# apache This module will monitor one or more Apache servers depending on configuration. **Requirements:** * apache with enabled `mod_status` It produces the following charts: 1. **Requests** in requests/s * requests 2. **Connections** * connections 3. **Async Connections** * keepalive * closing * writing 4. **Bandwidth** in kilobytes/s * sent 5. **Workers** * idle * busy 6. **Lifetime Avg. Requests/s** in requests/s * requests_sec 7. **Lifetime Avg. Bandwidth/s** in kilobytes/s * size_sec 8. **Lifetime Avg. Response Size** in bytes/request * size_req ### configuration Needs only `url` to server's `server-status?auto` Here is an example for 2 servers: ```yaml update_every : 10 priority : 90100 local: url : 'http://localhost/server-status?auto' retries : 20 remote: url : 'http://www.apache.org/server-status?auto' update_every : 5 retries : 4 ``` Without configuration, module attempts to connect to `http://localhost/server-status?auto` ---