# Storage devices collector Monitors `smartd` log files to collect HDD/SSD S.M.A.R.T attributes. ## Requirements - `smartmontools` It produces following charts for SCSI devices: 1. **Read Error Corrected** 2. **Read Error Uncorrected** 3. **Write Error Corrected** 4. **Write Error Uncorrected** 5. **Verify Error Corrected** 6. **Verify Error Uncorrected** 7. **Temperature** For ATA devices: 1. **Read Error Rate** 2. **Seek Error Rate** 3. **Soft Read Error Rate** 4. **Write Error Rate** 5. **SATA Interface Downshift** 6. **UDMA CRC Error Count** 7. **Throughput Performance** 8. **Seek Time Performance** 9. **Start/Stop Count** 10. **Power-On Hours Count** 11. **Power Cycle Count** 12. **Unexpected Power Loss** 13. **Spin-Up Time** 14. **Spin-up Retries** 15. **Calibration Retries** 16. **Temperature** 17. **Reallocated Sectors Count** 18. **Reserved Block Count** 19. **Program Fail Count** 20. **Erase Fail Count** 21. **Wear Leveller Worst Case Erase Count** 22. **Unused Reserved NAND Blocks** 23. **Reallocation Event Count** 24. **Current Pending Sector Count** 25. **Offline Uncorrectable Sector Count** 26. **Percent Lifetime Used** ## prerequisite `smartd` must be running with `-A` option to write smartd attribute information to files. For this you need to set `smartd_opts` (or `SMARTD_ARGS`, check _smartd.service_ content) in `/etc/default/smartmontools`: ``` # dump smartd attrs info every 600 seconds smartd_opts="-A /var/log/smartd/ -i 600" ``` You may need to create the smartd directory before smartd will write to it: ```sh mkdir -p /var/log/smartd ``` Otherwise, all the smartd `.csv` files may get written to `/var/lib/smartmontools` (default location). See also for more info on the `-A --attributelog=PREFIX` command. `smartd` appends logs at every run. It's strongly recommended to use `logrotate` for smartd files. ## Configuration Edit the `python.d/smartd_log.conf` configuration file using `edit-config` from the Netdata [config directory](https://github.com/netdata/netdata/blob/master/docs/configure/nodes.md), which is typically at `/etc/netdata`. ```bash cd /etc/netdata # Replace this path with your Netdata config directory, if different sudo ./edit-config python.d/smartd_log.conf ``` ```yaml local: log_path : '/var/log/smartd/' ``` If no configuration is given, module will attempt to read log files in `/var/log/smartd/` directory. ### Troubleshooting To troubleshoot issues with the `smartd_log` module, run the `python.d.plugin` with the debug option enabled. The output will give you the output of the data collection job or error messages on why the collector isn't working. First, navigate to your plugins directory, usually they are located under `/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/`. If that's not the case on your system, open `netdata.conf` and look for the setting `plugins directory`. Once you're in the plugin's directory, switch to the `netdata` user. ```bash cd /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/ sudo su -s /bin/bash netdata ``` Now you can manually run the `smartd_log` module in debug mode: ```bash ./python.d.plugin smartd_log debug trace ```