* package splitting: - think about a workaround for not having the dh_missing for debian/tmp-no-sse (e.g. diff the core and core-no-sse file lists?) - add alternative depends on core and core-no-sse via substvars on affected archtectures only - split out arch-all stuff from core/core-no-sse to netdata-common or so (check if worthwile; micropackaging vs. lazy) - add netdata-doc if htmldoc is buildable again - enable "expensive" plugins (--enable-plugin-nfacct --enable-plugin-cups --with-libcap) and move them to plugins-extra. * migrate from user 'netdata' to '_netdata'. * finish ucf handling for netdata.conf * keep depends minimal and put everything to recommends/suggests * check netdata.conf, netdata.init, netdata.service etc. with upstream * check if freeipmi plugin can be run with caps instead setuid * netdata.conf: preseeding of ip, port, registry, and history. * netdata-apache2: - conditional (debconf) disabling of apache2 mod on remove. * upstream: - 'netdata -W set' seems broken - update to bootstrap 4 - switch to fonts-fork-awesome