# megacli Module collects adapter, physical drives and battery stats. **Requirements:** * `megacli` program * `sudo` program * `netdata` user needs to be able to be able to sudo the `megacli` program without password To grab stats it executes: * `sudo -n megacli -LDPDInfo -aAll` * `sudo -n megacli -AdpBbuCmd -a0` It produces: 1. **Adapter State** 2. **Physical Drives Media Errors** 3. **Physical Drives Predictive Failures** 4. **Battery Relative State of Charge** 5. **Battery Cycle Count** ### prerequisite This module uses `megacli` which can only be executed by root. It uses `sudo` and assumes that it is configured such that the `netdata` user can execute `megacli` as root without password. Add to `sudoers`: netdata ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /path/to/megacli ### configuration **megacli** is disabled by default. Should be explicitly enabled in `python.d.conf`. ```yaml megacli: yes ``` Battery stats disabled by default. To enable them modify `megacli.conf`. ```yaml do_battery: yes ``` ---