false overview: data_collection: metrics_description: "Monitor calls for functions responsible to open or close a file descriptor and possible errors." method_description: "Attach tracing (kprobe and trampoline) to internal kernel functions according options used to compile kernel." supported_platforms: include: - Linux exclude: [] multi_instance: true additional_permissions: description: "The plugin needs setuid because it loads data inside kernel. Netdata sets necessary permissions during installation time." default_behavior: auto_detection: description: "The plugin checks kernel compilation flags (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) and presence of BTF files to decide which eBPF program will be attached." limits: description: "" performance_impact: description: "Depending of kernel version and frequency that files are open and close, this thread will add overhead every time that an internal kernel function monitored by this thread is called. The estimated additional period of time is between 90-200ms per call on kernels that do not have BTF technology." setup: prerequisites: list: - title: Compile kernel description: | Check if your kernel was compiled with necessary options (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) in `/proc/config.gz` or inside /boot/config file. Some cited names can be different accoring preferences of Linux distributions. When you do not have options set, it is necessary to get the kernel source code from or a kernel package from your distribution, this last is preferred. The kernel compilation has a well definedd pattern, but distributions can deliver their configuration files with different names. Now follow steps: 1. Copy the configuration file to /usr/src/linux/.config. 2. Select the necessary options: make oldconfig 3. Compile your kernel image: make bzImage 4. Compile your modules: make modules 5. Copy your new kernel image for boot loader directory 6. Install the new modules: make modules_install 7. Generate an initial ramdisk image (`initrd`) if it is necessary. 8. Update your boot loader configuration: file: name: "ebpf.d/fd.conf" description: "Overwrite default configuration helping to reduce memory usage. You can also select charts visible on dashboard." options: description: | All options are defined inside section `[global]`. folding: title: "Config options" enabled: true list: - name: update every description: Data collection frequency. default_value: 5 required: false - name: ebpf load mode description: Define whether plugin will monitor the call (`entry`) for the functions or it will also monitor the return (`return`). default_value: entry required: false - name: apps description: Enable or disable integration with apps.plugin default_value: no required: false - name: cgroups description: Enable or disable integration with cgroup.plugin default_value: no required: false - name: pid table size description: Number of elements stored inside hash tables used to monitor calls per PID. default_value: 32768 required: false - name: ebpf type format description: "Define the file type to load an eBPF program. Three options are available: `legacy` (Attach only `kprobe`), `co-re` (Plugin tries to use `trampoline` when available), and `auto` (plugin check OS configuration before to load)." default_value: auto required: false - name: ebpf co-re tracing description: "Select the attach method used by plugin when `co-re` is defined in previous option. Two options are available: `trampoline` (Option with lowest overhead), and `probe` (the same of legacy code)." default_value: trampoline required: false - name: maps per core description: Define how plugin will load their hash maps. When enabled (`yes`) plugin will load one hash table per core, instead to have centralized information. default_value: yes required: false - name: lifetime description: Set default lifetime for thread when enabled by cloud. default_value: 300 required: false examples: folding: enabled: true title: "" list: [] troubleshooting: problems: list: [] alerts: [] metrics: folding: title: Metrics enabled: false description: "" availability: [] scopes: - name: cgroup description: "These Metrics show grouped information per cgroup/service." labels: [] metrics: - name: cgroup.fd_open description: Number of open files unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: open - name: cgroup.fd_open_error description: Fails to open files unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: open - name: cgroup.fd_closed description: Files closed unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: close - name: cgroup.fd_close_error description: Fails to close files unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: close - name: services.file_open description: Number of open files unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.file_open_error description: Fails to open files unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.file_closed description: Files closed unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.file_close_error description: Fails to close files unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: global description: "These metrics show total number of calls to functions inside kernel." labels: [] metrics: - name: filesystem.file_descriptor description: Open and close calls unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: open - name: close - name: filesystem.file_error description: Open fails unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: open - name: close - name: apps description: "These Metrics show grouped information per apps group." labels: [] metrics: - name: apps.file_open description: Number of open files unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.file_open_error description: Fails to open files unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.file_closed description: Files closed unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.file_close_error description: Fails to close files unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - meta: plugin_name: ebpf.plugin module_name: processes monitored_instance: name: eBPF Processes link: "" categories: - data-collection.ebpf icon_filename: "ebpf.jpg" related_resources: integrations: list: - plugin_name: apps.plugin module_name: apps - plugin_name: cgroups.plugin module_name: cgroups info_provided_to_referring_integrations: description: "" keywords: - thread - fork - process - eBPF most_popular: false overview: data_collection: metrics_description: "Monitor calls for function creating tasks (threads and processes) inside Linux kernel." method_description: "Attach tracing (kprobe or tracepoint, and trampoline) to internal kernel functions." supported_platforms: include: - Linux exclude: [] multi_instance: true additional_permissions: description: "The plugin needs setuid because it loads data inside kernel. Netada sets necessary permission during installation time." default_behavior: auto_detection: description: "The plugin checks kernel compilation flags (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT), files inside debugfs, and presence of BTF files to decide which eBPF program will be attached." limits: description: "" performance_impact: description: "This thread will add overhead every time that an internal kernel function monitored by this thread is called." setup: prerequisites: list: - title: Compile kernel description: | Check if your kernel was compiled with necessary options (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) in `/proc/config.gz` or inside /boot/config file. Some cited names can be different accoring preferences of Linux distributions. When you do not have options set, it is necessary to get the kernel source code from or a kernel package from your distribution, this last is preferred. The kernel compilation has a well definedd pattern, but distributions can deliver their configuration files with different names. Now follow steps: 1. Copy the configuration file to /usr/src/linux/.config. 2. Select the necessary options: make oldconfig 3. Compile your kernel image: make bzImage 4. Compile your modules: make modules 5. Copy your new kernel image for boot loader directory 6. Install the new modules: make modules_install 7. Generate an initial ramdisk image (`initrd`) if it is necessary. 8. Update your boot loader - title: Debug Filesystem description: | This thread needs to attach a tracepoint to monitor when a process schedule an exit event. To allow this specific feaure, it is necessary to mount `debugfs` (`mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug/`). configuration: file: name: "ebpf.d/process.conf" description: "Overwrite default configuration helping to reduce memory usage. You can also select charts visible on dashboard." options: description: | All options are defined inside section `[global]`. folding: title: "Config options" enabled: true list: - name: update every description: Data collection frequency. default_value: 5 required: false - name: ebpf load mode description: Define whether plugin will monitor the call (`entry`) for the functions or it will also monitor the return (`return`). default_value: entry required: false - name: apps description: Enable or disable integration with apps.plugin default_value: no required: false - name: cgroups description: Enable or disable integration with cgroup.plugin default_value: no required: false - name: pid table size description: Number of elements stored inside hash tables used to monitor calls per PID. default_value: 32768 required: false - name: ebpf type format description: "Define the file type to load an eBPF program. Three options are available: `legacy` (Attach only `kprobe`), `co-re` (Plugin tries to use `trampoline` when available), and `auto` (plugin check OS configuration before to load)." default_value: auto required: false - name: ebpf co-re tracing description: "Select the attach method used by plugin when `co-re` is defined in previous option. Two options are available: `trampoline` (Option with lowest overhead), and `probe` (the same of legacy code). This plugin will always try to attach a tracepoint, so option here will impact only function used to monitor task (thread and process) creation." default_value: trampoline required: false - name: maps per core description: Define how plugin will load their hash maps. When enabled (`yes`) plugin will load one hash table per core, instead to have centralized information. default_value: yes required: false - name: lifetime description: Set default lifetime for thread when enabled by cloud. default_value: 300 required: false examples: folding: enabled: true title: "" list: [] troubleshooting: problems: list: [] alerts: [] metrics: folding: title: Metrics enabled: false description: "" availability: [] scopes: - name: global description: "These metrics show total number of calls to functions inside kernel." labels: [] metrics: - name: system.process_thread description: Start process unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: process - name: system.process_status description: Process not closed unit: "difference" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: process - name: zombie - name: system.exit description: Exit process unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: process - name: system.task_error description: Fails to create process unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: task - name: apps description: "These Metrics show grouped information per apps group." labels: [] metrics: - name: apps.process_create description: Process started unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.thread_create description: Threads started unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.task_exit description: Tasks starts exit process unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.task_close description: Tasks closed unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.task_error description: Errors to create process or