Avro C ====== The current version of Avro is +{avro_version}+. The current version of +libavro+ is +{libavro_version}+. This document was created +{docdate}+. == Introduction to Avro Avro is a data serialization system. Avro provides: * Rich data structures. * A compact, fast, binary data format. * A container file, to store persistent data. * Remote procedure call (RPC). This document will focus on the C implementation of Avro. To learn more about Avro in general, https://avro.apache.org/[visit the Avro website]. == Introduction to Avro C .... ___ ______ / |_ ___________ / ____/ / /| | | / / ___/ __ \ / / / ___ | |/ / / / /_/ / / /___ /_/ |_|___/_/ \____/ \____/ .... [quote,Waldi Ravens,(walra%moacs11 @ nl.net) 94/03/18] ____ A C program is like a fast dance on a newly waxed dance floor by people carrying razors. ____ The C implementation has been tested on +MacOSX+ and +Linux+ but, over time, the number of support OSes should grow. Please let us know if you're using +Avro C+ on other systems. Avro depends on the http://www.digip.org/jansson/[Jansson JSON parser], version 2.3 or higher. On many operating systems this library is available through your package manager (for example, +apt-get install libjansson-dev+ on Ubuntu/Debian, and +brew install jansson+ on Mac OS). If not, please download and install it from source. The C implementation supports: * binary encoding/decoding of all primitive and complex data types * storage to an Avro Object Container File * schema resolution, promotion and projection * validating and non-validating mode for writing Avro data The C implementation is lacking: * RPC To learn about the API, take a look at the examples and reference files later in this document. We're always looking for contributions so, if you're a C hacker, please feel free to https://avro.apache.org/[submit patches to the project]. == Error reporting Most functions in the Avro C library return a single +int+ status code. Following the POSIX _errno.h_ convention, a status code of 0 indicates success. Non-zero codes indicate an error condition. Some functions return a pointer value instead of an +int+ status code; for these functions, a +NULL+ pointer indicates an error. You can retrieve a string description of the most recent error using the +avro_strerror+ function: [source,c] ---- avro_schema_t schema = avro_schema_string(); if (schema == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error was %s\n", avro_strerror()); } ---- == Avro values Starting with version 1.6.0, the Avro C library has a new API for handling Avro data. To help distinguish between the two APIs, we refer to the old one as the _legacy_ or _datum_ API, and the new one as the _value_ API. (These names come from the names of the C types used to represent Avro data in the corresponding API — +avro_datum_t+ and +avro_value_t+.) The legacy API is still present, but it's deprecated — you shouldn't use the +avro_datum_t+ type or the +avro_datum_*+ functions in new code. One main benefit of the new value API is that you can treat any existing C type as an Avro value; you just have to provide a custom implementation of the value interface. In addition, we provide a _generic_ value implementation; “generic”, in this sense, meaning that this single implementation works for instances of any Avro schema type. Finally, we also provide a wrapper implementation for the deprecated +avro_datum_t+ type, which lets you gradually transition to the new value API. === Avro value interface You interact with Avro values using the _value interface_, which defines methods for setting and retrieving the contents of an Avro value. An individual value is represented by an instance of the +avro_value_t+ type. This section provides an overview of the methods that you can call on an +avro_value_t+ instance. There are quite a few methods in the value interface, but not all of them make sense for all Avro schema types. For instance, you won't be able to call +avro_value_set_boolean+ on an Avro array value. If you try to call an inappropriate method, we'll return an +EINVAL+ error code. Note that the functions in this section apply to _all_ Avro values, regardless of which value implementation is used under the covers. This section doesn't describe how to _create_ value instances, since those constructors will be specific to a particular value implementation. ==== Common methods There are a handful of methods that can be used with any value, regardless of which