// Copyright 2013 Stephen Vickers // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT var ber = require("asn1-ber").Ber; var dgram = require("dgram"); var events = require("events"); var util = require("util"); var crypto = require("crypto"); var DEBUG = false; var MAX_INT32 = 2147483647; function debug(line) { if (DEBUG) { console.debug(line); } } /***************************************************************************** ** Constants **/ function _expandConstantObject(object) { var keys = []; for (var key in object) keys.push(key); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) object[object[keys[i]]] = parseInt(keys[i]); } var ErrorStatus = { 0: "NoError", 1: "TooBig", 2: "NoSuchName", 3: "BadValue", 4: "ReadOnly", 5: "GeneralError", 6: "NoAccess", 7: "WrongType", 8: "WrongLength", 9: "WrongEncoding", 10: "WrongValue", 11: "NoCreation", 12: "InconsistentValue", 13: "ResourceUnavailable", 14: "CommitFailed", 15: "UndoFailed", 16: "AuthorizationError", 17: "NotWritable", 18: "InconsistentName" }; _expandConstantObject(ErrorStatus); var ObjectType = { 1: "Boolean", 2: "Integer", 4: "OctetString", 5: "Null", 6: "OID", 64: "IpAddress", 65: "Counter", 66: "Gauge", 67: "TimeTicks", 68: "Opaque", 70: "Counter64", 128: "NoSuchObject", 129: "NoSuchInstance", 130: "EndOfMibView" }; _expandConstantObject(ObjectType); ObjectType.Integer32 = ObjectType.Integer; ObjectType.Counter32 = ObjectType.Counter; ObjectType.Gauge32 = ObjectType.Gauge; ObjectType.Unsigned32 = ObjectType.Gauge32; var PduType = { 160: "GetRequest", 161: "GetNextRequest", 162: "GetResponse", 163: "SetRequest", 164: "Trap", 165: "GetBulkRequest", 166: "InformRequest", 167: "TrapV2", 168: "Report" }; _expandConstantObject(PduType); var TrapType = { 0: "ColdStart", 1: "WarmStart", 2: "LinkDown", 3: "LinkUp", 4: "AuthenticationFailure", 5: "EgpNeighborLoss", 6: "EnterpriseSpecific" }; _expandConstantObject(TrapType); var SecurityLevel = { 1: "noAuthNoPriv", 2: "authNoPriv", 3: "authPriv" }; _expandConstantObject(SecurityLevel); var AuthProtocols = { "1": "none", "2": "md5", "3": "sha" }; _expandConstantObject(AuthProtocols); var PrivProtocols = { "1": "none", "2": "des" }; _expandConstantObject(PrivProtocols); var MibProviderType = { "1": "Scalar", "2": "Table" }; _expandConstantObject(MibProviderType); var Version1 = 0; var Version2c = 1; var Version3 = 3; var Version = { "1": Version1, "2c": Version2c, "3": Version3 }; /***************************************************************************** ** Exception class definitions **/ function ResponseInvalidError(message) { this.name = "ResponseInvalidError"; this.message = message; Error.captureStackTrace(this, ResponseInvalidError); } util.inherits(ResponseInvalidError, Error); function RequestInvalidError(message) { this.name = "RequestInvalidError"; this.message = message; Error.captureStackTrace(this, RequestInvalidError); } util.inherits(RequestInvalidError, Error); function RequestFailedError(message, status) { this.name = "RequestFailedError"; this.message = message; this.status = status; Error.captureStackTrace(this, RequestFailedError); } util.inherits(RequestFailedError, Error); function RequestTimedOutError(message) { this.name = "RequestTimedOutError"; this.message = message; Error.captureStackTrace(this, RequestTimedOutError); } util.inherits(RequestTimedOutError, Error); /***************************************************************************** ** OID and varbind helper functions **/ function isVarbindError(varbind) { return !!(varbind.type == ObjectType.NoSuchObject || varbind.type == ObjectType.NoSuchInstance || varbind.type == ObjectType.EndOfMibView); } function varbindError(varbind) { return (ObjectType[varbind.type] || "NotAnError") + ": " + varbind.oid; } function oidFollowsOid(oidString, nextString) { var oid = {str: oidString, len: oidString.length, idx: 0}; var next = {str: nextString, len: nextString.length, idx: 0}; var dotCharCode = ".".charCodeAt(0); function getNumber(item) { var n = 0; if (item.idx >= item.len) return null; while (item.idx < item.len) { var charCode = item.str.charCodeAt(item.idx++); if (charCode == dotCharCode) return n; n = (n ? (n * 10) : n) + (charCode - 48); } return n; } while (1) { var oidNumber = getNumber(oid); var nextNumber = getNumber(next); if (oidNumber !== null) { if (nextNumber !== null) { if (nextNumber > oidNumber) { return true; } else if (nextNumber < oidNumber) { return false; } } else { return true; } } else { return true; } } } function oidInSubtree(oidString, nextString) { var oid = oidString.split("."); var next = nextString.split("."); if (oid.length > next.length) return false; for (var i = 0; i < oid.length; i++) { if (next[i] != oid[i]) return false; } return true; } /** ** Some SNMP agents produce integers on the wire such as 00 ff ff ff ff. ** The ASN.1 BER parser we use throws an error when parsing this, which we ** believe is correct. So, we decided not to bother the "asn1" developer(s) ** with this, instead opting to work around it here. ** ** If an integer is 5 bytes in length we check if the first byte is 0, and if so ** simply drop it and parse it like it was a 4 byte integer, otherwise throw ** an error since the integer is too large. **/ function readInt(buffer) { return readUint(buffer, true); } function readIpAddress(buffer) { var bytes = buffer.readString(ObjectType.IpAddress, true); if (bytes.length != 4) throw new ResponseInvalidError("Length '" + bytes.length + "' of IP address '" + bytes.toString("hex") + "' is not 4"); var value = bytes[0] + "." + bytes[1] + "." + bytes[2] + "." + bytes[3]; return value; } function readUint(buffer, isSigned) { buffer.readByte(); var length = buffer.readByte(); var value = 0; var signedBitSet = false; if (length > 5) { throw new RangeError("Integer too long '" + length + "'"); } else if (length == 5) { if (buffer.readByte() !== 0) throw new RangeError("Integer too long '" + length + "'"); length = 4; } for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { value *= 256; value += buffer.readByte(); if (isSigned && i <= 0) { if ((value & 0x80) == 0x80) signedBitSet = true; } } if (signedBitSet) value -= (1 << (i * 8)); return value; } function readUint64(buffer) { var value = buffer.readString(ObjectType.Counter64, true); return value; } function readVarbinds(buffer, varbinds) { buffer.readSequence(); while (1) { buffer.readSequence(); if (buffer.peek() != ObjectType.OID) break; var oid = buffer.readOID(); var type = buffer.peek(); if (type == null) break; var value; if (type == ObjectType.Boolean) { value = buffer.readBoolean(); } else if (type == ObjectType.Integer) { value = readInt(buffer); } else if (type == ObjectType.OctetString) { value = buffer.readString(null, true); } else if (type == ObjectType.Null) { buffer.readByte(); buffer.readByte(); value = null; } else if (type == ObjectType.OID) { value = buffer.readOID(); } else if (type == ObjectType.IpAddress) { var bytes = buffer.readString(ObjectType.IpAddress, true); if (bytes.length != 4) throw new ResponseInvalidError("Length '" + bytes.length + "' of IP address '" + bytes.toString("hex") + "' is not 4"); value = bytes[0] + "." + bytes[1] + "." + bytes[2] + "." + bytes[3]; } else if (type == ObjectType.Counter) { value = readUint(buffer); } else if (type == ObjectType.Gauge) { value = readUint(buffer); } else if (type == ObjectType.TimeTicks) { value = readUint(buffer); } else if (type == ObjectType.Opaque) { value = buffer.readString(ObjectType.Opaque, true); } else if (type == ObjectType.Counter64) { value = readUint64(buffer); } else if (type == ObjectType.NoSuchObject) { buffer.readByte(); buffer.readByte(); value = null; } else if (type == ObjectType.NoSuchInstance) { buffer.readByte(); buffer.readByte(); value = null; } else if (type == ObjectType.EndOfMibView) { buffer.readByte(); buffer.readByte(); value = null; } else { throw new ResponseInvalidError("Unknown type '" + type + "' in response"); } varbinds.push({ oid: oid, type: type, value: value }); } } function writeUint(buffer, type, value) { var b = Buffer.alloc(4); b.writeUInt32BE(value, 0); buffer.writeBuffer(b, type); } function writeUint64(buffer, value) { buffer.writeBuffer(value, ObjectType.Counter64); } function writeVarbinds(buffer, varbinds) { buffer.startSequence(); for (var i = 0; i < varbinds.length; i++) { buffer.startSequence(); buffer.writeOID(varbinds[i].oid); if (varbinds[i].type && varbinds[i].hasOwnProperty("value")) { var type = varbinds[i].type; var value = varbinds[i].value; if (type == ObjectType.Boolean) { buffer.writeBoolean(value ? true : false); } else if (type == ObjectType.Integer) { // also Integer32 buffer.writeInt(value); } else if (type == ObjectType.OctetString) { if (typeof value == "string") buffer.writeString(value); else buffer.writeBuffer(value, ObjectType.OctetString); } else if (type == ObjectType.Null) { buffer.writeNull(); } else if (type == ObjectType.OID) { buffer.writeOID(value); } else if (type == ObjectType.IpAddress) { var bytes = value.split("."); if (bytes.length != 4) throw new RequestInvalidError("Invalid IP address '" + value + "'"); buffer.writeBuffer(Buffer.from(bytes), 64); } else if (type == ObjectType.Counter) { // also Counter32 writeUint(buffer, ObjectType.Counter, value); } else if (type == ObjectType.Gauge) { // also Gauge32 & Unsigned32 writeUint(buffer, ObjectType.Gauge, value); } else if (type == ObjectType.TimeTicks) { writeUint(buffer, ObjectType.TimeTicks, value); } else if (type == ObjectType.Opaque) { buffer.writeBuffer(value, ObjectType.Opaque); } else if (type == ObjectType.Counter64) { writeUint64(buffer, value); } else if (type == ObjectType.EndOfMibView) { buffer.writeByte(130); buffer.writeByte(0); } else { throw new RequestInvalidError("Unknown type '" + type + "' in request"); } } else { buffer.writeNull(); } buffer.endSequence(); } buffer.endSequence(); } /***************************************************************************** ** PDU class definitions **/ var SimplePdu = function () { }; SimplePdu.prototype.toBuffer = function (buffer) { buffer.startSequence(this.type); buffer.writeInt(this.id); buffer.writeInt((this.type == PduType.GetBulkRequest) ? (this.options.nonRepeaters || 0) : 0); buffer.writeInt((this.type == PduType.GetBulkRequest) ? (this.options.maxRepetitions || 0) : 0); writeVarbinds(buffer, this.varbinds); buffer.endSequence(); }; SimplePdu.prototype.initializeFromVariables = function (id, varbinds, options) { this.id = id; this.varbinds = varbinds; this.options = options || {}; this.contextName = (options && options.context) ? options.context : ""; } SimplePdu.prototype.initializeFromBuffer = function (reader) { this.type = reader.peek(); reader.readSequence(); this.id = reader.readInt(); this.nonRepeaters = reader.readInt(); this.maxRepetitions = reader.readInt(); this.varbinds = []; readVarbinds(reader, this.varbinds); }; SimplePdu.prototype.getResponsePduForRequest = function () { var responsePdu = GetResponsePdu.createFromVariables(this.id, [], {}); if (this.contextEngineID) { responsePdu.contextEngineID = this.contextEngineID; responsePdu.contextName = this.contextName; } return responsePdu; }; SimplePdu.createFromVariables = function (pduClass, id, varbinds, options) { var pdu = new pduClass(id, varbinds, options); pdu.id = id; pdu.varbinds = varbinds; pdu.options = options || {}; pdu.contextName = (options && options.context) ? options.context : ""; return pdu; }; var GetBulkRequestPdu = function () { this.type = PduType.GetBulkRequest; GetBulkRequestPdu.super_.apply(this, arguments); }; util.inherits(GetBulkRequestPdu, SimplePdu); GetBulkRequestPdu.createFromBuffer = function (reader) { var pdu = new GetBulkRequestPdu(); pdu.initializeFromBuffer(reader); return pdu; }; var GetNextRequestPdu = function () { this.type = PduType.GetNextRequest; GetNextRequestPdu.super_.apply(this, arguments); }; util.inherits(GetNextRequestPdu, SimplePdu); GetNextRequestPdu.createFromBuffer = function (reader) { var pdu = new GetNextRequestPdu(); pdu.initializeFromBuffer(reader); return pdu; }; var GetRequestPdu = function () { this.type = PduType.GetRequest; GetRequestPdu.super_.apply(this, arguments); }; util.inherits(GetRequestPdu, SimplePdu); GetRequestPdu.createFromBuffer = function (reader) { var pdu = new GetRequestPdu(); pdu.initializeFromBuffer(reader); return pdu; }; GetRequestPdu.createFromVariables = function (id, varbinds, options) { var pdu = new GetRequestPdu(); pdu.initializeFromVariables(id, varbinds, options); return pdu; }; var InformRequestPdu = function () { this.type = PduType.InformRequest; InformRequestPdu.super_.apply(this, arguments); }; util.inherits(InformRequestPdu, SimplePdu); InformRequestPdu.createFromBuffer = function (reader) { var pdu = new InformRequestPdu(); pdu.initializeFromBuffer(reader); return pdu; }; var SetRequestPdu = function () { this.type = PduType.SetRequest; SetRequestPdu.super_.apply(this, arguments); }; util.inherits(SetRequestPdu, SimplePdu); SetRequestPdu.createFromBuffer = function (reader) { var pdu = new SetRequestPdu(); pdu.initializeFromBuffer(reader); return pdu; }; var TrapPdu = function () { this.type = PduType.Trap; }; TrapPdu.prototype.toBuffer = function (buffer) { buffer.startSequence(this.type); buffer.writeOID(this.enterprise); buffer.writeBuffer(Buffer.from(this.agentAddr.split(".")), ObjectType.IpAddress); buffer.writeInt(this.generic); buffer.writeInt(this.specific); writeUint(buffer, ObjectType.TimeTicks, this.upTime || Math.floor(process.uptime() * 100)); writeVarbinds(buffer, this.varbinds); buffer.endSequence(); }; TrapPdu.createFromBuffer = function (reader) { var pdu = new TrapPdu(); reader.readSequence(); pdu.enterprise = reader.readOID(); pdu.agentAddr = readIpAddress(reader); pdu.generic = reader.readInt(); pdu.specific = reader.readInt(); pdu.upTime = readUint(reader) pdu.varbinds = []; readVarbinds(reader, pdu.varbinds); return pdu; }; TrapPdu.createFromVariables = function (typeOrOid, varbinds, options) { var pdu = new TrapPdu(); pdu.agentAddr = options.agentAddr || ""; pdu.upTime = options.upTime; if (typeof typeOrOid == "string") { pdu.generic = TrapType.EnterpriseSpecific; pdu.specific = parseInt(typeOrOid.match(/\.(\d+)$/)[1]); pdu.enterprise = typeOrOid.replace(/\.(\d+)$/, ""); } else { pdu.generic = typeOrOid; pdu.specific = 0; pdu.enterprise = ""; } pdu.varbinds = varbinds; return pdu; }; var TrapV2Pdu = function () { this.type = PduType.TrapV2; TrapV2Pdu.super_.apply(this, arguments); }; util.inherits(TrapV2Pdu, SimplePdu); TrapV2Pdu.createFromBuffer = function (reader) { var pdu = new TrapV2Pdu(); pdu.initializeFromBuffer(reader); return pdu; }; TrapV2Pdu.createFromVariables = function (id, varbinds, options) { var pdu = new TrapV2Pdu(); pdu.initializeFromVariables(id, varbinds, options); return pdu; }; var SimpleResponsePdu = function () { }; SimpleResponsePdu.prototype.toBuffer = function (writer) { writer.startSequence(this.type); writer.writeInt(this.id); writer.writeInt(this.errorStatus || 0); writer.writeInt(this.errorIndex || 0); writeVarbinds(writer, this.varbinds); writer.endSequence(); }; SimpleResponsePdu.prototype.initializeFromBuffer = function (reader) { reader.readSequence(this.type); this.id = reader.readInt(); this.errorStatus = reader.readInt(); this.errorIndex = reader.readInt(); this.varbinds = []; readVarbinds(reader, this.varbinds); }; SimpleResponsePdu.prototype.initializeFromVariables = function (id, varbinds, options) { this.id = id; this.varbinds = varbinds; this.options = options || {}; }; var GetResponsePdu = function () { this.type = PduType.GetResponse; GetResponsePdu.super_.apply(this, arguments); }; util.inherits(GetResponsePdu, SimpleResponsePdu); GetResponsePdu.createFromBuffer = function (reader) { var pdu = new GetResponsePdu(); pdu.initializeFromBuffer(reader); return pdu; }; GetResponsePdu.createFromVariables = function (id, varbinds, options) { var pdu = new GetResponsePdu(); pdu.initializeFromVariables(id, varbinds, options); return pdu; }; var ReportPdu = function () { this.type = PduType.Report; ReportPdu.super_.apply(this, arguments); }; util.inherits(ReportPdu, SimpleResponsePdu); ReportPdu.createFromBuffer = function (reader) { var pdu = new ReportPdu(); pdu.initializeFromBuffer(reader); return pdu; }; ReportPdu.createFromVariables = function (id, varbinds, options) { var pdu = new ReportPdu(); pdu.initializeFromVariables(id, varbinds, options); return pdu; }; var readPdu = function (reader, scoped) { var pdu; var contextEngineID; var contextName; if (scoped) { reader.readSequence(); contextEngineID = reader.readString(ber.OctetString, true); contextName = reader.readString(); } var type = reader.peek(); if (type == PduType.GetResponse) { pdu = GetResponsePdu.createFromBuffer(reader); } else if (type == PduType.Report) { pdu = ReportPdu.createFromBuffer(reader); } else if (type == PduType.Trap) { pdu = TrapPdu.createFromBuffer(reader); } else if (type == PduType.TrapV2) { pdu = TrapV2Pdu.createFromBuffer(reader); } else if (type == PduType.InformRequest) { pdu = InformRequestPdu.createFromBuffer(reader); } else if (type == PduType.GetRequest) { pdu = GetRequestPdu.createFromBuffer(reader); } else if (type == PduType.SetRequest) { pdu = SetRequestPdu.createFromBuffer(reader); } else if (type == PduType.GetNextRequest) { pdu = GetNextRequestPdu.createFromBuffer(reader); } else if (type == PduType.GetBulkRequest) { pdu = GetBulkRequestPdu.createFromBuffer(reader); } else { throw new ResponseInvalidError("Unknown PDU type '" + type + "' in response"); } if (scoped) { pdu.contextEngineID = contextEngineID; pdu.contextName = contextName; } pdu.scoped = scoped; return pdu; }; var createDiscoveryPdu = function (context) { return GetRequestPdu.createFromVariables(_generateId(), [], {context: context}); }; var Authentication = {}; Authentication.HMAC_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 1024; Authentication.HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE = 64; Authentication.AUTHENTICATION_CODE_LENGTH = 12; Authentication.AUTH_PARAMETERS_PLACEHOLDER = Buffer.from('8182838485868788898a8b8c', 'hex'); Authentication.algorithms = {}; Authentication.algorithms[AuthProtocols.md5] = { // KEY_LENGTH: 16, CRYPTO_ALGORITHM: 'md5' }; Authentication.algorithms[AuthProtocols.sha] = { // KEY_LENGTH: 20, CRYPTO_ALGORITHM: 'sha1' }; // Adapted from RFC3414 Appendix A.2.1. Password to Key Sample Code for MD5 Authentication.passwordToKey = function (authProtocol, authPasswordString, engineID) { var hashAlgorithm; var firstDigest; var finalDigest; var buf = Buffer.alloc(Authentication.HMAC_BUFFER_SIZE); var bufOffset = 0; var passwordIndex = 0; var count = 0; var password = Buffer.from(authPasswordString); var cryptoAlgorithm = Authentication.algorithms[authProtocol].CRYPTO_ALGORITHM; while (count < Authentication.HMAC_BUFFER_SIZE) { for (var i = 0; i < Authentication.HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE; i++) { buf.writeUInt8(password[passwordIndex++ % password.length], bufOffset++); } count += Authentication.HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE; } hashAlgorithm = crypto.createHash(cryptoAlgorithm); hashAlgorithm.update(buf); firstDigest = hashAlgorithm.digest(); // debug ("First digest: " + firstDigest.toString('hex')); hashAlgorithm = crypto.createHash(cryptoAlgorithm); hashAlgorithm.update(firstDigest); hashAlgorithm.update(engineID); hashAlgorithm.update(firstDigest); finalDigest = hashAlgorithm.digest(); debug("Localized key: " + finalDigest.toString('hex')); return finalDigest; }; Authentication.addParametersToMessageBuffer = function (messageBuffer, authProtocol, authPassword, engineID) { var authenticationParametersOffset; var digestToAdd; // clear the authenticationParameters field in message authenticationParametersOffset = messageBuffer.indexOf(Authentication.AUTH_PARAMETERS_PLACEHOLDER); messageBuffer.fill(0, authenticationParametersOffset, authenticationParametersOffset + Authentication.AUTHENTICATION_CODE_LENGTH); digestToAdd = Authentication.calculateDigest(messageBuffer, authProtocol, authPassword, engineID); digestToAdd.copy(messageBuffer, authenticationParametersOffset, 0, Authentication.AUTHENTICATION_CODE_LENGTH); debug("Added Auth Parameters: " + digestToAdd.toString('hex')); }; Authentication.isAuthentic = function (messageBuffer, authProtocol, authPassword, engineID, digestInMessage) { var authenticationParametersOffset; var calculatedDigest; // clear the authenticationParameters field in message authenticationParametersOffset = messageBuffer.indexOf(digestInMessage); messageBuffer.fill(0, authenticationParametersOffset, authenticationParametersOffset + Authentication.AUTHENTICATION_CODE_LENGTH); calculatedDigest = Authentication.calculateDigest(messageBuffer, authProtocol, authPassword, engineID); // replace previously cleared authenticationParameters field in message digestInMessage.copy(messageBuffer, authenticationParametersOffset, 0, Authentication.AUTHENTICATION_CODE_LENGTH); debug("Digest in message: " + digestInMessage.toString('hex')); debug("Calculated digest: " + calculatedDigest.toString('hex')); return calculatedDigest.equals(digestInMessage, Authentication.AUTHENTICATION_CODE_LENGTH); }; Authentication.calculateDigest = function (messageBuffer, authProtocol, authPassword, engineID) { var authKey = Authentication.passwordToKey(authProtocol, authPassword, engineID); // Adapted from RFC3147 Section 6.3.1. Processing an Outgoing Message var hashAlgorithm; var kIpad; var kOpad; var firstDigest; var finalDigest; var truncatedDigest; var i; var cryptoAlgorithm = Authentication.algorithms[authProtocol].CRYPTO_ALGORITHM; if (authKey.length > Authentication.HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE) { hashAlgorithm = crypto.createHash(cryptoAlgorithm); hashAlgorithm.update(authKey); authKey = hashAlgorithm.digest(); } // MD(K XOR opad, MD(K XOR ipad, msg)) kIpad = Buffer.alloc(Authentication.HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE); kOpad = Buffer.alloc(Authentication.HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE); for (i = 0; i < authKey.length; i++) { kIpad[i] = authKey[i] ^ 0x36; kOpad[i] = authKey[i] ^ 0x5c; } kIpad.fill(0x36, authKey.length); kOpad.fill(0x5c, authKey.length); // inner MD hashAlgorithm = crypto.createHash(cryptoAlgorithm); hashAlgorithm.update(kIpad); hashAlgorithm.update(messageBuffer); firstDigest = hashAlgorithm.digest(); // outer MD hashAlgorithm = crypto.createHash(cryptoAlgorithm); hashAlgorithm.update(kOpad); hashAlgorithm.update(firstDigest); finalDigest = hashAlgorithm.digest(); truncatedDigest = Buffer.alloc(Authentication.AUTHENTICATION_CODE_LENGTH); finalDigest.copy(truncatedDigest, 0, 