configurations { Toolset { key : "PlatformToolset"; choices: { v120, v140, v142 }; // Explicitly Not including pivot variants: "WindowsKernelModeDriver8.0", "WindowsApplicationForDrivers8.0", "WindowsUserModeDriver8.0" // We're normalizing out the concept of the v140 platform -- Overloading the $(PlatformToolset) variable for additional pivots was a dumb idea. v140.condition = "( $(PlatformToolset.ToLower().IndexOf('v140')) > -1 Or '$(PlatformToolset.ToLower())' == 'windowskernelmodedriver8.0' Or '$(PlatformToolset.ToLower())' == 'windowsapplicationfordrivers8.0' Or '$(PlatformToolset.ToLower())' == 'windowsusermodedriver8.0' )"; }; }; nuget { nuspec { id = librdkafka; // "@version" is replaced by the current Appveyor build number in the // pre-deployment script. version : @version; title: "librdkafka"; authors: {Magnus Edenhill, edenhill}; owners: {Magnus Edenhill, edenhill}; licenseUrl: ""; projectUrl: ""; requireLicenseAcceptance: false; summary: "The Apache Kafka C/C++ client library"; description:"The Apache Kafka C/C++ client library"; releaseNotes: "Release of librdkafka"; copyright: "Copyright 2012-2022"; tags: { native, kafka, librdkafka, C, C++ }; }; files { #defines { TOPDIR = ..\; }; nestedInclude: { #destination = ${d_include}librdkafka; ${TOPDIR}src\rdkafka.h, ${TOPDIR}src\rdkafka_mock.h, ${TOPDIR}src-cpp\rdkafkacpp.h }; docs: { ${TOPDIR}, ${TOPDIR}, ${TOPDIR}LICENSES.txt }; ("v120,v140,v142", "Win32,x64", "Release,Debug") => { [${0},${1},${2}] { lib: { outdir\${0}\${1}\${2}\librdkafka*.lib }; symbols: { outdir\${0}\${1}\${2}\librdkafka*.pdb }; bin: { outdir\${0}\${1}\${2}\*.dll }; }; }; }; targets { Defines += HAS_LIBRDKAFKA; }; };