threads unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: cgroup description: "These Metrics show grouped information per cgroup/service." labels: [] metrics: - name: cgroup.process_create description: Process started unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: process - name: cgroup.thread_create description: Threads started unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: thread - name: cgroup.task_exit description: Tasks starts exit process unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: exit - name: cgroup.task_close description: Tasks closed unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: process - name: cgroup.task_error description: Errors to create process or threads unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: process - name: services.process_create description: Process started unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.thread_create description: Threads started unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.task_close description: Tasks starts exit process unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.task_exit description: Tasks closed unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.task_error description: Errors to create process or threads unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - meta: plugin_name: ebpf.plugin module_name: disk monitored_instance: name: eBPF Disk link: "" categories: - data-collection.ebpf icon_filename: "ebpf.jpg" related_resources: integrations: list: [] info_provided_to_referring_integrations: description: "" keywords: - hard Disk - eBPF - latency - partition most_popular: false overview: data_collection: metrics_description: "Measure latency for I/O events on disk." method_description: "Attach tracepoints to internal kernel functions." supported_platforms: include: - Linux exclude: [] multi_instance: true additional_permissions: description: "The plugin needs setuid because it loads data inside kernel. Netada sets necessary permission during installation time." default_behavior: auto_detection: description: "The plugin checks kernel compilation flags (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT), files inside debugfs, and presence of BTF files to decide which eBPF program will be attached." limits: description: "" performance_impact: description: "This thread will add overhead every time that an internal kernel function monitored by this thread is called." setup: prerequisites: list: - title: Compile kernel description: | Check if your kernel was compiled with necessary options (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) in `/proc/config.gz` or inside /boot/config file. Some cited names can be different accoring preferences of Linux distributions. When you do not have options set, it is necessary to get the kernel source code from or a kernel package from your distribution, this last is preferred. The kernel compilation has a well definedd pattern, but distributions can deliver their configuration files with different names. Now follow steps: 1. Copy the configuration file to /usr/src/linux/.config. 2. Select the necessary options: make oldconfig 3. Compile your kernel image: make bzImage 4. Compile your modules: make modules 5. Copy your new kernel image for boot loader directory 6. Install the new modules: make modules_install 7. Generate an initial ramdisk image (`initrd`) if it is necessary. 8. Update your boot loader - title: Debug Filesystem description: | This thread needs to attach a tracepoint to monitor when a process schedule an exit event. To allow this specific feaure, it is necessary to mount `debugfs` (`mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug/`).` configuration: file: name: "ebpf.d/disk.conf" description: "Overwrite default configuration reducing number of I/O events." options: description: | All options are defined inside section `[global]`. folding: title: "Config options" enabled: true list: - name: update every description: Data collection frequency. default_value: 5 required: false - name: ebpf load mode description: Define whether plugin will monitor the call (`entry`) for the functions or it will also monitor the return (`return`). default_value: entry required: false - name: lifetime description: Set default lifetime for thread when enabled by cloud. default_value: 300 required: false examples: folding: enabled: true title: "" list: [] troubleshooting: problems: list: [] alerts: [] metrics: folding: title: Metrics enabled: false description: "" availability: [] scopes: - name: disk description: "These metrics measure latency for I/O events on every hard disk present on host." labels: [] metrics: - name: disk.latency_io description: Disk latency unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: latency - meta: plugin_name: ebpf.plugin module_name: hardirq monitored_instance: name: eBPF Hardirq link: "" categories: - data-collection.ebpf icon_filename: "ebpf.jpg" related_resources: integrations: list: [] info_provided_to_referring_integrations: description: "" keywords: - HardIRQ - eBPF most_popular: false overview: data_collection: metrics_description: "Monitor latency for each HardIRQ available." method_description: "Attach tracepoints to internal kernel functions." supported_platforms: include: - Linux exclude: [] multi_instance: true additional_permissions: description: "The plugin needs setuid because it loads data inside kernel. Netada sets necessary permission during installation time." default_behavior: auto_detection: description: "The plugin checks kernel compilation flags (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT), files inside debugfs, and presence of BTF files to decide which eBPF program will be attached." limits: description: "" performance_impact: description: "This thread will add overhead every time that an internal kernel function monitored by this thread is called." setup: prerequisites: list: - title: Compile kernel description: | Check if your kernel was compiled with necessary options (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) in `/proc/config.gz` or inside /boot/config file. Some cited names can be different accoring preferences of Linux distributions. When you do not have options set, it is necessary to get the kernel source code from or a kernel package from your distribution, this last is preferred. The kernel compilation has a well definedd pattern, but distributions can deliver their configuration files with different names. Now follow steps: 1. Copy the configuration file to /usr/src/linux/.config. 2. Select the necessary options: make oldconfig 3. Compile your kernel image: make bzImage 4. Compile your modules: make modules 5. Copy your new kernel image for boot loader directory 6. Install the new modules: make modules_install 7. Generate an initial ramdisk image (`initrd`) if it is necessary. 8. Update your boot loader - title: Debug Filesystem description: | This thread needs to attach a tracepoint to monitor when a process schedule an exit event. To allow this specific feaure, it is necessary to mount `debugfs` (`mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug/`). configuration: file: name: "ebpf.d/hardirq.conf" description: "Overwrite default configuration reducing number of I/O events." options: description: | All options are defined inside section `[global]`. folding: title: "Config options" enabled: true list: - name: update every description: Data collection frequency. default_value: 5 required: false - name: ebpf load mode description: Define whether plugin will monitor the call (`entry`) for the functions or it will also monitor the return (`return`). default_value: entry required: false - name: lifetime description: Set default lifetime for thread when enabled by cloud. default_value: 300 required: false examples: folding: enabled: true title: "" list: [] troubleshooting: problems: list: [] alerts: [] metrics: folding: title: Metrics enabled: false description: "" availability: [] scopes: - name: global description: "These metrics show latest timestamp for each hardIRQ available on host." labels: [] metrics: - name: system.hardirq_latency description: Hard IRQ latency unit: "milliseconds" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: hardirq names - meta: plugin_name: ebpf.plugin module_name: cachestat monitored_instance: name: eBPF Cachestat link: "" categories: - data-collection.ebpf icon_filename: "ebpf.jpg" related_resources: integrations: list: - plugin_name: apps.plugin module_name: apps - plugin_name: cgroups.plugin module_name: cgroups info_provided_to_referring_integrations: description: "" keywords: - Page cache - Hit ratio - eBPF most_popular: false overview: data_collection: metrics_description: "Monitor Linux page cache events giving for users a general vision about how his kernel is manipulating files." method_description: "Attach tracing (kprobe, trampoline) to internal kernel functions according options used to compile kernel." supported_platforms: include: - Linux exclude: [] multi_instance: true additional_permissions: description: "The plugin needs setuid because it loads data inside kernel. Netada sets necessary permission during installation time." default_behavior: auto_detection: description: "The plugin checks kernel compilation flags (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) and presence of BTF files to decide which eBPF program will be attached." limits: description: "" performance_impact: description: "This thread will add overhead every time that an internal kernel function monitored by this thread is called. The estimated additional period of time is between 90-200ms per call on kernels that do not have BTF technology." setup: prerequisites: list: - title: Compile kernel description: | Check if your kernel was compiled with necessary options (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) in `/proc/config.gz` or inside /boot/config file. Some cited names can be different accoring preferences of Linux distributions. When you do not have options set, it is necessary to get the kernel source code from or a kernel package from your distribution, this last is preferred. The kernel compilation has a well definedd pattern, but distributions can deliver their configuration files with different names. Now follow steps: 1. Copy the configuration file to /usr/src/linux/.config. 2. Select the necessary options: make oldconfig 3. Compile your kernel image: make bzImage 4. Compile your modules: make modules 5. Copy your new kernel image for boot loader directory 6. Install the new modules: make modules_install 7. Generate an initial ramdisk image (`initrd`) if it is necessary. 