# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Description: # Author: Pawel Krupa (paulfantom) # Author: Ilya Mashchenko (ilyam8) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import socket try: import ssl except ImportError: _TLS_SUPPORT = False else: _TLS_SUPPORT = True from bases.FrameworkServices.SimpleService import SimpleService DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 2.0 DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT = 2.0 DEFAULT_WRITE_TIMEOUT = 2.0 class SocketService(SimpleService): def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None): self._sock = None self._keep_alive = False self.host = 'localhost' self.port = None self.unix_socket = None self.dgram_socket = False self.request = '' self.tls = False self.cert = None self.key = None self.__socket_config = None self.__empty_request = "".encode() SimpleService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name) self.connect_timeout = configuration.get('connect_timeout', DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT) self.read_timeout = configuration.get('read_timeout', DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT) self.write_timeout = configuration.get('write_timeout', DEFAULT_WRITE_TIMEOUT) def _socket_error(self, message=None): if self.unix_socket is not None: self.error('unix socket "{socket}": {message}'.format(socket=self.unix_socket, message=message)) else: if self.__socket_config is not None: _, _, _, _, sa = self.__socket_config self.error('socket to "{address}" port {port}: {message}'.format(address=sa[0], port=sa[1], message=message)) else: self.error('unknown socket: {0}'.format(message)) def _connect2socket(self, res=None): """ Connect to a socket, passing the result of getaddrinfo() :return: boolean """ if res is None: res = self.__socket_config if res is None: self.error("Cannot create socket to 'None':") return False af, sock_type, proto, _, sa = res try: self.debug('Creating socket to "{address}", port {port}'.format(address=sa[0], port=sa[1])) self._sock = socket.socket(af, sock_type, proto) except socket.error as error: self.error('Failed to create socket "{address}", port {port}, error: {error}'.format(address=sa[0], port=sa[1], error=error)) self._sock = None self.__socket_config = None return False if self.tls: try: self.debug('Encapsulating socket with TLS') self._sock = ssl.wrap_socket(self._sock, keyfile=self.key, certfile=self.cert, server_side=False, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS, ) except (socket.error, ssl.SSLError) as error: self.error('failed to wrap socket : {0}'.format(error)) self._disconnect() self.__socket_config = None return False try: self.debug('connecting socket to "{address}", port {port}'.format(address=sa[0], port=sa[1])) self._sock.settimeout(self.connect_timeout) self.debug('set socket connect timeout to: {0}'.format(self._sock.gettimeout())) self._sock.connect(sa) except (socket.error, ssl.SSLError) as error: self.error('Failed to connect to "{address}", port {port}, error: {error}'.format(address=sa[0], port=sa[1], error=error)) self._disconnect() self.__socket_config = None return False self.debug('connected to "{address}", port {port}'.format(address=sa[0], port=sa[1])) self.__socket_config = res return True def _connect2unixsocket(self): """ Connect to a unix socket, given its filename :return: boolean """ if self.unix_socket is None: self.error("cannot connect to unix socket 'None'") return False try: self.debug('attempting DGRAM unix socket "{0}"'.format(self.unix_socket)) self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self._sock.settimeout(self.connect_timeout) self.debug('set socket connect timeout to: {0}'.format(self._sock.gettimeout())) self._sock.connect(self.unix_socket) self.debug('connected DGRAM unix socket "{0}"'.format(self.unix_socket)) return True except socket.error as error: self.debug('Failed to connect DGRAM unix socket "{socket}": {error}'.format(socket=self.unix_socket, error=error)) try: self.debug('attempting STREAM unix socket "{0}"'.format(self.unix_socket)) self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self._sock.settimeout(self.connect_timeout) self.debug('set socket connect timeout to: {0}'.format(self._sock.gettimeout())) self._sock.connect(self.unix_socket) self.debug('connected STREAM unix socket "{0}"'.format(self.unix_socket)) return True except socket.error as error: self.debug('Failed to connect STREAM unix socket "{socket}": {error}'.format(socket=self.unix_socket, error=error)) self._sock = None return False def _connect(self): """ Recreate socket and connect to it since sockets cannot be reused after closing Available configurations are IPv6, IPv4 or UNIX socket :return: """ try: if self.unix_socket is not None: self._connect2unixsocket() else: if self.