#!/bin/bash # buildhtml.sh # Builds the html static site, using mkdocs set -e # Assumes that the script is executed either from the htmldoc folder (by netlify), or from the root repo dir (as originally intended) currentdir=$(pwd | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}') echo "$currentdir" if [ "$currentdir" = "generator" ]; then cd ../.. fi GENERATOR_DIR="docs/generator" # Copy all netdata .md files to docs/generator/src. Exclude htmldoc itself and also the directory node_modules generatord by Netlify echo "Copying files" rm -rf ${GENERATOR_DIR}/src find . -type d \( -path ./${GENERATOR_DIR} -o -path ./node_modules \) -prune -o -name "*.md" -print | cpio -pd ${GENERATOR_DIR}/src # Copy netdata html resources cp -a ./${GENERATOR_DIR}/custom ./${GENERATOR_DIR}/src/ # Modify the first line of the main README.md, to enable proper static html generation echo "Modifying README header" sed -i -e '0,/# netdata /s//# Introduction\n\n/' ${GENERATOR_DIR}/src/README.md # Remove all GA tracking code find ${GENERATOR_DIR}/src -name "*.md" -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e 's/\[!\[analytics.*UA-64295674-3)\]()//g' # Remove specific files that don't belong in the documentation declare -a EXCLUDE_LIST=( "HISTORICAL_CHANGELOG.md" "contrib/sles11/README.md" "packaging/maintainers/README.md" ) for f in "${EXCLUDE_LIST[@]}"; do rm "${GENERATOR_DIR}/src/$f" done echo "Creating mkdocs.yaml" # Generate mkdocs.yaml ${GENERATOR_DIR}/buildyaml.sh >${GENERATOR_DIR}/mkdocs.yml echo "Fixing links" # Fix links (recursively, all types, executing replacements) ${GENERATOR_DIR}/checklinks.sh -rax if [ "${1}" != "nomkdocs" ] ; then echo "Calling mkdocs" # Build html docs mkdocs build --config-file=${GENERATOR_DIR}/mkdocs.yml fi echo "Finished"