8. Update your boot loader configuration: file: name: "ebpf.d/cachestat.conf" description: "Overwrite default configuration helping to reduce memory usage. You can also select charts visible on dashboard." options: description: | All options are defined inside section `[global]`. folding: title: "Config options" enabled: true list: - name: update every description: Data collection frequency. default_value: 5 required: false - name: ebpf load mode description: Define whether plugin will monitor the call (`entry`) for the functions or it will also monitor the return (`return`). default_value: entry required: false - name: apps description: Enable or disable integration with apps.plugin default_value: no required: false - name: cgroups description: Enable or disable integration with cgroup.plugin default_value: no required: false - name: pid table size description: Number of elements stored inside hash tables used to monitor calls per PID. default_value: 32768 required: false - name: ebpf type format description: "Define the file type to load an eBPF program. Three options are available: `legacy` (Attach only `kprobe`), `co-re` (Plugin tries to use `trampoline` when available), and `auto` (plugin check OS configuration before to load)." default_value: auto required: false - name: ebpf co-re tracing description: "Select the attach method used by plugin when `co-re` is defined in previous option. Two options are available: `trampoline` (Option with lowest overhead), and `probe` (the same of legacy code)." default_value: trampoline required: false - name: maps per core description: Define how plugin will load their hash maps. When enabled (`yes`) plugin will load one hash table per core, instead to have centralized information. default_value: yes required: false - name: lifetime description: Set default lifetime for thread when enabled by cloud. default_value: 300 required: false examples: folding: enabled: true title: "" list: [] troubleshooting: problems: list: [] alerts: [] metrics: folding: title: Metrics enabled: false description: "" availability: [] scopes: - name: global description: "These metrics show total number of calls to functions inside kernel." labels: [] metrics: - name: mem.cachestat_ratio description: Hit ratio unit: "%" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: ratio - name: mem.cachestat_dirties description: Number of dirty pages unit: "page/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: dirty - name: mem.cachestat_hits description: Number of accessed files unit: "hits/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: hit - name: mem.cachestat_misses description: Files out of page cache unit: "misses/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: miss - name: apps description: "These Metrics show grouped information per apps group." labels: [] metrics: - name: apps.cachestat_ratio description: Hit ratio unit: "%" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.cachestat_dirties description: Number of dirty pages unit: "page/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.cachestat_hits description: Number of accessed files unit: "hits/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.cachestat_misses description: Files out of page cache unit: "misses/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: cgroup description: "" labels: [] metrics: - name: cgroup.cachestat_ratio description: Hit ratio unit: "%" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: ratio - name: cgroup.cachestat_dirties description: Number of dirty pages unit: "page/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: dirty - name: cgroup.cachestat_hits description: Number of accessed files unit: "hits/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: hit - name: cgroup.cachestat_misses description: Files out of page cache unit: "misses/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: miss - name: services.cachestat_ratio description: Hit ratio unit: "%" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.cachestat_dirties description: Number of dirty pages unit: "page/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.cachestat_hits description: Number of accessed files unit: "hits/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.cachestat_misses description: Files out of page cache unit: "misses/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - meta: plugin_name: ebpf.plugin module_name: sync monitored_instance: name: eBPF Sync link: "" categories: - data-collection.ebpf icon_filename: "ebpf.jpg" related_resources: integrations: list: [] info_provided_to_referring_integrations: description: "" keywords: - syscall - eBPF - hard disk - memory most_popular: false overview: data_collection: metrics_description: "Monitor syscall responsible to move data from memory to storage device." method_description: "Attach tracing (kprobe, trampoline) to internal kernel functions according options used to compile kernel." supported_platforms: include: - Linux exclude: [] multi_instance: true additional_permissions: description: "The plugin needs setuid because it loads data inside kernel. Netada sets necessary permission during installation time." default_behavior: auto_detection: description: "The plugin checks kernel compilation flags (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT, CONFIG_HAVE_SYSCALL_TRACEPOINTS), files inside debugfs, and presence of BTF files to decide which eBPF program will be attached." limits: description: "" performance_impact: description: "This thread will add overhead every time that an internal kernel function monitored by this thread is called. The estimated additional period of time is between 90-200ms per call on kernels that do not have BTF technology." setup: prerequisites: list: - title: Compile kernel description: | Check if your kernel was compiled with necessary options (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) in `/proc/config.gz` or inside /boot/config file. Some cited names can be different accoring preferences of Linux distributions. When you do not have options set, it is necessary to get the kernel source code from or a kernel package from your distribution, this last is preferred. The kernel compilation has a well definedd pattern, but distributions can deliver their configuration files with different names. Now follow steps: 1. Copy the configuration file to /usr/src/linux/.config. 2. Select the necessary options: make oldconfig 3. Compile your kernel image: make bzImage 4. Compile your modules: make modules 5. Copy your new kernel image for boot loader directory 6. Install the new modules: make modules_install 7. Generate an initial ramdisk image (`initrd`) if it is necessary. 8. Update your boot loader - title: Debug Filesystem description: | This thread needs to attach a tracepoint to monitor when a process schedule an exit event. To allow this specific feaure, it is necessary to mount `debugfs` (`mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug`). configuration: file: name: "ebpf.d/sync.conf" description: "Overwrite default configuration and allows user to select charts visible on dashboard." options: description: | This configuration file have two different sections. The `[global]` overwrites all default options, while `[syscalls]` allow user to select the syscall to monitor. folding: title: "Config options" enabled: true list: - name: update every description: Data collection frequency. default_value: 5 required: false - name: ebpf load mode description: Define whether plugin will monitor the call (`entry`) for the functions or it will also monitor the return (`return`). default_value: entry required: false - name: apps description: Enable or disable integration with apps.plugin default_value: no required: false - name: cgroups description: Enable or disable integration with cgroup.plugin default_value: no required: false - name: pid table size description: Number of elements stored inside hash tables used to monitor calls per PID. default_value: 32768 required: false - name: ebpf type format description: "Define the file type to load an eBPF program. Three options are available: `legacy` (Attach only `kprobe`), `co-re` (Plugin tries to use `trampoline` when available), and `auto` (plugin check OS configuration before to load)." default_value: auto required: false - name: ebpf co-re tracing description: "Select the attach method used by plugin when `co-re` is defined in previous option. Two options are available: `trampoline` (Option with lowest overhead), and `probe` (the same of legacy code)." default_value: trampoline required: false - name: maps per core description: Define how plugin will load their hash maps. When enabled (`yes`) plugin will load one hash table per core, instead to have centralized information. default_value: yes required: false - name: lifetime description: Set default lifetime for thread when enabled by cloud. default_value: 300 required: false - name: sync description: Enable or disable monitoring for syscall `sync` default_value: yes required: false - name: msync description: Enable or disable monitoring for syscall `msync` default_value: yes required: false - name: fsync description: Enable or disable monitoring for syscall `fsync` default_value: yes required: false - name: fdatasync description: Enable or disable monitoring for syscall `fdatasync` default_value: yes required: false - name: syncfs description: Enable or disable monitoring for syscall `syncfs` default_value: yes required: false - name: sync_file_range description: Enable or disable monitoring for syscall `sync_file_range` default_value: yes required: false examples: folding: enabled: true title: "" list: [] troubleshooting: problems: list: [] alerts: - name: sync_freq link: metric: mem.sync info: number of sync() system calls. Every call causes all pending modifications to filesystem metadata and cached file data to be written to the underlying filesystems. metrics: folding: title: Metrics enabled: false description: "" availability: [] scopes: - name: global description: "These metrics show total number of calls to functions inside kernel." labels: [] metrics: - name: mem.file_sync description: Monitor calls for fsync(2) and fdatasync(2). unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: fsync - name: fdatasync - name: mem.meory_map description: Monitor calls for msync(2). unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: msync - name: mem.sync description: Monitor calls for sync(2) and syncfs(2). unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: sync - name: syncfs - name: mem.file_segment description: Monitor calls for sync_file_range(2). unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: sync_file_range - meta: plugin_name: ebpf.plugin module_name: mdflush monitored_instance: name: eBPF MDflush link: "" categories: - data-collection.ebpf icon_filename: "ebpf.jpg" related_resources: integrations: list: [] info_provided_to_referring_integrations: description: "" keywords: - MD - RAID - eBPF most_popular: false overview: data_collection: metrics_description: "Monitor when flush events happen between disks." method_description: "Attach tracing (kprobe, trampoline) to internal kernel functions according options used to compile kernel." supported_platforms: include: - Linux exclude: [] multi_instance: true additional_permissions: description: "The plugin needs setuid because it loads data inside kernel. Netada sets necessary permission during installation time." default_behavior: auto_detection: description: "The plugin checks kernel compilation flags (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) and presence of BTF files to decide which eBPF program will be attached." limits: description: "" performance_impact: description: "This thread will add overhead every time that `md_flush_request` is called. The estimated additional period of time is between 90-200ms per call on kernels that do not have BTF technology." setup: prerequisites: list: - title: Compile kernel description: | Check if your kernel was compiled with necessary options (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) in `/proc/config.gz` or inside /boot/config file. Some cited names can be different accoring preferences of Linux distributions. When you do not have options set, it is necessary to get the kernel source code from or a kernel package from your distribution, this last is preferred. The kernel compilation has a well definedd pattern, but distributions can deliver their configuration files with different names. Now follow steps: 1. Copy the configuration file to /usr/src/linux/.config. 2. Select the necessary options: make oldconfig 3. Compile your kernel image: make bzImage 4. Compile your modules: make modules 5. Copy your new kernel image for boot loader directory 6. Install the new modules: make modules_install 7. Generate an initial ramdisk image (`initrd`) if it is necessary. 