# macOS Plugin: macos.plugin Module: mach_smi ## Overview Monitor macOS metrics for efficient operating system performance. The plugin uses three different methods to collect data: - The function `sysctlbyname` is called to collect network, swap, loadavg, and boot time. - The functtion `host_statistic` is called to collect CPU and Virtual memory data; - The function `IOServiceGetMatchingServices` to collect storage information. This collector is only supported on the following platforms: - macOS This collector only supports collecting metrics from a single instance of this integration. ### Default Behavior #### Auto-Detection This integration doesn't support auto-detection. #### Limits The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection. #### Performance Impact The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system. ## Metrics Metrics grouped by *scope*. The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels. ### Per macOS instance These metrics refer to hardware and network monitoring. This scope has no labels. Metrics: | Metric | Dimensions | Unit | |:------|:----------|:----| | system.cpu | user, nice, system, idle | percentage | | system.ram | active, wired, throttled, compressor, inactive, purgeable, speculative, free | MiB | | mem.swapio | io, out | KiB/s | | mem.pgfaults | memory, cow, pagein, pageout, compress, decompress, zero_fill, reactivate, purge | faults/s | | system.load | load1, load5, load15 | load | | mem.swap | free, used | MiB | | system.ipv4 | received, sent | kilobits/s | | ipv4.tcppackets | received, sent | packets/s | | ipv4.tcperrors | InErrs, InCsumErrors, RetransSegs | packets/s | | ipv4.tcphandshake | EstabResets, ActiveOpens, PassiveOpens, AttemptFails | events/s | | ipv4.tcpconnaborts | baddata, userclosed, nomemory, timeout | connections/s | | ipv4.tcpofo | inqueue | packets/s | | ipv4.tcpsyncookies | received, sent, failed | packets/s | | ipv4.ecnpkts | CEP, NoECTP | packets/s | | ipv4.udppackets | received, sent | packets/s | | ipv4.udperrors | RcvbufErrors, InErrors, NoPorts, InCsumErrors, IgnoredMulti | events/s | | ipv4.icmp | received, sent | packets/s | | ipv4.icmp_errors | InErrors, OutErrors, InCsumErrors | packets/s | | ipv4.icmpmsg | InEchoReps, OutEchoReps, InEchos, OutEchos | packets/s | | ipv4.packets | received, sent, forwarded, delivered | packets/s | | ipv4.fragsout | ok, failed, created | packets/s | | ipv4.fragsin | ok, failed, all | packets/s | | ipv4.errors | InDiscards, OutDiscards, InHdrErrors, OutNoRoutes, InAddrErrors, InUnknownProtos | packets/s | | ipv6.packets | received, sent, forwarded, delivers | packets/s | | ipv6.fragsout | ok, failed, all | packets/s | | ipv6.fragsin | ok, failed, timeout, all | packets/s | | ipv6.errors | InDiscards, OutDiscards, InHdrErrors, InAddrErrors, InTruncatedPkts, InNoRoutes, OutNoRoutes | packets/s | | ipv6.icmp | received, sent | messages/s | | ipv6.icmpredir | received, sent | redirects/s | | ipv6.icmperrors | InErrors, OutErrors, InCsumErrors, InDestUnreachs, InPktTooBigs, InTimeExcds, InParmProblems, OutDestUnreachs, OutTimeExcds, OutParmProblems | errors/s | | ipv6.icmpechos | InEchos, OutEchos, InEchoReplies, OutEchoReplies | messages/s | | ipv6.icmprouter | InSolicits, OutSolicits, InAdvertisements, OutAdvertisements | messages/s | | ipv6.icmpneighbor | InSolicits, OutSolicits, InAdvertisements, OutAdvertisements | messages/s | | ipv6.icmptypes | InType1, InType128, InType129, InType136, OutType1, OutType128, OutType129, OutType133, OutType135, OutType143 | messages/s | | system.uptime | uptime | seconds | | system.io | in, out | KiB/s | ### Per disk This scope has no labels. Metrics: | Metric | Dimensions | Unit | |:------|:----------|:----| | disk.io | read, writes | KiB/s | | disk.ops | read, writes | operations/s | | disk.util | utilization | % of time working | | disk.iotime | reads, writes | milliseconds/s | | disk.await | reads, writes | milliseconds/operation | | disk.avgsz | reads, writes | KiB/operation | | disk.svctm | svctm | milliseconds/operation | ### Per mount point This scope has no labels. Metrics: | Metric | Dimensions | Unit | |:------|:----------|:----| | disk.space | avail, used, reserved_for_root | GiB | | disk.inodes | avail, used, reserved_for_root | inodes | ### Per network device This scope has no labels. Metrics: | Metric | Dimensions | Unit | |:------|:----------|:----| | net.net | received, sent | kilobits/s | | net.packets | received, sent, multicast_received, multicast_sent | packets/s | | net.errors | inbound, outbound | errors/s | | net.drops | inbound | drops/s | | net.events | frames, collisions, carrier | events/s | ## Alerts The following alerts are available: | Alert name | On metric | Description | |:------------|:----------|:------------| | [ interface_speed ](https://github.com/netdata/netdata/blob/master/health/health.d/net.conf) | net.net | network interface ${label:device} current speed | ## Setup ### Prerequisites No action required. ### Configuration #### File The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`. The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is: ```ini [section1] option1 = some value option2 = some other value [section2] option3 = some third value ``` You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the Netdata [config directory](https://github.com/netdata/netdata/blob/master/docs/configure/nodes.md#the-netdata-config-directory). ```bash cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf ``` #### Options There are three sections in the file which you can configure: - `[plugin:macos:sysctl]` - Enable or disable monitoring for network, swap, loadavg, and boot time. - `[plugin:macos:mach_smi]` - Enable or disable monitoring for CPU and Virtual memory. - `[plugin:macos:iokit]` - Enable or disable monitoring for storage device.
Config options | Name | Description | Default | Required | |:----|:-----------|:-------|:--------:| | enable load average | Enable or disable monitoring of load average metrics (load1, load5, load15). | yes | False | | system swap | Enable or disable monitoring of system swap metrics (free, used). | yes | False | | bandwidth | Enable or disable monitoring of network bandwidth metrics (received, sent). | yes | False | | ipv4 TCP packets | Enable or disable monitoring of IPv4 TCP total packets metrics (received, sent). | yes | False | | ipv4 TCP errors | Enable or disable monitoring of IPv4 TCP packets metrics (Input Errors, Checksum, Retransmission segments). | yes | False | | ipv4 TCP handshake issues | Enable or disable monitoring of IPv4 TCP handshake metrics (Established Resets, Active Opens, Passive Opens, Attempt Fails). | yes | False | | ECN packets | Enable or disable monitoring of ECN statistics metrics (InCEPkts, InNoECTPkts). | auto | False | | TCP SYN cookies | Enable or disable monitoring of TCP SYN cookies metrics (received, sent, failed). | auto | False | | TCP out-of-order queue | Enable or disable monitoring of TCP out-of-order queue metrics (inqueue). | auto | False | | TCP connection aborts | Enable or disable monitoring of TCP connection aborts metrics (Bad Data, User closed, No memory, Timeout). | auto | False | | ipv4 UDP packets | Enable or disable monitoring of ipv4 UDP packets metrics (sent, received.). | yes | False | | ipv4 UDP errors | Enable or disable monitoring of ipv4 UDP errors metrics (Recieved Buffer error, Input Errors, No Ports, IN Checksum Errors, Ignore Multi). | yes | False | | ipv4 icmp packets | Enable or disable monitoring of IPv4 ICMP packets metrics (sent, received, in error, OUT