// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "sqlite_functions.h" #include "sqlite_aclk_alert.h" #ifdef ENABLE_ACLK #include "../../aclk/aclk_alarm_api.h" #endif #define SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param) \ ({ \ int _param = (param); \ sqlite3_column_bytes((res), (_param)) ? strdupz((char *)sqlite3_column_text((res), (_param))) : NULL; \ }) #define SQL_UPDATE_FILTERED_ALERT \ "UPDATE aclk_alert_%s SET filtered_alert_unique_id = %u, date_created = unixepoch() where filtered_alert_unique_id = %u" static void update_filtered(ALARM_ENTRY *ae, uint32_t unique_id, char *uuid_str) { char sql[ACLK_SYNC_QUERY_SIZE]; snprintfz(sql, ACLK_SYNC_QUERY_SIZE-1, SQL_UPDATE_FILTERED_ALERT, uuid_str, ae->unique_id, unique_id); sqlite3_exec_monitored(db_meta, sql, 0, 0, NULL); ae->flags |= HEALTH_ENTRY_FLAG_ACLK_QUEUED; } #define SQL_SELECT_VARIABLE_ALERT_BY_UNIQUE_ID \ "SELECT hld.unique_id FROM health_log hl, alert_hash ah, health_log_detail hld " \ "WHERE hld.unique_id = @unique_id AND hl.config_hash_id = ah.hash_id AND hld.health_log_id = hl.health_log_id " \ "AND hl.host_id = @host_id AND ah.warn IS NULL AND ah.crit IS NULL" static inline bool is_event_from_alert_variable_config(uint32_t unique_id, uuid_t *host_id) { sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL; int rc = 0; bool ret = false; rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, SQL_SELECT_VARIABLE_ALERT_BY_UNIQUE_ID, -1, &res, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { error_report("Failed to prepare statement when trying to check for alert variables."); return false; } rc = sqlite3_bind_int(res, 1, (int) unique_id); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) { error_report("Failed to bind unique_id for checking alert variable."); goto fail; } rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 2, host_id, sizeof(*host_id), SQLITE_STATIC); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) { error_report("Failed to bind host_id for checking alert variable."); goto fail; } rc = sqlite3_step_monitored(res); if (likely(rc == SQLITE_ROW)) ret = true; fail: rc = sqlite3_finalize(res); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) error_report("Failed to finalize statement when trying to check for alert variables, rc = %d", rc); return ret; } #define MAX_REMOVED_PERIOD 604800 //a week //decide if some events should be sent or not #define SQL_SELECT_ALERT_BY_ID \ "SELECT hld.new_status, hl.config_hash_id, hld.unique_id FROM health_log hl, aclk_alert_%s aa, health_log_detail hld " \ "WHERE hl.host_id = @host_id AND hld.unique_id = aa.filtered_alert_unique_id " \ "AND hld.alarm_id = @alarm_id AND hl.health_log_id = hld.health_log_id " \ "ORDER BY hld.alarm_event_id DESC LIMIT 1;" static bool should_send_to_cloud(RRDHOST *host, ALARM_ENTRY *ae) { sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL; char uuid_str[UUID_STR_LEN]; uuid_unparse_lower_fix(&host->host_uuid, uuid_str); bool send = false; if (ae->new_status == RRDCALC_STATUS_REMOVED || ae->new_status == RRDCALC_STATUS_UNINITIALIZED) return 0; if (unlikely(uuid_is_null(ae->config_hash_id))) return 0; char sql[ACLK_SYNC_QUERY_SIZE]; uuid_t config_hash_id; RRDCALC_STATUS status; uint32_t unique_id; //get the previous sent event of this alarm_id //base the search on the last filtered event snprintfz(sql, ACLK_SYNC_QUERY_SIZE - 1, SQL_SELECT_ALERT_BY_ID, uuid_str); int rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, sql, -1, &res, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { error_report("Failed to prepare statement when trying should_send_to_cloud."); return true; } rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 1, &host->host_uuid, sizeof(host->host_uuid), SQLITE_STATIC); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) { error_report("Failed to bind host_id for checking should_send_to_cloud"); goto done; } rc = sqlite3_bind_int(res, 2, (int) ae->alarm_id); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) { error_report("Failed to bind alarm_id for checking should_send_to_cloud"); goto done; } rc = sqlite3_step_monitored(res); if (likely(rc == SQLITE_ROW)) { status = (RRDCALC_STATUS)sqlite3_column_int(res, 0); if (sqlite3_column_type(res, 1) != SQLITE_NULL) uuid_copy(config_hash_id, *((uuid_t *)sqlite3_column_blob(res, 1))); unique_id = (uint32_t)sqlite3_column_int64(res, 2); if (ae->new_status != (RRDCALC_STATUS)status || uuid_memcmp(&ae->config_hash_id, &config_hash_id)) send = true; else update_filtered(ae, unique_id, uuid_str); } else send = true; done: rc = sqlite3_finalize(res); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) error_report("Failed to finalize statement when trying should_send_to_cloud, rc = %d", rc); return send; } #define SQL_QUEUE_ALERT_TO_CLOUD \ "INSERT INTO aclk_alert_%s (alert_unique_id, date_created, filtered_alert_unique_id) " \ "VALUES (@alert_unique_id, UNIXEPOCH(), @alert_unique_id) ON CONFLICT (alert_unique_id) DO NOTHING;" void sql_queue_alarm_to_aclk(RRDHOST *host, ALARM_ENTRY *ae, bool skip_filter) { sqlite3_stmt *res_alert = NULL; char sql[ACLK_SYNC_QUERY_SIZE]; char uuid_str[UUID_STR_LEN]; if (!service_running(SERVICE_ACLK)) return; if (!claimed() || ae->flags & HEALTH_ENTRY_FLAG_ACLK_QUEUED) return; if (false == skip_filter && !should_send_to_cloud(host, ae)) return; if (is_event_from_alert_variable_config(ae->unique_id, &host->host_uuid)) return; uuid_unparse_lower_fix(&host->host_uuid, uuid_str); snprintfz(sql, ACLK_SYNC_QUERY_SIZE - 1, SQL_QUEUE_ALERT_TO_CLOUD, uuid_str); int rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, sql, -1, &res_alert, 0); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) { error_report("Failed to prepare statement to store alert event"); return; } rc = sqlite3_bind_int(res_alert, 1, (int) ae->unique_id); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) goto bind_fail; rc = execute_insert(res_alert); if (unlikely(rc == SQLITE_DONE)) { ae->flags |= HEALTH_ENTRY_FLAG_ACLK_QUEUED; rrdhost_flag_set(host, RRDHOST_FLAG_ACLK_STREAM_ALERTS); } else error_report("Failed to store alert event %u, rc = %d", ae->unique_id, rc); bind_fail: if (unlikely(sqlite3_finalize(res_alert) != SQLITE_OK)) error_report("Failed to reset statement in store alert event, rc = %d", rc); } int rrdcalc_status_to_proto_enum(RRDCALC_STATUS status) { #ifdef ENABLE_ACLK switch(status) { case RRDCALC_STATUS_REMOVED: return ALARM_STATUS_REMOVED; case RRDCALC_STATUS_UNDEFINED: return ALARM_STATUS_NOT_A_NUMBER; case RRDCALC_STATUS_CLEAR: return ALARM_STATUS_CLEAR; case RRDCALC_STATUS_WARNING: return ALARM_STATUS_WARNING; case RRDCALC_STATUS_CRITICAL: return ALARM_STATUS_CRITICAL; default: return ALARM_STATUS_UNKNOWN; } #else UNUSED(status); return 1; #endif } static inline char *sqlite3_uuid_unparse_strdupz(sqlite3_stmt *res, int iCol) { char uuid_str[UUID_STR_LEN]; if(sqlite3_column_type(res, iCol) == SQLITE_NULL) uuid_str[0] = '\0'; else uuid_unparse_lower(*((uuid_t *) sqlite3_column_blob(res, iCol)), uuid_str); return strdupz(uuid_str); } static inline char *sqlite3_text_strdupz_empty(sqlite3_stmt *res, int iCol) { char *ret; if(sqlite3_column_type(res, iCol) == SQLITE_NULL) ret = ""; else ret = (char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, iCol); return strdupz(ret); } void aclk_push_alert_event(struct aclk_sync_host_config *wc) { #ifndef ENABLE_ACLK UNUSED(wc); #else int rc; if (unlikely(!wc->alert_updates)) { netdata_log_access( "ACLK STA [%s (%s)]: Ignoring alert push event, updates have been turned off for this node.", wc->node_id, wc->host ? rrdhost_hostname(wc->host) : "N/A"); return; } char *claim_id = get_agent_claimid(); if (unlikely(!claim_id)) return; if (unlikely(!wc->host)) { freez(claim_id); return; } BUFFER *sql = buffer_create(1024, &netdata_buffers_statistics.buffers_sqlite); int limit = ACLK_MAX_ALERT_UPDATES; sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL; buffer_sprintf( sql, "select aa.sequence_id, hld.unique_id, hld.alarm_id, hl.config_hash_id, hld.updated_by_id, hld.when_key, " " hld.duration, hld.non_clear_duration, hld.flags, hld.exec_run_timestamp, hld.delay_up_to_timestamp, hl.name, " " hl.chart, hl.exec, hl.recipient, ha.source, hl.units, hld.info, hld.exec_code, hld.new_status, " " hld.old_status, hld.delay, hld.new_value, hld.old_value, hld.last_repeat, hl.chart_context, hld.transition_id, " " hld.alarm_event_id, hl.chart_name, hld.summary " " from health_log hl, aclk_alert_%s aa, alert_hash ha, health_log_detail hld " " where hld.unique_id = aa.alert_unique_id and hl.config_hash_id = ha.hash_id and aa.date_submitted is null " " and hl.host_id = @host_id and hl.health_log_id = hld.health_log_id " " order by aa.sequence_id asc limit %d;", wc->uuid_str, limit); rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, buffer_tostring(sql), -1, &res, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { BUFFER *sql_fix = buffer_create(1024, &netdata_buffers_statistics.buffers_sqlite); buffer_sprintf(sql_fix, TABLE_ACLK_ALERT, wc->uuid_str); rc = db_execute(db_meta, buffer_tostring(sql_fix)); if (unlikely(rc)) error_report("Failed to create ACLK alert table for host %s", rrdhost_hostname(wc->host)); else { buffer_flush(sql_fix); buffer_sprintf(sql_fix, INDEX_ACLK_ALERT, wc->uuid_str, wc->uuid_str); if (unlikely(db_execute(db_meta, buffer_tostring(sql_fix)))) error_report("Failed to create ACLK alert table for host %s", rrdhost_hostname(wc->host)); } buffer_free(sql_fix); // Try again rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, buffer_tostring(sql), -1, &res, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { error_report("Failed to prepare statement when trying to send an alert update via ACLK"); buffer_free(sql); freez(claim_id); return; } } rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 1, &wc->host->host_uuid, sizeof(wc->host->host_uuid), SQLITE_STATIC); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) { error_report("Failed to bind host_id for pushing alert event."); sqlite3_finalize(res); buffer_free(sql); freez(claim_id); return; } uint64_t first_sequence_id = 0; uint64_t last_sequence_id = 0; while (sqlite3_step_monitored(res) == SQLITE_ROW) { struct alarm_log_entry alarm_log; char old_value_string[100 + 1]; char new_value_string[100 + 1]; alarm_log.node_id = wc->node_id; alarm_log.claim_id = claim_id; alarm_log.chart = strdupz((char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 12)); alarm_log.name = strdupz((char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 11)); alarm_log.when = (time_t) sqlite3_column_int64(res, 5); alarm_log.config_hash = sqlite3_uuid_unparse_strdupz(res, 3); alarm_log.utc_offset = wc->host->utc_offset; alarm_log.timezone = strdupz(rrdhost_abbrev_timezone(wc->host)); alarm_log.exec_path = sqlite3_column_bytes(res, 13) > 0 ? strdupz((char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 13)) : strdupz((char *)string2str(wc->host->health.health_default_exec)); alarm_log.conf_source = sqlite3_column_bytes(res, 15) > 0 ? strdupz((char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 15)) : strdupz(""); char *edit_command = sqlite3_column_bytes(res, 15) > 0 ? health_edit_command_from_source((char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 15)) : strdupz("UNKNOWN=0=UNKNOWN"); alarm_log.command = strdupz(edit_command); alarm_log.duration = (time_t) sqlite3_column_int64(res, 6); alarm_log.non_clear_duration = (time_t) sqlite3_column_int64(res, 7); alarm_log.status = rrdcalc_status_to_proto_enum((RRDCALC_STATUS) sqlite3_column_int(res, 19)); alarm_log.old_status = rrdcalc_status_to_proto_enum((RRDCALC_STATUS) sqlite3_column_int(res, 20)); alarm_log.delay = (int) sqlite3_column_int(res, 21); alarm_log.delay_up_to_timestamp = (time_t) sqlite3_column_int64(res, 10); alarm_log.last_repeat = (time_t) sqlite3_column_int64(res, 24); alarm_log.silenced = ((sqlite3_column_int64(res, 8) & HEALTH_ENTRY_FLAG_SILENCED) || (sqlite3_column_type(res, 14) != SQLITE_NULL && !strncmp((char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 14), "silent", 6))) ? 1 : 0; alarm_log.value_string = sqlite3_column_type(res, 22) == SQLITE_NULL ? strdupz((char *)"-") : strdupz((char *)format_value_and_unit( new_value_string, 100, sqlite3_column_double(res, 22), (char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 16), -1)); alarm_log.old_value_string = sqlite3_column_type(res, 23) == SQLITE_NULL ? strdupz((char *)"-") : strdupz((char *)format_value_and_unit( old_value_string, 100, sqlite3_column_double(res, 23), (char *)sqlite3_column_text(res, 16), -1)); alarm_log.value = (NETDATA_DOUBLE) sqlite3_column_double(res, 22); alarm_log.old_value = (NETDATA_DOUBLE) sqlite3_column_double(res, 23); alarm_log.updated = (sqlite3_column_int64(res, 8) & HEALTH_ENTRY_FLAG_UPDATED) ? 1 : 0; alarm_log.rendered_info = sqlite3_text_strdupz_empty(res, 17); alarm_log.chart_context = sqlite3_text_strdupz_empty(res, 25); alarm_log.transition_id = sqlite3_uuid_unparse_strdupz(res, 26); alarm_log.event_id = (time_t) sqlite3_column_int64(res, 27); alarm_log.chart_name = sqlite3_text_strdupz_empty(res, 28); alarm_log.summary = sqlite3_text_strdupz_empty(res, 29); aclk_send_alarm_log_entry(&alarm_log); if (first_sequence_id == 0) first_sequence_id = (uint64_t) sqlite3_column_int64(res, 0); if (wc->alerts_log_first_sequence_id == 0) wc->alerts_log_first_sequence_id = (uint64_t) sqlite3_column_int64(res, 0); last_sequence_id = (uint64_t) sqlite3_column_int64(res, 0); wc->alerts_log_last_sequence_id = (uint64_t) sqlite3_column_int64(res, 0); destroy_alarm_log_entry(&alarm_log); freez(edit_command); } if (first_sequence_id) { buffer_flush(sql); buffer_sprintf(sql, "UPDATE aclk_alert_%s SET date_submitted=unixepoch() " "WHERE +date_submitted IS NULL AND sequence_id BETWEEN %" PRIu64 " AND %" PRIu64 ";", wc->uuid_str, first_sequence_id, last_sequence_id); if (unlikely(db_execute(db_meta, buffer_tostring(sql)))) error_report("Failed to mark ACLK alert entries as submitted for host %s", rrdhost_hostname(wc->host)); // Mark to do one more check rrdhost_flag_set(wc->host, RRDHOST_FLAG_ACLK_STREAM_ALERTS); } else { if (wc->alerts_log_first_sequence_id) netdata_log_access( "ACLK RES [%s (%s)]: ALERTS SENT from %" PRIu64 " to %" PRIu64 "", wc->node_id, wc->host ? rrdhost_hostname(wc->host) : "N/A", wc->alerts_log_first_sequence_id, wc->alerts_log_last_sequence_id); wc->alerts_log_first_sequence_id = 0; wc->alerts_log_last_sequence_id = 0; } rc = sqlite3_finalize(res); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) error_report("Failed to finalize statement to send alert entries from the database, rc = %d", rc); freez(claim_id); buffer_free(sql); #endif } void aclk_push_alert_events_for_all_hosts(void) { RRDHOST *host; dfe_start_reentrant(rrdhost_root_index, host) { if (rrdhost_flag_check(host, RRDHOST_FLAG_ARCHIVED) || !rrdhost_flag_check(host, RRDHOST_FLAG_ACLK_STREAM_ALERTS)) continue; rrdhost_flag_clear(host, RRDHOST_FLAG_ACLK_STREAM_ALERTS); struct aclk_sync_host_config *wc = host->aclk_sync_host_config; if (likely(wc)) aclk_push_alert_event(wc); } dfe_done(host); } void sql_queue_existing_alerts_to_aclk(RRDHOST *host) { char uuid_str[UUID_STR_LEN]; uuid_unparse_lower_fix(&host->host_uuid, uuid_str); BUFFER *sql = buffer_create(1024, &netdata_buffers_statistics.buffers_sqlite); sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL; int rc; rw_spinlock_write_lock(&host->health_log.spinlock); buffer_sprintf(sql, "delete from aclk_alert_%s; ", uuid_str); if (unlikely(db_execute(db_meta, buffer_tostring(sql)))) { rw_spinlock_write_unlock(&host->health_log.spinlock); buffer_free(sql); return; } buffer_flush(sql); buffer_sprintf( sql, "insert into aclk_alert_%s (alert_unique_id, date_created, filtered_alert_unique_id) " "select hld.unique_id alert_unique_id, unixepoch(), hld.unique_id alert_unique_id from health_log_detail hld, health_log hl " "where hld.new_status <> 0 and hld.new_status <> -2 and hl.health_log_id = hld.health_log_id and hl.config_hash_id is not null " "and hld.updated_by_id = 0 and hl.host_id = @host_id order by hld.unique_id asc on conflict (alert_unique_id) do nothing;", uuid_str); rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, buffer_tostring(sql), -1, &res, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { error_report("Failed to prepare statement when trying to queue existing alerts."); rw_spinlock_write_unlock(&host->health_log.spinlock); buffer_free(sql); return; } rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 1, &host->host_uuid, sizeof(host->host_uuid), SQLITE_STATIC); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) { error_report("Failed to bind host_id for when trying to queue existing alerts."); sqlite3_finalize(res); rw_spinlock_write_unlock(&host->health_log.spinlock); buffer_free(sql); return; } rc = execute_insert(res); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_DONE)) error_report("Failed to queue existing alerts, rc = %d", rc); rc = sqlite3_finalize(res); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) error_report("Failed to finalize statement to queue existing alerts, rc = %d", rc); rw_spinlock_write_unlock(&host->health_log.spinlock); buffer_free(sql); rrdhost_flag_set(host, RRDHOST_FLAG_ACLK_STREAM_ALERTS); } void aclk_send_alarm_configuration(char *config_hash) { if (unlikely(!config_hash)) return; struct aclk_sync_host_config *wc = (struct aclk_sync_host_config *) localhost->aclk_sync_host_config; if (unlikely(!wc)) return; netdata_log_access( "ACLK REQ [%s (%s)]: Request to send alert config %s.", wc->node_id, wc->host ? rrdhost_hostname(wc->host) : "N/A", config_hash); aclk_push_alert_config(wc->node_id, config_hash); } #define SQL_SELECT_ALERT_CONFIG \ "SELECT alarm, template, on_key, class, type, component, os, hosts, plugin," \ "module, charts, lookup, every, units, green, red, calc, warn, crit, to_key, exec, delay, repeat, info," \ "options, host_labels, p_db_lookup_dimensions, p_db_lookup_method, p_db_lookup_options, p_db_lookup_after," \ "p_db_lookup_before, p_update_every, chart_labels, summary FROM alert_hash WHERE hash_id = @hash_id;" int aclk_push_alert_config_event(char *node_id __maybe_unused, char *config_hash __maybe_unused) { int rc = 0; #ifdef ENABLE_ACLK CHECK_SQLITE_CONNECTION(db_meta); sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL; struct aclk_sync_host_config *wc = NULL; RRDHOST *host = find_host_by_node_id(node_id); if (unlikely(!host)) { freez(config_hash); freez(node_id); return 1; } wc = (struct aclk_sync_host_config *)host->aclk_sync_host_config; if (unlikely(!wc)) { freez(config_hash); freez(node_id); return 1; } rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, SQL_SELECT_ALERT_CONFIG, -1, &res, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { error_report("Failed to prepare statement when trying to fetch an alarm hash configuration"); return 1; } uuid_t hash_uuid; if (uuid_parse(config_hash, hash_uuid)) return 1; rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 1, &hash_uuid , sizeof(hash_uuid), SQLITE_STATIC); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) goto