# Fluent Bit running as a sidecar on Kubernetes Windows node You can test the Fluent Bit image as a sidecar on a Kubernetes Windows node as follows: ``` kubectl create namespace fluentbit kubectl apply -n fluentbit -f $SAMPLE_DIR\kubernetes\configmap.yaml kubectl apply -n fluentbit -f $SAMPLE_DIR\kubernetes\deployment.yaml ``` Ensure that the resources have been correctly deployed. ``` kubectl get pod -n fluentbit NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE logging-fluentbit-sidecar-6ff8c84494-zt4ft 2/2 Running 0 31m kubectl get svc -n fluentbit NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE logging-fluentbit-sidecar LoadBalancer 80:30172/TCP 126m ``` If you tail the logs on the Fluent Bit sidecar, and then explore the website running in the external ip and port 80, you should see generated logs ... ``` kubectl logs logging-fluentbit-sidecar-6ff8c84494-zt4ft -n fluentbit -c fluentbit-logger -f ```