# redis Get INFO data from redis instance. Following charts are drawn: 1. **Operations** per second * operations 2. **Hit rate** in percent * rate 3. **Memory utilization** in kilobytes * total * lua 4. **Database keys** * lines are creates dynamically based on how many databases are there 5. **Clients** * connected * blocked 6. **Slaves** * connected ### configuration ```yaml socket: name : 'local' socket : '/var/lib/redis/redis.sock' localhost: name : 'local' host : 'localhost' port : 6379 ``` When no configuration file is found, module tries to connect to TCP/IP socket: `localhost:6379`. --- [![analytics](https://www.google-analytics.com/collect?v=1&aip=1&t=pageview&_s=1&ds=github&dr=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fnetdata%2Fnetdata&dl=https%3A%2F%2Fmy-netdata.io%2Fgithub%2Fcollectors%2Fpython.d.plugin%2Fredis%2FREADME&_u=MAC~&cid=5792dfd7-8dc4-476b-af31-da2fdb9f93d2&tid=UA-64295674-3)]()