8. Update your boot loader configuration: file: name: "ebpf.d/mdflush.conf" description: "Overwrite default configuration reducing I/O events." options: description: | All options are defined inside section `[global]`. folding: title: "Config options" enabled: true list: - name: update every description: Data collection frequency. default_value: 5 required: false - name: ebpf load mode description: Define whether plugin will monitor the call (`entry`) for the functions or it will also monitor the return (`return`). default_value: entry required: false - name: lifetime description: Set default lifetime for thread when enabled by cloud. default_value: 300 required: false examples: folding: enabled: true title: "" list: [] troubleshooting: problems: list: [] alerts: [] metrics: folding: title: Metrics enabled: false description: "" availability: [] scopes: - name: global description: "Number of times md_flush_request was called since last time." labels: [] metrics: - name: mdstat.mdstat_flush description: MD flushes unit: "flushes" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: disk - meta: plugin_name: ebpf.plugin module_name: swap monitored_instance: name: eBPF SWAP link: "" categories: - data-collection.ebpf icon_filename: "ebpf.jpg" related_resources: integrations: list: - plugin_name: apps.plugin module_name: apps - plugin_name: cgroups.plugin module_name: cgroups info_provided_to_referring_integrations: description: "" keywords: - SWAP - memory - eBPF - Hard Disk most_popular: false overview: data_collection: metrics_description: "Monitors when swap has I/O events and applications executing events." method_description: "Attach tracing (kprobe, trampoline) to internal kernel functions according options used to compile kernel." supported_platforms: include: - Linux exclude: [] multi_instance: true additional_permissions: description: "The plugin needs setuid because it loads data inside kernel. Netada sets necessary permission during installation time." default_behavior: auto_detection: description: "The plugin checks kernel compilation flags (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) and presence of BTF files to decide which eBPF program will be attached." limits: description: "" performance_impact: description: "This thread will add overhead every time that an internal kernel function monitored by this thread is called. The estimated additional period of time is between 90-200ms per call on kernels that do not have BTF technology." setup: prerequisites: list: - title: Compile kernel description: | Check if your kernel was compiled with necessary options (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) in `/proc/config.gz` or inside /boot/config file. Some cited names can be different accoring preferences of Linux distributions. When you do not have options set, it is necessary to get the kernel source code from or a kernel package from your distribution, this last is preferred. The kernel compilation has a well definedd pattern, but distributions can deliver their configuration files with different names. Now follow steps: 1. Copy the configuration file to /usr/src/linux/.config. 2. Select the necessary options: make oldconfig 3. Compile your kernel image: make bzImage 4. Compile your modules: make modules 5. Copy your new kernel image for boot loader directory 6. Install the new modules: make modules_install 7. Generate an initial ramdisk image (`initrd`) if it is necessary. 8. Update your boot loader configuration: file: name: "ebpf.d/swap.conf" description: "Overwrite default configuration helping to reduce memory usage. You can also select charts visible on dashboard." options: description: | All options are defined inside section `[global]`. folding: title: "Config options" enabled: true list: - name: update every description: Data collection frequency. default_value: 5 required: false - name: ebpf load mode description: Define whether plugin will monitor the call (`entry`) for the functions or it will also monitor the return (`return`). default_value: entry required: false - name: apps description: Enable or disable integration with apps.plugin default_value: no required: false - name: cgroups description: Enable or disable integration with cgroup.plugin default_value: no required: false - name: pid table size description: Number of elements stored inside hash tables used to monitor calls per PID. default_value: 32768 required: false - name: ebpf type format description: "Define the file type to load an eBPF program. Three options are available: `legacy` (Attach only `kprobe`), `co-re` (Plugin tries to use `trampoline` when available), and `auto` (plugin check OS configuration before to load)." default_value: auto required: false - name: ebpf co-re tracing description: "Select the attach method used by plugin when `co-re` is defined in previous option. Two options are available: `trampoline` (Option with lowest overhead), and `probe` (the same of legacy code)." default_value: trampoline required: false - name: maps per core description: Define how plugin will load their hash maps. When enabled (`yes`) plugin will load one hash table per core, instead to have centralized information. default_value: yes required: false - name: lifetime description: Set default lifetime for thread when enabled by cloud. default_value: 300 required: false examples: folding: enabled: true title: "" list: [] troubleshooting: problems: list: [] alerts: [] metrics: folding: title: Metrics enabled: false description: "" availability: [] scopes: - name: cgroup description: "These Metrics show grouped information per cgroup/service." labels: [] metrics: - name: cgroup.swap_read description: Calls to function swap_readpage. unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: read - name: cgroup.swap_write description: Calls to function swap_writepage. unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: write - name: services.swap_read description: Calls to swap_readpage. unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.swap_write description: Calls to function swap_writepage. unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: apps description: "These Metrics show grouped information per apps group." labels: [] metrics: - name: apps.swap_read_call description: Calls to function swap_readpage. unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.swap_write_call description: Calls to function swap_writepage. unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: global description: "These metrics show total number of calls to functions inside kernel." labels: [] metrics: - name: mem.swapcalls description: Calls to access swap memory unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: write - name: read - meta: plugin_name: ebpf.plugin module_name: oomkill monitored_instance: name: eBPF OOMkill link: "" categories: - data-collection.ebpf icon_filename: "ebpf.jpg" related_resources: integrations: list: - plugin_name: apps.plugin module_name: apps - plugin_name: cgroups.plugin module_name: cgroups info_provided_to_referring_integrations: description: "" keywords: - application - memory most_popular: false overview: data_collection: metrics_description: "Monitor applications that reach out of memory." method_description: "Attach tracepoint to internal kernel functions." supported_platforms: include: - Linux exclude: [] multi_instance: true additional_permissions: description: "The plugin needs setuid because it loads data inside kernel. Netada sets necessary permission during installation time." default_behavior: auto_detection: description: "The plugin checks kernel compilation flags (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT), files inside debugfs, and presence of BTF files to decide which eBPF program will be attached." limits: description: "" performance_impact: description: "This thread will add overhead every time that an internal kernel function monitored by this thread is called." setup: prerequisites: list: - title: Compile kernel description: | Check if your kernel was compiled with necessary options (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) in `/proc/config.gz` or inside /boot/config file. Some cited names can be different accoring preferences of Linux distributions. When you do not have options set, it is necessary to get the kernel source code from or a kernel package from your distribution, this last is preferred. The kernel compilation has a well definedd pattern, but distributions can deliver their configuration files with different names. Now follow steps: 1. Copy the configuration file to /usr/src/linux/.config. 2. Select the necessary options: make oldconfig 3. Compile your kernel image: make bzImage 4. Compile your modules: make modules 5. Copy your new kernel image for boot loader directory 6. Install the new modules: make modules_install 7. Generate an initial ramdisk image (`initrd`) if it is necessary. 8. Update your boot loader - title: Debug Filesystem description: | This thread needs to attach a tracepoint to monitor when a process schedule an exit event. To allow this specific feaure, it is necessary to mount `debugfs` (`mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug/`). configuration: file: name: "ebpf.d/oomkill.conf" description: "Overwrite default configuration reducing number of I/O events." options: description: | Overwrite default configuration reducing number of I/O events folding: title: "Config options" enabled: true list: [] examples: folding: enabled: true title: "" list: [] troubleshooting: problems: list: - name: update every description: Data collection frequency. default_value: 5 required: false - name: ebpf load mode description: Define whether plugin will monitor the call (`entry`) for the functions or it will also monitor the return (`return`). default_value: entry required: false - name: lifetime description: Set default lifetime for thread when enabled by cloud. default_value: 300 required: false alerts: [] metrics: folding: title: Metrics enabled: false description: "" availability: [] scopes: - name: cgroup description: "These metrics show cgroup/service that reached OOM." labels: [] metrics: - name: cgroup.oomkills description: OOM kills. This chart is provided by eBPF plugin. unit: "kills" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: cgroup name - name: services.oomkills description: OOM kills. This chart is provided by eBPF plugin. unit: "kills" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: apps description: "These metrics show cgroup/service that reached OOM." labels: [] metrics: - name: apps.oomkills description: OOM kills unit: "kills" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - meta: plugin_name: ebpf.plugin module_name: socket monitored_instance: name: eBPF Socket link: "" categories: - data-collection.ebpf icon_filename: "ebpf.jpg" related_resources: integrations: list: - plugin_name: apps.plugin module_name: apps - plugin_name: cgroups.plugin module_name: cgroups info_provided_to_referring_integrations: description: "" keywords: - TCP - UDP - bandwidth - server - connection - socket most_popular: false overview: data_collection: metrics_description: "Monitor bandwidth consumption per application for protocols TCP and UDP." method_description: "Attach tracing (kprobe, trampoline) to internal kernel functions according options used to compile kernel." supported_platforms: include: - Linux exclude: [] multi_instance: true additional_permissions: description: "The plugin needs setuid because it loads data inside kernel. Netada sets necessary permission during installation time." default_behavior: auto_detection: description: "The plugin checks kernel compilation flags (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) and presence of BTF files to decide which eBPF program will be attached." limits: description: "" performance_impact: description: "This thread will add overhead every time that an internal kernel function monitored by this thread is called. The estimated additional period of time is between 90-200ms per call on kernels that do not have BTF technology." setup: prerequisites: list: - title: Compile kernel description: | Check if your kernel was compiled with necessary options (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) in `/proc/config.gz` or inside /boot/config file. Some cited names can be different accoring preferences of Linux distributions. When you do not have options set, it is necessary to get the kernel source code from or a kernel package from your distribution, this last is preferred. The kernel compilation has a well definedd pattern, but distributions can deliver their configuration files with different names. Now follow steps: 1. Copy the configuration file to /usr/src/linux/.config. 