# Varnish Cache monitoring with Netdata Provides HTTP accelerator global, Backends (VBE) and Storages (SMF, SMA, MSE) statistics using `varnishstat` tool. Note that both, Varnish-Cache (free and open source) and Varnish-Plus (Commercial/Enterprise version), are supported. ## Requirements - `netdata` user must be a member of the `varnish` group ## Charts This module produces the following charts: - Connections Statistics in `connections/s` - Client Requests in `requests/s` - All History Hit Rate Ratio in `percent` - Current Poll Hit Rate Ratio in `percent` - Expired Objects in `expired/s` - Least Recently Used Nuked Objects in `nuked/s` - Number Of Threads In All Pools in `pools` - Threads Statistics in `threads/s` - Current Queue Length in `requests` - Backend Connections Statistics in `connections/s` - Requests To The Backend in `requests/s` - ESI Statistics in `problems/s` - Memory Usage in `MiB` - Uptime in `seconds` For every backend (VBE): - Backend Response Statistics in `kilobits/s` For every storage (SMF, SMA, or MSE): - Storage Usage in `KiB` - Storage Allocated Objects ## Configuration Edit the `python.d/varnish.conf` configuration file using `edit-config` from the Netdata [config directory](/docs/configure/nodes.md), which is typically at `/etc/netdata`. ```bash cd /etc/netdata # Replace this path with your Netdata config directory, if different sudo ./edit-config python.d/varnish.conf ``` Only one parameter is supported: ```yaml instance_name: 'name' ``` The name of the `varnishd` instance to get logs from. If not specified, the host name is used. ---