meta: plugin_name: python.d.plugin module_name: puppet monitored_instance: name: Puppet link: '' categories: - data-collection.provisioning-systems icon_filename: 'puppet.jpeg' related_resources: integrations: list: [] info_provided_to_referring_integrations: description: '' keywords: [] most_popular: false overview: data_collection: metrics_description: 'Monitor Puppet configurations with Netdata for changes, errors, and performance metrics. Enhance configuration management and troubleshoot faster with real-time insights and built-in alerts.' method_description: '' supported_platforms: include: [] exclude: [] multi-instance: true additional_permissions: description: '' default_behavior: auto_detection: description: '' limits: description: '' performance_impact: description: '' setup: prerequisites: list: [] configuration: file: name: '' description: '' options: description: '' folding: title: '' enabled: true list: [] examples: folding: enabled: true title: '' list: [] troubleshooting: problems: list: [] alerts: [] metrics: folding: title: Metrics enabled: false description: "" availability: [] scopes: - name: global description: "" labels: [] metrics: - name: puppet.jvm description: JVM Heap unit: "MiB" chart_type: area dimensions: - name: committed - name: used - name: puppet.jvm description: JVM Non-Heap unit: "MiB" chart_type: area dimensions: - name: committed - name: used - name: puppet.cpu description: CPU usage unit: "percentage" chart_type: stacked dimensions: - name: execution - name: GC - name: puppet.fdopen description: File Descriptors unit: "descriptors" chart_type: line dimensions: - name: used