2. Select the necessary options: make oldconfig 3. Compile your kernel image: make bzImage 4. Compile your modules: make modules 5. Copy your new kernel image for boot loader directory 6. Install the new modules: make modules_install 7. Generate an initial ramdisk image (`initrd`) if it is necessary. 8. Update your boot loader configuration: file: name: "ebpf.d/network.conf" description: "Overwrite default configuration helping to reduce memory usage. You can also select charts visible on dashboard." options: description: | All options are defined inside section `[global]`. Options inside `network connections` are ignored for while. folding: title: "Config options" enabled: true list: - name: update every description: Data collection frequency. default_value: 5 required: false - name: ebpf load mode description: Define whether plugin will monitor the call (`entry`) for the functions or it will also monitor the return (`return`). default_value: entry required: false - name: apps description: Enable or disable integration with apps.plugin default_value: no required: false - name: cgroups description: Enable or disable integration with cgroup.plugin default_value: no required: false - name: bandwidth table size description: Number of elements stored inside hash tables used to monitor calls per PID. default_value: 16384 required: false - name: ipv4 connection table size description: Number of elements stored inside hash tables used to monitor calls per IPV4 connections. default_value: 16384 required: false - name: ipv6 connection table size description: Number of elements stored inside hash tables used to monitor calls per IPV6 connections. default_value: 16384 required: false - name: udp connection table size description: Number of temporary elements stored inside hash tables used to monitor UDP connections. default_value: 4096 required: false - name: ebpf type format description: "Define the file type to load an eBPF program. Three options are available: `legacy` (Attach only `kprobe`), `co-re` (Plugin tries to use `trampoline` when available), and `auto` (plugin check OS configuration before to load)." default_value: auto required: false - name: ebpf co-re tracing description: "Select the attach method used by plugin when `co-re` is defined in previous option. Two options are available: `trampoline` (Option with lowest overhead), and `probe` (the same of legacy code)." default_value: trampoline required: false - name: maps per core description: Define how plugin will load their hash maps. When enabled (`yes`) plugin will load one hash table per core, instead to have centralized information. default_value: yes required: false - name: lifetime description: Set default lifetime for thread when enabled by cloud. default_value: 300 required: false examples: folding: enabled: true title: "" list: [] troubleshooting: problems: list: [] alerts: [] metrics: folding: title: Metrics enabled: false description: "" availability: [] scopes: - name: global description: "These metrics show total number of calls to functions inside kernel." labels: [] metrics: - name: ip.inbound_conn description: Inbound connections. unit: "connections/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: connection_tcp - name: ip.tcp_outbound_conn description: TCP outbound connections. unit: "connections/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: received - name: ip.tcp_functions description: Calls to internal functions unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: received - name: send - name: closed - name: ip.total_tcp_bandwidth description: TCP bandwidth unit: "kilobits/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: received - name: send - name: ip.tcp_error description: TCP errors unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: received - name: send - name: ip.tcp_retransmit description: Packages retransmitted unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: retransmited - name: ip.udp_functions description: UDP calls unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: received - name: send - name: ip.total_udp_bandwidth description: UDP bandwidth unit: "kilobits/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: received - name: send - name: ip.udp_error description: UDP errors unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: received - name: send - name: apps description: "These metrics show grouped information per apps group." labels: [] metrics: - name: apps.outbound_conn_v4 description: Calls to tcp_v4_connection unit: "connections/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.outbound_conn_v6 description: Calls to tcp_v6_connection unit: "connections/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.total_bandwidth_sent description: Bytes sent unit: "kilobits/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.total_bandwidth_recv description: bytes received unit: "kilobits/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.bandwidth_tcp_send description: Calls for tcp_sendmsg unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.bandwidth_tcp_recv description: Calls for tcp_cleanup_rbuf unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.bandwidth_tcp_retransmit description: Calls for tcp_retransmit unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.bandwidth_udp_send description: Calls for udp_sendmsg unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.bandwidth_udp_recv description: Calls for udp_recvmsg unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: services.net_conn_ipv4 description: Calls to tcp_v4_connection unit: "connections/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: cgroup description: "" labels: [] metrics: - name: cgroup.net_conn_ipv4 description: Calls to tcp_v4_connection unit: "connections/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: connected_v4 - name: cgroup.net_conn_ipv6 description: Calls to tcp_v6_connection unit: "connections/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: connected_v6 - name: cgroup.net_bytes_recv description: Bytes received unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: received - name: cgroup.net_bytes_sent description: Bytes sent unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: sent - name: cgroup.net_tcp_recv description: Calls to tcp_cleanup_rbuf. unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: received - name: cgroup.net_tcp_send description: Calls to tcp_sendmsg. unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: sent - name: cgroup.net_retransmit description: Calls to tcp_retransmit. unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: retransmitted - name: cgroup.net_udp_send description: Calls to udp_sendmsg unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: sent - name: cgroup.net_udp_recv description: Calls to udp_recvmsg unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: received - name: services.net_conn_ipv6 description: Calls to tcp_v6_connection unit: "connections/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.net_bytes_recv description: Bytes received unit: "kilobits/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.net_bytes_sent description: Bytes sent unit: "kilobits/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.net_tcp_recv description: Calls to tcp_cleanup_rbuf. unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.net_tcp_send description: Calls to tcp_sendmsg. unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.net_tcp_retransmit description: Calls to tcp_retransmit unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.net_udp_send description: Calls to udp_sendmsg unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.net_udp_recv description: Calls to udp_recvmsg unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - meta: plugin_name: ebpf.plugin module_name: dcstat monitored_instance: name: eBPF DCstat link: "" categories: - data-collection.ebpf icon_filename: "ebpf.jpg" related_resources: integrations: list: - plugin_name: apps.plugin module_name: apps - plugin_name: cgroups.plugin module_name: cgroups info_provided_to_referring_integrations: description: "" keywords: - Directory Cache - File system - eBPF most_popular: false overview: data_collection: metrics_description: "Monitor directory cache events per application given an overall vision about files on memory or storage device." method_description: "Attach tracing (kprobe, trampoline) to internal kernel functions according options used to compile kernel." supported_platforms: include: - Linux exclude: [] multi_instance: true additional_permissions: description: "The plugin needs setuid because it loads data inside kernel. Netada sets necessary permission during installation time." default_behavior: auto_detection: description: "The plugin checks kernel compilation flags (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) and presence of BTF files to decide which eBPF program will be attached." limits: description: "" performance_impact: description: "This thread will add overhead every time that an internal kernel function monitored by this thread is called. The estimated additional period of time is between 90-200ms per call on kernels that do not have BTF technology." setup: prerequisites: list: - title: Compile kernel description: | Check if your kernel was compiled with necessary options (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) in `/proc/config.gz` or inside /boot/config file. Some cited names can be different accoring preferences of Linux distributions. When you do not have options set, it is necessary to get the kernel source code from or a kernel package from your distribution, this last is preferred. The kernel compilation has a well definedd pattern, but distributions can deliver their configuration files with different names. Now follow steps: 1. Copy the configuration file to /usr/src/linux/.config. 2. Select the necessary options: make oldconfig 3. Compile your kernel image: make bzImage 4. Compile your modules: make modules 5. Copy your new kernel image for boot loader directory 6. Install the new modules: make modules_install 7. Generate an initial ramdisk image (`initrd`) if it is necessary. 