Avro schema it's an instance of: [source,c] ---- #include #include avro_type_t avro_value_get_type(const avro_value_t *value); avro_schema_t avro_value_get_schema(const avro_value_t *value); int avro_value_equal(const avro_value_t *v1, const avro_value_t *v2); int avro_value_equal_fast(const avro_value_t *v1, const avro_value_t *v2); int avro_value_copy(avro_value_t *dest, const avro_value_t *src); int avro_value_copy_fast(avro_value_t *dest, const avro_value_t *src); uint32_t avro_value_hash(avro_value_t *value); int avro_value_reset(avro_value_t *value); ---- The +get_type+ and +get_schema+ methods can be used to get information about what kind of Avro value a given +avro_value_t+ instance represents. (For +get_schema+, you borrow the value's reference to the schema; if you need to save it and ensure that it outlives the value, you need to call +avro_schema_incref+ on it.) The +equal+ and +equal_fast+ methods compare two values for equality. The two values do _not_ have to have the same value implementations, but they _do_ have to be instances of the same schema. (Not _equivalent_ schemas; the _same_ schema.) The +equal+ method checks that the schemas match; the +equal_fast+ method assumes that they do. The +copy+ and +copy_fast+ methods copy the contents of one Avro value into another. (Where possible, this is done without copying the actual content of a +bytes+, +string+, or +fixed+ value, using the +avro_wrapped_buffer_t+ functions described in the next section.) Like +equal+, the two values must have the same schema; +copy+ checks this, while +copy_fast+ assumes it. The +hash+ method returns a hash value for the given Avro value. This can be used to construct hash tables that use Avro values as keys. The function works correctly even with maps; it produces a hash that doesn't depend on the ordering of the elements of the map. Hash values are only meaningful for comparing values of exactly the same schema. Hash values are _not_ guaranteed to be consistent across different platforms, or different versions of the Avro library. That means that it's really only safe to use these hash values internally within the context of a single execution of a single application. The +reset+ method “clears out” an +avro_value_t instance, making sure that it's ready to accept the contents of a new value. For scalars, this is usually a no-op, since the new value will just overwrite the old one. For arrays and maps, this removes any existing elements from the container, so that we can append the elements of the new value. For records and unions, this just recursively resets the fields or current branch. ==== Scalar values The simplest case is handling instances of the scalar Avro schema types. In Avro, the scalars are all of the primitive schema types, as well as +enum+ and +fixed+ — i.e., anything that can't contain another Avro value. Note that we use standard C99 types to represent the primitive contents of an Avro scalar. To retrieve the contents of an Avro scalar, you can use one of the _getter_ methods: [source,c] ---- #include #include #include int avro_value_get_boolean(const avro_value_t *value, int *dest); int avro_value_get_bytes(const avro_value_t *value, const void **dest, size_t *size); int avro_value_get_double(const avro_value_t *value, double *dest); int avro_value_get_float(const avro_value_t *value, float *dest); int avro_value_get_int(const avro_value_t *value, int32_t *dest); int avro_value_get_long(const avro_value_t *value, int64_t *dest); int avro_value_get_null(const avro_value_t *value); int avro_value_get_string(const avro_value_t *value, const char **dest, size_t *size); int avro_value_get_enum(const avro_value_t *value, int *dest); int avro_value_get_fixed(const avro_value_t *value, const void **dest, size_t *size); ---- For the most part, these should be self-explanatory. For +bytes+, +string+, and +fixed+ values, the pointer to the underlying content is +const+ — you aren't allowed to modify the contents directly. We guarantee that the content of a +string+ will be NUL-terminated, so you can use it as a C string as you'd expect. The +size+ returned for a +string+ object will include the NUL terminator; it will be one more than you'd get from calling +strlen+ on the content. Also, for +bytes+, +string+, and +fixed+, the +dest+ and +size+ parameters are optional; if you only want to determine the length of a +bytes+ value, you can use: [source,c] ---- avro_value_t *value = /* from somewhere */; size_t size; avro_value_get_bytes(value, NULL, &size); ---- To set the contents of an Avro scalar, you can use one of the _setter_ methods: [source,c] ---- #include #include #include int avro_value_set_boolean(avro_value_t *value, int src); int avro_value_set_bytes(avro_value_t *value, void *buf, size_t size); int avro_value_set_double(avro_value_t *value, double src); int avro_value_set_float(avro_value_t *value, float src); int avro_value_set_int(avro_value_t *value, int32_t src); int avro_value_set_long(avro_value_t *value, int64_t src); int avro_value_set_null(avro_value_t *value); int avro_value_set_string(avro_value_t *value, const char *src); int avro_value_set_string_len(avro_value_t *value, const char *src, size_t size); int avro_value_set_enum(avro_value_t *value, int src); int avro_value_set_fixed(avro_value_t *value, void *buf, size_t size); ---- These are also straightforward. For +bytes+, +string+, and +fixed+ values, the +set+ methods will make a copy of the underlying data. For +string+ values, the content must be NUL-terminated. You can use +set_string_len+ if you already know the length of the string content; the length you pass in should include the NUL terminator. If you call +set_string+, then we'll use +strlen+ to calculate the length. For +fixed+ values, the +size+ must match what's expected by the value's underlying +fixed+ schema; if the sizes don't match, you'll get an error code. If you don't want to copy the contents of a +bytes+, +string+, or +fixed+ value, you can use the _giver_ and _grabber_ functions: [source,c] ---- #include #include #include typedef void (*avro_buf_free_t)(void *ptr, size_t sz, void *user_data); int avro_value_give_bytes(avro_value_t *value, avro_wrapped_buffer_t *src); int avro_value_give_string_len(avro_value_t *value, avro_wrapped_buffer_t *src); int avro_value_give_fixed(avro_value_t *value, avro_wrapped_buffer_t *src); int avro_value_grab_bytes(const avro_value_t *value, avro_wrapped_buffer_t *dest); int avro_value_grab_string(const avro_value_t *value, avro_wrapped_buffer_t *dest); int avro_value_grab_fixed(const avro_value_t *value, avro_wrapped_buffer_t *dest); typedef struct avro_wrapped_buffer { const void *buf; size_t size; void (*free)(avro_wrapped_buffer_t *self); int (*copy)(avro_wrapped_buffer_t *dest, const avro_wrapped_buffer_t *src, size_t offset, size_t length); int (*slice)(avro_wrapped_buffer_t *self, size_t offset, size_t length); } avro_wrapped_buffer_t; void avro_wrapped_buffer_free(avro_wrapped_buffer_t *buf); int avro_wrapped_buffer_copy(avro_wrapped_buffer_t *dest, const avro_wrapped_buffer_t *src, size_t offset, size_t length); int avro_wrapped_buffer_slice(avro_wrapped_buffer_t *self, size_t offset, size_t length); ---- The +give+ functions give control of an existing buffer to the value. (You should *not* try to free the +src+ wrapped buffer after calling this method.) The +grab+ function fills in a wrapped buffer with a pointer to the contents of an Avro value. (You *should* free the +dest+ wrapped buffer when you're done with it.) The +avro_wrapped_buffer_t+ struct encapsulates the location and size of the existing buffer. It also includes several methods. The +free+ method will be called when the content of the buffer is no longer needed. The +slice+ method will be called when the wrapped buffer needs to be updated to point at a subset of what it pointed at before. (This doesn't create a new wrapped buffer; it updates an existing one.) The +copy+ method will be called if the content needs to be copied. Note that if you're wrapping a buffer with nice reference counting features, you don't need to perform an actual copy; you just need to ensure that the +free+ function can be called on both the original and the copy, and not have things blow up. The “generic” value implementation takes advantage of this feature; if you pass in a wrapped buffer with a +give+ method, and then retrieve it later with a +grab+ method, then we'll use the wrapped buffer's +copy+ method to fill in the +dest+ parameter. If your wrapped buffer implements a +slice+ method that updates reference counts instead of actually copying, then you've got nice zero-copy access to the contents of an Avro value. ==== Compound values The following sections describe the getter and setter methods for handling compound Avro values. All of the compound values are responsible for the storage of their children; this means that there isn't a method, for instance, that