0, Authentication.AUTHENTICATION_CODE_LENGTH); return truncatedDigest; }; var Encryption = {}; Encryption.INPUT_KEY_LENGTH = 16; Encryption.DES_KEY_LENGTH = 8; Encryption.DES_BLOCK_LENGTH = 8; Encryption.CRYPTO_DES_ALGORITHM = 'des-cbc'; Encryption.PRIV_PARAMETERS_PLACEHOLDER = Buffer.from('9192939495969798', 'hex'); Encryption.encryptPdu = function (scopedPdu, privProtocol, privPassword, authProtocol, engineID) { var privLocalizedKey; var encryptionKey; var preIv; var salt; var iv; var i; var paddedScopedPduLength; var paddedScopedPdu; var encryptedPdu; var cbcProtocol = Encryption.CRYPTO_DES_ALGORITHM; privLocalizedKey = Authentication.passwordToKey(authProtocol, privPassword, engineID); encryptionKey = Buffer.alloc(Encryption.DES_KEY_LENGTH); privLocalizedKey.copy(encryptionKey, 0, 0, Encryption.DES_KEY_LENGTH); preIv = Buffer.alloc(Encryption.DES_BLOCK_LENGTH); privLocalizedKey.copy(preIv, 0, Encryption.DES_KEY_LENGTH, Encryption.DES_KEY_LENGTH + Encryption.DES_BLOCK_LENGTH); salt = Buffer.alloc(Encryption.DES_BLOCK_LENGTH); // set local SNMP engine boots part of salt to 1, as we have no persistent engine state salt.fill('00000001', 0, 4, 'hex'); // set local integer part of salt to random salt.fill(crypto.randomBytes(4), 4, 8); iv = Buffer.alloc(Encryption.DES_BLOCK_LENGTH); for (i = 0; i < iv.length; i++) { iv[i] = preIv[i] ^ salt[i]; } if (scopedPdu.length % Encryption.DES_BLOCK_LENGTH == 0) { paddedScopedPdu = scopedPdu; } else { paddedScopedPduLength = Encryption.DES_BLOCK_LENGTH * (Math.floor(scopedPdu.length / Encryption.DES_BLOCK_LENGTH) + 1); paddedScopedPdu = Buffer.alloc(paddedScopedPduLength); scopedPdu.copy(paddedScopedPdu, 0, 0, scopedPdu.length); } cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(cbcProtocol, encryptionKey, iv); encryptedPdu = cipher.update(paddedScopedPdu); encryptedPdu = Buffer.concat([encryptedPdu, cipher.final()]); debug("Key: " + encryptionKey.toString('hex')); debug("IV: " + iv.toString('hex')); debug("Plain: " + paddedScopedPdu.toString('hex')); debug("Encrypted: " + encryptedPdu.toString('hex')); return { encryptedPdu: encryptedPdu, msgPrivacyParameters: salt }; }; Encryption.decryptPdu = function (encryptedPdu, privProtocol, privParameters, privPassword, authProtocol, engineID, forceAutoPaddingDisable) { var privLocalizedKey; var decryptionKey; var preIv; var salt; var iv; var i; var decryptedPdu; var cbcProtocol = Encryption.CRYPTO_DES_ALGORITHM; ; privLocalizedKey = Authentication.passwordToKey(authProtocol, privPassword, engineID); decryptionKey = Buffer.alloc(Encryption.DES_KEY_LENGTH); privLocalizedKey.copy(decryptionKey, 0, 0, Encryption.DES_KEY_LENGTH); preIv = Buffer.alloc(Encryption.DES_BLOCK_LENGTH); privLocalizedKey.copy(preIv, 0, Encryption.DES_KEY_LENGTH, Encryption.DES_KEY_LENGTH + Encryption.DES_BLOCK_LENGTH); salt = privParameters; iv = Buffer.alloc(Encryption.DES_BLOCK_LENGTH); for (i = 0; i < iv.length; i++) { iv[i] = preIv[i] ^ salt[i]; } decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(cbcProtocol, decryptionKey, iv); if (forceAutoPaddingDisable) { decipher.setAutoPadding(false); } decryptedPdu = decipher.update(encryptedPdu); // This try-catch is a workaround for a seemingly incorrect error condition // - where sometimes a decrypt error is thrown with decipher.final() // It replaces this line which should have been sufficient: // decryptedPdu = Buffer.concat ([decryptedPdu, decipher.final()]); try { decryptedPdu = Buffer.concat([decryptedPdu, decipher.final()]); } catch (error) { // debug("Decrypt error: " + error); decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(cbcProtocol, decryptionKey, iv); decipher.setAutoPadding(false); decryptedPdu = decipher.update(encryptedPdu); decryptedPdu = Buffer.concat([decryptedPdu, decipher.final()]); } debug("Key: " + decryptionKey.toString('hex')); debug("IV: " + iv.toString('hex')); debug("Encrypted: " + encryptedPdu.toString('hex')); debug("Plain: " + decryptedPdu.toString('hex')); return decryptedPdu; }; Encryption.addParametersToMessageBuffer = function (messageBuffer, msgPrivacyParameters) { privacyParametersOffset = messageBuffer.indexOf(Encryption.PRIV_PARAMETERS_PLACEHOLDER); msgPrivacyParameters.copy(messageBuffer, privacyParametersOffset, 0, Encryption.DES_IV_LENGTH); }; /***************************************************************************** ** Message class definition **/ var Message = function () { } Message.prototype.getReqId = function () { return this.version == Version3 ? this.msgGlobalData.msgID : this.pdu.id; }; Message.prototype.toBuffer = function () { if (this.version == Version3) { return this.toBufferV3(); } else { return this.toBufferCommunity(); } } Message.prototype.toBufferCommunity = function () { if (this.buffer) return this.buffer; var writer = new ber.Writer(); writer.startSequence(); writer.writeInt(this.version); writer.writeString(this.community); this.pdu.toBuffer(writer); writer.endSequence(); this.buffer = writer.buffer; return this.buffer; }; Message.prototype.toBufferV3 = function () { var encryptionResult; if (this.buffer) return this.buffer; var writer = new ber.Writer(); writer.startSequence(); writer.writeInt(this.version); // HeaderData writer.startSequence(); writer.writeInt(this.msgGlobalData.msgID); writer.writeInt(this.msgGlobalData.msgMaxSize); writer.writeByte(ber.OctetString); writer.writeByte(1); writer.writeByte(this.msgGlobalData.msgFlags); writer.writeInt(this.msgGlobalData.msgSecurityModel); writer.endSequence(); // msgSecurityParameters var msgSecurityParametersWriter = new ber.Writer(); msgSecurityParametersWriter.startSequence(); //msgSecurityParametersWriter.writeString (this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineID); // writing a zero-length buffer fails - should fix asn1-ber for this condition if (this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineID.length == 0) { msgSecurityParametersWriter.writeString(""); } else { msgSecurityParametersWriter.writeBuffer(this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineID, ber.OctetString); } msgSecurityParametersWriter.writeInt(this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots); msgSecurityParametersWriter.writeInt(this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineTime); msgSecurityParametersWriter.writeString(this.msgSecurityParameters.msgUserName); if (this.hasAuthentication()) { msgSecurityParametersWriter.writeBuffer(Authentication.AUTH_PARAMETERS_PLACEHOLDER, ber.OctetString); // should never happen where msgFlags has no authentication but authentication parameters still present } else if (this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthenticationParameters.length > 0) { msgSecurityParametersWriter.writeBuffer(this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthenticationParameters, ber.OctetString); } else { msgSecurityParametersWriter.writeString(""); } if (this.hasPrivacy()) { msgSecurityParametersWriter.writeBuffer(Encryption.PRIV_PARAMETERS_PLACEHOLDER, ber.OctetString); // should never happen where msgFlags has no privacy but privacy parameters still present } else if (this.msgSecurityParameters.msgPrivacyParameters.length > 0) { msgSecurityParametersWriter.writeBuffer(this.msgSecurityParameters.msgPrivacyParameters, ber.OctetString); } else { msgSecurityParametersWriter.writeString(""); } msgSecurityParametersWriter.endSequence(); writer.writeBuffer(msgSecurityParametersWriter.buffer, ber.OctetString); // ScopedPDU var scopedPduWriter = new ber.Writer(); scopedPduWriter.startSequence(); var contextEngineID = this.pdu.contextEngineID ? this.pdu.contextEngineID : this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineID; if (contextEngineID.length == 0) { scopedPduWriter.writeString(""); } else { scopedPduWriter.writeBuffer(contextEngineID, ber.OctetString); } scopedPduWriter.writeString(this.pdu.contextName); this.pdu.toBuffer(scopedPduWriter); scopedPduWriter.endSequence(); if (this.hasPrivacy()) { encryptionResult = Encryption.encryptPdu(scopedPduWriter.buffer, this.user.privProtocol, this.user.privKey, this.user.authProtocol, this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineID); writer.writeBuffer(encryptionResult.encryptedPdu, ber.OctetString); } else { writer.writeBuffer(scopedPduWriter.buffer); } writer.endSequence(); this.buffer = writer.buffer; if (this.hasPrivacy()) { Encryption.addParametersToMessageBuffer(this.buffer, encryptionResult.msgPrivacyParameters); } if (this.hasAuthentication()) { Authentication.addParametersToMessageBuffer(this.buffer, this.user.authProtocol, this.user.authKey, this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineID); } return this.buffer; }; Message.prototype.processIncomingSecurity = function (user, responseCb) { if (this.hasPrivacy()) { if (!this.decryptPdu(user, responseCb)) { return false; } } if (this.hasAuthentication() && !this.isAuthenticationDisabled()) { return this.checkAuthentication(user, responseCb); } else { return true; } }; Message.prototype.decryptPdu = function (user, responseCb) { var decryptedPdu; var decryptedPduReader; try { decryptedPdu = Encryption.decryptPdu(this.encryptedPdu, user.privProtocol, this.msgSecurityParameters.msgPrivacyParameters, user.privKey, user.authProtocol, this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineID); decryptedPduReader = new ber.Reader(decryptedPdu); this.pdu = readPdu(decryptedPduReader, true); return true; // really really occasionally the decrypt truncates a single byte // causing an ASN read failure in readPdu() // in this case, disabling auto padding decrypts the PDU correctly // this try-catch provides the workaround for this condition } catch (possibleTruncationError) { try { decryptedPdu = Encryption.decryptPdu(this.encryptedPdu, user.privProtocol, this.msgSecurityParameters.msgPrivacyParameters, user.privKey, user.authProtocol, this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineID, true); decryptedPduReader = new ber.Reader(decryptedPdu); this.pdu = readPdu(decryptedPduReader, true); return true; } catch (error) { responseCb(new ResponseInvalidError("Failed to decrypt PDU: " + error)); return false; } } }; Message.prototype.checkAuthentication = function (user, responseCb) { if (Authentication.isAuthentic(this.buffer, user.authProtocol, user.authKey, this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineID, this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthenticationParameters)) { return true; } else { responseCb(new ResponseInvalidError("Authentication digest " + this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthenticationParameters.toString('hex') + " received in message does not match digest " + Authentication.calculateDigest(buffer, user.authProtocol, user.authKey, this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineID).toString('hex') + " calculated for message")); return false; } }; Message.prototype.hasAuthentication = function () { return this.msgGlobalData && this.msgGlobalData.msgFlags && this.msgGlobalData.msgFlags & 1; }; Message.prototype.hasPrivacy = function () { return this.msgGlobalData && this.msgGlobalData.msgFlags && this.msgGlobalData.msgFlags & 2; }; Message.prototype.isReportable = function () { return this.msgGlobalData && this.msgGlobalData.msgFlags && this.msgGlobalData.msgFlags & 4; }; Message.prototype.setReportable = function (flag) { if (this.msgGlobalData && this.msgGlobalData.msgFlags) { if (flag) { this.msgGlobalData.msgFlags = this.msgGlobalData.msgFlags | 4; } else { this.msgGlobalData.msgFlags = this.msgGlobalData.msgFlags & (255 - 4); } } }; Message.prototype.isAuthenticationDisabled = function () { return this.disableAuthentication; }; Message.prototype.hasAuthoritativeEngineID = function () { return this.msgSecurityParameters && this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineID && this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineID != ""; }; Message.prototype.createReportResponseMessage = function (engine, context) { var user = { name: "", level: SecurityLevel.noAuthNoPriv }; var responseSecurityParameters = { msgAuthoritativeEngineID: engine.engineID, msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots: engine.engineBoots, msgAuthoritativeEngineTime: engine.engineTime, msgUserName: user.name, msgAuthenticationParameters: "", msgPrivacyParameters: "" }; var reportPdu = ReportPdu.createFromVariables(this.pdu.id, [], {}); reportPdu.contextName = context; var responseMessage = Message.createRequestV3(user, responseSecurityParameters, reportPdu); responseMessage.msgGlobalData.msgID = this.msgGlobalData.msgID; return responseMessage; }; Message.prototype.createResponseForRequest = function (responsePdu) { if (this.version == Version3) { return this.createV3ResponseFromRequest(responsePdu); } else { return this.createCommunityResponseFromRequest(responsePdu); } }; Message.prototype.createCommunityResponseFromRequest = function (responsePdu) { return Message.createCommunity(this.version, this.community, responsePdu); }; Message.prototype.createV3ResponseFromRequest = function (responsePdu) { var responseUser = { name: this.user.name, level: this.user.name, authProtocol: this.user.authProtocol, authKey: this.user.authKey, privProtocol: this.user.privProtocol, privKey: this.user.privKey }; var responseSecurityParameters = { msgAuthoritativeEngineID: this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineID, msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots: this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots, msgAuthoritativeEngineTime: this.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineTime, msgUserName: this.msgSecurityParameters.msgUserName, msgAuthenticationParameters: "", msgPrivacyParameters: "" }; var responseGlobalData = { msgID: this.msgGlobalData.msgID, msgMaxSize: 65507, msgFlags: this.msgGlobalData.msgFlags & (255 - 4), msgSecurityModel: 3 }; return Message.createV3(responseUser, responseGlobalData, responseSecurityParameters, responsePdu); }; Message.createCommunity = function (version, community, pdu) { var message = new Message(); message.version = version; message.community = community; message.pdu = pdu; return message; }; Message.createRequestV3 = function (user, msgSecurityParameters, pdu) { var authFlag = user.level == SecurityLevel.authNoPriv || user.level == SecurityLevel.authPriv ? 1 : 0; var privFlag = user.level == SecurityLevel.authPriv ? 1 : 0; var reportableFlag = (pdu.type == PduType.GetResponse || pdu.type == PduType.TrapV2) ? 0 : 1; var msgGlobalData = { msgID: _generateId(), // random ID msgMaxSize: 65507, msgFlags: reportableFlag * 4 | privFlag * 2 | authFlag * 1, msgSecurityModel: 3 }; return Message.createV3(user, msgGlobalData, msgSecurityParameters, pdu); }; Message.createV3 = function (user, msgGlobalData, msgSecurityParameters, pdu) { var message = new Message(); message.version = 3; message.user = user; message.msgGlobalData = msgGlobalData; message.msgSecurityParameters = { msgAuthoritativeEngineID: msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineID || Buffer.from(""), msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots: msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots || 0, msgAuthoritativeEngineTime: msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineTime || 0, msgUserName: user.name || "", msgAuthenticationParameters: "", msgPrivacyParameters: "" }; message.pdu = pdu; return message; }; Message.createDiscoveryV3 = function (pdu) { var msgSecurityParameters = { msgAuthoritativeEngineID: Buffer.from(""), msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots: 0, msgAuthoritativeEngineTime: 0 }; var emptyUser = { name: "", level: SecurityLevel.noAuthNoPriv }; return Message.createRequestV3(emptyUser, msgSecurityParameters, pdu); } Message.createFromBuffer = function (buffer, user) { var reader = new ber.Reader(buffer); var message = new Message(); reader.readSequence(); message.version = reader.readInt(); if (message.version != 3) { message.community = reader.readString(); message.pdu = readPdu(reader, false); } else { // HeaderData message.msgGlobalData = {}; reader.readSequence(); message.msgGlobalData.msgID = reader.readInt(); message.msgGlobalData.msgMaxSize = reader.readInt(); message.msgGlobalData.msgFlags = reader.readString(ber.OctetString, true)[0]; message.msgGlobalData.msgSecurityModel = reader.readInt(); // msgSecurityParameters message.msgSecurityParameters = {}; var msgSecurityParametersReader = new ber.Reader(reader.readString(ber.OctetString, true)); msgSecurityParametersReader.readSequence(); message.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineID = msgSecurityParametersReader.readString(ber.OctetString, true); message.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots = msgSecurityParametersReader.readInt(); message.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineTime = msgSecurityParametersReader.readInt(); message.msgSecurityParameters.msgUserName = msgSecurityParametersReader.readString(); message.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthenticationParameters = Buffer.from(msgSecurityParametersReader.readString(ber.OctetString, true)); message.msgSecurityParameters.msgPrivacyParameters = Buffer.from(msgSecurityParametersReader.readString(ber.OctetString, true)); scopedPdu = true; if (message.hasPrivacy()) { message.encryptedPdu = reader.readString(ber.OctetString, true); message.pdu = null; } else { message.pdu = readPdu(reader, true); } } message.buffer = buffer; return message; }; var Req = function (session, message, feedCb, responseCb, options) { this.message = message; this.responseCb = responseCb; this.retries = session.retries; this.timeout = session.timeout; this.onResponse = session.onSimpleGetResponse; this.feedCb = feedCb; this.port = (options && options.port) ? options.port : session.port; this.context = session.context; }; Req.prototype.getId = function () { return this.message.getReqId(); }; /***************************************************************************** ** Session class definition **/ var Session = function (target, authenticator, options) { this.target = target || ""; this.version = (options && options.version) ? options.version : Version1; if (this.version == Version3) { this.user = authenticator; } else { this.community = authenticator || "public"; } this.transport = (options && options.transport) ? options.transport : "udp4"; this.port = (options && options.port) ? options.port : 161; this.trapPort = (options && options.trapPort) ? options.trapPort : 162; this.retries = (options && (options.retries || options.retries == 0)) ? options.retries : 1; this.timeout = (options && options.timeout) ? options.timeout : 5000; this.sourceAddress = (options && options.sourceAddress) ? options.sourceAddress : undefined; this.sourcePort = (options && options.sourcePort) ? parseInt(options.sourcePort) : undefined; this.idBitsSize = (options && options.idBitsSize) ? parseInt(options.idBitsSize) : 32; this.context = (options && options.context) ? options.context : ""; DEBUG = options.debug; this.reqs = {}; this.reqCount = 0; this.dgram = dgram.createSocket(this.transport); this.dgram.unref(); var me = this; this.dgram.on("message", me.onMsg.bind(me)); this.dgram.on("close", me.onClose.bind(me)); this.dgram.on("error", me.onError.bind(me)); if (this.sourceAddress || this.sourcePort) this.dgram.bind(this.sourcePort, this.sourceAddress); }; util.inherits(Session, events.EventEmitter); Session.prototype.close = function () { this.dgram.close(); return this; }; Session.prototype.cancelRequests = function (error) { var id; for (id in this.reqs) { var req = this.reqs[id]; this.unregisterRequest(req.getId()); req.responseCb(error); } }; function _generateId(bitSize) { if (bitSize === 16) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000) % 65535; } return Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000000) % 4294967295; } Session.prototype.get = function (oids, responseCb) { function feedCb(req, message) { var pdu = message.pdu; var varbinds = []; if (req.message.pdu.varbinds.length != pdu.varbinds.length) { req.responseCb(new ResponseInvalidError("Requested OIDs do not " + "match response OIDs")); } else { for (var i = 0; i < req.message.pdu.varbinds.length; i++) { if (req.message.pdu.varbinds[i].oid != pdu.varbinds[i].oid) { req.responseCb(new ResponseInvalidError("OID '" + req.message.pdu.varbinds[i].oid + "' in request at positiion '" + i + "' does not " + "match OID '" + pdu.varbinds[i].oid + "' in response " + "at position '" + i + "'")); return; } else { varbinds.push(pdu.varbinds[i]); } } req.responseCb(null, varbinds); } } var pduVarbinds = []; for (var i = 0; i < oids.length; i++) { var varbind = { oid: oids[i] }; pduVarbinds.push(varbind); } this.simpleGet(GetRequestPdu, feedCb, pduVarbinds, responseCb); return this; }; Session.prototype.getBulk = function () { var oids, nonRepeaters, maxRepetitions, responseCb; if (arguments.length >= 4) { oids = arguments[0]; nonRepeaters = arguments[1]; maxRepetitions = arguments[2]; responseCb = arguments[3]; } else if (arguments.length >= 3) { oids = arguments[0]; nonRepeaters = arguments[1]; maxRepetitions = 10; responseCb = arguments[2]; } else { oids = arguments[0]; nonRepeaters = 0; maxRepetitions = 10; responseCb = arguments[1]; } function feedCb(req, message) { var pdu = message.pdu; var varbinds = []; var i = 0; // first walk through and grab non-repeaters if (pdu.varbinds.length < nonRepeaters) { req.responseCb(new ResponseInvalidError("Varbind count in " + "response '" + pdu.varbinds.length + "' is less than " + "non-repeaters '" + nonRepeaters + "' in request")); } else { for (; i < nonRepeaters; i++) { if (isVarbindError(pdu.varbinds[i])) { varbinds.push(pdu.varbinds[i]); } else if (!oidFollowsOid(req.message.pdu.varbinds[i].oid, pdu.varbinds[i].oid)) { req.responseCb(new ResponseInvalidError("OID '" + req.message.pdu.varbinds[i].oid + "' in request at " + "positiion '" + i + "' does not precede " + "OID '" + pdu.varbinds[i].oid + "' in response " + "at position '" + i + "'")); return; } else { varbinds.push(pdu.varbinds[i]); } } } var repeaters = req.message.pdu.varbinds.length - nonRepeaters; // secondly walk through and grab repeaters if (pdu.varbinds.length % (repeaters)) { req.responseCb(new ResponseInvalidError("Varbind count in " + "response '" + pdu.varbinds.length + "' is not a " + "multiple of repeaters '" + repeaters + "' plus non-repeaters '" + nonRepeaters + "' in request")); } else { while (i < pdu.varbinds.length) { for (var j = 0; j < repeaters; j++, i++) { var reqIndex = nonRepeaters + j; var respIndex = i; if (isVarbindError(pdu.varbinds[respIndex])) { if (!varbinds[reqIndex]) varbinds[reqIndex] = []; varbinds[reqIndex].push(pdu.varbinds[respIndex]); } else