A paragraph that explains what the tutorial does, why it matters, and the expected outcome. To achieve goal: 1. [Do the first task](#first-task) 2. [Do the second task](#second-task) ## Prerequisites Optional. List all needed prerequisites: - Prerequisite 1 - Prerequisite 2 - Prerequisite 3 ## First task To do x: 1. Step 1 written in active voice ```bash Code sample for step ``` 2. Step 2 Result of step 2, for example a system reaction; written in passive voice 3. Step 3 ## Second task To do x: 1. Step 1 written in active voice ```bash Code sample for step ``` 2. Step 2 Result of step 2, for example a system reaction; written in passive voice 3. Step 3 ## What's next? Optional section that explains the next logical steps.