8. Update your boot loader configuration: file: name: "ebpf.d/dcstat.conf" description: "Overwrite default configuration helping to reduce memory usage. You can also select charts visible on dashboard." options: description: | All options are defined inside section `[global]`. folding: title: "Config option" enabled: true list: - name: update every description: Data collection frequency. default_value: 5 required: false - name: ebpf load mode description: Define whether plugin will monitor the call (`entry`) for the functions or it will also monitor the return (`return`). default_value: entry required: false - name: apps description: Enable or disable integration with apps.plugin default_value: no required: false - name: cgroups description: Enable or disable integration with cgroup.plugin default_value: no required: false - name: pid table size description: Number of elements stored inside hash tables used to monitor calls per PID. default_value: 32768 required: false - name: ebpf type format description: "Define the file type to load an eBPF program. Three options are available: `legacy` (Attach only `kprobe`), `co-re` (Plugin tries to use `trampoline` when available), and `auto` (plugin check OS configuration before to load)." default_value: auto required: false - name: ebpf co-re tracing description: "Select the attach method used by plugin when `co-re` is defined in previous option. Two options are available: `trampoline` (Option with lowest overhead), and `probe` (the same of legacy code)." default_value: trampoline required: false - name: maps per core description: Define how plugin will load their hash maps. When enabled (`yes`) plugin will load one hash table per core, instead to have centralized information. default_value: yes required: false - name: lifetime description: Set default lifetime for thread when enabled by cloud. default_value: 300 required: false examples: folding: enabled: true title: "" list: [] troubleshooting: problems: list: [] alerts: [] metrics: folding: title: Metrics enabled: false description: "" availability: [] scopes: - name: apps description: "These Metrics show grouped information per apps group." labels: [] metrics: - name: apps.dc_ratio description: Percentage of files inside directory cache unit: "%" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.dc_reference description: Count file access unit: "files" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.dc_not_cache description: Files not present inside directory cache unit: "files" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.dc_not_found description: Files not found unit: "files" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: filesystem description: "These metrics show total number of calls to functions inside kernel." labels: [] metrics: - name: filesystem.dc_reference description: Variables used to calculate hit ratio. unit: "files" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: reference - name: slow - name: miss - name: filesystem.dc_hit_ratio description: Percentage of files inside directory cache unit: "%" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: ratio - name: cgroup description: "" labels: [] metrics: - name: cgroup.dc_ratio description: Percentage of files inside directory cache unit: "%" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: ratio - name: cgroup.dc_reference description: Count file access unit: "files" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: reference - name: cgroup.dc_not_cache description: Files not present inside directory cache unit: "files" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: slow - name: cgroup.dc_not_found description: Files not found unit: "files" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: miss - name: services.dc_ratio description: Percentage of files inside directory cache unit: "%" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.dc_reference description: Count file access unit: "files" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.dc_not_cache description: Files not present inside directory cache unit: "files" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.dc_not_found description: Files not found unit: "files" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - meta: plugin_name: ebpf.plugin module_name: filesystem monitored_instance: name: eBPF Filesystem link: "" categories: - data-collection.ebpf icon_filename: "ebpf.jpg" related_resources: integrations: list: [] info_provided_to_referring_integrations: description: "" keywords: - Filesystem - ext4 - btrfs - nfs - xfs - zfs - eBPF - latency - I/O most_popular: false overview: data_collection: metrics_description: "Monitor latency for main actions on filesystem like I/O events." method_description: "Attach tracing (kprobe, trampoline) to internal kernel functions according options used to compile kernel." supported_platforms: include: - Linux exclude: [] multi_instance: true additional_permissions: description: "The plugin needs setuid because it loads data inside kernel. Netada sets necessary permission during installation time." default_behavior: auto_detection: description: "The plugin checks kernel compilation flags (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT), files inside debugfs, and presence of BTF files to decide which eBPF program will be attached." limits: description: "" performance_impact: description: "" setup: prerequisites: list: - title: Compile kernel description: | Check if your kernel was compiled with necessary options (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) in `/proc/config.gz` or inside /boot/config file. Some cited names can be different accoring preferences of Linux distributions. When you do not have options set, it is necessary to get the kernel source code from or a kernel package from your distribution, this last is preferred. The kernel compilation has a well definedd pattern, but distributions can deliver their configuration files with different names. Now follow steps: 1. Copy the configuration file to /usr/src/linux/.config. 2. Select the necessary options: make oldconfig 3. Compile your kernel image: make bzImage 4. Compile your modules: make modules 5. Copy your new kernel image for boot loader directory 6. Install the new modules: make modules_install 7. Generate an initial ramdisk image (`initrd`) if it is necessary. 8. Update your boot loader configuration: file: name: "ebpf.d/filesystem.conf" description: "Overwrite default configuration and allows user to select charts visible on dashboard." options: description: | This configuration file have two different sections. The `[global]` overwrites default options, while `[filesystem]` allow user to select the filesystems to monitor. folding: title: "Config options" enabled: true list: - name: update every description: Data collection frequency. default_value: 5 required: false - name: ebpf load mode description: Define whether plugin will monitor the call (`entry`) for the functions or it will also monitor the return (`return`). default_value: entry required: false - name: lifetime description: Set default lifetime for thread when enabled by cloud. default_value: 300 required: false - name: btrfsdist description: Enable or disable latency monitoring for functions associated with btrfs filesystem. default_value: yes required: false - name: ext4dist description: Enable or disable latency monitoring for functions associated with ext4 filesystem. default_value: yes required: false - name: nfsdist description: Enable or disable latency monitoring for functions associated with nfs filesystem. default_value: yes required: false - name: xfsdist description: Enable or disable latency monitoring for functions associated with xfs filesystem. default_value: yes required: false - name: zfsdist description: Enable or disable latency monitoring for functions associated with zfs filesystem. default_value: yes required: false examples: folding: enabled: true title: "" list: [] troubleshooting: problems: list: [] alerts: [] metrics: folding: title: Metrics enabled: false description: "" availability: [] scopes: - name: filesystem description: "Latency charts associate with filesystem actions." labels: [] metrics: - name: filesystem.read_latency description: ext4 latency for each read request. unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: latency period - name: filesystem.open_latency description: ext4 latency for each open request. unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: latency period - name: filesystem.sync_latency description: ext4 latency for each sync request. unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: latency period - name: iilesystem description: "" labels: [] metrics: - name: filesystem.write_latency description: ext4 latency for each write request. unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: latency period - name: global description: "" labels: [] metrics: - name: filesystem.attributte_latency description: nfs latency for each attribute request. unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: latency period - meta: plugin_name: ebpf.plugin module_name: shm monitored_instance: name: eBPF SHM link: "" categories: - data-collection.ebpf icon_filename: "ebpf.jpg" related_resources: integrations: list: - plugin_name: apps.plugin module_name: apps - plugin_name: cgroups.plugin module_name: cgroups info_provided_to_referring_integrations: description: "" keywords: - syscall - shared memory - eBPF most_popular: false overview: data_collection: metrics_description: "Monitor syscall responsible to manipulate shared memory." method_description: "Attach tracing (kprobe, trampoline) to internal kernel functions according options used to compile kernel." supported_platforms: include: - Linux exclude: [] multi_instance: true additional_permissions: description: "The plugin needs setuid because it loads data inside kernel. Netada sets necessary permission during installation time." default_behavior: auto_detection: description: "The plugin checks kernel compilation flags (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) and presence of BTF files to decide which eBPF program will be attached." limits: description: "" performance_impact: description: "This thread will add overhead every time that an internal kernel function monitored by this thread is called. The estimated additional period of time is between 90-200ms per call on kernels that do not have BTF technology." setup: prerequisites: list: - title: Compile kernel description: | Check if your kernel was compiled with necessary options (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) in `/proc/config.gz` or inside /boot/config file. Some cited names can be different accoring preferences of Linux distributions. When you do not have options set, it is necessary to get the kernel source code from or a kernel package from your distribution, this last is preferred. The kernel compilation has a well definedd pattern, but distributions can deliver their configuration files with different names. Now follow steps: 1. Copy the configuration file to /usr/src/linux/.config. 2. Select the necessary options: make oldconfig 3. Compile your kernel image: make bzImage 4. Compile your modules: make modules 5. Copy your new kernel image for boot loader directory 6. Install the new modules: make modules_install 7. Generate an initial ramdisk image (`initrd`) if it is necessary. 8. Update your boot loader - title: Debug Filesystem description: | This thread needs to attach a tracepoint to monitor when a process schedule an exit event. To allow this specific feaure, it is necessary to mount `debugfs` (`mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug/`).