if (!oidFollowsOid( req.message.pdu.varbinds[reqIndex].oid, pdu.varbinds[respIndex].oid)) { req.responseCb(new ResponseInvalidError("OID '" + req.message.pdu.varbinds[reqIndex].oid + "' in request at positiion '" + (reqIndex) + "' does not precede OID '" + pdu.varbinds[respIndex].oid + "' in response at position '" + (respIndex) + "'")); return; } else { if (!varbinds[reqIndex]) varbinds[reqIndex] = []; varbinds[reqIndex].push(pdu.varbinds[respIndex]); } } } } req.responseCb(null, varbinds); } var pduVarbinds = []; for (var i = 0; i < oids.length; i++) { var varbind = { oid: oids[i] }; pduVarbinds.push(varbind); } var options = { nonRepeaters: nonRepeaters, maxRepetitions: maxRepetitions }; this.simpleGet(GetBulkRequestPdu, feedCb, pduVarbinds, responseCb, options); return this; }; Session.prototype.getNext = function (oids, responseCb) { function feedCb(req, message) { var pdu = message.pdu; var varbinds = []; if (req.message.pdu.varbinds.length != pdu.varbinds.length) { req.responseCb(new ResponseInvalidError("Requested OIDs do not " + "match response OIDs")); } else { for (var i = 0; i < req.message.pdu.varbinds.length; i++) { if (isVarbindError(pdu.varbinds[i])) { varbinds.push(pdu.varbinds[i]); } else if (!oidFollowsOid(req.message.pdu.varbinds[i].oid, pdu.varbinds[i].oid)) { req.responseCb(new ResponseInvalidError("OID '" + req.message.pdu.varbinds[i].oid + "' in request at " + "positiion '" + i + "' does not precede " + "OID '" + pdu.varbinds[i].oid + "' in response " + "at position '" + i + "'")); return; } else { varbinds.push(pdu.varbinds[i]); } } req.responseCb(null, varbinds); } } var pduVarbinds = []; for (var i = 0; i < oids.length; i++) { var varbind = { oid: oids[i] }; pduVarbinds.push(varbind); } this.simpleGet(GetNextRequestPdu, feedCb, pduVarbinds, responseCb); return this; }; Session.prototype.inform = function () { var typeOrOid = arguments[0]; var varbinds, options = {}, responseCb; /** ** Support the following signatures: ** ** typeOrOid, varbinds, options, callback ** typeOrOid, varbinds, callback ** typeOrOid, options, callback ** typeOrOid, callback **/ if (arguments.length >= 4) { varbinds = arguments[1]; options = arguments[2]; responseCb = arguments[3]; } else if (arguments.length >= 3) { if (arguments[1].constructor != Array) { varbinds = []; options = arguments[1]; responseCb = arguments[2]; } else { varbinds = arguments[1]; responseCb = arguments[2]; } } else { varbinds = []; responseCb = arguments[1]; } if (this.version == Version1) { responseCb(new RequestInvalidError("Inform not allowed for SNMPv1")); return; } function feedCb(req, message) { var pdu = message.pdu; var varbinds = []; if (req.message.pdu.varbinds.length != pdu.varbinds.length) { req.responseCb(new ResponseInvalidError("Inform OIDs do not " + "match response OIDs")); } else { for (var i = 0; i < req.message.pdu.varbinds.length; i++) { if (req.message.pdu.varbinds[i].oid != pdu.varbinds[i].oid) { req.responseCb(new ResponseInvalidError("OID '" + req.message.pdu.varbinds[i].oid + "' in inform at positiion '" + i + "' does not " + "match OID '" + pdu.varbinds[i].oid + "' in response " + "at position '" + i + "'")); return; } else { varbinds.push(pdu.varbinds[i]); } } req.responseCb(null, varbinds); } } if (typeof typeOrOid != "string") typeOrOid = "" + (typeOrOid + 1); var pduVarbinds = [ { oid: "", type: ObjectType.TimeTicks, value: options.upTime || Math.floor(process.uptime() * 100) }, { oid: "", type: ObjectType.OID, value: typeOrOid } ]; for (var i = 0; i < varbinds.length; i++) { var varbind = { oid: varbinds[i].oid, type: varbinds[i].type, value: varbinds[i].value }; pduVarbinds.push(varbind); } options.port = this.trapPort; this.simpleGet(InformRequestPdu, feedCb, pduVarbinds, responseCb, options); return this; }; Session.prototype.onClose = function () { this.cancelRequests(new Error("Socket forcibly closed")); this.emit("close"); }; Session.prototype.onError = function (error) { this.emit(error); }; Session.prototype.onMsg = function (buffer) { try { var message = Message.createFromBuffer(buffer); var req = this.unregisterRequest(message.getReqId()); if (!req) return; if (!message.processIncomingSecurity(this.user, req.responseCb)) return; try { if (message.version != req.message.version) { req.responseCb(new ResponseInvalidError("Version in request '" + req.message.version + "' does not match version in " + "response '" + message.version + "'")); } else if (message.community != req.message.community) { req.responseCb(new ResponseInvalidError("Community '" + req.message.community + "' in request does not match " + "community '" + message.community + "' in response")); } else if (message.pdu.type == PduType.GetResponse) { req.onResponse(req, message); } else if (message.pdu.type == PduType.Report) { if (!req.originalPdu) { req.responseCb(new ResponseInvalidError("Unexpected Report PDU")); return; } this.msgSecurityParameters = { msgAuthoritativeEngineID: message.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineID, msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots: message.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots, msgAuthoritativeEngineTime: message.msgSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineTime }; req.originalPdu.contextName = this.context; this.sendV3Req(req.originalPdu, req.feedCb, req.responseCb, req.options, req.port); } else { req.responseCb(new ResponseInvalidError("Unknown PDU type '" + message.pdu.type + "' in response")); } } catch (error) { req.responseCb(error); } } catch (error) { this.emit("error", error); } }; Session.prototype.onSimpleGetResponse = function (req, message) { var pdu = message.pdu; if (pdu.errorStatus > 0) { var statusString = ErrorStatus[pdu.errorStatus] || ErrorStatus.GeneralError; var statusCode = ErrorStatus[statusString] || ErrorStatus[ErrorStatus.GeneralError]; if (pdu.errorIndex <= 0 || pdu.errorIndex > pdu.varbinds.length) { req.responseCb(new RequestFailedError(statusString, statusCode)); } else { var oid = pdu.varbinds[pdu.errorIndex - 1].oid; var error = new RequestFailedError(statusString + ": " + oid, statusCode); req.responseCb(error); } } else { req.feedCb(req, message); } }; Session.prototype.registerRequest = function (req) { if (!this.reqs[req.getId()]) { this.reqs[req.getId()] = req; if (this.reqCount <= 0) this.dgram.ref(); this.reqCount++; } var me = this; req.timer = setTimeout(function () { if (req.retries-- > 0) { me.send(req); } else { me.unregisterRequest(req.getId()); req.responseCb(new RequestTimedOutError( "Request timed out")); } }, req.timeout); }; Session.prototype.send = function (req, noWait) { try { var me = this; var buffer = req.message.toBuffer(); this.dgram.send(buffer, 0, buffer.length, req.port, this.target, function (error, bytes) { if (error) { req.responseCb(error); } else { if (noWait) { req.responseCb(null); } else { me.registerRequest(req); } } }); } catch (error) { req.responseCb(error); } return this; }; Session.prototype.set = function (varbinds, responseCb) { function feedCb(req, message) { var pdu = message.pdu; var varbinds = []; if (req.message.pdu.varbinds.length != pdu.varbinds.length) { req.responseCb(new ResponseInvalidError("Requested OIDs do not " + "match response OIDs")); } else { for (var i = 0; i < req.message.pdu.varbinds.length; i++) { if (req.message.pdu.varbinds[i].oid != pdu.varbinds[i].oid) { req.responseCb(new ResponseInvalidError("OID '" + req.message.pdu.varbinds[i].oid + "' in request at positiion '" + i + "' does not " + "match OID '" + pdu.varbinds[i].oid + "' in response " + "at position '" + i + "'")); return; } else { varbinds.push(pdu.varbinds[i]); } } req.responseCb(null, varbinds); } } var pduVarbinds = []; for (var i = 0; i < varbinds.length; i++) { var varbind = { oid: varbinds[i].oid, type: varbinds[i].type, value: varbinds[i].value }; pduVarbinds.push(varbind); } this.simpleGet(SetRequestPdu, feedCb, pduVarbinds, responseCb); return this; }; Session.prototype.simpleGet = function (pduClass, feedCb, varbinds, responseCb, options) { try { var id = _generateId(this.idBitsSize); var pdu = SimplePdu.createFromVariables(pduClass, id, varbinds, options); var message; var req; if (this.version == Version3) { if (this.msgSecurityParameters) { this.sendV3Req(pdu, feedCb, responseCb, options, this.port); } else { // SNMPv3 discovery var discoveryPdu = createDiscoveryPdu(this.context); var discoveryMessage = Message.createDiscoveryV3(discoveryPdu); var discoveryReq = new Req(this, discoveryMessage, feedCb, responseCb, options); discoveryReq.originalPdu = pdu; this.send(discoveryReq); } } else { message = Message.createCommunity(this.version, this.community, pdu); req = new Req(this, message, feedCb, responseCb, options); this.send(req); } } catch (error) { if (responseCb) responseCb(error); } } function subtreeCb(req, varbinds) { var done = 0; for (var i = varbinds.length; i > 0; i--) { if (!oidInSubtree(req.baseOid, varbinds[i - 1].oid)) { done = 1; varbinds.pop(); } } if (varbinds.length > 0) req.feedCb(varbinds); if (done) return true; } Session.prototype.subtree = function () { var me = this; var oid = arguments[0]; var maxRepetitions, feedCb, doneCb; if (arguments.length < 4) { maxRepetitions = 20; feedCb = arguments[1]; doneCb = arguments[2]; } else { maxRepetitions = arguments[1]; feedCb = arguments[2]; doneCb = arguments[3]; } var req = { feedCb: feedCb, doneCb: doneCb, maxRepetitions: maxRepetitions, baseOid: oid }; this.walk(oid, maxRepetitions, subtreeCb.bind(me, req), doneCb); return this; }; function tableColumnsResponseCb(req, error) { if (error) { req.responseCb(error); } else if (req.error) { req.responseCb(req.error); } else { if (req.columns.length > 0) { var column = req.columns.pop(); var me = this; this.subtree(req.rowOid + column, req.maxRepetitions, tableColumnsFeedCb.bind(me, req), tableColumnsResponseCb.bind(me, req)); } else { req.responseCb(null, req.table); } } } function tableColumnsFeedCb(req, varbinds) { for (var i = 0; i < varbinds.length; i++) { if (isVarbindError(varbinds[i])) { req.error = new RequestFailedError(varbindError(varbind[i])); return true; } var oid = varbinds[i].oid.replace(req.rowOid, ""); if (oid && oid != varbinds[i].oid) { var match = oid.match(/^(\d+)\.(.+)$/); if (match && match[1] > 0) { if (!req.table[match[2]]) req.table[match[2]] = {}; req.table[match[2]][match[1]] = varbinds[i].value; } } } } Session.prototype.tableColumns = function () { var me = this; var oid = arguments[0]; var columns = arguments[1]; var maxRepetitions, responseCb; if (arguments.length < 4) { responseCb = arguments[2]; maxRepetitions = 20; } else { maxRepetitions = arguments[2]; responseCb = arguments[3]; } var req = { responseCb: responseCb, maxRepetitions: maxRepetitions, baseOid: oid, rowOid: oid + ".1.", columns: columns.slice(0), table: {} }; if (req.columns.length > 0) { var column = req.columns.pop(); this.subtree(req.rowOid + column, maxRepetitions, tableColumnsFeedCb.bind(me, req), tableColumnsResponseCb.bind(me, req)); } return this; }; function tableResponseCb(req, error) { if (error) req.responseCb(error); else if (req.error) req.responseCb(req.error); else req.responseCb(null, req.table); } function tableFeedCb(req, varbinds) { for (var i = 0; i < varbinds.length; i++) { if (isVarbindError(varbinds[i])) { req.error = new RequestFailedError(varbindError(varbind[i])); return true; } var oid = varbinds[i].oid.replace(req.rowOid, ""); if (oid && oid != varbinds[i].oid) { var match = oid.match(/^(\d+)\.