# nvidia_smi This module monitors the `nvidia-smi` cli tool. **Requirements and Notes:** * You must have the `nvidia-smi` tool installed and your NVIDIA GPU(s) must support the tool. Mostly the newer high end models used for AI / ML and Crypto or Pro range, read more about [nvidia_smi](https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-system-management-interface). * You must enable this plugin as its disabled by default due to minor performance issues. * On some systems when the GPU is idle the `nvidia-smi` tool unloads and there is added latency again when it is next queried. If you are running GPUs under constant workload this isn't likely to be an issue. * Currently the `nvidia-smi` tool is being queried via cli. Updating the plugin to use the nvidia c/c++ API directly should resolve this issue. See discussion here: https://github.com/netdata/netdata/pull/4357 * Contributions are welcome. * Make sure `netdata` user can execute `/usr/bin/nvidia-smi` or wherever your binary is. * `poll_seconds` is how often in seconds the tool is polled for as an integer. It produces: 1. Per GPU * GPU utilization * memory allocation * memory utilization * fan speed * power usage * temperature * clock speed * PCI bandwidth ### configuration Sample: ```yaml poll_seconds: 1 ```