error, IN Checksum error). | yes | False | | ipv4 icmp messages | Enable or disable monitoring of ipv4 ICMP messages metrics (I/O messages, I/O Errors, In Checksum). | yes | False | | ipv4 packets | Enable or disable monitoring of ipv4 packets metrics (received, sent, forwarded, delivered). | yes | False | | ipv4 fragments sent | Enable or disable monitoring of IPv4 fragments sent metrics (ok, fails, creates). | yes | False | | ipv4 fragments assembly | Enable or disable monitoring of IPv4 fragments assembly metrics (ok, failed, all). | yes | False | | ipv4 errors | Enable or disable monitoring of IPv4 errors metrics (I/O discard, I/O HDR errors, In Addr errors, In Unknown protos, OUT No Routes). | yes | False | | ipv6 packets | Enable or disable monitoring of IPv6 packets metrics (received, sent, forwarded, delivered). | auto | False | | ipv6 fragments sent | Enable or disable monitoring of IPv6 fragments sent metrics (ok, failed, all). | auto | False | | ipv6 fragments assembly | Enable or disable monitoring of IPv6 fragments assembly metrics (ok, failed, timeout, all). | auto | False | | ipv6 errors | Enable or disable monitoring of IPv6 errors metrics (I/O Discards, In Hdr Errors, In Addr Errors, In Truncaedd Packets, I/O No Routes). | auto | False | | icmp | Enable or disable monitoring of ICMP metrics (sent, received). | auto | False | | icmp redirects | Enable or disable monitoring of ICMP redirects metrics (received, sent). | auto | False | | icmp errors | Enable or disable monitoring of ICMP metrics (I/O Errors, In Checksums, In Destination Unreachable, In Packet too big, In Time Exceeds, In Parm Problem, Out Dest Unreachable, Out Timee Exceeds, Out Parm Problems.). | auto | False | | icmp echos | Enable or disable monitoring of ICMP echos metrics (I/O Echos, I/O Echo Reply). | auto | False | | icmp router | Enable or disable monitoring of ICMP router metrics (I/O Solicits, I/O Advertisements). | auto | False | | icmp neighbor | Enable or disable monitoring of ICMP neighbor metrics (I/O Solicits, I/O Advertisements). | auto | False | | icmp types | Enable or disable monitoring of ICMP types metrics (I/O Type1, I/O Type128, I/O Type129, Out Type133, Out Type135, In Type136, Out Type145). | auto | False | | space usage for all disks | Enable or disable monitoring of space usage for all disks metrics (available, used, reserved for root). | yes | False | | inodes usage for all disks | Enable or disable monitoring of inodes usage for all disks metrics (available, used, reserved for root). | yes | False | | bandwidth | Enable or disable monitoring of bandwidth metrics (received, sent). | yes | False | | system uptime | Enable or disable monitoring of system uptime metrics (uptime). | yes | False | | cpu utilization | Enable or disable monitoring of CPU utilization metrics (user, nice, system, idel). | yes | False | | system ram | Enable or disable monitoring of system RAM metrics (Active, Wired, throttled, compressor, inactive, purgeable, speculative, free). | yes | False | | swap i/o | Enable or disable monitoring of SWAP I/O metrics (I/O Swap). | yes | False | | memory page faults | Enable or disable monitoring of memory page faults metrics (memory, cow, I/O page, compress, decompress, zero fill, reactivate, purge). | yes | False | | disk i/o | Enable or disable monitoring of disk I/O metrics (In, Out). | yes | False |
#### Examples ##### Disable swap monitoring. A basic example that discards swap monitoring
Config ```yaml [plugin:macos:sysctl] system swap = no [plugin:macos:mach_smi] swap i/o = no ```
##### Disable complete Machine SMI section. A basic example that discards swap monitoring
Config ```yaml [plugin:macos:mach_smi] cpu utilization = no system ram = no swap i/o = no memory page faults = no disk i/o = no ```