# Apache CouchDB monitoring with Netdata Monitors vital statistics of a local Apache CouchDB 2.x server, including: - Overall server reads/writes - HTTP traffic breakdown - Request methods (`GET`, `PUT`, `POST`, etc.) - Response status codes (`200`, `201`, `4xx`, etc.) - Active server tasks - Replication status (CouchDB 2.1 and up only) - Erlang VM stats - Optional per-database statistics: sizes, # of docs, # of deleted docs ## Configuration Edit the `python.d/couchdb.conf` configuration file using `edit-config` from the Netdata [config directory](/docs/configure/nodes.md), which is typically at `/etc/netdata`. ```bash cd /etc/netdata # Replace this path with your Netdata config directory, if different sudo ./edit-config python.d/couchdb.conf ``` Sample for a local server running on port 5984: ```yaml local: user: 'admin' pass: 'password' node: 'couchdb@' ``` Be sure to specify a correct admin-level username and password. You may also need to change the `node` name; this should match the value of `-name NODENAME` in your CouchDB's `etc/vm.args` file. Typically this is of the form `couchdb@fully.qualified.domain.name` in a cluster, or `couchdb@` / `couchdb@localhost` for a single-node server. If you want per-database statistics, these need to be added to the configuration, separated by spaces: ```yaml local: ... databases: 'db1 db2 db3 ...' ``` --- [![analytics](https://www.google-analytics.com/collect?v=1&aip=1&t=pageview&_s=1&ds=github&dr=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fnetdata%2Fnetdata&dl=https%3A%2F%2Fmy-netdata.io%2Fgithub%2Fcollectors%2Fpython.d.plugin%2Fcouchdb%2FREADME&_u=MAC~&cid=5792dfd7-8dc4-476b-af31-da2fdb9f93d2&tid=UA-64295674-3)](<>)