bind_fail; struct aclk_alarm_configuration alarm_config; struct provide_alarm_configuration p_alarm_config; p_alarm_config.cfg_hash = NULL; if (sqlite3_step_monitored(res) == SQLITE_ROW) { int param = 0; alarm_config.alarm = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.tmpl = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.on_chart = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.classification = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.type = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.component = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.os = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.hosts = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.plugin = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.module = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.charts = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.lookup = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.every = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.units = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.green = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.red = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.calculation_expr = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.warning_expr = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.critical_expr = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.recipient = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.exec = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.delay = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.repeat = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.info = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.options = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); alarm_config.host_labels = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); // Current param 25 alarm_config.p_db_lookup_dimensions = NULL; alarm_config.p_db_lookup_method = NULL; alarm_config.p_db_lookup_options = NULL; alarm_config.p_db_lookup_after = 0; alarm_config.p_db_lookup_before = 0; if (sqlite3_column_bytes(res, 29) > 0) { alarm_config.p_db_lookup_dimensions = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); // Current param 26 alarm_config.p_db_lookup_method = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, param++); // Current param 27 if (param != 28) netdata_log_error("aclk_push_alert_config_event: Unexpected param number %d", param); BUFFER *tmp_buf = buffer_create(1024, &netdata_buffers_statistics.buffers_sqlite); buffer_data_options2string(tmp_buf, sqlite3_column_int(res, 28)); alarm_config.p_db_lookup_options = strdupz((char *)buffer_tostring(tmp_buf)); buffer_free(tmp_buf); alarm_config.p_db_lookup_after = sqlite3_column_int(res, 29); alarm_config.p_db_lookup_before = sqlite3_column_int(res, 30); } alarm_config.p_update_every = sqlite3_column_int(res, 31); alarm_config.chart_labels = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, 32); alarm_config.summary = SQLITE3_COLUMN_STRDUPZ_OR_NULL(res, 33); p_alarm_config.cfg_hash = strdupz((char *) config_hash); p_alarm_config.cfg = alarm_config; } if (likely(p_alarm_config.cfg_hash)) { netdata_log_access("ACLK RES [%s (%s)]: Sent alert config %s.", wc->node_id, wc->host ? rrdhost_hostname(wc->host) : "N/A", config_hash); aclk_send_provide_alarm_cfg(&p_alarm_config); freez(p_alarm_config.cfg_hash); destroy_aclk_alarm_configuration(&alarm_config); } else netdata_log_access("ACLK STA [%s (%s)]: Alert config for %s not found.", wc->node_id, wc->host ? rrdhost_hostname(wc->host) : "N/A", config_hash); bind_fail: rc = sqlite3_finalize(res); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) error_report("Failed to reset statement when pushing alarm config hash, rc = %d", rc); freez(config_hash); freez(node_id); #endif return rc; } // Start streaming alerts void aclk_start_alert_streaming(char *node_id, bool resets) { uuid_t node_uuid; if (unlikely(!node_id || uuid_parse(node_id, node_uuid))) return; RRDHOST *host = find_host_by_node_id(node_id); if (unlikely(!host)) return; struct aclk_sync_host_config *wc = host->aclk_sync_host_config; if (unlikely(!wc)) return; if (unlikely(!host->health.health_enabled)) { netdata_log_access("ACLK STA [%s (N/A)]: Ignoring request to stream alert state changes, health is disabled.", node_id); return; } if (resets) { netdata_log_access("ACLK REQ [%s (%s)]: STREAM ALERTS ENABLED (RESET REQUESTED)", node_id, wc->host ? rrdhost_hostname(wc->host) : "N/A"); sql_queue_existing_alerts_to_aclk(host); } else netdata_log_access("ACLK REQ [%s (%s)]: STREAM ALERTS ENABLED", node_id, wc->host ? rrdhost_hostname(wc->host) : "N/A"); wc->alert_updates = 1; wc->alert_queue_removed = SEND_REMOVED_AFTER_HEALTH_LOOPS; } #define