<!-- title: "Donations" custom_edit_url: https://github.com/netdata/netdata/edit/master/docs/Donations-netdata-has-received.md --> # Donations This is a list of the donations we have received for Netdata (sorted alphabetically on their name): | what donated|related links|who donated|description of the donation| |-----------:|:-----------:|:---------:|:--------------------------| | Packages Distribution|-|**[PackageCloud.io](https://packagecloud.io/)**|**PackageCloud.io** donated to a free open-source subscription to their awesome Package Distribution services.| | Cross Browser Testing|-|**[BrowserStack.com](https://www.browserstack.com/)**|**BrowserStack.com** donated a free subscription to their awesome Browser Testing services (all three of them: Live, Screenshots, Responsive).| | Cloud VM|[cdn77.my-netdata.io](http://cdn77.my-netdata.io)|**[CDN77.com](https://www.cdn77.com/)**|**CDN77.com** donated a VM with 2 CPU cores, 4GB RAM and 20GB HD, on their excellent CDN network.| | Localization Management|[Netdata localization project](https://crowdin.com/project/netdata) (check issue [#279](https://github.com/netdata/netdata/issues/279))|**[Crowdin.com](https://crowdin.com/)**|**Crowdin.com** donated an open source license to their Localization Management Platform.| | Cloud VMs|[london.my-netdata.io](https://london.my-netdata.io) (Several VMs)|**[DigitalOcean.com](https://www.digitalocean.com/)**|**DigitalOcean.com** donated 1000 USD to be used in their excellent Cloud Computing services. Many thanks to [Justin Paine](https://github.com/xxdesmus) for making this happen.| | Development IDE|-|**[JetBrains.com](https://www.jetbrains.com/)**|**JetBrains.com** donated an open source license for 4 developers for 1 year, to their excellent IDEs.| | Cloud VM|[octopuscs.my-netdata.io](https://octopuscs.my-netdata.io)|**[OctopusCS.com](https://octopuscs.com/)**|**OctopusCS.com** donated a VM with 4 CPU cores, 16GB RAM and 50GB HD in their excellent Cloud Computing services.| | Cloud VM|[stackscale.my-netdata.io](https://stackscale.my-netdata.io)|**[stackscale.com](https://www.stackscale.com/)**|**StackScale.com** donated a VM with 4 CPU cores, 16GB RAM and 100GB HD in their excellent Cloud Computing services.| Thank you! --- **Do you want to donate?** We are thirsty for on-line services that can help us make Netdata better. We also try to build a network of demo sites (VMs) that can help us show the full potential of Netdata. Please contact me at costa@tsaousis.gr.