lets you add an existing +avro_value_t+ to an array. Instead, there's a method that creates a new, empty +avro_value_t+ of the appropriate type, adds it to the array, and returns it for you to fill in as needed. You also shouldn't try to free the child elements that are created this way; the container value is responsible for their life cycle. The child element is guaranteed to be valid for as long as the container value is. You'll usually define an +avro_value_t+ in the stack, and let it fall out of scope when you're done with it: [source,c] ---- avro_value_t *array = /* from somewhere else */; { avro_value_t child; avro_value_get_by_index(array, 0, &child, NULL); /* do something interesting with the array element */ } ---- ==== Arrays There are three methods that can be used with array values: [source,c] ---- #include #include int avro_value_get_size(const avro_value_t *array, size_t *size); int avro_value_get_by_index(const avro_value_t *array, size_t index, avro_value_t *element, const char **unused); int avro_value_append(avro_value_t *array, avro_value_t *element, size_t *new_index); ---- The +get_size+ method returns the number of elements currently in the array. The +get_by_index+ method fills in +element+ to point at the array element with the given index. (You should use +NULL+ for the +unused+ parameter; it's ignored for array values.) The +append+ method creates a new value, appends it to the array, and returns it in +element+. If +new_index+ is given, then it will be filled in with the index of the new element. ==== Maps There are four methods that can be used with map values: [source,c] ---- #include #include int avro_value_get_size(const avro_value_t *map, size_t *size); int avro_value_get_by_name(const avro_value_t *map, const char *key, avro_value_t *element, size_t *index); int avro_value_get_by_index(const avro_value_t *map, size_t index, avro_value_t *element, const char **key); int avro_value_add(avro_value_t *map, const char *key, avro_value_t *element, size_t *index, int *is_new); ---- The +get_size+ method returns the number of elements currently in the map. Map elements can be retrieved either by their key (+get_by_name+) or by their numeric index (+get_by_index+). (Numeric indices in a map are based on the order that the elements were added to the map.) In either case, the method takes in an optional output parameter that let you retrieve the index associated with a key, and vice versa. The +add+ method will add a new value to the map, if the given key isn't already present. If the key is present, then the existing value with be returned. The +index+ parameter, if given, will be filled in the element's index. The +is_new+ parameter, if given, can be used to determine whether the mapped value is new or not. ==== Records There are three methods that can be used with record values: [source,c] ---- #include #include int avro_value_get_size(const avro_value_t *record, size_t *size); int avro_value_get_by_index(const avro_value_t *record, size_t index, avro_value_t *element, const char **field_name); int avro_value_get_by_name(const avro_value_t *record, const char *field_name, avro_value_t *element, size_t *index); ---- The +get_size+ method returns the number of fields in the record. (You can also get this by querying the value's schema, but for some implementations, this method can be faster.) The +get_by_index+ and +get_by_name+ functions can be used to retrieve one of the fields in the record, either by its ordinal position within the record, or by the name of the underlying field. Like with maps, the methods take in an additional parameter that let you retrieve the index associated with a field name, and vice versa. When possible, it's recommended that you access record fields by their numeric index, rather than by their field name. For most implementations, this will be more efficient. ==== Unions There are three methods that can be used with union values: [source,c] ---- #include int avro_value_get_discriminant(const avro_value_t *union_val, int *disc); int avro_value_get_current_branch(const avro_value_t *union_val, avro_value_t *branch); int avro_value_set_branch(avro_value_t *union_val, int discriminant, avro_value_t *branch); ---- The +get_discriminant+ and +get_current_branch+ methods return the current state of the union value, without modifying which branch is currently selected. The +set_branch+ method can be used to choose the active branch, filling in the +branch+ value to point at the branch's value instance. (Most implementations will be smart enough to detect when the desired branch is already selected, so you should always call this method unless you can _guarantee_ that the right branch is already current.) === Creating value instances Okay, so we've described how to interact with a value that you already have a pointer to, but how do you create one in the first place? Each implementation of the value interface must provide its own functions for creating +avro_value_t+ instances for that class. The 10,000-foot view is to: 1. Get an _implementation struct_ for the value implementation that you want to use. (This is represented by an +avro_value_iface_t+ pointer.) 2. Use the implementation's constructor function to allocate instances of that value implementation. 3. Do whatever you need to the value (using the +avro_value_t+ methods described in the previous section). 4. Free the value instance, if necessary, using the implementation's destructor function. 5. Free the implementation struct when you're done creating value instances. These steps use the following functions: [source,c] ---- #include avro_value_iface_t *avro_value_iface_incref(avro_value_iface_t *iface); void avro_value_iface_decref(avro_value_iface_t *iface); ---- Note that for most value implementations, it's fine to reuse a single +avro_value_t+ instance for multiple values, using the +avro_value_reset+ function before filling in the instance for each value. (This helps reduce the number of +malloc+ and +free+ calls that your application will make.) We provide a “generic” value implementation that will work (efficiently) for any Avro schema. For most applications, you won't need to write your own value implementation; the Avro C library provides an efficient “generic” implementation, which supports the full range of Avro schema types. There's a good chance that you just want to use this implementation, rather than rolling your own. (The primary reason for rolling your own would be if you want to access the elements of a compound value using C syntax — for instance, translating an Avro record into a C struct.) You can use the following functions to create and work with a generic value implementation for a particular schema: [source,c] ---- #include avro_value_iface_t *avro_generic_class_from_schema(avro_schema_t schema); int avro_generic_value_new(const avro_value_iface_t *iface, avro_value_t *dest); void avro_generic_value_free(avro_value_t *self); ---- Combining all of this together, you might have the following snippet of code: [source,c] ---- avro_schema_t schema = avro_schema_long(); avro_value_iface_t *iface = avro_generic_class_from_schema(schema); avro_value_t val; avro_generic_value_new(iface, &val); /* Generate Avro longs from 0-499 */ int i; for (i = 0; i < 500; i++) { avro_value_reset(&val); avro_value_set_long(&val, i); /* do something with the value */ } avro_generic_value_free(&val); avro_value_iface_decref(iface); avro_schema_decref(schema); ---- == Reference Counting +Avro C+ does reference counting for all schema and data objects. When the number of references drops to zero, the memory is freed. For example, to create and free a string, you would use: ---- avro_datum_t string = avro_string("This is my string"); ... avro_datum_decref(string); ---- Things get a little more complicated when you consider more elaborate schema and data structures. For example, let's say that you create a record with a single string field: ---- avro_datum_t example = avro_record("Example"); avro_datum_t solo_field = avro_string("Example field value"); avro_record_set(example, "solo", solo_field); ... avro_datum_decref(example); ---- In this example, the +solo_field+ datum would *not* be freed since it has two references: the original reference and a reference inside the +Example+ record. The +avro_datum_decref(example)+ call drops the number of reference to one. If you are finished with the +solo_field+ schema, then you need to +avro_schema_decref(solo_field)+ to completely dereference the +solo_field+ datum and free it. == Wrap It and Give It You'll notice that some datatypes can be "wrapped" and "given". This allows C programmers the freedom to decide who is responsible for the memory. Let's take strings for example. To create a string datum, you have three different methods: ---- avro_datum_t avro_string(const char *str); avro_datum_t avro_wrapstring(const char *str); avro_datum_t avro_givestring(const