(.+)$/); if (match && match[1] > 0) { if (!req.table[match[2]]) req.table[match[2]] = {}; req.table[match[2]][match[1]] = varbinds[i].value; } } } } Session.prototype.table = function () { var me = this; var oid = arguments[0]; var maxRepetitions, responseCb; if (arguments.length < 3) { responseCb = arguments[1]; maxRepetitions = 20; } else { maxRepetitions = arguments[1]; responseCb = arguments[2]; } var req = { responseCb: responseCb, maxRepetitions: maxRepetitions, baseOid: oid, rowOid: oid + ".1.", table: {} }; this.subtree(oid, maxRepetitions, tableFeedCb.bind(me, req), tableResponseCb.bind(me, req)); return this; }; Session.prototype.trap = function () { var req = {}; try { var typeOrOid = arguments[0]; var varbinds, options = {}, responseCb; var message; /** ** Support the following signatures: ** ** typeOrOid, varbinds, options, callback ** typeOrOid, varbinds, agentAddr, callback ** typeOrOid, varbinds, callback ** typeOrOid, agentAddr, callback ** typeOrOid, options, callback ** typeOrOid, callback **/ if (arguments.length >= 4) { varbinds = arguments[1]; if (typeof arguments[2] == "string") { options.agentAddr = arguments[2]; } else if (arguments[2].constructor != Array) { options = arguments[2]; } responseCb = arguments[3]; } else if (arguments.length >= 3) { if (typeof arguments[1] == "string") { varbinds = []; options.agentAddr = arguments[1]; } else if (arguments[1].constructor != Array) { varbinds = []; options = arguments[1]; } else { varbinds = arguments[1]; agentAddr = null; } responseCb = arguments[2]; } else { varbinds = []; responseCb = arguments[1]; } var pdu, pduVarbinds = []; for (var i = 0; i < varbinds.length; i++) { var varbind = { oid: varbinds[i].oid, type: varbinds[i].type, value: varbinds[i].value }; pduVarbinds.push(varbind); } var id = _generateId(this.idBitsSize); if (this.version == Version2c || this.version == Version3) { if (typeof typeOrOid != "string") typeOrOid = "" + (typeOrOid + 1); pduVarbinds.unshift( { oid: "", type: ObjectType.TimeTicks, value: options.upTime || Math.floor(process.uptime() * 100) }, { oid: "", type: ObjectType.OID, value: typeOrOid } ); pdu = TrapV2Pdu.createFromVariables(id, pduVarbinds, options); } else { pdu = TrapPdu.createFromVariables(typeOrOid, pduVarbinds, options); } if (this.version == Version3) { var msgSecurityParameters = { msgAuthoritativeEngineID: this.user.engineID, msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots: 0, msgAuthoritativeEngineTime: 0 }; message = Message.createRequestV3(this.user, msgSecurityParameters, pdu); } else { message = Message.createCommunity(this.version, this.community, pdu); } req = { id: id, message: message, responseCb: responseCb, port: this.trapPort }; this.send(req, true); } catch (error) { if (req.responseCb) req.responseCb(error); } return this; }; Session.prototype.unregisterRequest = function (id) { var req = this.reqs[id]; if (req) { delete this.reqs[id]; clearTimeout(req.timer); delete req.timer; this.reqCount--; if (this.reqCount <= 0) this.dgram.unref(); return req; } else { return null; } }; function walkCb(req, error, varbinds) { var done = 0; var oid; if (error) { if (error instanceof RequestFailedError) { if (error.status != ErrorStatus.NoSuchName) { req.doneCb(error); return; } else { // signal the version 1 walk code below that it should stop done = 1; } } else { req.doneCb(error); return; } } if (this.version == Version2c || this.version == Version3) { for (var i = varbinds[0].length; i > 0; i--) { if (varbinds[0][i - 1].type == ObjectType.EndOfMibView) { varbinds[0].pop(); done = 1; } } if (req.feedCb(varbinds[0])) done = 1; if (!done) oid = varbinds[0][varbinds[0].length - 1].oid; } else { if (!done) { if (req.feedCb(varbinds)) { done = 1; } else { oid = varbinds[0].oid; } } } if (done) req.doneCb(null); else this.walk(oid, req.maxRepetitions, req.feedCb, req.doneCb, req.baseOid); } Session.prototype.walk = function () { var me = this; var oid = arguments[0]; var maxRepetitions, feedCb, doneCb, baseOid; if (arguments.length < 4) { maxRepetitions = 20; feedCb = arguments[1]; doneCb = arguments[2]; } else { maxRepetitions = arguments[1]; feedCb = arguments[2]; doneCb = arguments[3]; } var req = { maxRepetitions: maxRepetitions, feedCb: feedCb, doneCb: doneCb }; if (this.version == Version2c || this.version == Version3) this.getBulk([oid], 0, maxRepetitions, walkCb.bind(me, req)); else this.getNext([oid], walkCb.bind(me, req)); return this; }; Session.prototype.sendV3Req = function (pdu, feedCb, responseCb, options, port) { var message = Message.createRequestV3(this.user, this.msgSecurityParameters, pdu); var reqOptions = options || {}; var req = new Req(this, message, feedCb, responseCb, reqOptions); req.port = port; this.send(req); }; var Engine = function (engineID, engineBoots, engineTime) { if (engineID) { this.engineID = Buffer.from(engineID, 'hex'); } else { this.generateEngineID(); } this.engineBoots = 0; this.engineTime = 10; }; Engine.prototype.generateEngineID = function () { // generate a 17-byte engine ID in the following format: // 0x80 + 0x00B983 (enterprise OID) | 0x80 (enterprise-specific format) | 12 bytes of random this.engineID = Buffer.alloc(17); this.engineID.fill('8000B98380', 'hex', 0, 5); this.engineID.fill(crypto.randomBytes(12), 5, 17, 'hex'); } var Listener = function (options, receiver) { this.receiver = receiver; this.callback = receiver.onMsg; this.family = options.transport || 'udp4'; this.port = options.port || 161; this.disableAuthorization = options.disableAuthorization || false; }; Listener.prototype.startListening = function (receiver) { var me = this; this.dgram = dgram.createSocket(this.family); this.dgram.bind(this.port); this.dgram.on("message", me.callback.bind(me.receiver)); }; Listener.prototype.send = function (message, rinfo) { var me = this; var buffer = message.toBuffer(); this.dgram.send(buffer, 0, buffer.length, rinfo.port, rinfo.address, function (error, bytes) { if (error) { // me.callback (error); console.error("Error sending: " + error.message); } else { // debug ("Listener sent response message"); } }); }; Listener.formatCallbackData = function (pdu, rinfo) { if (pdu.contextEngineID) { pdu.contextEngineID = pdu.contextEngineID.toString('hex'); } delete pdu.nonRepeaters; delete pdu.maxRepetitions; return { pdu: pdu, rinfo: rinfo }; }; Listener.processIncoming = function (buffer, authorizer, callback) { var message = Message.createFromBuffer(buffer); var community; // Authorization if (message.version == Version3) { message.user = authorizer.users.filter(localUser => localUser.name == message.msgSecurityParameters.msgUserName)[0]; message.disableAuthentication = authorizer.disableAuthorization; if (!message.user) { if (message.msgSecurityParameters.msgUserName != "" && !authorizer.disableAuthorization) { callback(new RequestFailedError("Local user not found for message with user " + message.msgSecurityParameters.msgUserName)); return; } else if (message.hasAuthentication()) { callback(new RequestFailedError("Local user not found and message requires authentication with user " + message.msgSecurityParameters.msgUserName)); return; } else { message.user = { name: "", level: SecurityLevel.noAuthNoPriv }; } } if (!message.processIncomingSecurity(message.user, callback)) { return; } } else { community = authorizer.communities.filter(localCommunity => localCommunity == message.community)[0]; if (!community && !authorizer.disableAuthorization) { callback(new RequestFailedError("Local community not found for message with community " + message.community)); return; } } return message; }; var Authorizer = function () { this.communities = []; this.users = []; } Authorizer.prototype.addCommunity = function (community) { if (this.getCommunity(community)) { return; } else { this.communities.push(community); } }; Authorizer.prototype.getCommunity = function (community) { return this.communities.filter(localCommunity => localCommunity == community)[0] || null; }; Authorizer.prototype.getCommunities = function () { return this.communities; }; Authorizer.prototype.deleteCommunity = function (community) { var index = this.communities.indexOf(community); if (index > -1) { this.communities.splice(index, 1); } }; Authorizer.prototype.addUser = function (user) { if (this.getUser(user.name)) { this.deleteUser(user.name); } this.users.push(user); }; Authorizer.prototype.getUser = function (userName) { return this.users.filter(localUser => localUser.name == userName)[0] || null; }; Authorizer.prototype.getUsers = function () { return this.users; }; Authorizer.prototype.deleteUser = function (userName) { var index = this.users.findIndex(localUser => localUser.name == userName); if (index > -1) { this.users.splice(index, 1); } }; /***************************************************************************** ** Receiver class definition **/ var Receiver = function (options, callback) { DEBUG = options.debug; this.listener = new Listener(options, this); this.authorizer = new Authorizer(); this.engine = new Engine(options.engineID); this.engineBoots = 0; this.engineTime = 10; this.disableAuthorization = false; this.callback = callback; this.family = options.transport || 'udp4'; this.port = options.port || 162; options.port = this.port; this.disableAuthorization = options.disableAuthorization || false; this.context = (options && options.context) ? options.context : ""; this.listener = new Listener(options, this); }; Receiver.prototype.addCommunity = function (community) { this.authorizer.addCommunity(community); }; Receiver.prototype.getCommunity = function (community) { return this.authorizer.getCommunity(community); }; Receiver.prototype.getCommunities = function () { return this.authorizer.getCommunities(); }; Receiver.prototype.deleteCommunity = function (community) { this.authorizer.deleteCommunities(community); }; Receiver.prototype.addUser = function (user) { this.authorizer.addUser(user); }; Receiver.prototype.getUser = function (userName) { return this.authorizer.getUser(userName); }; Receiver.prototype.getUsers = function () { return this.authorizer.getUsers(); }; Receiver.prototype.deleteUser = function (userName) { this.authorizer.deleteUser(userName); }; Receiver.prototype.onMsg = function (buffer, rinfo) { var message = Listener.processIncoming(buffer, this.authorizer, this.callback); var reportMessage; if (!message) { return; } // The only GetRequest PDUs supported are those used for SNMPv3 discovery if (message.pdu.type == PduType.GetRequest) { if (message.version != Version3) { this.callback(new RequestInvalidError("Only SNMPv3 discovery GetRequests are supported")); return; } else if (message.hasAuthentication()) { this.callback(new RequestInvalidError("Only discovery (noAuthNoPriv) GetRequests are supported but this message has authentication")); return; } else if (!message.isReportable()) { this.callback(new RequestInvalidError("Only discovery GetRequests are supported and this message does not have the reportable flag set")); return; } var reportMessage = message.createReportResponseMessage(this.engine, this.context); this.listener.send(reportMessage, rinfo); return; } ; // Inform/trap processing debug(JSON.stringify(message.pdu, null, 