` configuration: file: name: "ebpf.d/shm.conf" description: "Overwrite default configuration and allows user to select charts visible on dashboard." options: description: | This configuration file have two different sections. The `[global]` overwrites all default options, while `[syscalls]` allow user to select the syscall to monitor. folding: title: "Config options" enabled: true list: - name: update every description: Data collection frequency. default_value: 5 required: false - name: ebpf load mode description: Define whether plugin will monitor the call (`entry`) for the functions or it will also monitor the return (`return`). default_value: entry required: false - name: apps description: Enable or disable integration with apps.plugin default_value: no required: false - name: cgroups description: Enable or disable integration with cgroup.plugin default_value: no required: false - name: pid table size description: Number of elements stored inside hash tables used to monitor calls per PID. default_value: 32768 required: false - name: ebpf type format description: "Define the file type to load an eBPF program. Three options are available: `legacy` (Attach only `kprobe`), `co-re` (Plugin tries to use `trampoline` when available), and `auto` (plugin check OS configuration before to load)." default_value: auto required: false - name: ebpf co-re tracing description: "Select the attach method used by plugin when `co-re` is defined in previous option. Two options are available: `trampoline` (Option with lowest overhead), and `probe` (the same of legacy code)." default_value: trampoline required: false - name: maps per core description: Define how plugin will load their hash maps. When enabled (`yes`) plugin will load one hash table per core, instead to have centralized information. default_value: yes required: false - name: lifetime description: Set default lifetime for thread when enabled by cloud. default_value: 300 required: false - name: shmget description: Enable or disable monitoring for syscall `shmget` default_value: yes required: false - name: shmat description: Enable or disable monitoring for syscall `shmat` default_value: yes required: false - name: shmdt description: Enable or disable monitoring for syscall `shmdt` default_value: yes required: false - name: shmctl description: Enable or disable monitoring for syscall `shmctl` default_value: yes required: false examples: folding: enabled: true title: "" list: [] troubleshooting: problems: list: [] alerts: [] metrics: folding: title: Metrics enabled: false description: "" availability: [] scopes: - name: cgroup description: "These Metrics show grouped information per cgroup/service." labels: [] metrics: - name: cgroup.shmget description: Calls to syscall shmget(2). unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: get - name: cgroup.shmat description: Calls to syscall shmat(2). unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: at - name: cgroup.shmdt description: Calls to syscall shmdt(2). unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: dt - name: cgroup.shmctl description: Calls to syscall shmctl(2). unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: ctl - name: services.shmget description: Calls to syscall shmget(2). unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.shmat description: Calls to syscall shmat(2). unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.shmdt description: Calls to syscall shmdt(2). unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.shmctl description: Calls to syscall shmctl(2). unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: apps description: "These Metrics show grouped information per apps group." labels: [] metrics: - name: apps.shmget_call description: Calls to syscall shmget(2). unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.shmat_call description: Calls to syscall shmat(2). unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.shmdt_call description: Calls to syscall shmdt(2). unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.shmctl_call description: Calls to syscall shmctl(2). unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: global description: "These Metrics show number of calls for specified syscall." labels: [] metrics: - name: system.shared_memory_calls description: Calls to shared memory system calls unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: get - name: at - name: dt - name: ctl - meta: plugin_name: ebpf.plugin module_name: softirq monitored_instance: name: eBPF SoftIRQ link: "" categories: - data-collection.ebpf icon_filename: "ebpf.jpg" related_resources: integrations: list: [] info_provided_to_referring_integrations: description: "" keywords: - SoftIRQ - eBPF most_popular: false overview: data_collection: metrics_description: "Monitor latency for each SoftIRQ available." method_description: "Attach kprobe to internal kernel functions." supported_platforms: include: - Linux exclude: [] multi_instance: true additional_permissions: description: "The plugin needs setuid because it loads data inside kernel. Netada sets necessary permission during installation time." default_behavior: auto_detection: description: "The plugin checks kernel compilation flags (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT), files inside debugfs, and presence of BTF files to decide which eBPF program will be attached." limits: description: "" performance_impact: description: "This thread will add overhead every time that an internal kernel function monitored by this thread is called." setup: prerequisites: list: - title: Compile kernel description: | Check if your kernel was compiled with necessary options (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) in `/proc/config.gz` or inside /boot/config file. Some cited names can be different accoring preferences of Linux distributions. When you do not have options set, it is necessary to get the kernel source code from or a kernel package from your distribution, this last is preferred. The kernel compilation has a well definedd pattern, but distributions can deliver their configuration files with different names. Now follow steps: 1. Copy the configuration file to /usr/src/linux/.config. 2. Select the necessary options: make oldconfig 3. Compile your kernel image: make bzImage 4. Compile your modules: make modules 5. Copy your new kernel image for boot loader directory 6. Install the new modules: make modules_install 7. Generate an initial ramdisk image (`initrd`) if it is necessary. 8. Update your boot loader - title: Debug Filesystem description: | This thread needs to attach a tracepoint to monitor when a process schedule an exit event. To allow this specific feaure, it is necessary to mount `debugfs` (`mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug/`).` configuration: file: name: "ebpf.d/softirq.conf" description: "Overwrite default configuration reducing number of I/O events." options: description: | All options are defined inside section `[global]`. folding: title: "Config options" enabled: true list: - name: update every description: Data collection frequency. default_value: 5 required: false - name: ebpf load mode description: Define whether plugin will monitor the call (`entry`) for the functions or it will also monitor the return (`return`). default_value: entry required: false - name: lifetime description: Set default lifetime for thread when enabled by cloud. default_value: 300 required: false examples: folding: enabled: true title: "" list: [] troubleshooting: problems: list: [] alerts: [] metrics: folding: title: Metrics enabled: false description: "" availability: [] scopes: - name: global description: "These metrics show latest timestamp for each softIRQ available on host." labels: [] metrics: - name: system.softirq_latency description: Soft IRQ latency unit: "milliseconds" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: soft IRQs - meta: plugin_name: ebpf.plugin module_name: mount monitored_instance: name: eBPF Mount link: "" categories: - data-collection.ebpf icon_filename: "ebpf.jpg" related_resources: integrations: list: [] info_provided_to_referring_integrations: description: "" keywords: - mount - umount - device - eBPF most_popular: false overview: data_collection: metrics_description: "Monitor calls for mount and umount syscall." method_description: "Attach tracing (kprobe, trampoline) to internal kernel functions according options used to compile kernel." supported_platforms: include: - Linux exclude: [] multi_instance: true additional_permissions: description: "The plugin needs setuid because it loads data inside kernel. Netada sets necessary permission during installation time." default_behavior: auto_detection: description: "The plugin checks kernel compilation flags (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT, CONFIG_HAVE_SYSCALL_TRACEPOINTS), files inside debugfs, and presence of BTF files to decide which eBPF program will be attached." limits: description: "" performance_impact: description: "This thread will add overhead every time that an internal kernel function monitored by this thread is called. The estimated additional period of time is between 90-200ms per call on kernels that do not have BTF technology." setup: prerequisites: list: - title: Compile kernel description: | Check if your kernel was compiled with necessary options (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) in `/proc/config.gz` or inside /boot/config file. Some cited names can be different accoring preferences of Linux distributions. When you do not have options set, it is necessary to get the kernel source code from or a kernel package from your distribution, this last is preferred. The kernel compilation has a well definedd pattern, but distributions can deliver their configuration files with different names. Now follow steps: 1. Copy the configuration file to /usr/src/linux/.config. 2. Select the necessary options: make oldconfig 3. Compile your kernel image: make bzImage 4. Compile your modules: make modules 5. Copy your new kernel image for boot loader directory 6. Install the new modules: make modules_install 7. Generate an initial ramdisk image (`initrd`) if it is necessary. 8. Update your boot loader - title: Debug Filesystem description: | This thread needs to attach a tracepoint to monitor when a process schedule an exit event. To allow this specific feaure, it is necessary to mount `debugfs` (`mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug/`).` configuration: file: name: "ebpf.d/mount.conf" description: "Overwrite default configuration." options: description: | All options are defined inside section `[global]`. folding: title: "Config options" enabled: true list: - name: update every description: Data collection frequency. default_value: 5 required: false - name: ebpf load mode description: Define whether plugin will monitor the call (`entry`) for the functions or it will also monitor the return (`return`). default_value: entry required: false - name: ebpf type format description: "Define the file type to load an eBPF program. Three options are available: `legacy` (Attach only `kprobe`), `co-re` (Plugin tries to use `trampoline` when available), and `auto` (plugin check OS configuration before to load)." default_value: auto required: false - name: ebpf co-re tracing description: "Select the attach method used by plugin when `co-re` is defined in previous option. Two options are available: `trampoline` (Option with lowest overhead), and `probe` (the same of legacy code)." default_value: trampoline required: false - name: lifetime description: Set default lifetime for thread when enabled by cloud. default_value: 300 required: false examples: folding: enabled: true title: "" list: [] troubleshooting: problems: list: [] alerts: [] metrics: folding: title: Metrics enabled: false description: "" availability: [] scopes: - name: global description: "Calls for syscalls mount an umount." labels: [] metrics: - name: description: Calls to mount and umount syscalls unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: mount - name: umount - name: mount_points.error description: Errors to mount and umount file systems unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: mount - name: umount - meta: plugin_name: ebpf.plugin module_name: vfs monitored_instance: name: eBPF VFS link: "" categories: - data-collection.ebpf icon_filename: "ebpf.jpg" related_resources: integrations: list: - plugin_name: apps.plugin module_name: apps - plugin_name: cgroups.plugin module_name: cgroups info_provided_to_referring_integrations: description: "" keywords: - virtual - filesystem - eBPF - I/O - files most_popular: false overview: data_collection: metrics_description: "Monitor I/O events on Linux Virtual Filesystem." method_description: "Attach tracing (kprobe, trampoline) to internal kernel functions according options used to compile kernel." supported_platforms: include: - Linux exclude: [] multi_instance: true additional_permissions: description: "The plugin needs setuid because it loads data inside kernel. Netada sets necessary permission during installation time." default_behavior: auto_detection: description: "The plugin checks kernel compilation flags (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) and presence of BTF files to decide which eBPF program will be attached." limits: description: "" performance_impact: description: "This thread will add overhead every time that an internal kernel function monitored by this thread is called. The estimated additional period of time is between 90-200ms per call on kernels that do not have BTF technology." setup: prerequisites: list: - title: Compile kernel description: | Check if your kernel was compiled with necessary options (CONFIG_KPROBES, CONFIG_BPF, CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL, CONFIG_BPF_JIT) in `/proc/config.gz` or inside /boot/config file. Some cited names can be different accoring preferences of Linux distributions. When you do not have options set, it is necessary to get the kernel source code from or a kernel package from your distribution, this last is preferred. The kernel compilation has a well definedd pattern, but distributions can deliver their configuration files with different names. Now follow steps: 1. Copy the configuration file to /usr/src/linux/.config. 