# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Description: # Author: Pawel Krupa (paulfantom) # Author: Ilya Mashchenko (ilyam8) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from time import sleep, time from third_party.monotonic import monotonic from bases.charts import Charts, ChartError, create_runtime_chart from bases.collection import safe_print from bases.loggers import PythonDLimitedLogger RUNTIME_CHART_UPDATE = 'BEGIN netdata.runtime_{job_name} {since_last}\n' \ 'SET run_time = {elapsed}\n' \ 'END\n' PENALTY_EVERY = 5 MAX_PENALTY = 10 * 60 # 10 minutes class RuntimeCounters: def __init__(self, configuration): """ :param configuration: """ self.update_every = int(configuration.pop('update_every')) self.do_penalty = configuration.pop('penalty') self.start_mono = 0 self.start_real = 0 self.retries = 0 self.penalty = 0 self.elapsed = 0 self.prev_update = 0 self.runs = 1 def calc_next(self): self.start_mono = monotonic() return self.start_mono - (self.start_mono % self.update_every) + self.update_every + self.penalty def sleep_until_next(self): next_time = self.calc_next() while self.start_mono < next_time: sleep(next_time - self.start_mono) self.start_mono = monotonic() self.start_real = time() def handle_retries(self): self.retries += 1 if self.do_penalty and self.retries % PENALTY_EVERY == 0: self.penalty = round(min(self.retries * self.update_every / 2, MAX_PENALTY)) class SimpleService(PythonDLimitedLogger, object): """ Prototype of Service class. Implemented basic functionality to run jobs by `python.d.plugin` """ def __init__(self, configuration, name=''): """ :param configuration: :param name: """ PythonDLimitedLogger.__init__(self) self.configuration = configuration self.order = list() self.definitions = dict() self.module_name = self.__module__ self.job_name = configuration.pop('job_name') self.override_name = configuration.pop('override_name') self.fake_name = None self._runtime_counters = RuntimeCounters(configuration=configuration) self.charts = Charts(job_name=self.actual_name, priority=configuration.pop('priority'), cleanup=configuration.pop('chart_cleanup'), get_update_every=self.get_update_every, module_name=self.module_name) def __repr__(self): return '<{cls_bases}: {name}>'.format(cls_bases=', '.join(c.__name__ for c in self.__class__.__bases__), name=self.name) @property def name(self): if self.job_name and self.job_name != self.module_name: return '_'.join([self.module_name, self.override_name or self.job_name]) return self.module_name def actual_name(self): return self.fake_name or self.name @property def runs_counter(self): return self._runtime_counters.runs @property def update_every(self): return self._runtime_counters.update_every @update_every.setter def update_every(self, value): """ :param value: :return: """ self._runtime_counters.update_every = value def get_update_every(self): return self.update_every def check(self): """ check() prototype :return: boolean """ self.debug("job doesn't implement check() method. Using default which simply invokes get_data().") data = self.get_data() if data and isinstance(data, dict): return True self.debug('returned value is wrong: {0}'.format(data)) return False @create_runtime_chart def create(self): for chart_name in self.order: chart_config = self.definitions.get(chart_name) if not chart_config: self.debug("create() => [NOT ADDED] chart '{chart_name}' not in definitions. " "Skipping it.".format(chart_name=chart_name)) continue # create chart chart_params = [chart_name] + chart_config['options'] try: self.charts.add_chart(params=chart_params) except ChartError as error: self.error("create() => [NOT ADDED] (chart '{chart}': {error})".format(chart=chart_name, error=error)) continue # add dimensions to chart for dimension in chart_config['lines']: try: self.charts[chart_name].add_dimension(dimension) except ChartError as error: self.error("create() => [NOT ADDED] (dimension '{dimension}': {error})".format(dimension=dimension, error=error)) continue # add variables to chart if 'variables' in chart_config: for variable in chart_config['variables']: try: self.charts[chart_name].add_variable(variable) except ChartError as error: self.error("create() => [NOT ADDED] (variable '{var}': {error})".format(var=variable, error=error)) continue del self.order del self.definitions # True if job has at least 1 chart else False return bool(self.charts) def run(self): """ Runs job in thread. Handles retries. Exits when job failed or timed out. :return: None """ job = self._runtime_counters self.debug('started, update frequency: {freq}'.format(freq=job.update_every)) while True: job.sleep_until_next() since = 0 if job.prev_update: since = int((job.start_real - job.prev_update) * 1e6) try: updated = self.update(interval=since) except Exception as error: self.error('update() unhandled exception: {error}'.format(error=error)) updated = False job.runs += 1 if not updated: job.handle_retries() else: job.elapsed = int((monotonic() - job.start_mono) * 1e3) job.prev_update = job.start_real job.retries, job.penalty = 0, 0 safe_print(RUNTIME_CHART_UPDATE.format(job_name=self.name, since_last=since, elapsed=job.elapsed)) self.debug('update => [{status}] (elapsed time: {elapsed}, failed retries in a row: {retries})'.format( status='OK' if updated else 'FAILED', elapsed=job.elapsed if updated else '-', retries=job.retries)) def update(self, interval): """ :return: """ data = self.get_data() if not data: self.debug('get_data() returned no data') return False elif not isinstance(data, dict): self.debug('get_data() returned incorrect type data') return False updated = False for chart in self.charts: if chart.flags.obsoleted: if chart.can_be_updated(data): chart.refresh() else: continue elif self.charts.cleanup and chart.penalty >= self.charts.cleanup: chart.obsolete() self.info("chart '{0}' was suppressed due to non updating".format(chart.name)) continue ok = chart.update(data, interval) if ok: updated = True if not updated: self.debug('none of the charts has been updated') return updated def get_data(self): return self._get_data() def _get_data(self): raise NotImplementedError