2)); if (message.pdu.type == PduType.Trap || message.pdu.type == PduType.TrapV2) { this.callback(null, this.formatCallbackData(message.pdu, rinfo)); } else if (message.pdu.type == PduType.InformRequest) { message.pdu.type = PduType.GetResponse; message.buffer = null; message.setReportable(false); this.listener.send(message, rinfo); message.pdu.type = PduType.InformRequest; this.callback(null, this.formatCallbackData(message.pdu, rinfo)); } else { this.callback(new RequestInvalidError("Unexpected PDU type " + message.pdu.type + " (" + PduType[message.pdu.type] + ")")); } } Receiver.prototype.formatCallbackData = function (pdu, rinfo) { if (pdu.contextEngineID) { pdu.contextEngineID = pdu.contextEngineID.toString('hex'); } delete pdu.nonRepeaters; delete pdu.maxRepetitions; return { pdu: pdu, rinfo: rinfo }; }; Receiver.prototype.close = function () { this.listener.close(); }; Receiver.create = function (options, callback) { var receiver = new Receiver(options, callback); receiver.listener.startListening(); return receiver; }; var MibNode = function (address, parent) { this.address = address; this.oid = this.address.join('.'); ; this.parent = parent; this.children = {}; }; MibNode.prototype.child = function (index) { return this.children[index]; }; MibNode.prototype.listChildren = function (lowest) { var sorted = []; lowest = lowest || 0; this.children.forEach(function (c, i) { if (i >= lowest) sorted.push(i); }); sorted.sort(function (a, b) { return (a - b); }); return sorted; }; MibNode.prototype.isDescendant = function (address) { return MibNode.oidIsDescended(this.address, address); }; MibNode.prototype.isAncestor = function (address) { return MibNode.oidIsDescended(address, this.address); }; MibNode.prototype.getAncestorProvider = function () { if (this.provider) { return this; } else if (!this.parent) { return null; } else { return this.parent.getAncestorProvider(); } }; MibNode.prototype.getInstanceNodeForTableRow = function () { var childCount = Object.keys(this.children).length; if (childCount == 0) { if (this.value) { return this; } else { return null; } } else if (childCount == 1) { return this.children[0].getInstanceNodeForTableRow(); } else if (childCount > 1) { return null; } }; MibNode.prototype.getInstanceNodeForTableRowIndex = function (index) { var childCount = Object.keys(this.children).length; if (childCount == 0) { if (this.value) { return this; } else { // not found return null; } } else { if (index.length == 0) { return this.getInstanceNodeForTableRow(); } else { var nextChildIndexPart = index[0]; if (!nextChildIndexPart) { return null; } remainingIndex = index.slice(1); return this.children[nextChildIndexPart].getInstanceNodeForTableRowIndex(remainingIndex); } } }; MibNode.prototype.getNextInstanceNode = function () { node = this; if (this.value) { // Need upwards traversal first node = this; while (node) { siblingIndex = node.address.slice(-1)[0]; node = node.parent; if (!node) { // end of MIB return null; } else { childrenAddresses = Object.keys(node.children).sort((a, b) => a - b); siblingPosition = childrenAddresses.indexOf(siblingIndex.toString()); if (siblingPosition + 1 < childrenAddresses.length) { node = node.children[childrenAddresses[siblingPosition + 1]]; break; } } } } // Descent while (node) { if (node.value) { return node; } childrenAddresses = Object.keys(node.children).sort((a, b) => a - b); node = node.children[childrenAddresses[0]]; if (!node) { // unexpected return null; } } }; MibNode.prototype.delete = function () { if (Object.keys(this.children) > 0) { throw new Error("Cannot delete non-leaf MIB node"); } addressLastPart = this.address.slice(-1)[0]; delete this.parent.children[addressLastPart]; this.parent = null; }; MibNode.prototype.pruneUpwards = function () { if (!this.parent) { return } if (Object.keys(this.children).length == 0) { var lastAddressPart = this.address.splice(-1)[0].toString(); delete this.parent.children[lastAddressPart]; this.parent.pruneUpwards(); this.parent = null; } } MibNode.prototype.dump = function (options) { var valueString; if ((!options.leavesOnly || options.showProviders) && this.provider) { console.log(this.oid + " [" + MibProviderType[this.provider.type] + ": " + this.provider.name + "]"); } else if ((!options.leavesOnly) || Object.keys(this.children).length == 0) { if (this.value) { valueString = " = "; valueString += options.showTypes ? ObjectType[this.valueType] + ": " : ""; valueString += options.showValues ? this.value : ""; } else { valueString = ""; } console.log(this.oid + valueString); } for (node of Object.keys(this.children).sort((a, b) => a - b)) { this.children[node].dump(options); } }; MibNode.oidIsDescended = function (oid, ancestor) { var ancestorAddress = Mib.convertOidToAddress(ancestor); var address = Mib.convertOidToAddress(oid); var isAncestor = true; if (address.length <= ancestorAddress.length) { return false; } ancestorAddress.forEach(function (o, i) { if (address[i] !== ancestorAddress[i]) { isAncestor = false; } }); return isAncestor; }; var Mib = function () { this.root = new MibNode([], null); this.providers = {}; this.providerNodes = {}; }; Mib.prototype.addNodesForOid = function (oidString) { var address = Mib.convertOidToAddress(oidString); return this.addNodesForAddress(address); }; Mib.prototype.addNodesForAddress = function (address) { var address; var node; var i; node = this.root; for (i = 0; i < address.length; i++) { if (!node.children.hasOwnProperty(address[i])) { node.children[address[i]] = new MibNode(address.slice(0, i + 1), node); } node = node.children[address[i]]; } return node; }; Mib.prototype.lookup = function (oid) { var address; var i; var node; address = Mib.convertOidToAddress(oid); node = this.root; for (i = 0; i < address.length; i++) { if (!node.children.hasOwnProperty(address[i])) { return null } node = node.children[address[i]]; } return node; }; Mib.prototype.getProviderNodeForInstance = function (instanceNode) { if (instanceNode.provider) { throw new ReferenceError("Instance node has provider which should never happen"); } return instanceNode.getAncestorProvider(); }; Mib.prototype.addProviderToNode = function (provider) { var node = this.addNodesForOid(provider.oid); node.provider = provider; if (provider.type == MibProviderType.Table) { if (!provider.index) { provider.index = [1]; } } this.providerNodes[provider.name] = node; return node; }; Mib.prototype.registerProvider = function (provider) { this.providers[provider.name] = provider; }; Mib.prototype.unregisterProvider = function (name) { var providerNode = this.providerNodes[name]; if (providerNode) { providerNodeParent = providerNode.parent; providerNode.delete(); providerNodeParent.pruneUpwards(); delete this.providerNodes[name]; } delete this.providers[name]; }; Mib.prototype.getProvider = function (name) { return this.providers[name]; }; Mib.prototype.getProviders = function () { return this.providers; }; Mib.prototype.getScalarValue = function (scalarName) { var providerNode = this.providerNodes[scalarName]; if (!providerNode || !providerNode.provider || providerNode.provider.type != MibProviderType.Scalar) { throw new ReferenceError("Failed to get node for registered MIB provider " + scalarName); } var instanceAddress = providerNode.address.concat([0]); if (!this.lookup(instanceAddress)) { throw new Error("Failed created instance node for registered MIB provider " + scalarName); } var instanceNode = this.lookup(instanceAddress); return instanceNode.value; }; Mib.prototype.setScalarValue = function (scalarName, newValue) { var providerNode; var instanceNode; if (!this.providers[scalarName]) { throw new ReferenceError("Provider " + scalarName + " not registered with this MIB"); } providerNode = this.providerNodes[scalarName]; if (!providerNode) { providerNode = this.addProviderToNode(this.providers[scalarName]); } if (!providerNode || !providerNode.provider || providerNode.provider.type != MibProviderType.Scalar) { throw new ReferenceError("Could not find MIB node for registered provider " + scalarName); } var instanceAddress = providerNode.address.concat([0]); instanceNode = this.lookup(instanceAddress); if (!instanceNode) { this.addNodesForAddress(instanceAddress); instanceNode = this.lookup(instanceAddress); instanceNode.valueType = providerNode.provider.scalarType; } instanceNode.value = newValue; }; Mib.prototype.getProviderNodeForTable = function (table) { var providerNode; var provider; providerNode = this.providerNodes[table]; if (!providerNode) { throw new ReferenceError("No MIB provider registered for " + table); } provider = providerNode.provider; if (!providerNode) { throw new ReferenceError("No MIB provider definition for registered provider " + table); } if (provider.type != MibProviderType.Table) { throw new TypeError("Registered MIB provider " + table + " is not of the correct type (is type " + MibProviderType[provider.type] + ")"); } return providerNode; }; Mib.prototype.addTableRow = function (table, row) { var providerNode; var provider; var instance = []; var instanceAddress; var instanceNode; if (this.providers[table] && !this.providerNodes[table]) { this.addProviderToNode(this.providers[table]); } providerNode = this.getProviderNodeForTable(table); provider = providerNode.provider; for (var indexPart of provider.index) { columnPosition = provider.columns.findIndex(column => column.number == indexPart); instance.push(row[columnPosition]); } for (var i = 0; i < providerNode.provider.columns.length; i++) { var column = providerNode.provider.columns[i]; instanceAddress = providerNode.address.concat(column.number).concat(instance); this.addNodesForAddress(instanceAddress); instanceNode = this.lookup(instanceAddress); instanceNode.valueType = column.type; instanceNode.value = row[i]; } }; Mib.prototype.getTableColumnDefinitions = function (table) { var providerNode; var provider; providerNode = this.getProviderNodeForTable(table); provider = providerNode.provider; return provider.columns; }; Mib.prototype.getTableColumnCells = function (table, columnNumber) { providerNode = this.getProviderNodeForTable(table); columnNode = providerNode.children[columnNumber]; column = [] for (var row of Object.keys(columnNode.children)) { instanceNode = columnNode.children[row].getInstanceNodeForTableRow(); column.push(instanceNode.value); } return column; }; Mib.prototype.getTableRowCells = function (table, rowIndex) { var providerNode; var columnNode; var instanceNode; var row = []; providerNode = this.getProviderNodeForTable(table); for (var columnNumber of Object.keys(providerNode.children)) { columnNode = providerNode.children[columnNumber]; instanceNode = columnNode.getInstanceNodeForTableRowIndex(rowIndex); row.push(instanceNode.value); } return row; }; Mib.prototype.getTableCells = function (table, byRows) { var providerNode; var columnNode; var data = []; providerNode = this.getProviderNodeForTable(table); for (var columnNumber of Object.keys(providerNode.children)) { columnNode = providerNode.children[columnNumber]; column = []; data.push(column); for (var row of Object.keys(columnNode.children)) { instanceNode = columnNode.children[row].getInstanceNodeForTableRow(); column.push(instanceNode.value); } } if (byRows) { return Object.keys(data[0]).map(function (c) { return data.map(function (r) { return r[c]; }); }); } else { return data; } }; Mib.prototype.getTableSingleCell = function (table, columnNumber, rowIndex) { var providerNode; var columnNode; var instanceNode; providerNode = this.getProviderNodeForTable(table); columnNode = providerNode.children[columnNumber]; instanceNode = columnNode.getInstanceNodeForTableRowIndex(rowIndex); return instanceNode.value; }; Mib.prototype.setTableSingleCell = function (table, columnNumber, rowIndex, value) { var providerNode; var columnNode; var instanceNode; providerNode = this.getProviderNodeForTable(table); columnNode = providerNode.children[columnNumber]; instanceNode = columnNode.getInstanceNodeForTableRowIndex(rowIndex); instanceNode.value = value; }; Mib.prototype.deleteTableRow = function (table, rowIndex) { var providerNode; var columnNode; var instanceNode; var row = []; providerNode = this.getProviderNodeForTable(table); for (var columnNumber of Object.keys(providerNode.children)) { columnNode = providerNode.children[columnNumber]; instanceNode = columnNode.getInstanceNodeForTableRowIndex(rowIndex); if (instanceNode) { instanceParentNode = instanceNode.parent; instanceNode.delete(); instanceParentNode.pruneUpwards(); } else { throw new ReferenceError("Cannot find row for index " + rowIndex + " at registered provider " + table); } } return row; }; Mib.prototype.dump = function (options) { if (!options) { options = {}; } var completedOptions = { leavesOnly: options.leavesOnly || true, showProviders: options.leavesOnly || true, showValues: options.leavesOnly || true, showTypes: options.leavesOnly || true }; this.root.dump(completedOptions); }; Mib.convertOidToAddress = function (oid) { var address; var oidArray; var i; if (typeof (oid) === 'object' && util.isArray(oid)) { address = oid; } else if (typeof (oid) === 'string') { address = oid.split('.'); } else { throw new TypeError('oid (string or array) is required'); } if (address.length < 3) throw new RangeError('object identifier is too short'); oidArray = []; for (i = 0; i < address.length; i++) { var n; if (address[i] === '') continue; if (address[i] === true || address[i] === false) { throw new TypeError('object identifier component ' + address[i] + ' is malformed'); } n = Number(address[i]); if (isNaN(n)) { throw new TypeError('object identifier component ' + address[i] + ' is malformed'); } if (n % 1 !== 0) { throw new TypeError('object identifier component ' + address[i] + ' is not an integer'); } if (i === 0 && n > 2) { throw new RangeError('object identifier does not ' + 'begin with 0, 1, or 2'); } if (i === 1 && n > 39) { throw new RangeError('object identifier second ' + 'component ' + n + ' exceeds encoding limit of 39'); } if (n < 0) { throw new RangeError('object identifier component ' + address[i] + ' is negative'); } if (n > MAX_INT32) { throw new RangeError('object identifier component ' + address[i] + ' is too large'); } oidArray.push(n); } return oidArray; }; var MibRequest = function (requestDefinition) { this.operation = requestDefinition.operation; this.address = Mib.convertOidToAddress(requestDefinition.oid); this.oid = this.address.join('.'); this.providerNode = requestDefinition.providerNode; this.instanceNode = requestDefinition.instanceNode; }; MibRequest.prototype.isScalar = function () { return this.providerNode && this.providerNode.provider && this.providerNode.provider.type == MibProviderType.Scalar; }; MibRequest.prototype.isTabular = function () { return this.providerNode && this.providerNode.provider && this.providerNode.provider.type == MibProviderType.Table; }; var Agent = function (options, callback) { DEBUG = options.debug; this.listener = new Listener(options, this); this.engine = new Engine(options.engineID); this.authorizer = new Authorizer(); this.mib = new Mib(); this.callback = callback || function () { }; this.context = ""; }; Agent.prototype.getMib = function () { return this.mib; }; Agent.prototype.getAuthorizer = function () { return this.authorizer; }; Agent.prototype.registerProvider = function (provider) { this.mib.registerProvider(provider); }; Agent.prototype.unregisterProvider = function (provider) { this.mib.unregisterProvider(provider); }; Agent.prototype.getProvider = function (provider) { return this.mib.getProvider(provider); }; Agent.prototype.getProviders = function () { return this.mib.getProviders(); }; Agent.prototype.onMsg = function (buffer, rinfo) { var message = Listener.processIncoming(buffer, this.authorizer, this.callback); var reportMessage; var responseMessage; if (!message) { return; } // SNMPv3 discovery if (message.version == Version3 && message.pdu.type == PduType.GetRequest && !message.hasAuthoritativeEngineID() && message.isReportable()) { reportMessage = message.createReportResponseMessage(this.engine, this.context); this.listener.send(reportMessage, rinfo); return; } // Request processing debug(JSON.stringify(message.pdu, null, 2)); if (message.pdu.type == PduType.GetRequest) { responseMessage = this.request(message, rinfo); } else if (message.pdu.type == PduType.SetRequest) { responseMessage = this.request(message, rinfo); } else if (message.pdu.type == PduType.GetNextRequest) { responseMessage = this.getNextRequest(message, rinfo); } else if (message.pdu.type == PduType.GetBulkRequest) { responseMessage = this.getBulkRequest(message, rinfo); } else { this.callback(new RequestInvalidError("Unexpected PDU type " + message.pdu.type + " (" + PduType[message.pdu.type] + ")")); } }; Agent.prototype.request = function (requestMessage, rinfo) { var me = this; var varbindsCompleted = 0; var requestPdu = requestMessage.pdu; var varbindsLength = requestPdu.varbinds.length; var responsePdu = requestPdu.getResponsePduForRequest(); for (var i = 0; i < requestPdu.varbinds.length; i++) { var requestVarbind = requestPdu.varbinds[i]; var instanceNode = this.mib.lookup(requestVarbind.oid); var providerNode; var mibRequest; var handler; var responseVarbindType; if (!instanceNode) { mibRequest = new MibRequest({ operation: requestPdu.type, oid: requestVarbind.oid }); handler = function getNsoHandler(mibRequestForNso) { mibRequestForNso.done({ errorStatus: ErrorStatus.NoSuchName, errorIndex: i }); }; } else { providerNode = this.mib.getProviderNodeForInstance(instanceNode); mibRequest = new MibRequest({ operation: requestPdu.type, providerNode: providerNode, instanceNode: instanceNode, oid: requestVarbind.oid }); handler = providerNode.provider.handler; } mibRequest.done = function (error) { if (error) { responsePdu.errorStatus = error.errorStatus; responsePdu.errorIndex = error.errorIndex; responseVarbind = { oid: mibRequest.oid, type: ObjectType.Null, value: null }; } else { if (requestPdu.type == PduType.SetRequest) { mibRequest.instanceNode.value = requestVarbind.value; } if (requestPdu.type == PduType.GetNextRequest && requestVarbind.type == ObjectType.EndOfMibView) { responseVarbindType = ObjectType.EndOfMibView; } else { responseVarbindType = mibRequest.instanceNode.valueType; } responseVarbind = { oid: mibRequest.oid, type: responseVarbindType, value: mibRequest.instanceNode.value }; } me.setSingleVarbind(responsePdu, i, responseVarbind); if (++varbindsCompleted == varbindsLength) { me.sendResponse.call(me, rinfo, requestMessage, responsePdu); } }; if (handler) { handler(mibRequest); } else { mibRequest.done(); } } ; }; Agent.prototype.addGetNextVarbind = function (targetVarbinds, startOid) { var startNode = this.mib.lookup(startOid); var getNextNode; if (!startNode) { // Off-tree start specified targetVarbinds.push({ oid: requestVarbind.oid, type: ObjectType.Null, value: null }); } else { getNextNode = startNode.getNextInstanceNode(); if (!getNextNode) { // End of MIB targetVarbinds.push({ oid: requestVarbind.oid, type: ObjectType.EndOfMibView, value: null }); } else { // Normal response targetVarbinds.push({ oid: getNextNode.oid, type: getNextNode.valueType, value: getNextNode.value }); } } return getNextNode; }; Agent.prototype.getNextRequest = function (requestMessage, rinfo) { var requestPdu = requestMessage.pdu; var varbindsLength = requestPdu.varbinds.length; var getNextVarbinds = []; for (var i = 0; i < varbindsLength; i++) { this.addGetNextVarbind(getNextVarbinds, requestPdu.varbinds[i].oid); } requestMessage.pdu.varbinds = getNextVarbinds; this.request(requestMessage, rinfo); }; Agent.prototype.getBulkRequest = function (requestMessage, rinfo) { var requestPdu = requestMessage.pdu; var requestVarbinds = requestPdu.varbinds; var getBulkVarbinds = []; var startOid = []; var getNextNode; for (var n = 0; n < requestPdu.nonRepeaters; n++) { this.addGetNextVarbind(getBulkVarbinds, requestVarbinds[n].oid); } for (var v = requestPdu.nonRepeaters; v < requestVarbinds.length; v++) { startOid.push(requestVarbinds[v].oid); } for (var r = 0; r < requestPdu.maxRepetitions; r++) { for (var v = requestPdu.nonRepeaters; v < requestVarbinds.length; v++) { getNextNode = this.addGetNextVarbind(getBulkVarbinds, startOid[v - requestPdu.nonRepeaters]); if (getNextNode) { startOid[v - requestPdu.nonRepeaters] = getNextNode.oid; } } } requestMessage.pdu.varbinds = getBulkVarbinds; this.request(requestMessage, rinfo); }; Agent.prototype.setSingleVarbind = function (responsePdu, index, responseVarbind) { responsePdu.varbinds[index] = responseVarbind; }; Agent.prototype.sendResponse = function (rinfo, requestMessage, responsePdu) { var responseMessage = requestMessage.createResponseForRequest(responsePdu); this.listener.send(responseMessage, rinfo); this.callback(null, Listener.formatCallbackData(responseMessage.pdu, rinfo)); }; Agent.create = function (options, callback) { var agent = new Agent(options, callback); agent.listener.startListening(); return agent; }; /***************************************************************************** ** Exports **/ exports.Session = Session; exports.createSession = function (target, community, options) { if (options.version && !(options.version == Version1 || options.version == Version2c)) { throw new ResponseInvalidError("SNMP community session requested but version '" + options.version + "' specified in options not valid"); } else { return new Session(target, community, options); } }; exports.createV3Session = function (target, user, options) { if (options.version && options.version != Version3) { throw new ResponseInvalidError("SNMPv3 session requested but version '" + options.version + "' specified in options"); } else { options.version = Version3; } return new Session(target, user, options); }; exports.createReceiver = Receiver.create; exports.createAgent = Agent.create; exports.isVarbindError = isVarbindError; exports.varbindError = varbindError; exports.Version1 = Version1; exports.Version2c = Version2c; exports.Version3 = Version3; exports.Version = Version; exports.ErrorStatus = ErrorStatus; exports.TrapType = TrapType; exports.ObjectType = ObjectType; exports.PduType = PduType; exports.MibProviderType = MibProviderType; exports.SecurityLevel = SecurityLevel; exports.AuthProtocols = AuthProtocols; exports.PrivProtocols = PrivProtocols; exports.ResponseInvalidError = ResponseInvalidError; exports.RequestInvalidError = RequestInvalidError; exports.RequestFailedError = RequestFailedError; exports.RequestTimedOutError = RequestTimedOutError; /** ** We've added this for testing. **/ exports.ObjectParser = { readInt: readInt, readUint: readUint }; exports.Authentication = Authentication; exports.Encryption = Encryption;