# varnish Module uses the `varnishstat` command to provide varnish cache statistics. It produces: 1. **Connections Statistics** in connections/s - accepted - dropped 2. **Client Requests** in requests/s - received 3. **All History Hit Rate Ratio** in percent - hit - miss - hitpass 4. **Current Poll Hit Rate Ratio** in percent - hit - miss - hitpass 5. **Expired Objects** in expired/s - objects 6. **Least Recently Used Nuked Objects** in nuked/s - objects 7. **Number Of Threads In All Pools** in threads - threads 8. **Threads Statistics** in threads/s - created - failed - limited 9. **Current Queue Length** in requests - in queue 10. **Backend Connections Statistics** in connections/s - successful - unhealthy - reused - closed - resycled - failed 11. **Requests To The Backend** in requests/s - received 12. **ESI Statistics** in problems/s - errors - warnings 13. **Memory Usage** in MB - free - allocated 14. **Uptime** in seconds - uptime ## configuration Only one parameter is supported: ```yaml instance_name: 'name' ``` The name of the varnishd instance to get logs from. If not specified, the host name is used. --- [![analytics](https://www.google-analytics.com/collect?v=1&aip=1&t=pageview&_s=1&ds=github&dr=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fnetdata%2Fnetdata&dl=https%3A%2F%2Fmy-netdata.io%2Fgithub%2Fcollectors%2Fpython.d.plugin%2Fvarnish%2FREADME&_u=MAC~&cid=5792dfd7-8dc4-476b-af31-da2fdb9f93d2&tid=UA-64295674-3)](<>)