__socket_config is not None: self._connect2socket() else: if self.dgram_socket: sock_type = socket.SOCK_DGRAM else: sock_type = socket.SOCK_STREAM for res in socket.getaddrinfo(self.host, self.port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, sock_type): if self._connect2socket(res): break except Exception: self._sock = None self.__socket_config = None def _disconnect(self): """ Close socket connection :return: """ if self._sock is not None: try: self.debug('closing socket') self._sock.shutdown(2) # 0 - read, 1 - write, 2 - all self._sock.close() except Exception as error: self.error(error) self._sock = None def _send(self, request=None): """ Send request. :return: boolean """ # Send request if it is needed if self.request != self.__empty_request: try: self.debug('set socket write timeout to: {0}'.format(self._sock.gettimeout())) self._sock.settimeout(self.write_timeout) self.debug('sending request: {0}'.format(request or self.request)) self._sock.send(request or self.request) except Exception as error: self._socket_error('error sending request: {0}'.format(error)) self._disconnect() return False return True def _receive(self, raw=False): """ Receive data from socket :param raw: set `True` to return bytes :type raw: bool :return: decoded str or raw bytes :rtype: str/bytes """ data = "" if not raw else b"" while True: self.debug('receiving response') try: self.debug('set socket read timeout to: {0}'.format(self._sock.gettimeout())) self._sock.settimeout(self.read_timeout) buf = self._sock.recv(4096) except Exception as error: self._socket_error('failed to receive response: {0}'.format(error)) self._disconnect() break if buf is None or len(buf) == 0: # handle server disconnect if data == "" or data == b"": self._socket_error('unexpectedly disconnected') else: self.debug('server closed the connection') self._disconnect() break self.debug('received data') data += buf.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') if not raw else buf if self._check_raw_data(data): break self.debug('final response: {0}'.format(data)) return data def _get_raw_data(self, raw=False, request=None): """ Get raw data with low-level "socket" module. :param raw: set `True` to return bytes :type raw: bool :return: decoded data (str) or raw data (bytes) :rtype: str/bytes """ if self._sock is None: self._connect() if self._sock is None: return None # Send request if it is needed if not self._send(request): return None data = self._receive(raw) if not self._keep_alive: self._disconnect() return data @staticmethod def _check_raw_data(data): """ Check if all data has been gathered from socket :param data: str :return: boolean """ return bool(data) def _parse_config(self): """ Parse configuration data :return: boolean """ try: self.unix_socket = str(self.configuration['socket']) except (KeyError, TypeError): self.debug('No unix socket specified. Trying TCP/IP socket.') self.unix_socket = None try: self.host = str(self.configuration['host']) except (KeyError, TypeError): self.debug('No host specified. Using: "{0}"'.format(self.host)) try: self.port = int(self.configuration['port']) except (KeyError, TypeError): self.debug('No port specified. Using: "{0}"'.format(self.port)) self.tls = bool(self.configuration.get('tls', self.tls)) if self.tls and not _TLS_SUPPORT: self.warning('TLS requested but no TLS module found, disabling TLS support.') self.tls = False if _TLS_SUPPORT and not self.tls: self.debug('No TLS preference specified, not using TLS.') if self.tls and _TLS_SUPPORT: self.key = self.configuration.get('tls_key_file') self.cert = self.configuration.get('tls_cert_file') if not self.cert: # If there's not a valid certificate, clear the key too. self.debug('No valid TLS client certificate configuration found.') self.key = None self.cert = None elif not self.key: # If a key isn't listed, the config may still be # valid, because there may be a key attached to the # certificate. self.info('No TLS client key specified, assuming it\'s attached to the certificate.') self.key = None try: self.request = str(self.configuration['request']) except (KeyError, TypeError): self.debug('No request specified. Using: "{0}"'.format(self.request)) self.request = self.request.encode() def check(self): self._parse_config() return SimpleService.check(self)