--- title: "Select timeframes to visualize" description: "Netdata's dashboard features a rich timeframe selector, with useful defaults and rich customization, to help you narrow your focus when troubleshooting issues or anomalies." type: how-to custom_edit_url: https://github.com/netdata/netdata/edit/master/docs/dashboard/select-timeframes.mdx --- # Pick timeframes to visualize While [panning through time and zooming in/out](/docs/dashboard/interact-charts.mdx) from charts is helpful when you're looking a recent history, or want to do granular troubleshooting, what if you want to see metrics from 6 hours ago? Or 6 days? Netdata's dashboard features a **timeframe selector** to help you visualize specific timeframes in a few helpful ways. By default, it shows a certain number of minutes of historical metrics based on the your browser's viewport to ensure it's always showing per-second granularity. ## Open the timeframe selector To visualize a new timeframe, you need to open the picker, which appears just above the menu, near the top-right cover of the dashboard. ![The timeframe selector in the local Agent dashboard](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1153921/101507784-2c585080-3934-11eb-9d6e-eff30b8553e4.png) The **Clear** button resets the dashboard back to its default state based on your browser viewport, and **Apply** closes the picker and shifts all charts to the selected timeframe. ## Use the Quick Selector Click any of the following options in the **Quick Selector** to choose a commonly-used timeframe. - Last 5 minutes - Last 15 minutes - Last 2 hours - Last 6 hours - Last 12 hours Click **Apply** to see metrics from your selected timeframe. ## Choose a specific interval Beneath the Quick Selector is an input field and dropdown you use in combination to select a specific timeframe of minutes, hours, days, or months. Enter a number and choose the appropriate unit of time, then click **Apply**. ## Choose multiple days Use the calendar to select multiple days. Click on a date to begin the timeframe selection, then an ending date. The timeframe begins at noon on the beginning and end dates. Click **Apply** to see your selected multi-day timeframe. ## Caveats and considerations **Longer timeframes will decrease metrics granularity**. At the default timeframe, based on your browser viewport, each "tick" on charts represents one second. If you select a timeframe of 6 hours, each tick represents the _average_ value across a larger period of time. **You can only see metrics as far back in history as your metrics retention policy allows**. Netdata uses an internal time-series database (TSDB) to store as many metrics as it can within a specific amount of disk space. The default storage is 256 MiB, which should be enough for 1-3 days of historical metrics. If you navigate back to a timeframe beyond stored historical metrics, you'll see this message: ![Screenshot of reaching the end of historical metrics storage](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1153921/114207597-63a23280-9911-11eb-863d-4d2f75b030b4.png) At any time, [configure the internal TSDB's storage capacity](/docs/store/change-metrics-storage.md) to expand your depth of historical metrics. ## What's next? One useful next step after selecting a timeframe is [exporting the metrics](/docs/dashboard/import-export-print-snapshot.mdx) into a snapshot file, which can then be shared and imported into any other Netdata dashboard. There are also many ways to [customize](/docs/dashboard/customize.mdx) the standard dashboard experience, from changing the theme to editing the text that accompanies every section of charts. ### Further reading & related information - Dashboard - [How the dashboard works](/docs/dashboard/how-dashboard-works.mdx) - [Interact with charts](/docs/dashboard/interact-charts.mdx) - [Chart dimensions, contexts, and families](/docs/dashboard/dimensions-contexts-families.mdx) - **[Select timeframes to visualize](/docs/dashboard/select-timeframes.mdx)** - [Import, export, and print a snapshot](/docs/dashboard/import-export-print-snapshot.mdx) - [Customize the standard dashboard](/docs/dashboard/customize.mdx)