char *str); ---- If you use, +avro_string+ then +Avro C+ will make a copy of your string and free it when the datum is dereferenced. In some cases, especially when dealing with large amounts of data, you want to avoid this memory copy. That's where +avro_wrapstring+ and +avro_givestring+ can help. If you use, +avro_wrapstring+ then +Avro C+ will do no memory management at all. It will just save a pointer to your data and it's your responsibility to free the string. WARNING: When using +avro_wrapstring+, do not free the string before you dereference the string datum with +avro_datum_decref()+. Lastly, if you use +avro_givestring+ then +Avro C+ will free the string later when the datum is dereferenced. In a sense, you are "giving" responsibility for freeing the string to +Avro C+. [WARNING] =============================== Don't "give" +Avro C+ a string that you haven't allocated from the heap with e.g. +malloc+ or +strdup+. For example, *don't* do this: ---- avro_datum_t bad_idea = avro_givestring("This isn't allocated on the heap"); ---- =============================== == Schema Validation If you want to write a datum, you would use the following function [source,c] ---- int avro_write_data(avro_writer_t writer, avro_schema_t writers_schema, avro_datum_t datum); ---- If you pass in a +writers_schema+, then you +datum+ will be validated *before* it is sent to the +writer+. This check ensures that your data has the correct format. If you are certain your datum is correct, you can pass a +NULL+ value for +writers_schema+ and +Avro C+ will not validate before writing. NOTE: Data written to an Avro File Object Container is always validated. == Examples [quote,Dante Hicks] ____ I'm not even supposed to be here today! ____ Imagine you're a free-lance hacker in Leonardo, New Jersey and you've been approached by the owner of the local *Quick Stop Convenience* store. He wants you to create a contact database case he needs to call employees to work on their day off. You might build a simple contact system using Avro C like the following... [source,c] ---- include::../examples/quickstop.c[] ---- When you compile and run this program, you should get the following output ---- Successfully added Hicks, Dante id=1 Successfully added Graves, Randal id=2 Successfully added Loughran, Veronica id=3 Successfully added Bree, Caitlin id=4 Successfully added Silent, Bob id=5 Successfully added ???, Jay id=6 Avro is compact. Here is the data for all 6 people. | 02 0A 44 61 6E 74 65 0A | 48 69 63 6B 73 1C 28 35 | ..Dante.Hicks.(5 | 35 35 29 20 31 32 33 2D | 34 35 36 37 40 04 0C 52 | 55) 123-4567@..R | 61 6E 64 61 6C 0C 47 72 | 61 76 65 73 1C 28 35 35 | andal.Graves.(55 | 35 29 20 31 32 33 2D 35 | 36 37 38 3C 06 10 56 65 | 5) 123-5678<..Ve | 72 6F 6E 69 63 61 10 4C | 6F 75 67 68 72 61 6E 1C | ronica.Loughran. | 28 35 35 35 29 20 31 32 | 33 2D 30 39 38 37 38 08 | (555) 123-09878. | 0E 43 61 69 74 6C 69 6E | 08 42 72 65 65 1C 28 35 | .Caitlin.Bree.(5 | 35 35 29 20 31 32 33 2D | 32 33 32 33 36 0A 06 42 | 55) 123-23236..B | 6F 62 0C 53 69 6C 65 6E | 74 1C 28 35 35 35 29 20 | ob.Silent.(555) | 31 32 33 2D 36 34 32 32 | 3A 0C 06 4A 61 79 06 3F | 123-6422:..Jay.? | 3F 3F 1C 28 35 35 35 29 | 20 31 32 33 2D 39 31 38 | ??.(555) 123-918 | 32 34 .. .. .. .. .. .. | .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. | 24.............. Now let's read all the records back out 1 | Dante | Hicks | (555) 123-4567 | 32 2 | Randal | Graves | (555) 123-5678 | 30 3 | Veronica | Loughran | (555) 123-0987 | 28 4 | Caitlin | Bree | (555) 123-2323 | 27 5 | Bob | Silent | (555) 123-6422 | 29 6 | Jay | ??? | (555) 123-9182 | 26 Use projection to print only the First name and phone numbers Dante | (555) 123-4567 | Randal | (555) 123-5678 | Veronica | (555) 123-0987 | Caitlin | (555) 123-2323 | Bob | (555) 123-6422 | Jay | (555) 123-9182 | ---- The *Quick Stop* owner was so pleased, he asked you to create a movie database for his *RST Video* store. == Reference files === avro.h The +avro.h+ header file contains the complete public API for +Avro C+. The documentation is rather sparse right now but we'll be adding more information soon. [source,c] ---- include::../src/avro.h[] ---- === test_avro_data.c Another good way to learn how to encode/decode data in +Avro C+ is to look at the +test_avro_data.c+ unit test. This simple unit test checks that all the avro types can be encoded/decoded correctly. [source,c] ---- include::../tests/test_avro_data.c[] ----