# Export metrics to Graphite providers You can use the Graphite connector for the [exporting engine](https://github.com/netdata/netdata/blob/master/exporting/README.md) to archive your agent's metrics to Graphite providers for long-term storage, further analysis, or correlation with data from other sources. ## Prerequisites You have already [installed Netdata](https://github.com/netdata/netdata/edit/master/packaging/installer/README.md) and Graphite. ## Configuration Begin by using `edit-config` to open the `exporting.conf` file. ```bash cd /etc/netdata # Replace this path with your Netdata config directory sudo ./edit-config exporting.conf ``` Enable the exporting engine by setting `enabled` to `yes` in the `[exporting:global]` section. ```conf [exporting:global] enabled = yes ``` Next, configure the connector. Find the `[graphite:my_graphite_instance]` example section and uncomment the line. Set the `destination` setting to `localhost:2003`. By default, the Docker image for Graphite listens on port `2003` for incoming metrics. If you installed Graphite a different way, you may need to change the port accordingly. ```conf [graphite:netdata] enabled = yes destination = localhost:2003 ... ``` Add `:http` or `:https` modifiers to the connector type if you need to use other than a plaintext protocol. For example: `graphite:http:my_graphite_instance`, `graphite:https:my_graphite_instance`. You can set basic HTTP authentication credentials using ```conf username = my_username password = my_password ``` The final result for a remote, secured host should be the following: ```conf [graphite:https:netdata] enabled = yes username = my_username password = my_password destination = remote_host_url:2003 # data source = average # prefix = netdata # hostname = my_hostname # update every = 10 # buffer on failures = 10 # timeout ms = 20000 # send names instead of ids = yes # send charts matching = * # send hosts matching = localhost * ``` We'll not worry about the [rest of the settings](https://github.com/netdata/netdata/blob/master/exporting/README.md#options) for now. Restart the Agent using `sudo systemctl restart netdata`, or the [appropriate method](https://github.com/netdata/netdata/blob/master/docs/configure/start-stop-restart.md) for your system, to spin up the exporting engine. ## See and organize Netdata metrics in Graphite Head back to the Graphite interface again, then click on the **Dashboard** link to get started with Netdata's exported metrics. You can also navigate directly to `http://NODE/dashboard`. Let's switch the interface to help you understand which metrics Netdata is exporting to Graphite. Click on **Dashboard** and **Configure UI**, then choose the **Tree** option. Refresh your browser to change the UI. ![Change the Graphite UI](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1153921/83798697-77c63500-a659-11ea-8ed5-5e274953c871.png) You should now see a tree of available contexts, including one that matches the hostname of the Agent exporting metrics. In this example, the Agent's hostname is `arcturus`. Let's add some system CPU charts so you can monitor the long-term health of your system. Click through the tree to find **hostname → system → cpu** metrics, then click on the **user** context. A chart with metrics from that context appears in the dashboard. Add a few other system CPU charts to flesh things out. Next, let's combine one or two of these charts. Click and drag one chart onto the other, and wait until the green **Drop to merge** dialog appears. Release to merge the charts. ![Merging charts in Graphite](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1153921/83817628-1bbfd880-a67a-11ea-81bc-05efc639b6ce.png) Finally, save your dashboard. Click **Dashboard**, then **Save As**, then choose a name. Your dashboard is now saved. Of course, this is just the beginning of the customization you can do with Graphite. You can change the time range, share your dashboard with others, or use the composer to customize the size and appearance of specific charts. Learn more about adding, modifying, and combining graphs in the [Graphite docs](https://graphite.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dashboard.html). ## Monitor the exporting engine As soon as the exporting engine begins, Netdata begins reporting metrics about the system's health and performance. ![Graphs for monitoring the exporting engine](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1153921/83800787-e5c02b80-a65c-11ea-865a-c447d2ce4cbb.png) You can use these charts to verify that Netdata is properly exporting metrics to Graphite. You can even add these exporting charts to your Graphite dashboard! ### Add exporting charts to Netdata Cloud You can also show these exporting engine metrics on Netdata Cloud. If you don't have an account already, go [sign in](https://app.netdata.cloud) and get started for free. Add more metrics to a War Room's Nodes tab by clicking on the **Add metric** button, then typing `exporting` into the context field. Choose the exporting contexts you want to add, then click **Add**. You'll see these charts alongside any others you've customized in Netdata Cloud. ![Exporting engine metrics in Netdata Cloud](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1153921/83902769-db139e00-a711-11ea-828e-aa7e32b04c75.png) ## What's next What you do with your exported metrics is entirely up to you, but as you might have seen in the Graphite connector configuration block, there are many other ways to tweak and customize which metrics you export to Graphite and how often. For full details about each configuration option and what it does, see the [exporting reference guide](https://github.com/netdata/netdata/blob/master/exporting/README.md).