SQL_QUEUE_REMOVE_ALERTS "INSERT INTO aclk_alert_%s (alert_unique_id, date_created, filtered_alert_unique_id) " \ "SELECT hld.unique_id alert_unique_id, UNIXEPOCH(), hld.unique_id alert_unique_id FROM health_log hl, health_log_detail hld " \ "WHERE hl.host_id = @host_id AND hl.health_log_id = hld.health_log_id AND hld.new_status = -2 AND hld.updated_by_id = 0 " \ "AND hld.unique_id NOT IN (SELECT alert_unique_id FROM aclk_alert_%s) " \ "AND hl.config_hash_id NOT IN (select hash_id from alert_hash where warn is null and crit is null) " \ "AND hl.name || hl.chart NOT IN (select name || chart from health_log where name = hl.name and chart = hl.chart and alarm_id > hl.alarm_id and host_id = hl.host_id) " \ "ORDER BY hld.unique_id ASC ON CONFLICT (alert_unique_id) DO NOTHING;" void sql_process_queue_removed_alerts_to_aclk(char *node_id) { struct aclk_sync_host_config *wc; RRDHOST *host = find_host_by_node_id(node_id); freez(node_id); if (unlikely(!host || !(wc = host->aclk_sync_host_config))) return; char sql[ACLK_SYNC_QUERY_SIZE * 2]; sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL; snprintfz(sql, ACLK_SYNC_QUERY_SIZE * 2 - 1, SQL_QUEUE_REMOVE_ALERTS, wc->uuid_str, wc->uuid_str); int rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, sql, -1, &res, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { error_report("Failed to prepare statement when trying to queue removed alerts."); return; } rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(res, 1, &host->host_uuid, sizeof(host->host_uuid), SQLITE_STATIC); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) { error_report("Failed to bind host_id for when trying to queue remvoed alerts."); sqlite3_finalize(res); return; } rc = execute_insert(res); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_DONE)) { sqlite3_finalize(res); error_report("Failed to queue removed alerts, rc = %d", rc); return; } rc = sqlite3_finalize(res); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) error_report("Failed to finalize statement to queue removed alerts, rc = %d", rc); netdata_log_access("ACLK STA [%s (%s)]: QUEUED REMOVED ALERTS", wc->node_id, rrdhost_hostname(wc->host)); rrdhost_flag_set(wc->host, RRDHOST_FLAG_ACLK_STREAM_ALERTS); wc->alert_queue_removed = 0; } void sql_queue_removed_alerts_to_aclk(RRDHOST *host) { if (unlikely(!host->aclk_sync_host_config)) return; if (!claimed() || !host->node_id) return; char node_id[UUID_STR_LEN]; uuid_unparse_lower(*host->node_id, node_id); aclk_push_node_removed_alerts(node_id); } void aclk_process_send_alarm_snapshot(char *node_id, char *claim_id __maybe_unused, char *snapshot_uuid) { uuid_t node_uuid; if (unlikely(!node_id || uuid_parse(node_id, node_uuid))) return; RRDHOST *host = find_host_by_node_id(node_id); if (unlikely(!host)) { netdata_log_access("ACLK STA [%s (N/A)]: ACLK node id does not exist", node_id); return; } struct aclk_sync_host_config *wc = (struct aclk_sync_host_config *)host->aclk_sync_host_config; if (unlikely(!wc)) { netdata_log_access("ACLK STA [%s (N/A)]: ACLK node id does not exist", node_id); return; } netdata_log_access( "IN [%s (%s)]: Request to send alerts snapshot, snapshot_uuid %s", node_id, wc->host ? rrdhost_hostname(wc->host) : "N/A", snapshot_uuid); if (wc->alerts_snapshot_uuid && !strcmp(wc->alerts_snapshot_uuid,snapshot_uuid)) return; __sync_synchronize(); wc->alerts_snapshot_uuid = strdupz(snapshot_uuid); __sync_synchronize(); aclk_push_node_alert_snapshot(node_id); } #ifdef ENABLE_ACLK void health_alarm_entry2proto_nolock(struct alarm_log_entry *alarm_log, ALARM_ENTRY *ae, RRDHOST *host) { char *edit_command = ae->source ? health_edit_command_from_source(ae_source(ae)) : strdupz("UNKNOWN=0=UNKNOWN"); char config_hash_id[UUID_STR_LEN]; uuid_unparse_lower(ae->config_hash_id, config_hash_id); char transition_id[UUID_STR_LEN]; uuid_unparse_lower(ae->transition_id, transition_id); alarm_log->chart = strdupz(ae_chart_id(ae)); alarm_log->name = strdupz(ae_name(ae)); alarm_log->batch_id = 0; alarm_log->sequence_id = 0; alarm_log->when = (time_t)ae->when; alarm_log->config_hash = strdupz((char *)config_hash_id); alarm_log->utc_offset = host->utc_offset; alarm_log->timezone = strdupz(rrdhost_abbrev_timezone(host)); alarm_log->exec_path = ae->exec ? strdupz(ae_exec(ae)) : strdupz((char *)string2str(host->health.health_default_exec)); alarm_log->conf_source = ae->source ? strdupz(ae_source(ae)) : strdupz((char *)""); alarm_log->command = strdupz((char *)edit_command); alarm_log->duration = (time_t)ae->duration; alarm_log->non_clear_duration = (time_t)ae->non_clear_duration; alarm_log->status = rrdcalc_status_to_proto_enum((RRDCALC_STATUS)ae->new_status); alarm_log->old_status = rrdcalc_status_to_proto_enum((RRDCALC_STATUS)ae->old_status); alarm_log->delay = (int)ae->delay; alarm_log->delay_up_to_timestamp = (time_t)ae->delay_up_to_timestamp; alarm_log->last_repeat = (time_t)ae->last_repeat; alarm_log->silenced = ((ae->flags & HEALTH_ENTRY_FLAG_SILENCED) || (ae->recipient && !strncmp(ae_recipient(ae), "silent", 6))) ? 