2. Select the necessary options: make oldconfig 3. Compile your kernel image: make bzImage 4. Compile your modules: make modules 5. Copy your new kernel image for boot loader directory 6. Install the new modules: make modules_install 7. Generate an initial ramdisk image (`initrd`) if it is necessary. 8. Update your boot loader configuration: file: name: "ebpf.d/vfs.conf" description: "Overwrite default configuration helping to reduce memory usage." options: description: | All options are defined inside section `[global]`. folding: title: "Config options" enabled: true list: - name: update every description: Data collection frequency. default_value: 5 required: false - name: ebpf load mode description: Define whether plugin will monitor the call (`entry`) for the functions or it will also monitor the return (`return`). default_value: entry required: false - name: apps description: Enable or disable integration with apps.plugin default_value: no required: false - name: cgroups description: Enable or disable integration with cgroup.plugin default_value: no required: false - name: pid table size description: Number of elements stored inside hash tables used to monitor calls per PID. default_value: 32768 required: false - name: ebpf type format description: "Define the file type to load an eBPF program. Three options are available: `legacy` (Attach only `kprobe`), `co-re` (Plugin tries to use `trampoline` when available), and `auto` (plugin check OS configuration before to load)." default_value: auto required: false - name: ebpf co-re tracing description: "Select the attach method used by plugin when `co-re` is defined in previous option. Two options are available: `trampoline` (Option with lowest overhead), and `probe` (the same of legacy code)." default_value: trampoline required: false - name: maps per core description: Define how plugin will load their hash maps. When enabled (`yes`) plugin will load one hash table per core, instead to have centralized information. default_value: yes required: false - name: lifetime description: Set default lifetime for thread when enabled by cloud. default_value: 300 required: false examples: folding: enabled: true title: "" list: [] troubleshooting: problems: list: [] alerts: [] metrics: folding: title: Metrics enabled: false description: "" availability: [] scopes: - name: cgroup description: "These Metrics show grouped information per cgroup/service." labels: [] metrics: - name: cgroup.vfs_unlink description: Files deleted unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: delete - name: cgroup.vfs_write description: Write to disk unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: write - name: cgroup.vfs_write_error description: Fails to write unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: write - name: cgroup.vfs_read description: Read from disk unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: read - name: cgroup.vfs_read_error description: Fails to read unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: read - name: cgroup.vfs_write_bytes description: Bytes written on disk unit: "bytes/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: write - name: cgroup.vfs_read_bytes description: Bytes read from disk unit: "bytes/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: read - name: cgroup.vfs_fsync description: Calls for vfs_fsync unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: fsync - name: cgroup.vfs_fsync_error description: Sync error unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: fsync - name: cgroup.vfs_open description: Calls for vfs_open unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: open - name: cgroup.vfs_open_error description: Open error unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: open - name: cgroup.vfs_create description: Calls for vfs_create unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: create - name: cgroup.vfs_create_error description: Create error unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: create - name: services.vfs_unlink description: Files deleted unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.vfs_write description: Write to disk unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.vfs_write_error description: Fails to write unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.vfs_read description: Read from disk unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.vfs_read_error description: Fails to read unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.vfs_write_bytes description: Bytes written on disk unit: "bytes/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.vfs_read_bytes description: Bytes read from disk unit: "bytes/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.vfs_fsync description: Calls to vfs_fsync unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.vfs_fsync_error description: Sync error unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.vfs_open description: Calls to vfs_open unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.vfs_open_error description: Open error unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.vfs_create description: Calls to vfs_create unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: services.vfs_create_error description: Create error unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per systemd service - name: global description: "These Metrics show grouped information per cgroup/service." labels: [] metrics: - name: filesystem.vfs_deleted_objects description: Remove files unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: delete - name: filesystem.vfs_io description: Calls to IO unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: read - name: write - name: filesystem.vfs_io_bytes description: Bytes written and read unit: "bytes/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: read - name: write - name: filesystem.vfs_io_error description: Fails to write or read unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: read - name: write - name: filesystem.vfs_fsync description: Calls for vfs_fsync unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: fsync - name: filesystem.vfs_fsync_error description: Fails to synchronize unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: fsync - name: filesystem.vfs_open description: Calls for vfs_open unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: open - name: filesystem.vfs_open_error description: Fails to open a file unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: open - name: filesystem.vfs_create description: Calls for vfs_create unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: create - name: filesystem.vfs_create_error description: Fails to create a file. unit: "calls/s" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: create - name: apps description: "These Metrics show grouped information per apps group." labels: [] metrics: - name: apps.file_deleted description: Files deleted unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.vfs_write_call description: Write to disk unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.vfs_write_error description: Fails to write unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.vfs_read_call description: Read from disk unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.vfs_read_error description: Fails to read unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.vfs_write_bytes description: Bytes written on disk unit: "bytes/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.vfs_read_bytes description: Bytes read on disk unit: "bytes/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.vfs_fsync description: Calls for vfs_fsync unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.vfs_fsync_error description: Sync error unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.vfs_open description: Calls for vfs_open unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.vfs_open_error description: Open error unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.vfs_create description: Calls for vfs_create unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - name: apps.vfs_create_error description: Create error unit: "calls/s" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: a dimension per app group - meta: plugin_name: ebpf.plugin module_name: process monitored_instance: name: eBPF Process link: "" categories: - data-collection.ebpf icon_filename: "ebpf.jpg" related_resources: integrations: list: [] info_provided_to_referring_integrations: description: "" keywords: - Memory - plugin - eBPF most_popular: false overview: data_collection: metrics_description: "Monitor internal memory usage." method_description: "Uses netdata internal statistic to monitor memory management by plugin." supported_platforms: include: - Linux exclude: [] multi_instance: true additional_permissions: description: "" default_behavior: auto_detection: description: "" limits: description: "" performance_impact: description: "" setup: prerequisites: list: - title: Netdata flags. description: "To have these charts you need to compile netdata with flag `NETDATA_DEV_MODE`." configuration: file: name: "" description: "" options: description: "" folding: title: "" enabled: true list: [] examples: folding: enabled: true title: "" list: [] troubleshooting: problems: list: [] alerts: [] metrics: folding: title: Metrics enabled: false description: "" availability: [] scopes: - name: global description: "How plugin is allocating memory." labels: [] metrics: - name: netdata.ebpf_aral_stat_size description: Bytes allocated for ARAL. unit: "bytes" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: memory - name: netdata.ebpf_aral_stat_alloc description: Calls to allocate memory. unit: "calls" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: aral - name: netdata.ebpf_threads description: Threads info unit: "threads" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: total - name: running - name: netdata.ebpf_load_methods description: Load info unit: "methods" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: legacy - name: co-re - name: netdata.ebpf_kernel_memory description: Memory allocated for hash tables. unit: "bytes" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: memory_locked - name: netdata.ebpf_hash_tables_count description: Number of hash tables loaded unit: "hash tables" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: hash_table - name: netdata.ebpf_aral_stat_size description: Bytes allocated for ARAL unit: "bytes" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: memory - name: netdata.ebpf_aral_stat_alloc description: Calls to allocate memory unit: "calls" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: aral - name: netdata.ebpf_aral_stat_size description: Bytes allocated for ARAL. unit: "bytes" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: memory - name: netdata.ebpf_aral_stat_alloc description: Calls to allocate memory unit: "calls" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: aral - name: netdata.ebpf_hash_tables_insert_pid_elements description: Number of times an element was inserted in a hash table. unit: "rows" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: thread - name: netdata.ebpf_hash_tables_remove_pid_elements description: Number of times an element was removed in a hash table. unit: "rows" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: thread