# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # tcp listen sockets issues alarm: 1m_ipv4_tcp_listen_overflows on: ipv4.tcplistenissues os: linux freebsd hosts: * lookup: sum -60s unaligned absolute of ListenOverflows units: overflows every: 10s crit: $this > 0 delay: up 0 down 5m multiplier 1.5 max 1h info: the number of TCP listen socket overflows during the last minute to: sysadmin alarm: 1m_ipv4_tcp_listen_drops on: ipv4.tcplistenissues os: linux hosts: * lookup: sum -60s unaligned absolute of ListenDrops units: drops every: 10s crit: $this > 0 delay: up 0 down 5m multiplier 1.5 max 1h info: the number of TCP listen socket drops during the last minute to: sysadmin