1 : 0; alarm_log->value_string = strdupz(ae_new_value_string(ae)); alarm_log->old_value_string = strdupz(ae_old_value_string(ae)); alarm_log->value = (!isnan(ae->new_value)) ? (NETDATA_DOUBLE)ae->new_value : 0; alarm_log->old_value = (!isnan(ae->old_value)) ? (NETDATA_DOUBLE)ae->old_value : 0; alarm_log->updated = (ae->flags & HEALTH_ENTRY_FLAG_UPDATED) ? 1 : 0; alarm_log->rendered_info = strdupz(ae_info(ae)); alarm_log->chart_context = strdupz(ae_chart_context(ae)); alarm_log->chart_name = strdupz(ae_chart_name(ae)); alarm_log->transition_id = strdupz((char *)transition_id); alarm_log->event_id = (uint64_t) ae->alarm_event_id; alarm_log->summary = strdupz(ae_summary(ae)); freez(edit_command); } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_ACLK static int have_recent_alarm(RRDHOST *host, uint32_t alarm_id, uint32_t mark) { ALARM_ENTRY *ae = host->health_log.alarms; while (ae) { if (ae->alarm_id == alarm_id && ae->unique_id >mark && (ae->new_status != RRDCALC_STATUS_WARNING && ae->new_status != RRDCALC_STATUS_CRITICAL)) return 1; ae = ae->next; } return 0; } #endif #define ALARM_EVENTS_PER_CHUNK 1000 void aclk_push_alert_snapshot_event(char *node_id __maybe_unused) { #ifdef ENABLE_ACLK RRDHOST *host = find_host_by_node_id(node_id); if (unlikely(!host)) { netdata_log_access("AC [%s (N/A)]: Node id not found", node_id); freez(node_id); return; } freez(node_id); struct aclk_sync_host_config *wc = host->aclk_sync_host_config; // we perhaps we don't need this for snapshots if (unlikely(!wc->alert_updates)) { netdata_log_access( "ACLK STA [%s (%s)]: Ignoring alert snapshot event, updates have been turned off for this node.", wc->node_id, wc->host ? rrdhost_hostname(wc->host) : "N/A"); return; } if (unlikely(!wc->alerts_snapshot_uuid)) return; char *claim_id = get_agent_claimid(); if (unlikely(!claim_id)) return; netdata_log_access("ACLK REQ [%s (%s)]: Sending alerts snapshot, snapshot_uuid %s", wc->node_id, rrdhost_hostname(wc->host), wc->alerts_snapshot_uuid); uint32_t cnt = 0; char uuid_str[UUID_STR_LEN]; uuid_unparse_lower_fix(&host->host_uuid, uuid_str); rw_spinlock_read_lock(&host->health_log.spinlock); ALARM_ENTRY *ae = host->health_log.alarms; for (; ae; ae = ae->next) { if (likely(ae->updated_by_id)) continue; if (unlikely(ae->new_status == RRDCALC_STATUS_UNINITIALIZED)) continue; if (have_recent_alarm(host, ae->alarm_id, ae->unique_id)) continue; if (is_event_from_alert_variable_config(ae->unique_id, &host->host_uuid)) continue; cnt++; } if (cnt) { uint32_t chunk = 1, chunks = 0; chunks = (cnt / ALARM_EVENTS_PER_CHUNK) + (cnt % ALARM_EVENTS_PER_CHUNK != 0); ae = host->health_log.alarms; cnt = 0; struct alarm_snapshot alarm_snap; alarm_snap.node_id = wc->node_id; alarm_snap.claim_id = claim_id; alarm_snap.snapshot_uuid = wc->alerts_snapshot_uuid; alarm_snap.chunks = chunks; alarm_snap.chunk = chunk; alarm_snapshot_proto_ptr_t snapshot_proto = NULL; for (; ae; ae = ae->next) { if (likely(ae->updated_by_id)) continue; if (unlikely(ae->new_status == RRDCALC_STATUS_UNINITIALIZED)) continue; if (have_recent_alarm(host, ae->alarm_id, ae->unique_id)) continue; if (is_event_from_alert_variable_config(ae->unique_id, &host->host_uuid)) continue; cnt++; struct alarm_log_entry alarm_log; alarm_log.node_id = wc->node_id; alarm_log.claim_id = claim_id; if (!snapshot_proto) snapshot_proto = generate_alarm_snapshot_proto(&alarm_snap); health_alarm_entry2proto_nolock(&alarm_log, ae, host); add_alarm_log_entry2snapshot(snapshot_proto, &alarm_log); if (cnt == ALARM_EVENTS_PER_CHUNK) { aclk_send_alarm_snapshot(snapshot_proto); cnt = 0; if (chunk < chunks) { chunk++; struct alarm_snapshot alarm_snap; alarm_snap.node_id = wc->node_id; alarm_snap.claim_id = claim_id; alarm_snap.snapshot_uuid = wc->alerts_snapshot_uuid; alarm_snap.chunks = chunks; alarm_snap.chunk = chunk; snapshot_proto = generate_alarm_snapshot_proto(&alarm_snap); } } destroy_alarm_log_entry(&alarm_log); } if (cnt) aclk_send_alarm_snapshot(snapshot_proto); } rw_spinlock_read_unlock(&host->health_log.spinlock); wc->alerts_snapshot_uuid = NULL; freez(claim_id); #endif } #define SQL_DELETE_ALERT_ENTRIES "DELETE FROM aclk_alert_%s WHERE date_created + %d < UNIXEPOCH();" void sql_aclk_alert_clean_dead_entries(RRDHOST *host) { char uuid_str[UUID_STR_LEN]; uuid_unparse_lower_fix(&host->host_uuid, uuid_str); char sql[ACLK_SYNC_QUERY_SIZE]; snprintfz(sql, ACLK_SYNC_QUERY_SIZE - 1, SQL_DELETE_ALERT_ENTRIES, uuid_str, MAX_REMOVED_PERIOD); char *err_msg = NULL; int rc = sqlite3_exec_monitored(db_meta, sql, NULL, NULL, &err_msg); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { error_report("Failed when trying to clean stale ACLK alert entries from aclk_alert_%s, error message \"%s\"", uuid_str, err_msg); sqlite3_free(err_msg); } } #define SQL_GET_MIN_MAX_ALERT_SEQ "SELECT MIN(sequence_id), MAX(sequence_id), " \ "(SELECT MAX(sequence_id) FROM aclk_alert_%s WHERE date_submitted IS NOT NULL) " \ "FROM aclk_alert_%s WHERE date_submitted IS NULL;" int get_proto_alert_status(RRDHOST *host, struct proto_alert_status *proto_alert_status) { int rc; struct aclk_sync_host_config *wc = NULL; wc = (struct aclk_sync_host_config *)host->aclk_sync_host_config; if (!wc) return 1; proto_alert_status->alert_updates = wc->alert_updates; char sql[ACLK_SYNC_QUERY_SIZE]; sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL; snprintfz(sql, ACLK_SYNC_QUERY_SIZE - 1, SQL_GET_MIN_MAX_ALERT_SEQ, wc->uuid_str, wc->uuid_str); rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_meta, sql, -1, &res, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { error_report("Failed to prepare statement to get alert log status from the database."); return 1; } while (sqlite3_step_monitored(res) == SQLITE_ROW) { proto_alert_status->pending_min_sequence_id = sqlite3_column_bytes(res, 0) > 0 ? (uint64_t) sqlite3_column_int64(res, 0) : 0; proto_alert_status->pending_max_sequence_id = sqlite3_column_bytes(res, 1) > 0 ? (uint64_t) sqlite3_column_int64(res, 1) : 0; proto_alert_status->last_submitted_sequence_id = sqlite3_column_bytes(res, 2) > 0 ? (uint64_t) sqlite3_column_int64(res, 2) : 0; } rc = sqlite3_finalize(res); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) error_report("Failed to finalize statement to get alert log status from the database, rc = %d", rc); return 0; } void aclk_send_alarm_checkpoint(char *node_id, char *claim_id __maybe_unused) { if (unlikely(!node_id)) return; struct aclk_sync_host_config *wc = NULL; RRDHOST *host = find_host_by_node_id(node_id); if (unlikely(!host)) return; wc = (struct aclk_sync_host_config *)host->aclk_sync_host_config; if (unlikely(!wc)) { netdata_log_access("ACLK REQ [%s (N/A)]: ALERTS CHECKPOINT REQUEST RECEIVED FOR INVALID NODE", node_id); return; } netdata_log_access("ACLK REQ [%s (%s)]: ALERTS CHECKPOINT REQUEST RECEIVED", node_id, rrdhost_hostname(host)); wc->alert_checkpoint_req = SEND_CHECKPOINT_AFTER_HEALTH_LOOPS; } typedef struct active_alerts { char *name; char *chart; RRDCALC_STATUS status; } active_alerts_t; static inline int compare_active_alerts(const void * a, const void * b) { active_alerts_t *active_alerts_a = (active_alerts_t *)a; active_alerts_t *active_alerts_b = (active_alerts_t *)b; if( !(strcmp(active_alerts_a->name, active_alerts_b->name)) ) { return strcmp(active_alerts_a->chart, active_alerts_b->chart); } else return strcmp(active_alerts_a->name, active_alerts_b->name); } #define BATCH_ALLOCATED 10 void aclk_push_alarm_checkpoint(RRDHOST *host __maybe_unused) { #ifdef ENABLE_ACLK struct aclk_sync_host_config *wc = host->aclk_sync_host_config; if (unlikely(!wc)) { netdata_log_access("ACLK REQ [%s (N/A)]: ALERTS CHECKPOINT REQUEST RECEIVED FOR INVALID NODE", rrdhost_hostname(host)); return; } if (rrdhost_flag_check(host, RRDHOST_FLAG_ACLK_STREAM_ALERTS)) { //postpone checkpoint send wc->alert_checkpoint_req+=3; netdata_log_access("ACLK REQ [%s (N/A)]: ALERTS CHECKPOINT POSTPONED", rrdhost_hostname(host)); return; } RRDCALC *rc; uint32_t cnt = 0; size_t len = 0; active_alerts_t *active_alerts = callocz(BATCH_ALLOCATED, sizeof(active_alerts_t)); foreach_rrdcalc_in_rrdhost_read(host, rc) { if(unlikely(!rc->rrdset || !rc->rrdset->last_collected_time.tv_sec)) continue; if (rc->status == RRDCALC_STATUS_WARNING || rc->status == RRDCALC_STATUS_CRITICAL) { if (cnt && !(cnt % BATCH_ALLOCATED)) { active_alerts = reallocz(active_alerts, (BATCH_ALLOCATED * ((cnt / BATCH_ALLOCATED) + 1)) * sizeof(active_alerts_t)); } active_alerts[cnt].name = (char *)rrdcalc_name(rc); len += string_strlen(rc->name); active_alerts[cnt].chart = (char *)rrdcalc_chart_name(rc); len += string_strlen(rc->chart); active_alerts[cnt].status = rc->status; len++; cnt++; } } foreach_rrdcalc_in_rrdhost_done(rc); BUFFER *alarms_to_hash; if (cnt) { qsort (active_alerts, cnt, sizeof(active_alerts_t), compare_active_alerts); alarms_to_hash = buffer_create(len, NULL); for (uint32_t i=0;inode_id; alarm_checkpoint.checksum = (char *)hash; aclk_send_provide_alarm_checkpoint(&alarm_checkpoint); freez(claim_id); netdata_log_access("ACLK RES [%s (%s)]: ALERTS CHECKPOINT SENT", wc->node_id, rrdhost_hostname(host)); } else { netdata_log_access("ACLK RES [%s (%s)]: FAILED TO CREATE ALERTS CHECKPOINT HASH", wc->node_id, rrdhost_hostname(host)); } wc->alert_checkpoint_req = 0; buffer_free(alarms_to_hash); #endif }