# netdata contrib ## Building .deb packages The `contrib/debian/` directory contains basic rules to build a Debian package. It has been tested on Debian Jessie and Wheezy, but should work, possibly with minor changes, if you have other dpkg-based systems such as Ubuntu or Mint. To build netdata for a Debian Jessie system, the debian directory has to be available in the root of the netdata source. The easiest way to do this is with a symlink: ~/netdata$ ln -s contrib/debian Then build the debian package: ~/netdata$ dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot This should give a package that can be installed in the parent directory, which you can install manually with dpkg. ~/netdata$ ls ../*.deb ../netdata_1.0.0_amd64.deb ~/netdata$ sudo dpkg -i ../netdata_1.0.0_amd64.deb ### Building for a Debian system without systemd The included packaging is designed for modern Debian systems that are based on systemd. To build non-systemd packages (for example, for Debian wheezy), you will need to make a couple of minor updates first. * edit `contrib/debian/rules` and adjust the `dh` rule near the top to remove systemd (see comments in that file). * rename `contrib/debian/control.wheezy` to `contrib/debian/control`. * uncomment `EXTRA_OPTS="-P /var/run/netdata.pid"` in `contrib/debian/netdata.default` * edit `contrib/debian/netdata.init` and change `PIDFILE` to `/var/run/netdata.pid` * uncomment `postrotate` in `system/netdata.logrotate.in` and change `try-restart` to `restart` Then proceed as the main instructions above. ### Reinstalling netdata The recommended way to upgrade netdata packages built from this source is to remove the current package from your system, then install the new package. Upgrading on wheezy is known to not work cleanly; Jessie may behave as expected.